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'''Commodities glossary'''
'''Commodities glossary'''
'''Editorial history'''
Created 13/05/2013, by CSG
This page provides a glossary of traded commodities taken from mid-C17th English High Court of Admiralty documents, second half of the C17th Chancery Court documents relating to commercial disputes, second half of the C17th Prerogative Court of Canterbury merchants' inventories, and a London coastal portbook from the 1650s.
Revised 13/04/2015, by CSG
This page provides a glossary of commodities taken from mid-C17th English High Court of Admiralty documents, second half of the C17th Chancery Court documents, and second half of the C17th Prerogative Court of Canterbury inventories. The glossary is one of a number of glossaries available in the MarineLives-Tools resource.
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[http://marinelives-theshippingnews.org/blog/2013/05/09/witnesses-in-court-1657-1658/ Witnesses in Court, 1657-1658 (May 9th, 2013)]
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'''12 foot dales'''<ref>[[MRP: C5/485/75 Inventory of M:r Thomas Gaskins yard ff. 1-7|C5/485/75 Inventory of M:r Thomas Gaskins yard ff. 1-7]]</ref>
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'''14 foot dales'''<ref>[[MRP: C5/485/75 Inventory of M:r Thomas Gaskins yard ff. 1-7|C5/485/75 Inventory of M:r Thomas Gaskins yard ff. 1-7]]</ref>
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'''Adorettas''' ("Tenn bales of goods conteyning sixteene peeces of Taunton serges, Twenty sixe peeces of Paragons Tenn peeces of broad Cheynies, fowerteene peeces of Meduses, sixe peeces of black bayes, nyne hundred twenty five Yards or Spanish yardes of ffreizes peeces of quarter silke, and tenn peeces of halfe silke Adorettas, sixe peeces of damaskillias or floramides, and fower peeces of narrow Cheynyes")<ref>[[HCA 13/71 f.574v Annotate|HCA 13/71 f.574v]]</ref>
'''Adorettas''' ("Tenn bales of goods conteyning sixteene peeces of Taunton serges, twenty sixe peeces of paragons tenn peeces of broad cheynies, fowerteene peeces of meduses, sixe peeces of black bayes, nyne hundred twenty five yards or Spanish yardes of ffreizes peeces of quarter silke, and tenn peeces of halfe silke adorettas, sixe peeces of damaskillias or floramides, and fower peeces of narrow cheynyes")<ref>[[HCA 13/71 f.574v Annotate|HCA 13/71 f.574v]]</ref>
'''Aggett hafts''' ("The Aggett hafts & beads w:ch yo:w sent by Cap:t Millet on Acc:t in ?3/3:d I doe still keepe y:e warehouse")<ref>[[MRP: 15th October 1667, Letter from William Ryder to Sir GO, London|15th October 1667, Letter from William Ryder to Sir GO, London]]</ref>
'''Aggett hafts''' ("The aggett hafts and beads which you sent by Captaine Millet on account in ?3/3:d I doe still keepe the warehouse")<ref>[[MRP: 15th October 1667, Letter from William Ryder to Sir GO, London|15th October 1667, Letter from William Ryder to Sir GO, London]]</ref>
'''Allom''' ("28 Caske of Allom")<ref>HCA XX/XX f.XX</ref>
'''Alder poles''' ("one Load of alder poles")<ref>[[E_190/46/2_f.2v_Annotate|E 190/46/2 f.2v]]</ref>
'''Almonds''' ("Currants ffennell and Comin (OR, cumin) seeds, ffustick and almonds the certaine ?quantutyes whereof this deponent cannot sett forth")<ref>[[HCA 13/68 f.130v Annotate|HCA 13/68 f.130v]]</ref>
'''Allum''' (''alt.'' allom) ("wax, grogeram yarne silke, cotton yarne and allum to be carried to Ligorne"<ref>[[HCA 13/71 f.361r Annotate|HCA 13/71 f.361r]]</ref>;"28 caske of allom")<ref>HCA XX/XX f.XX</ref>
'''Almonds''' (''alt.'' allmonds) ("currants ffennell and comin (OR, cumin) seeds, ffustick and almonds the certaine ?quantutyes whereof this deponent cannot sett forth")<ref>[[HCA 13/68 f.130v Annotate|HCA 13/68 f.130v]]</ref>
'''Aloes''' ("two barrells of aloes")<ref>[[HCA 13/70 f.446r Annotate|HCA 13/70 f.446r]]</ref>
'''Ambergreese''' (''alt.'' ambergreece) ("he cam along in the sayd shipp and had aboard for his owne Accompt. 1600. pces of 8/8 and 361/2 ps of 8/8 and 75 ps of 8/8 and gold to the value of 1471/2 in ps of 8/8 one bag of ambergreese worth 212. ps of 8/8 1/2 and 311 kintalls (sic) of Spanish Iron.")<ref>[[HCA 13/68 f.34r Annotate|HCA 13/68 f.34r]]</ref>
'''Anchovas''' ("twenty nine barrells of anchovas alsoe brought home")<ref>[[HCA 13/72 f.326v Annotate|HCA 13/72 f.326v]]</ref>
'''Annise seeds''' ("with rich Commodityes, Quicksylver, Rice, Annise seeds, Currants")<ref>[[HCA 13/68 f.130v Annotate|HCA 13/68 f.130v]]</ref>
'''Ambergreese''' (''alt.'' ambergreece; amber-grijse) ("he cam along in the sayd shipp and had aboard for his owne accompt. 1600. pieces of 8/8 and 361/2 pieces of 8/8 and 75 pieces of 8/8 and gold to the value of 1471/2 in ps of 8/8 one bag of ambergreese worth 212. pieces of 8/8 1/2 and 311 kintalls (sic) of Spanish Iron.")<ref>[[HCA 13/68 f.34r Annotate|HCA 13/68 f.34r]]</ref>
'''Anchovas''' (alt.'' anchova's'') ("twenty nine barrells of anchovas alsoe brought home")<ref>[[HCA 13/72 f.326v Annotate|HCA 13/72 f.326v]]</ref>
'''Anchovies''' (''alt.'' anchovias) ("thirtie foure tonnes of the best Genua oile, and one hundred fiftie eight barrells of the best Genoa anchovies")<ref>[[HCA 13/72 f.334r Annotate|HCA 13/72 f.334r]]</ref>
'''Andirons''' ("twelve chests of candles one last of wheate, a parcell of brasse andirons, 26 rolls and some peeces of tobaccoe, eight chaires, five barrells and a halfe of herrings and six barrells of delfs butter")<ref>[[HCA 13/70 f.24r Annotate|HCA 13/70 f.24r]]</ref>
'''Annise seeds''' (''alt.'' annis seeds)("with rich commodityes, quicksylver, rice, annise seeds, currants")<ref>[[HCA 13/68 f.130v Annotate|HCA 13/68 f.130v]]</ref>
'''Anniseed''' ("foure or five baggs of anniseed")<ref>[[HCA 13/73 f.31r Annotate|HCA 13/73 f.31r]]</ref>
'''Apples''' ("the said vessell at the said time of her seizure was full laden with ffrench apples laden at Tuckett and bound for Deepe for the accompt of ffrenchmen")<ref>[[HCA 13/70 f.105v Annotate|HCA 13/70 f.105v]]</ref>
'''Aqua vita''' ("eightie and two quarter caskes of aqua vita")<ref>[[HCA 13/70 f.308r Annotate|HCA 13/70 f.308r]]</ref>
'''Aqua vita''' ("eightie and two quarter caskes of aqua vita")<ref>[[HCA 13/70 f.308r Annotate|HCA 13/70 f.308r]]</ref>
'''Ardas silke'''<ref>[[MRP: PROB 5/2521 Inventory of Paul Docminique sen., 1680/81, ff. 1-8|PROB 5/2521 Inventory of Paul Docminique sen., 1680/81, ff. 1-8]]</ref>
'''Bacon''' ("alsoe boxes of sweet meates and many gammons of bacon, and some earthenware with the said shipp for his owne account, which oranges and lemmons, sweete meates, bacon, and earthen ware together with his clothes taken away by the said ffrenchmen, were worth the summe of fiftie pounds sterling")<ref>[[HCA 13/71 f.275v Annotate|HCA 13/71 f.275v]]</ref>
'''Bahia sugar''' ("did meet with surprize and take at sea within the jurisdiction of this Court, the shipp the ''Concord'' laden with 38. chests of Bahia sugars, [?twenty] chests of muscavadoe sugars sewerall baggs of shoomack and some pipes of wine")<ref>[[HCA 13/70 f.269v Annotate|HCA 13/70 f.269v]]</ref>
'''Balme''' ("five greate and two small pots of balme")<ref>HCA 13/72 f.136v</ref>
'''Balme''' ("five greate and two small pots of balme")<ref>[[HCA 13/72 f.136v Annotate|HCA 13/72 f.136v]]</ref>
'''Balsame''' (''alt.'' balsome) ("five greate potts and two small potts of balsame")<ref>HCA 13/72</ref>
'''Balsame''' (''alt.'' balsome) ("five greate potts and two small potts of balsame")<ref>HCA 13/72</ref>
'''Bankes''' "the ''Howse of ffreindship'' did want and stand in need of severall materialls and things to fit and nenable her to proceed to sea, namely of Tarr Deales Bankes Sparrs Quarters Battens, Traine Oyle, Spunyarne, Ratlyn, Thrumb, Marlin houselin Rosinn Billetts, and suchlike Comodityes"<ref>HCA 13/73 f.403r</ref>
'''Bankes''' ("the ''Howse of ffreindship'' did want and stand in need of severall materialls and things to fit and nenable her to proceed to sea, namely of tarr deales Bankes Sparrs Quarters Battens, Traine Oyle, Spunyarne, Ratlyn, Thrumb, Marlin houselin rosinn billetts, and suchlike comodityes")<ref>[[HCA 13/73 f.403r Annotate|HCA 13/73 f.403r]]</ref>
'''Barbados sugar''' ("hee being an Inhaitant of Nevis knoweth that Nevis Sugar is Better than Barbados sugar")<ref>HCA 13/73</ref>
'''Barbados sugar''' (''alt.'' Barbadoes sugar) ("hee being an Inhaitant of Nevis knoweth that Nevis sugar is Better than Barbados sugar")<ref>HCA 13/73</ref>
'''Barley''' ("seeing the said seizure of the ffortune, which was laden with malt and barley")<ref>HCA 13/69</ref>
'''Barley''' ("seeing the said seizure of the ''ffortune'', which was laden with malt and barley")<ref>HCA 13/69</ref>
'''Battens''' "the ''Howse of ffreindship'' did want and stand in need of severall materialls and things to fit and nenable her to proceed to sea, namely of Tarr Deales Bankes Sparrs Quarters Battens, Traine Oyle, Spunyarne, Ratlyn, Thrumb, Marlin houselin Rosinn Billetts, and suchlike Comodityes"<ref>HCA 13/73 f.403r</ref>
'''Barlings'''<ref>[[MRP: C5/485/75 Inventory of M:r Thomas Gaskins yard ff. 1-7|C5/485/75 Inventory of M:r Thomas Gaskins yard ff. 1-7]]</ref>
'''Baulkes''' ("the ladeing of ffish and deales and tarr and baulkes then on board")<ref>HCA 13/71 f.413r</ref>
'''Barly''' ("with Rye & Barly")<ref>[[HCA 13/76 f.71r Annotate|HCA 13/76 f.71r]]</ref>
'''Bayes''' ("Serges, Bayes, Sayes Norwich stuffes Perpetuanes, and other goods, and after the same were provided, and bought the same were shipped on board a shipp called the ''Mackarel'' to bee carried and transported to Amsterdam")<ref>HCA 13/73 f.199r</ref>
'''Barr iron'''
'''Bayes clothes''' ("4 bales of bayes clothes")<ref>HCA 13/70 f.341v</ref>
'''Barrell boards'''<ref>[[MRP: C5/485/75 Inventory of M:r Thomas Gaskins yard ff. 1-7|C5/485/75 Inventory of M:r Thomas Gaskins yard ff. 1-7]]</ref>
'''Beads''' ("which Lading hee saith Consisted in Woollen and Lynnen Cloth, Serges. Stuffs Needles Thread Riben Pinns. Knives Sizers silke, and woosted stockings. Combs, bells, morters and Pestles, Earthen ware Glasses, beads, Cabinetts Hatts. shooes. old Cloathes and other Comodityes")<ref>HCA 13/73 f.509r</ref>
'''Barrell fruites'''
'''Beads of gold''' ("a Rosarie of
'''Barrell staves'''<ref>[[MRP: C5/485/75 Inventory of M:r Thomas Gaskins yard ff. 1-7|C5/485/75 Inventory of M:r Thomas Gaskins yard ff. 1-7]]</ref>
one hundred and fifty beads of gold laid upon precious wood,
'''Basan silke''' ("Imprimus one bagg of Basan silke 58 ''lb'' neat at 20 ''s'' per ''lb''l")<ref>[[MRP: PROB 5/2521 Inventory of Paul Docminique sen., 1680/81, ff. 1-8|PROB 5/2521 Inventory of Paul Docminique sen., 1680/81, ff. 1-8]]</ref>
and linked togeather with a gold chaine, the said Rosarie
'''Battens''' "the ''Howse of ffreindship'' did want and stand in need of severall materialls and things to fit and nenable her to proceed to sea, namely of Tarr Deales Bankes Sparrs Quarters Battens, Traine Oyle, Spunyarne, Ratlyn, Thrumb, Marlin houselin Rosinn Billetts, and suchlike Comodityes"<ref>[[HCA 13/73 f.403r Annotate|HCA 13/73 f.403r]]</ref>
amounting in value to fifty pounds sterling or thereabouts")<ref>[[HCA 13/73 f.594r Annotate|HCA 13/73 f.594r]]</ref>
'''Baulkes''' ("the ladeing of ffish and deales and tarr and baulkes then on board")<ref>[[HCA 13/71 f.413r Annotate|HCA 13/71 f.413r]]</ref>
'''Bayes''' ("serges, bayes, sayes Norwich stuffes perpetuanes, and other goods, and after the same were provided, and bought the same were shipped on board a shipp called the ''Mackarel'' to bee carried and transported to Amsterdam")<ref>[[HCA 13/73 f.199r Annotate|HCA 13/73 f.199r]]</ref>
'''Bayes clothes''' ("4 bales of bayes clothes")<ref>[[HCA 13/70 f.341v Annotate|HCA 13/70 f.341v]]</ref>
'''Beads''' ("which lading hee saith consisted in woollen and lynnen cloth, serges. Stuffs Needles Thread Riben pinns. Knives Sizers silke, and woosted stockings. combs, bells, morters and pestles, earthen ware glasses, beads, cabinetts Hatts. shooes. old cloathes and other comodityes")<ref>[[HCA 13/73 f.509r Annotate|HCA 13/73 f.509r]]</ref>
'''Beads of gold''' ("a rosarie of one hundred and fifty beads of gold laid upon precious wood, and linked togeather with a gold chaine, the said rosarie amounting in value to fifty pounds sterling or thereabouts")<ref>[[HCA 13/73 f.594r Annotate|HCA 13/73 f.594r]]</ref>
'''Beaver''' ("one barrell of beaver and one fearkin of Suckets")<ref>HCA 15/6, no fol. no., bill of lading, Dec. 20th 1655</ref>
'''Beaver''' ("one barrell of beaver and one fearkin of Suckets")<ref>HCA 15/6, no fol. no., bill of lading, Dec. 20th 1655</ref>
'''Beaver hatt''' ("the arlate Robert Page was owner and lawfull proprietor and in possession of a certaine Negro and of a beaver hatt, and died possessed thereof on or about the 23:th day of June last on Nevis one of the Caribbe Islands"<ref>HCA 13/64 f.19r</ref>
'''Beaver hatt''' ("the arlate Robert Page was owner and lawfull proprietor and in possession of a certaine Negro and of a beaver hatt, and died possessed thereof on or about the 23:th day of June last on Nevis one of the Caribbe Islands"<ref>[[HCA 13/64 f.19r Annotate|HCA 13/64 f.19r]]</ref>
'''Beaver skinns''' ("the said barrill att the time of the said lading containeing ninety eight beaver skinns, seaven otter skinns. and fower minx skinns"<ref>HCA 13/71 f.43v</ref>
'''Beaver skinns''' ("the said barrill att the time of the said lading containeing ninety eight beaver skinns, seaven otter skinns. and fower minx skinns"<ref>[[HCA 13/71 f.43v Annotate|HCA 13/71 f.43v]]</ref>
'''Bells''' ("which Lading hee saith Consisted in Woollen and Lynnen Cloth, Serges. Stuffs Needles Thread Riben Pinns. Knives Sizers silke, and woosted stockings. Combs, bells, morters and Pestles, Earthen ware Glasses, beads, Cabinetts Hatts. shooes. old Cloathes and other Comodityes")<ref>HCA 13/73 f.509r</ref>
'''Bells''' ("which lading hee saith consisted in woollen and lynnen cloth, serges. stuffs needles thread riben pinns. knives sizers silke, and woosted stockings. combs, bells, morters and pestles, earthen ware glasses, beads, cabinetts hatts. shooes. old cloathes and other comodityes")<ref>[[HCA 13/73 f.509r Annotate|HCA 13/73 f.509r]]</ref>
'''Bengall taffetaes'''
'''Bengall taffetaes'''
'''Benjamin'''<ref>[[C 10/488/141|C 10/488/141]]</ref>
'''Billetts''' "the ''Howse of ffreindship'' did want and stand in need of severall materialls and things to fit and nenable her to proceed to sea, namely of Tarr Deales Bankes Sparrs Quarters Battens, Traine Oyle, Spunyarne, Ratlyn, Thrumb, Marlin houselin Rosinn Billetts, and suchlike Comodityes"<ref>HCA 13/73 f.403r</ref>
'''Billetts''' "the ''Howse of ffreindship'' did want and stand in need of severall materialls and things to fit and nenable her to proceed to sea, namely of tarr deales bankes sparrs quarters battens, traine oyle, spunyarne, ratlyn, thrumb, marlin houselin rosinn billetts, and suchlike comodityes"<ref>[[HCA 13/73 f.403r Annotate|HCA 13/73 f.403r]]</ref>
'''Blubber''' ("the voiage arlate the said ship came and arrived at a place called Hope Iland as he hath heard and there the Master and Companie of her did get the blubber of some seahorse which the fflemings had left ther as not thinking the same worth taking which said blubber this rendent beleeveth was brought home in the said ship to this rendent and Companie the whole of whale blubber and horse blubber did amount unto 16. or 17. tonnes of course oyle and not above as he beleeveth and also about halfe a tonne of whale bone and not above as he beleeves all which together with the charges of boyling custome and excise and other petty charges after the comming home therof deduced did extend to about 165:li or 170:li and noe more as he beleeveth")<ref>HCA 13/128 no fol. no. recto, Case: Edward Gosling, wages: Answer: Richard Batson: Date: XXXX</ref>
'''Bitter almonds'''
'''Black amber-grijse''' ("three pounds (or thereabouts) of black amber-grijse, which amber-grijse was as hee beleeveth within the said time sealed up in the said callico-bagg"<ref>[[HCA 13/72 f.105v Annotate|HCA 13/72 f.105v]]</ref>
'''Black pepper'''
'''Black pepper'''
'''Bocking bayes''' ("twenty peeces of Longe Bocking Bayes")<ref>[[HCA 13/72 f.216v Annotate|HCA 13/72 f.216v]]</ref>  
'''Black rosin''' ("severall goods and merchandizes were laden aboard the said shipp at Bayon to be transported in the same to the downes as aforesaid for the said Mr Luke Lucy's and Mr Vincent de la Barr of Dover their accompt, and saith the goods and merchandizes there laden aboard the said shipp were fourtie foure tunns and a half of Tucsan (sic) wines, fortie foure cakes of black rosin and one hogshead of gammons of bacon, all which were there laden by one henry Theverin Correspondent there to the aid Mr Lucy")<ref>[[HCA 13/70 f.334r Annotate|HCA 13/70 f.334r]]</ref>
'''Box combs''' ("One Chest of this Eighth Marke containeing two hundredd dozen of Box Combes"<ref>HCA 13/72 f.9r</ref>
'''Black stuff'''
'''Box-wood''' ("201 hogsheads of traine oile, 96 packs of whalebone, 1185 peeces of box-wood, sixtie seaven or sixtie eight baggs of wooll, and foure rolls of slight striped stuffe, all which were laden at Bayon in ffrance")<ref>HCA 13/70 f.22v</ref>
'''Brandy''' ("20 hogheads Brandy att 58:li the hogshead) and to in sterling 3:li - 19:s. 00:d per hogshead.) 35 hogsheads. att 60:li per hogshead, and to in sterling mony 4:li 3:s. 4:d. per hogshead) 143 small Barrells of Brandy att 11:li 19:s per Barrell an:d to in sterling mony. 10:s ?6:d . per Barrell<ref>HCA 13/128 no fol. no. recto, Case: Office of the Judges ag:t Richard Lavers, promoted by Richard Ford; second schedule</ref>
'''Blew starch'''<ref>[[HCA 13/76 f.38v Annotate|HCA 13/76 f.38v Annotate]]</ref>
'''Brandy wine''' (''alt.'' brandywine)("Out of the Shipp ''Unities'' lading for 91 Caske of Brandy wine 147 [li] - 19 - XX")<ref>HCA 23/19 unfoliated, but v.</ref>
'''Blocks''' ("fifty dozen of blocks")<ref>[[E_190/46/2_f.2v_Annotate|E 190/46/2 f.2v]]</ref>
'''Blubber''' ("the voiage arlate the said ship came and arrived at a place called Hope Iland as he hath heard and there the Master and Companie of her did get the blubber of some seahorse which the fflemings had left ther as not thinking the same worth taking which said blubber this rendent beleeveth was brought home in the said ship to this rendent and Companie the whole of whale blubber and horse blubber did amount unto 16. or 17. tonnes of course oyle and not above as he beleeveth and also about halfe a tonne of whale bone and not above as he beleeves all which together with the charges of boyling custome and excise and other petty charges after the comming home therof deduced did extend to about 165:li or 170:li and noe more as he beleeveth")<ref>HCA 13/128 no fol. no. recto, Case: Edward Gosling, wages: Answer: Richard Batson: Date: XXXX</ref>
'''Bocking bayes''' ("twenty peeces of longe Bocking bayes")<ref>[[HCA 13/72 f.216v Annotate|HCA 13/72 f.216v]]</ref>
'''Bollagna silke''' ("Item 3 baggs of Bollangna silke 119 ''li'' neat at 24s per ''lb''")<ref>[[MRP: PROB 5/2521 Inventory of Paul Docminique sen., 1680/81, ff. 1-8|PROB 5/2521 Inventory of Paul Docminique sen., 1680/81, ff. 1-8]]</ref>
'''Boome sparrs'''<ref>[[MRP: C5/485/75 Inventory of M:r Thomas Gaskins yard ff. 1-7|C5/485/75 Inventory of M:r Thomas Gaskins yard ff. 1-7]]</ref>
'''Box''' ("an hundred and six cakes of rosin, six hogsheads of turpentine, seaventie oares, twelve bundles of corke, three baggs of wooll, seaven and fiftie peeces of box and 48 (?XXX) of turpentine oile"<ref>[[HCA 13/70 f.22v Annotate|HCA 13/70 f.22v]]</ref>
'''Box combs''' (''alt.'' box combes) ("One chest of this eighth marke containeing two hundredd dozen of box combes"<ref>[[HCA 13/72 f.9r Annotate|HCA 13/72 f.9r]]</ref>
'''Box-wood''' (''alt.'' box wood) ("201 hogsheads of traine oile, 96 packs of whalebone, 1185 peeces of box-wood, sixtie seaven or sixtie eight baggs of wooll, and foure rolls of slight striped stuffe, all which were laden at Bayon in ffrance")<ref>[[HCA 13/70 f.22v Annotate|HCA 13/70 f.22v]]</ref>
'''Brandy''' ("20 hogheads Brandy att 58 ''li'' the hogshead) and to in sterling 3 ''li'' - 1 ''s''. 00 ''d'' per hogshead.) 35 hogsheads. att 60 ''li'' per hogshead, and to in sterling mony 4:li 3:s. 4:d. per hogshead) 143 small barrells of brandy att 11:li 19:s per barrell an:d to in sterling mony. 10:s ?6:d . per barrell<ref>HCA 13/128 no fol. no. recto, Case: Office of the Judges ag:t Richard Lavers, promoted by Richard Ford; second schedule</ref>
'''Brandy wine''' (''alt.'' brandywine) ("Out of the Shipp ''Unities'' lading for 91 Caske of Brandy wine 147 [li] - 19 - XX")<ref>HCA 23/19 unfoliated, but v.</ref>
'''Butter''' ("three hundred firkins of butter"<ref>HCA 13/69 unfoliated</ref>
'''Butter''' ("three hundred firkins of butter"<ref>HCA 13/69 unfoliated</ref>
'''Brazil Wood''' ("200 Quintalls of Brazil Wood")<ref>HCA 13/73</ref>
'''Brazil wood''' ("200 Quintalls of Brazil Wood")<ref>HCA 13/73</ref>
'''Brazil Woode'''
'''Brazil woode'''
'''Brazeelewood''' (an allegation given on the behalfe of John Charker concerning the possession of 200 quintalls of Brazeelewood brought to this port of London in the shippe the ''Jon and Abigall'' of which Thornas Morley Cap:t"<ref>HCA 13/129 unfoliated, r., Personal answers of Augustine Coronell: Allegation: John Thacker: Date: June 23rd 1659</ref>
'''Brazeelewood''' ("an allegation given on the behalfe of John Charker concerning the possession of 200 quintalls of Brazeelewood brought to this port of London in the shippe the ''Jon and Abigall'' of which Thornas Morley Captaine"<ref>HCA 13/129 unfoliated, r., Personal answers of Augustine Coronell: Allegation: John Thacker: Date: June 23rd 1659</ref>
'''Bootes''' ("such goods as the sayd Moulson had on board for his owne Accompt as hatts shooes bootes sayes, broadcloath, stuffes, diaper linnen and the like")<ref>[[HCA 13/72 f.216v Annotate|HCA 13/72 f.216v]]</ref>
'''Brass wares''' ("Brasse and Iron wars")<ref>HCA 13/73 f.528v</ref>
'''Bootes''' ("such goods as the sayd Moulson had on board for his owne accompt as hatts shooes bootes sayes, broadcloath, stuffes, diaper linnen and the like")<ref>[[HCA 13/72 f.216v Annotate|HCA 13/72 f.216v]]</ref>
'''Bottle''' "shee had aboard her 131 beames or thereabouts of timber, fourteene thousand pipestaves, 89 peeces of planck, 46 baggs  or thereabouts of flax, three hundred tonnes of paving stones, and 150 cases of bottles, foure chests of windowe glasse, and six iron gunns or peeces of ordnance, and noe other goods, which iron guns were not of the shipps provision but were laden in hold to be sold for merchandizing, they being fowle and uneven cast"<ref>[[HCA 13/63 f.401r Annotate|HCA 13/63 f.401r]]</ref>
'''Bowdges''' ("fower chests of Copper barrs and one tunn of iron, and two barrells of bowdges remaining undisposed of at the time of the said seizure")<ref>[[HCA 13/71 f.635v Annotate|HCA 13/71 f.635v]]</ref>
'''Brass wares''' ("brasse and iron wars")<ref>[[HCA 13/73 f.528v Annotate|HCA 13/73 f.528v]]</ref>
'''Brimston''' (''alt.'' brimstone)
'''Broad cheynies''' ("Tenn bales of goods conteyning sixteene peeces of Taunton serges, twenty sixe peeces of paragons tenn peeces of broad cheynies, fowerteene peeces of meduses, sixe peeces of black bayes, nyne hundred twenty five yards or Spanish yardes of ffreizes peeces of quarter silke, and tenn peeces of halfe silke adorettas, sixe peeces of damaskillias or floramides, and fower peeces of narrow cheynyes")<ref>[[HCA 13/71 f.574v Annotate|HCA 13/71 f.574v]]</ref>
'''Broad cloath'''
'''Broad cloath'''
'''Broad lockerams''' ("besides the sayd tenn bales, fower Nests of Truncks, fower full conteyning flaxe and twenty peeces of narrow lockerams and halfe a peece of Tregar or Course Cloath, and sixe peeces of broad lockerams"<ref>HCA 13/71 f.574v</ref>
'''Broad dales'''<ref>[[MRP: C5/485/75 Inventory of M:r Thomas Gaskins yard ff. 1-7|C5/485/75 Inventory of M:r Thomas Gaskins yard ff. 1-7]]</ref>
'''Broad lockerams''' ("besides the sayd tenn bales, fower Nests of truncks, fower full conteyning flaxe and twenty peeces of narrow lockerams and halfe a peece of Tregar or course cloath, and sixe peeces of broad lockerams"<ref>[[HCA 13/71 f.574v Annotate|HCA 13/71 f.574v]]</ref>
'''Broad perpetuanes''' ("foure bayles of broad perpetuanes")<ref>[[MRP: C6/36/21 f. 2|C6/36/21 f.2]]</ref>
'''Broad perpetuanes''' ("foure bayles of broad perpetuanes")<ref>[[MRP: C6/36/21 f. 2|C6/36/21 f.2]]</ref>
'''Broad tapsells''' ("three bales of broad Tapsells")<ref>[[MRP: C6/36/21 f. 2|C6/36/21 f.2]]</ref>
'''Broad tapsells''' ("three bales of broad tapsells")<ref>[[MRP: C6/36/21 f. 2|C6/36/21 f.2]]</ref>
'''Bull hides''' (" hee is not certaine but there may be more bull hides and fewer cowhides, or more cow hides and fewer bull hides, but for the number of hides bull and cow hides together hee beleeveth them to be as followeth within tenn or twelve hides more or lesse in the whole)")<ref>HCA 13/72 f.340r</ref>
'''Brown sugar'''
'''Buffalo hides'''<ref>[[HCA 13/71 f.361r Annotate|HCA 13/71 f.361r]]</ref>
'''Bull hides''' ("hee is not certaine but there may be more bull hides and fewer cowhides, or more cow hides and fewer bull hides, but for the number of hides bull and cow hides together hee beleeveth them to be as followeth within tenn or twelve hides more or lesse in the whole)")<ref>[[HCA 13/72 f.340r Annotate|HCA 13/72 f.340r]]</ref>
'''Butter''' ("three hundred firkins of butter")<ref>HCA 13/69 unfoliated</ref>
'''Butter''' ("three hundred firkins of butter")<ref>HCA 13/69 unfoliated</ref>
Line 99: Line 116:
'''Cacoa''' ("the second bill of lading annexed wherein are mentioned nynety and fower pipes of Canary wyne, and one hundred and sixty peeces of campecha wood, and thirty bundles of salsaperilla, and two baggs of cacao")<ref>[[HCA 13/72 f.430v Annotate|HCA 13/72 f.430v]]</ref>
'''Cacoa nuts''' ("six sacks of cacoa nuts")<ref>HCA 13/73</ref>
'''Cacoa nuts''' ("six sacks of cacoa nuts")<ref>HCA 13/73</ref>
'''Cabinetts''' ("which Lading hee saith Consisted in Woollen and Lynnen Cloth, Serges. Stuffs Needles Thread Riben Pinns. Knives Sizers silke, and woosted stockings. Combs, bells, morters and Pestles, Earthen ware Glasses, beads, Cabinetts Hatts. shooes. old Cloathes and other Comodityes")<ref>HCA 13/73 f.509r</ref>
'''Cabinetts''' ("which lading hee saith consisted in woollen and lynnen cloth, serges. stuffs needles thread riben pinns. Knives sizers silke, and woosted stockings. Combs, bells, morters and pestles, earthen ware glasses, beads, cabinetts hatts. shooes. old cloathes and other comodityes")<ref>[[HCA 13/73 f.509r Annotate|HCA 13/73 f.509r]]</ref>
'''Callico lawnes or shashes'''
'''Callicos''' (alt. callicoes) ("having aboard her a quantitie of marchandizes consisting in XX cottons and callicos XX XXX XXX factor XXX account taken aboard her on the coast of Cormandel was carrying XX XXX for Bantam for which place the said goods were XXXX and were provided XXXXX to be ther XXXXXX")<ref>HCA 13/73</ref>
'''Callicos''' (alt. callicoes) ("having aboard her a quantitie of marchandizes consisting in XX cottons and callicos XX XXX XXX factor XXX account taken aboard her on the coast of Cormandel was carrying XX XXX for Bantam for which place the said goods were XXXX and were provided XXXXX to be ther XXXXXX")<ref>HCA 13/73</ref>
'''Calve Skins''' ("the said Whitwood did provide a considerable quantity of Calves skinnes for part of the said ships Lading")<ref>HCA 13/76 f.58r</ref>
'''Calve skins''' ("the said Whitwood did provide a considerable quantity of calves skinnes for part of the said ships Lading")<ref>[[HCA 13/76 f.58r Annotate|HCA 13/76 f.58r]]</ref>
'''Canarie wynes''' ("hee this dept in or about the moneths of December and January in the yeare 1655 according to the English style having received here at London severall parcells of Canarie wynes transported from the Iland of Teneriffe to this XX for this depon:ts accompt, did here dispose of and sell the same at XXX the Price of Thirty eight pounds sterling per pipe")<ref>HCA 13/1 f.?</ref>
'''Calma silke''' ("one bale of white Calama silke")<ref>[[MRP: PROB 5/840 Inventory & probate accounts of Samuel Mico, 1666, ff. 1-27|PROB 5/840 Inventory & probate accounts of Samuel Mico, 1666, ff. 1-27]]</ref>
'''Canary wines''' ("Clayme of Thomas Cowling for Canary Wines taken in the ''S:t Laurence Peter''<ref>HCA 13/73</ref>
'''Cambricke''' ('''alt.''' cambrick) ("one smale box of cambricke and lawnes"<ref>[[HCA 13/72 f.200v Annotate|HCA 13/72 f.200v]]</ref>; "the said producent within the space of a yeare before October last shipped and sent severall goods (as linnen cloth, laces, and cambrick and other goods at severall times and in severall shipps from Ostend"<ref>[[HCA 13/69 Silver 6 f.4r Annotate|HCA 13/69 Silver 6 f.4r]]</ref>
'''Cande''' ("the Interrogate Thomas Rummings and Anthony Beale had each of them considerable quantities of white pepper, greene ginger white sugar Casialignmum Tamerin and Cande but the certayne quantitie hee cannot declare")<ref>HCA 13/73</ref>
'''Campachina''' (alt. campecha) [wood]<ref>[[HCA 13/70 f.87v Annotate|HCA 13/70 f.87v]]</ref>
'''Campecha wood''' ("the second bill of lading annexed wherein are mentioned nynety and fower pipes of Canary wyne, and one hundred and sixty peeces of campecha wood, and thirty bundles of salsaperilla, and two baggs of cacao")<ref>[[HCA 13/72 f.430v Annotate|HCA 13/72 f.430v]]</ref>
'''Canarie wynes''' ("hee this dept in or about the moneths of December and January in the yeare 1655 according to the English style having received here at London severall parcells of Canarie wynes transported from the Iland of Teneriffe to this XX for this deponents accompt, did here dispose of and sell the same at XXX the price of thirty eight pounds sterling per pipe")<ref>HCA 13/1 f.?</ref>
'''Canary wines''' ("Clayme of Thomas Cowling for Canary Wines taken in the ''Saint Laurence Peter''<ref>HCA 13/73</ref>
'''Cande''' ("the interrogate Thomas Rummings and Anthony Beale had each of them considerable quantities of white pepper, greene ginger white sugar casialignmum tamerin and cande but the certayne quantitie hee cannot declare")<ref>HCA 13/73</ref>
'''Candles''' ("the commannder of the ''Lionesse'' bought a small quantitie of the ''Golden Suns'' beef, butter and herings and candles")<ref>[[HCA 13/73 f.573v Annotate|HCA 13/73 f.573v]]</ref>
'''Caracca hydes''' ("the said 54 Caracca hydes and the said Chest of Tortoise shells")<ref>HCA 13/73</ref>
'''Carackas hides''' ("his factor loaded aboard the said shipp the ''Morning Starr'' then lying at Santa Cruse in Teneriff an hundred large or Carackas hides (marked as in the margent), to be transported in the said shipp to Amsterdam")<ref>HCA 13/72 f.252r</ref>
'''Canvas''' ("j pack quarter xx webbs of canvas")<ref>[[E_190/46/2_f.2v_Annotate|E 190/46/2 f.2v]]</ref>
?'''Carra nuts''' ("six sacks of Carra ?Nuts")<ref>HCA 13/73</ref>
'''Caracca hydes''' ("the said 54 Caracca hydes and the said chest of tortoise shells")<ref>HCA 13/73</ref>
'''Carackas hides''' ("his factor loaded aboard the said shipp the ''Morning Starr'' then lying at Santa Cruse in Teneriff an hundred large or Carackas hides (marked as in the margent), to be transported in the said shipp to Amsterdam")<ref>[[HCA 13/72 f.252r Annotate|HCA 13/72 f.252r]]</ref>
'''Cardamons''' (''alt.'' cardimmon)
'''?Carra nuts''' ("six sacks of Carra ?Nuts")<ref>HCA 13/73</ref>
'''Casialignum''' ("the Interrogate Thomas Rummings and Anthony Beale had each of them considerable quantities of white pepper, greene ginger white sugar Casialignmum Tamerin and ?Cande but the certayne quantitie hee cannot declare")<ref>HCA 13/73</ref>
'''Casialignum''' ("the Interrogate Thomas Rummings and Anthony Beale had each of them considerable quantities of white pepper, greene ginger white sugar Casialignmum Tamerin and ?Cande but the certayne quantitie hee cannot declare")<ref>HCA 13/73</ref>
'''Cassia fistula''' ("a parcell of cassia fistula")<ref>HCA 13/72 f.340r</ref>
'''Castor hatts''' ("the said Burges did lade and put on board the said ship Eight Castor hatts which this deponent sawe on board the said ship at Fallmouth")<ref>HCA 13/73 f.560v</ref>
'''Cassia fistula''' ("a parcell of cassia fistula")<ref>[[HCA 13/72 f.340r Annotate|HCA 13/72 f.340r]]</ref>
'''Cast copper''' ("xviij Cweight of old cast copper, which came from Jamaica")<ref>[[E_190/46/2_f.2r_Annotate|E 190/46/2 f.2r]]</ref>
'''Castor hatts''' ("the said Burges did lade and put on board the said ship eight castor hatts which this deponent sawe on board the said ship at Fallmouth")<ref>[[HCA 13/73 f.560v Annotate|HCA 13/73 f.560v]]</ref>
'''Cazarra hydes''' ("the foresaid ffour and ffifty Cazarra hydes")<ref>HCA 13/73</ref>
'''Cazarra hydes''' ("the foresaid ffour and ffifty Cazarra hydes")<ref>HCA 13/73</ref>
'''Chaires''' (''alt.'' chayres) ("for this deponent and shipps companies joint accompt twelve dozen of greene matted stooles or chaires, together with about two thousand eight hundred of painted bricks for flooring")<ref>HCA 13/70 f.662r</ref>
'''Chaires''' (''alt.'' chayres) ("for this deponent and shipps companies joint accompt twelve dozen of greene matted stooles or chaires, together with about two thousand eight hundred of painted bricks for flooring")<ref>[[HCA 13/70 f.662r Annotate|HCA 13/70 f.662r]]</ref>
'''Cheese''' ("did furnish each of them with two  barrells, and alsoe one Holland Cheese")<ref>HCA 13/125</ref>
'''Cheese''' ("did furnish each of them with two  barrells, and alsoe one Holland Cheese")<ref>HCA 13/125</ref>
'''Cheynies''' (''alt.'' cheynes) ("Tenn bales of goods conteyning sixteene peeces of Taunton serges, Twenty sixe peeces of Paragons Tenn peeces of broad Cheynies, fowerteene peeces of Meduses, sixe peeces of black bayes, nyne hundred twenty five Yards or Spanish yardes of ffreizes peeces of quarter silke, and tenn peeces of halfe silke Adorettas, sixe peeces of damaskillias or floramides, and fower peeces of narrow Cheynyes")<ref>HCA 13/71 f.574v</ref>
'''Cheynies''' (''alt.'' cheynes) ("tenn bales of goods conteyning sixteene peeces of Taunton serges, Twenty sixe peeces of paragons tenn peeces of broad cheynies, fowerteene peeces of meduses, sixe peeces of black bayes, nyne hundred twenty five yards or Spanish yardes of ffreizes peeces of quarter silke, and tenn peeces of halfe silke adorettas, sixe peeces of damaskillias or floramides, and fower peeces of narrow cheynyes")<ref>[[HCA 13/71 f.574v Annotate|HCA 13/71 f.574v]]</ref>
'''Childrens woosted stockings''' ("a small box, both Containeing forty two dozen of mens; and twenty nine dozen of womens, and Childrens woosted stockings")<ref>[[HCA 13/72 f.216v Annotate|HCA 13/72 f.216v]]</ref>  
'''Childrens woosted stockings''' ("a small box, both containeing forty two dozen of mens; and twenty nine dozen of womens, and childrens woosted stockings")<ref>[[HCA 13/72 f.216v Annotate|HCA 13/72 f.216v]]</ref>
'''China Rootes''' ("a parcell of China Rootes (of above six hundred weight")<ref>HCA 13/74 f.61r</ref>
'''Cinamon''' ("Two Chests with five hundred and fourtie pound of Cinamon")<ref>HCA 13/72 f.9r</ref>
'''China bason'''
'''China dishes'''
'''China pot'''
'''China rootes''' ("a parcell of China rootes (of above six hundred weight")<ref>[[HCA 13/74 f.61r Annotate|HCA 13/74 f.61r]]</ref>
'''China ware'''
'''China silk'''
'''Christiana ordinary'''<ref>[[MRP: C5/485/75 Inventory of M:r Thomas Gaskins yard ff. 1-7|C5/485/75 Inventory of M:r Thomas Gaskins yard ff. 1-7]]</ref>
'''Cider''' (''alt.'' cyder) ("the said vessell at the time of her seizure had no gunns ordnance or artillery aboard her, nor any provisions save about 2. loaves of bread a little beef and porke and cider")<ref>[[HCA 13/70 f.105v Annotate|HCA 13/70 f.105v]]</ref>
'''Cinamon''' (''alt.'' sinamon) ("two chests with five hundred and fourtie pound of cinamon")<ref>[[HCA 13/72 f.9r Annotate|HCA 13/72 f.9r]]</ref>
'''Cinnamon barks'''
'''Cinnamon barks'''
'''Clap boards''' ("on or about the third day of October in the yeare 1652 the sayd shipp sett sayle from Dantzyck and sayled to ?Rya a place likewise in the East Countrye and there tooke in a lading of hempe flax tarr Clap boards and other like goods")<ref>HCA 13/68 f.8v</ref>
'''Clap boards''' ("on or about the third day of October in the yeare 1652 the sayd shipp sett sayle from Dantzyck and sayled to ?Rya a place likewise in the East Countrye and there tooke in a lading of hempe flax tarr clap boards and other like goods")<ref>[[HCA 13/68 f.8v Annotate|HCA 13/68 f.8v]]</ref>
'''Clarett''' ("7 Tonns ?1 hoggshead of Clarrett att 84:li 5.?s the Tonn and in ster. 5:li. 17:s. 2:d. per ton")<ref>HCA 13/128 unfoliated, r.,Case: Office of the Judges against Richard Lavers, promoted by Richard Ford; second schedule</ref>
'''Clarett''' ("7 tonns ?1 hoggshead of clarrett att 84:li 5.?s the tonn and in sterling 5:li. 17:s. 2:d. per ton")<ref>HCA 13/128 unfoliated, r.,Case: Office of the Judges against Richard Lavers, promoted by Richard Ford; second schedule</ref>
'''Clench nayles'''
'''Cloake''' ("there was laden and put on board the said ship in the River of Thames a cargoe of goods consisting in linnen and woollen cloath, East India stuff, searges, beads, glasses, muskets, pistolls, strongwaters, brandewines, white wine and clarret, silke stockings, suits and cloakes shoes, knives, sizers combs pins, needles, thimbles, thred ffish hooks, bells, locks, lead and severall other comodityes.")<ref>[[HCA 13/73 f.499r Annotate|HCA 13/73 f.499r]]</ref>
'''Cloth''' ("one peece of fine cloth conteyning thirtie and one yards")<ref>HCA 13/69 no. foliation</ref>
'''Cloth''' ("one peece of fine cloth conteyning thirtie and one yards")<ref>HCA 13/69 no. foliation</ref>
'''Cloves''' ("and two parcells of Cloves weighing about threescore pounds a peece")<ref>HCA 13/74 f.61r</ref>
'''Cloves''' ("two parcells of cloves weighing about threescore pounds a peece")<ref>[[HCA 13/74 f.61r Annotate|HCA 13/74 f.61r]]</ref>
<u>Coal Merchant Trade Card, Fruchard, P., mid-C18th<ref>Phiippe Fruchard, Engraved coal merchant trade card, mid-C18th, held at British Museum</ref></u>
<u>Coal Merchant Trade Card, Fruchard, P., mid-C18th<ref>Phiippe Fruchard, Engraved coal merchant trade card, mid-C18th, held at British Museum</ref></u>
'''Coales''' ("whether hee doth not well know that the Shipp the ''Swanne'' of which the said Absolon was master commeing from Newcastle upon or about the seaventeenth of may last 1660 about 10 or 11 of the clock in the morneing sett saile from or neare Newcastle with her ladeing of coales"<ref>HCA 23/19 unfoliated</ref> ; "whither the said Robert Oyle did not cause a great quantity of the said Coales to bee kept aboard the said Shippe, and did hee not cause some of them to bee hidden under the said Shipps ballast, and others of them in barrells and Tubbs, and whither the Coals soe kept aboard the said shippe as aforesaid were not carried away in the said shippe at her departure from Tangier, and were they not burned in the said Shippes Cook-Roome dureing her voyage into the Straights and from thence home to this port of London, and how long did the said Robert Oyle use the said Master Blands Coales, and what were coales then worth at Tangier aforesaid, and how many Chaldren of the said Coales did hee burne at Tangier, and how many Chaldren did hee carry away in the said Shipp from thence, and why did hee carry away the said Coales, was it not bee cause hee wanted wood or other fowell (sic) for the said Shipps use")<ref>HCA 23/19 unfoliated f.8v</ref>
'''Coales''' ("whether hee doth not well know that the shipp the ''Swanne'' of which the said Absolon was master commeing from Newcastle upon or about the seaventeenth of may last 1660 about 10 or 11 of the clock in the morneing sett saile from or neare Newcastle with her ladeing of coales"<ref>HCA 23/19 unfoliated</ref> ; "whither the said Robert oyle did not cause a great quantity of the said coales to bee kept aboard the said shippe, and did hee not cause some of them to bee hidden under the said shipps ballast, and others of them in barrells and Tubbs, and whither the coals soe kept aboard the said shippe as aforesaid were not carried away in the said shippe at her departure from Tangier, and were they not burned in the said Shippes Cook-Roome dureing her voyage into the Straights and from thence home to this port of London, and how long did the said Robert Oyle use the said Master Blands coales, and what were coales then worth at Tangier aforesaid, and how many chaldren of the said coales did hee burne at Tangier, and how many chaldren did hee carry away in the said shipp from thence, and why did hee carry away the said coales, was it not bee cause hee wanted wood or other fowell (sic) for the said shipps use")<ref>HCA 23/19 unfoliated f.8v</ref>
'''Cobbwebb lawnes'''  ("A parcell of Cobbwebb lawnes lately seized in the said shippe the ''young Tobias''"<ref>HCA 3/47  f. 1v, Tues., 3rd June 1656</ref>; "about fifty foure pieces of Cobbwebb lawnes taken out of the said shipp")<ref>HCA 3/47, f. 1v, Tues., 3rd June 1656</ref>
'''Coarse dales'''<ref>[[MRP: C5/485/75 Inventory of M:r Thomas Gaskins yard ff. 1-7|C5/485/75 Inventory of M:r Thomas Gaskins yard ff. 1-7]]</ref>
'''Colchester bayes''' ("the said Robert Bretton of this deponents sight and knowledge bought in this citie of fiftie peaces of Colchester bayes and then going into the countrey hee the said producent ordered this deponent on his behalfe after they were died into black and colours to lade them for the Canaries")<ref>HCA 13/72 f.423r</ref>
'''Cobbwebb lawnes'''  ("a parcell of Cobbwebb lawnes lately seized in the said shippe the ''young Tobias''"<ref>HCA 3/47  f. 1v, Tues., 3rd June 1656</ref>; "about fifty foure pieces of cobbwebb lawnes taken out of the said shipp")<ref>HCA 3/47, f. 1v, Tues., 3rd June 1656</ref>
'''Coles''' ("to that end did pumpe her, and heave out about three Lighters of Coles")<ref>HCA 13/73</ref>
'''Coloured hatts''' ("Two Packs, No 6. and 8: with Coloured hatts")<ref>HCA 13/72 f.9r</ref>
'''Colchester bayes''' ("the said Robert Bretton of this deponents sight and knowledge bought in this citie of fiftie peaces of Colchester bayes and then going into the countrey hee the said producent ordered this deponent on his behalfe after they were died into black and colours to lade them for the Canaries")<ref>[[HCA 13/72 f.423r Annotate|HCA 13/72 f.423r]]</ref>
'''Coloured taffetes''' ("One great chest No C with sixteene pieces of Coloured Taffetes")<ref>HCA 13/72 f.8v</ref>
'''Coles''' ("to that end did pumpe her, and heave out about three lighters of coles")<ref>HCA 13/73</ref>
'''Coloured serges''' ("ffoure bales of Coloured Serges")<ref>HCA 13/72 f.8v</ref>
'''Coloured hatts''' ("Two Packs, No 6. and 8: with coloured hatts")<ref>[[HCA 13/72 f.9r Annotate|HCA 13/72 f.9r]]</ref>
'''Combs''' ("which Lading hee saith Consisted in Woollen and Lynnen Cloth, Serges. Stuffs Needles Thread Riben Pinns. Knives Sizers silke, and woosted stockings. Combs, bells, morters and Pestles, Earthen ware Glasses, beads, Cabinetts Hatts. shooes. old Cloathes and other Comodityes")<ref>HCA 13/73 f.509r</ref>
'''Coloured taffetes''' ("one great chest No C with sixteene pieces of coloured taffetes")<ref>[[HCA 13/72 f.8v Annotate|HCA 13/72 f.8v]]</ref>
'''Comin seeds''' (= cumin seeds) ("Currants ffennell and Comin (OR, cumin) seeds, ffustick and almonds the certaine ?quantutyes whereof this deponent cannot sett forth")<ref>HCA 13/68 f.130.v</ref>
'''Coloured serges''' ("ffoure bales of coloured serges")<ref>[[HCA 13/72 f.8v Annotate|HCA 13/72 f.8v]]</ref>
'''Coniak wines''' ("they had reced advice from him that hee had accordingly laded the sayd shipp with two hundred twenty one tonnes of Coniack wines for the Accompt of them and the sayd Thomas Skinner")<ref>HCA 13/69 unfoliated</ref>
'''Combs''' ("which Lading hee saith Consisted in Woollen and Lynnen Cloth, Serges. Stuffs Needles Thread Riben Pinns. Knives Sizers silke, and woosted stockings. Combs, bells, morters and Pestles, Earthen ware Glasses, beads, Cabinetts Hatts. shooes. old Cloathes and other Comodityes")<ref>[[HCA 13/73 f.509r Annotate|HCA 13/73 f.509r]]</ref>
'''Corne''' ("whither the Corne that was throwne overboard or that was layd up upon the shoare at Tangier was measured before it was throwne overboard or cast upon the shoare")<ref>HCA 23/19 unfoliated</ref>
'''Comin seeds''' ('''alt.''' cumin seeds) ("Currants ffennell and Comin (OR, cumin) seeds, ffustick and almonds the certaine ?quantutyes whereof this deponent cannot sett forth")<ref>[[HCA 13/68 f.130v Annotate|HCA 13/68 f.130v]]</ref>
'''Copper''' ("a Quintall of Copper")<ref>HCA 13/73</ref>
'''Confaiture''' (''alt.'' confeitures)
'''Coniak wines''' ("they had receaved advice from him that hee had accordingly laded the sayd shipp with two hundred twenty one tonnes of coniack wines for the accompt of them and the sayd Thomas Skinner")<ref>HCA 13/69 unfoliated</ref>
'''Conie skinns''' (''alt.''' cony skins) ("one butt of conie skinns")<ref>[[HCA 13/71 f.265v Annotate|HCA 13/71 f.265v]]</ref>
'''Coopers timbers'''
'''Corne''' ("whither the corne that was throwne overboard or that was layd up upon the shoare at Tangier was measured before it was throwne overboard or cast upon the shoare")<ref>HCA 23/19 unfoliated</ref>
'''Copper''' ("a quintall of copper")<ref>HCA 13/73</ref>
'''Copper barrs''' <ref>HCA 15/6, Case: ?Jones and others XXX marriners of the ''Constant Ruth'' against Holworthy & others: Item: A copy of an Account delivered by Mr Williams executors February 24:th 1654, f.2v</ref>
'''Copper barrs''' <ref>HCA 15/6, Case: ?Jones and others XXX marriners of the ''Constant Ruth'' against Holworthy & others: Item: A copy of an Account delivered by Mr Williams executors February 24:th 1654, f.2v</ref>
'''Copper kettle''' ("Out of the Shipp ''Unities'' lading for Brasse and Copper) kettle and Basons 042 [li] - XX- XX")<ref>HCA 23/19 no fol. no verso, Document Number: 242: Case: XXXX: Date: XXXX</ref>
'''Copper basons''' ("Out of the Shipp ''Unities'' lading for brasse and copper kettle and basons 042 [li] - XX- XX")<ref>HCA 23/19 no fol. no verso, Document Number: 242: Case: XXXX: Date: XXXX</ref>
'''Copperes''' (''alt.'' copperas) ("Twelve hogsheads of copperes marked and numbred as in the margent containing between three and foure tonnes nett to be transported in the said shipp to Roane in ffrance"<ref>HCA 13/70 f.216r</ref>
'''Copper kettle''' ("Out of the shipp ''Unities'' lading for brasse and copper kettle and basons 042 [li] - XX- XX")<ref>HCA 23/19 no fol. no verso, Document Number: 242: Case: XXXX: Date: XXXX</ref>
'''Copper plates'''<ref>[[HCA 13/76 f.38v Annotate|HCA 13/76 f.38v Annotate]]</ref>
'''Copper pan''' ("three copper kettles a copper pott and copper pan")<ref>[[HCA 13/76 f.79v Annotate|HCA 13/76 f.79v]]</ref>
'''Copper pott''' ("three copper kettles a copper pott and copper pan")<ref>[[HCA 13/76 f.79v Annotate|HCA 13/76 f.79v]]</ref>
'''Copper staves'''
'''Copper wire'''<ref>[[HCA 13/76 f.38v Annotate|HCA 13/76 f.38v]]</ref>
'''Copperes''' (''alt.'' copperas) ("twelve hogsheads of copperes marked and numbred as in the margent containing between three and foure tonnes nett to be transported in the said shipp to Roane in ffrance"<ref>[[HCA 13/70 f.216r Annotate|HCA 13/70 f.216r]]</ref>
'''Corke''' ("seaventie oares, twelve bundles of corke, three baggs of wooll")<ref>[[HCA 13/70 f.22v Annotate|HCA 13/70 f.22v]]</ref>
'''Corrall beads''' ("this deponent tooke aboard at Newfoundland by the order of the said James Napper (,which hee verily beleeveth was for the said Nappars sole accompt about Eleven kintalls, and a halfe of drye ffish, as a private Adventure which this deponent sold at Genoa, and Invested the said Money in Corrall beads by his order, to the about the vallue of thirty two peeces of Eight")<ref>HCA 13/72 f.61r Annotate|HCA 13/72 f.61r</ref>
'''Corrall beads''' ("this deponent tooke aboard at Newfoundland by the order of the said James Napper (which hee verily beleeveth was for the said Nappars sole accompt about eleven kintalls, and a halfe of drye ffish, as a private adventure which this deponent sold at Genoa, and invested the said money in corrall beads by his order, to the about the vallue of thirty two peeces of eight")<ref>[[HCA 13/72 f.61r Annotate|HCA 13/72 f.61r]]</ref>
'''Cotton woolls''' ("Ciprus cotton woolls are usually and ordinarily putt in very great baggs, which cannot be stowed without very great paines and difficulty, more especially when a shipp draweth nere to her full lading, having already receaved the most considerable quantity of her cargo")<ref>HCA 13/71 f.?19r</ref>
'''Cotton woolls''' ("Ciprus cotton woolls are usually and ordinarily putt in very great baggs, which cannot be stowed without very great paines and difficulty, more especially when a shipp draweth nere to her full lading, having already receaved the most considerable quantity of her cargo")<ref>HCA 13/71 f.?19r</ref>
'''Cotton yarn''' (''alt.'' cotton yarnes) ("at Scanderoone there were there laden aboard her [the ''Anne''] about One hundred Baggs of Galls, about one hundred Bales of Cotton Yarne, and other goods")<ref>HCA 13/73</ref>
'''Cotton yarn''' (''alt.'' cotton yarnes) ("at Scanderoone there were there laden aboard her [the ''Anne''] about one hundred baggs of galls, about one hundred Bales of Cotton Yarne, and other goods")<ref>HCA 13/73</ref>
'''Cotton wool''' (''alt.'' cotton wooll) ("72 baggs of cotton wool")<ref>[[MRP: PROB 5/840 Inventory & probate accounts of Samuel Mico, 1666, ff. 1-27|PROB 5/840 Inventory & probate accounts of Samuel Mico, 1666, ff. 1-27]]</ref>
'''Cottons''' ("having aboard her a quantitie of marchandizes consisting in XX cottons and callicos XX XXX XXX factor XXX account taken aboard her on the coast of Cormandel was carrying XX XXX for Bantam for which place the said goods were XXXX and were provided XXXXX to be ther XXXXXX")<ref>HCA 13/73</ref>
'''Cottons''' ("having aboard her a quantitie of marchandizes consisting in XX cottons and callicos XX XXX XXX factor XXX account taken aboard her on the coast of Cormandel was carrying XX XXX for Bantam for which place the said goods were XXXX and were provided XXXXX to be ther XXXXXX")<ref>HCA 13/73</ref>
'''Course cloath''' ("besides the sayd tenn bales, fower Nests of Truncks, fower full conteyning flaxe and twenty peeces of narrow lockerams and halfe a peece of Tregar or Course Cloath, and sixe peeces of broad lockerams"<ref>HCA 13/71 f.574v</ref>
'''Cow hides''' (" hee is not certaine but there may be more bull hides and fewer cowhides, or more cow hides and fewer bull hides, but for the number of hides bull and cow hides together hee beleeveth them to be as followeth within tenn or twelve hides more or lesse in the whole)")<ref>HCA 13/72 f.340r</ref>
'''Counterband goods'''<ref>[[HCA 13/76 f.26v Annotate|HCA 13/76 f.26v]]</ref>
'''Cowyres''' (''alt.'' cowries)<ref>HCA 13/71 f.628v</ref>
'''Course cloath''' ("besides the sayd tenn bales, fower nests of truncks, fower full conteyning flaxe and twenty peeces of narrow lockerams and halfe a peece of Tregar or course cloath, and sixe peeces of broad lockerams"<ref>[[HCA 13/71 f.574v Annotate|HCA 13/71 f.574v]]</ref>
'''Cuckam''' ("after the said Johnsons departure from Santa Domingo aforesaid for Cadiz with his lading of Cuckam, hides and tobaccoe")<ref>HCA 13/72 f.133v</ref>
'''Course paper'''
'''Cumin seeds''' (= comin seeds) ("Currants ffennell and Comin (OR, cumin) seeds ffustick and almonds the certaine ?quantutyes whereof this deponent cannot sett forth")<ref>HCA 13/68 f.130v</ref>
'''Course silver'''
'''Currans''' (= Currants)
'''Covering dales'''<ref>[[MRP: C5/485/75 Inventory of M:r Thomas Gaskins yard ff. 1-7|C5/485/75 Inventory of M:r Thomas Gaskins yard ff. 1-7]]</ref>
'''Currants''' ("surprised her and her ladeing of Currans and other goods and dispoiled her and her ladeing of Currants and other goods")<ref>XXXX</ref><ref>HCA 13/73</ref>
'''Cow hides''' ("hee is not certaine but there may be more bull hides and fewer cowhides, or more cow hides and fewer bull hides, but for the number of hides bull and cow hides together hee beleeveth them to be as followeth within tenn or twelve hides more or lesse in the whole)")<ref>[[HCA 13/72 f.340r Annotate|HCA 13/72 f.340r]]</ref>
'''Cutcheneale''' (= cotcheneale) ("The clayme of Christopher Boone of London Merchant for severall parcells of silver and ?Cutcheneale heretofore specially claymed by Adrian Goldsmith of Antwerpe having bin seized in the Shipps the ''Sampson'' ''Salvador'' ''Saint George'' and ''Morning Star'' and since legally transferred to him the sayd Christopher Boone")<ref>HCA 13/71 f.372v</ref>
'''Cow hornes'''
'''Cowring dales'''<ref>[[MRP: C5/485/75 Inventory of M:r Thomas Gaskins yard ff. 1-7|C5/485/75 Inventory of M:r Thomas Gaskins yard ff. 1-7]]</ref>
'''Cowyres''' (''alt.'' cowries)<ref>[[HCA 13/71 f.628v Annotate|HCA 13/71 f.628v]]</ref>
'''Crooked oake'''
'''Cuckam''' ("after the said Johnsons departure from Santa Domingo aforesaid for Cadiz with his lading of cuckam, hides and tobaccoe")<ref>[[HCA 13/72 f.133v Annotate|HCA 13/72 f.133v]]</ref>
'''Cumin seeds''' (= comin seeds) (currants ffennell and comin (OR, cumin) seeds ffustick and almonds the certaine ?quantutyes whereof this deponent cannot sett forth")<ref>[[HCA 13/68 f.130v Annotate|HCA 13/68 f.130v]]</ref>
'''Currans''' (= Currants) ('''alt.'' currance)
'''Currants''' ("surprised her and her ladeing of currans and other goods and dispoiled her and her ladeing of Currants and other goods")<ref>XXXX</ref><ref>HCA 13/73</ref>
'''Curtaine fringe''' (''alt.'' fringe) ("a parcell of curtaine ffringe, and Lace")<ref>[[HCA 13/71 f.275r Annotate|HCA 13/71 f.275r]]</ref>
'''Cutcheneale''' (= cotcheneale) ("The clayme of Christopher Boone of London merchant for severall parcells of silver and ?cutcheneale heretofore specially claymed by Adrian Goldsmith of Antwerpe having bin seized in the shipps the ''Sampson'' ''Salvador'' ''Saint George'' and ''Morning Star'' and since legally transferred to him the sayd Christopher Boone")<ref>[[HCA 13/71 f.372v Annotate|HCA 13/71 f.372v]]</ref>
'''Cutt dales'''<ref>[[MRP: C5/485/75 Inventory of M:r Thomas Gaskins yard ff. 1-7|C5/485/75 Inventory of M:r Thomas Gaskins yard ff. 1-7]]</ref>
'''Deales''' ("whither hee was on board XXX said shippe the ''Saint Johns Head'' when the Deales and XXX were sent aboard the said Shippe to make bulke XXXX the Corne that was laden aboard the said Shippe, and XXX whither there were not 240 single deales, and foure and XXX twenty sparres")<ref>HCA 23/19, unfoliated</ref>
'''Dales''' (''alt. deales)<ref>[[MRP: C5/485/75 Inventory of M:r Thomas Gaskins yard ff. 1-7|C5/485/75 Inventory of M:r Thomas Gaskins yard ff. 1-7]]</ref>
'''Dealeboards''' ("The second was from Masterland with Herrings to Stockholme, and there this deponent tooke in a lading of Pitch, tarr, Iron and some Dealeboards, for and to bee delivered at this city of London to Charles Marisco a merchant here")<ref>HCA 13/76 f.3v</ref>
'''Damaske''' (''alt.'' damask)
'''Diaper''' ("such goods as the sayd Moulson had on board for his owne Accompt as hatts shooes bootes sayes, broadcloath, stuffes, diaper linnen and the like")<ref>[[HCA 13/72 f.216v Annotate|HCA 13/72 f.216v]]</ref>
'''Damaskillias''' ("Tenn bales of goods conteyning sixteene peeces of Taunton serges, twenty sixe peeces of paragons tenn peeces of broad cheynies, fowerteene peeces of meduses, sixe peeces of black bayes, nyne hundred twenty five yards or Spanish yardes of ffreizes peeces of quarter silke, and tenn peeces of halfe silke adorettas, sixe peeces of damaskillias or floramides, and fower peeces of narrow cheynyes")<ref>[[HCA 13/71 f.574v Annotate|HCA 13/71 f.574v]]</ref>
'''Dressing boxes''' ("Druggs, Wine Dressing Boxes, shooes and such like Merchandizes")<ref>HCA 13/73 f.528v</ref>
'''Dates''' ("fower chests of dates")<ref>[[HCA 13/65 f.90v Annotate|HCA 13/65 f.90v]]</ref>
'''Druggs''' (= drugs) ("hee hath ?two of his owne shipp ?chests which are full of druggs for his owne account")<ref>HCA 13/73</ref>
'''Deales''' ("whither hee was on board XXX said shippe the ''Saint Johns Head'' when the deales and XXX were sent aboard the said Shippe to make bulke XXXX the corne that was laden aboard the said shippe, and XXX whither there were not 240 single deales, and foure and XXX twenty sparres")<ref>HCA 23/19, unfoliated</ref>
'''Dealeboards''' (''alt.'' deale boards) ("The second was from Masterland with Herrings to Stockholme, and there this deponent tooke in a lading of pitch, tarr, Iron and some Dealeboards, for and to bee delivered at this city of London to Charles Marisco a merchant here")<ref>[[HCA 13/76 f.3v Annotate|HCA 13/76 f.3v]]</ref>
'''Delfs butter''' ("twelve chests of candles one last of wheate, a parcell of brasse andirons, 26 rolls and some peeces of tobaccoe, eight chaires, five barrells and a halfe of herrings and six barrells of Delfs butter")<ref>[[HCA 13/70 f.24r Annotate|HCA 13/70 f.24r]]</ref>
'''Diaper''' ("such goods as the sayd Moulson had on board for his owne accompt as hatts shooes bootes sayes, broadcloath, stuffes, diaper linnen and the like")<ref>[[HCA 13/72 f.216v Annotate|HCA 13/72 f.216v]]</ref>
'''Dimmitees''' (''alt.'' dymithy; dimity) ("Thomas ?Constable gunner of the sayd shipp and slayne att the tyme of surprizall in Trapany had aboard her att the tyme of the sayd seizure for his own accompt several peices of moka?rres, dimmitees, silke stockings Clothes and other things which were as this deponent beleiveth of the cleare value of forty pounds sterling")<ref>[[HCA 13/68 f.147v Annotate|HCA 13/68 f.147v]]</ref>
'''Dressing boxes''' ("druggs, wine dressing boxes, shooes and such like merchandizes")<ref>[[HCA 13/73 f.528v Annotate|HCA 13/73 f.528v]]</ref>
'''Drinking glasses'''
'''Druggs''' (= drugs) ("hee hath ?two of his owne shipp ?chests which are full of druggs for his owne account"<ref>HCA 13/73</ref>; "two small skinns of druggs, two small barrells of druggs")<ref>[[HCA 13/73 f.194v Annotate|HCA 13/73 f.194v]]</ref>
'''Dry barrell boards'''<ref>[[MRP: C5/485/75 Inventory of M:r Thomas Gaskins yard ff. 1-7|C5/485/75 Inventory of M:r Thomas Gaskins yard ff. 1-7]]</ref>
'''Drye fish'''
'''Drye fish'''
'''Dy ginger'''
'''Dry goods'''
'''Dry goods'''
'''Double baulkes'''<ref>[[MRP: C5/485/75 Inventory of M:r Thomas Gaskins yard ff. 1-7|C5/485/75 Inventory of M:r Thomas Gaskins yard ff. 1-7]]</ref>
'''Dyed silke'''
'''Earthen ware''' ("the time arlate this rendent was sent by the said Edmund Cowse to Virginia with a quantity of goods videlicet 7?1 pipes of wine and no more as he beleeveth 2: chests of white earthen ware one bale of paper and noe more 20 peeces of east India stuffe called pantadoes, and a parcell of red earthen wares worth nothing at all as he beleevth, and a small quantity of salt, and no other goods as hee beleeveth")<ref>HCA 13/128 unfol., r., Allegation: Edmund and James Cowse: Answer: Daniell ?Jiggles: Date: XXXX</ref>
'''Earthen ware''' ("the time arlate this rendent was sent by the said Edmund Cowse to Virginia with a quantity of goods videlicet 7?1 pipes of wine and no more as he beleeveth 2: chests of white earthen ware one bale of paper and noe more 20 peeces of East India stuffe called pantadoes, and a parcell of red earthen wares worth nothing at all as he beleevth, and a small quantity of salt, and no other goods as hee beleeveth")<ref>HCA 13/128 unfol., r., Allegation: Edmund and James Cowse: Answer: Daniell ?Jiggles: Date: XXXX</ref>
'''East India stuffe''' ("the time arlate this rendent was sent by the said Edmund Cowse to Virginia with a quantity of goods videlicet 7?1 pipes of wine and no more as he beleeveth 2: chests of white earthen ware one bale of paper and noe more 20 peeces of east India stuffe called pantadoes, and a parcell of red earthen wares worth nothing at all as he beleevth, and a small quantity of salt, and no other goods as hee beleeveth")<ref>HCA 13/128 unfol., r., Allegation: Edmund and James Cowse: Answer: Daniell ?Jiggles: Date: XXXX</ref>
'''East India stuffe''' ('''alt.''' East India stuffes) ("the time arlate this rendent was sent by the said Edmund Cowse to Virginia with a quantity of goods videlicet 7?1 pipes of wine and no more as he beleeveth 2: chests of white earthen ware one bale of paper and noe more 20 peeces of East India stuffe called pantadoes, and a parcell of red earthen wares worth nothing at all as he beleevth, and a small quantity of salt, and no other goods as hee beleeveth")<ref>HCA 13/128 unfol., r., Allegation: Edmund and James Cowse: Answer: Daniell ?Jiggles: Date: XXXX</ref>
'''Eggs''' ("ferkins of eggs")<ref>[[E 190/46/2 f.1v Annotate|E 190/46/2 f.1v]]</ref>
'''Elephants teeth''' (''alt.'' eliphants teeth)
'''Elephants teeth''' (''alt.'' eliphants teeth)
'''Elme boards'''<ref>[[MRP: C5/485/75 Inventory of M:r Thomas Gaskins yard ff. 1-7|C5/485/75 Inventory of M:r Thomas Gaskins yard ff. 1-7]]</ref>
'''English hopps'''<ref>[[E 190/46/2 f.1v Annotate|E 190/46/2 f.1v]]</ref>
'''English puldanis'''<ref>[[E 190/46/2 f.1r Annotate|E 190/46/2 f.1r]]</ref>
'''English wooll'''<ref>[[E 190/46/2 f.1v Annotate|E 190/46/2 f.1v]]</ref>
'''Feathers''' ("thirtie baggs of feathers which were bought and laden by him this deponent at Bayon")<ref>HCA 13/70 f.22v</ref>
'''Fagotts'''<ref>[[E 190/46/2 f.1r Annotate|E 190/46/2 f.1r]]</ref>
'''ffennell''' ("Currants ffennell and Comin (OR, cumin) seeds ffustick and almonds the certaine ?quantutyes whereof this deponent cannot sett forth")<ref>HCA 13/68 f.130.v</ref>
'''Feather beds'''
'''Feathers''' ("thirtie baggs of feathers which were bought and laden by him this deponent at Bayon")<ref>[[HCA 13/70 f.22v Annotate|HCA 13/70 f.22v]]</ref>
'''ffennell''' ("Currants ffennell and Comin (OR, cumin) seeds ffustick and almonds the certaine ?quantutyes whereof this deponent cannot sett forth")<ref>[[HCA 13/68 f.130v Annotate|HCA 13/68 f.130v]]</ref>
'''ffish''' ("at the first arrivall of the said Ship ''Pearce'' at Nevis the said Wood had a pound of Sugar for a pound of ffish")<ref>HCA 13/73</ref>
'''ffish''' ("at the first arrivall of the said Ship ''Pearce'' at Nevis the said Wood had a pound of Sugar for a pound of ffish")<ref>HCA 13/73</ref>
'''ffishehookes''' ("ffishehookes, Knives Sizers"<ref>HCA 13/73 f.528v</ref>
'''ffishehookes''' ("ffishehookes, Knives Sizers"<ref>[[HCA 13/73 f.528v Annotate|HCA 13/73 f.528v]]</ref>
'''fflaxe''' (= flax) ("the arlate shipps were laden with wheate fflaxe and Iron")<ref>HCA 13/128 unfol. r., Case: Beane against Jacobs: Personall answeares: Humfrey Beane: Date: XXXX</ref>
'''fflaxe''' (''alt.'' flax; flaxe) ("the arlate shipps were laden with wheate fflaxe and Iron")<ref>HCA 13/128 unfol. r., Case: Beane against Jacobs: Personall answeares: Humfrey Beane: Date: XXXX</ref>
'''ffranjinsense''' ("two chests of ffranjinsense")<ref>HCA 13/73</ref>
'''ffranjinsense''' ("two chests of ffranjinsense")<ref>HCA 13/73</ref>
''ffreizes''' ("nyne hundred twenty five Yards or Spanish yardes of ffreizes")<ref>HCA 13/71 f.574v</ref>
'''ffreizes''' ("nyne hundred twenty five Yards or Spanish yardes of ffreizes")<ref>[[HCA 13/71 f.574v Annotate|HCA 13/71 f.574v]]</ref>
'''Figgs''' ("from thence to ffaro in Portugall where they arrived with the said shipp in September 1651. where the said  shippe haveinge taken in a quantity of figgs beinge but little above halfe her ladeinge did set saile with the same for London")<ref>HCA13/125</ref>
'''Figgs''' ("from thence to ffaro in Portugall where they arrived with the said shipp in September 1651. where the said  shippe haveinge taken in a quantity of figgs beinge but little above halfe her ladeinge did set saile with the same for London")<ref>HCA 13/125</ref>
'''Fine earthenware'''
'''Fine wire'''
'''Firr baulkes'''<ref>[[MRP: C5/485/75 Inventory of M:r Thomas Gaskins yard ff. 1-7|C5/485/75 Inventory of M:r Thomas Gaskins yard ff. 1-7]]</ref>
'''Firr boards'''
'''ffirrwood'''<ref>[[HCA 13/77 f.12r Annotate|HCA 13/76 f.12r]]</ref>
'''Flanders lace'''
'''Flax''' (''alt.'' Flaxe) (("a parcell of flax to be brought unto Roscoe")<ref>HCA XX/XX f.XX</ref>
'''Flax''' (''alt.'' Flaxe) (("a parcell of flax to be brought unto Roscoe")<ref>HCA XX/XX f.XX</ref>
'''Floramides''' ("Tenn bales of goods conteyning sixteene peeces of Taunton serges, Twenty sixe peeces of Paragons Tenn peeces of broad Cheynies, fowerteene peeces of Meduses, sixe peeces of black bayes, nyne hundred twenty five Yards or Spanish yardes of ffreizes peeces of quarter silke, and tenn peeces of halfe silke Adorettas, sixe peeces of damaskillias or floramides, and fower peeces of narrow Cheynyes")<ref>[[HCA 13/71 f.574v Annotate|HCA 13/71 f.574v]]</ref>
'''Floramides''' ("Tenn bales of goods conteyning sixteene peeces of Taunton serges, Twenty sixe peeces of Paragons Tenn peeces of broad Cheynies, fowerteene peeces of Meduses, sixe peeces of black bayes, nyne hundred twenty five Yards or Spanish yardes of ffreizes peeces of quarter silke, and tenn peeces of halfe silke Adorettas, sixe peeces of damaskillias or floramides, and fower peeces of narrow Cheynyes")<ref>[[HCA 13/71 f.574v Annotate|HCA 13/71 f.574v]]</ref>
'''Fowling peeces'''
'''Fowling peeces'''
'''Frizwa''' ("Ten bales of white Serges conteyning one hundred peices of Serge and sewall sorts of Bayes and frizes then remaining in a Warehouse belonging to the said William Pym at Saint Malo aforesaid"<ref>HCA 13/70 f.132v</ref>
'''Fraile fruite'''
'''French Apples''' ("the said Vessell at the said time of her seizure was full laden with ffrench apples laden at Tuckett and bound for deepe for the accompt of ffrenchmen")<ref>[[HCA 13/70 f.105v Annotate|HCA 13/70 f.105v]]</ref>
'''French wines''' ("divers of the said prizes taken by the said Stanton were laden with french wines to the Number of about 600 Tonns")<ref>[[HCA 13/70 f.301r Annotate|HCA 13/70 f.301r]]</ref>
'''Freizes''' (''alt.'' frizes) ("Tenn bales of goods conteyning sixteene peeces of Taunton serges, twenty sixe peeces of paragons tenn peeces of broad cheynies, fowerteene peeces of meduses, sixe peeces of black bayes, nyne hundred twenty five yards or Spanish yardes of ffreizes peeces of quarter silke, and tenn peeces of halfe silke adorettas, sixe peeces of damaskillias or floramides, and fower peeces of narrow cheynyes")<ref>[[HCA 13/71 f.574v Annotate|HCA 13/71 f.574v]]</ref>
'''Fringe''' (''alt.'' curtaine fringe)<ref>[[HCA 13/71 f.275r Annotate|HCA 13/71 f.275r]]</ref>
'''Frizes''' (''alt.'' freizes) ("Ten bales of white serges conteyning one hundred peices of serge and sewall sorts of bayes and frizes then remaining in a warehouse belonging to the said William Pym at Saint Malo aforesaid"<ref>[[HCA 13/70 f.132v Annotate|HCA 13/70 f.132v]]</ref>
'''Fustick''' ("a parcell of sassaperilla and other druggs, and some Brazill wood and fustick")<ref>HCA 13/70 f.455v</ref>
'''Fustick''' ("a parcell of sassaperilla and other druggs, and some Brazill wood and fustick")<ref>[[HCA 13/70 f.455v Annotate|HCA 13/70 f.455v]]</ref>
'''Galls''' ("the sayd two Chests of ?Galls as by the Invoice of them delivered unto him appeareth were worth one hundred and two pounds tenn shillings sterling or thereabouts in England but what profitt they would have yeilded at Bantam or else where in the East Indies in bartering or selling hee knoweth not"<ref>HCA 13/73</ref>; "soe soone as the said ship [the ''Anne''] Delivered her said salt at Scanderrone, the said William Malym the Master and Company of the said ship. did take aboard her, a Lading of Cottons, galls and other peeces to be Transported in her to this port of London")<ref>HCA 13/73</ref>
'''Galls''' (''alt.'' gaulls) ("the sayd two chests of galls as by the invoice of them delivered unto him appeareth were worth one hundred and two pounds tenn shillings sterling or thereabouts in England but what profitt they would have yeilded at Bantam or else where in the East Indies in bartering or selling hee knoweth not"<ref>HCA 13/73</ref>; "soe soone as the said ship [the ''Anne''] delivered her said salt at Scanderrone, the said William Malym the master and company of the said ship. did take aboard her, a lading of cottons, galls and other peeces to be transported in her to this port of London")<ref>HCA 13/73</ref>
'''Gaulls''' ("having already received and laden aboard her one hundred baggs of wool and 400 baggs and upwards of gaulls")<ref>HCA 13/71 f.?19r</ref>
'''Gaulls''' (''alt.'' galls) ("having already received and laden aboard her one hundred baggs of wool and 400 baggs and upwards of gaulls")<ref>HCA 13/71 f.?19r</ref>
'''Ginger''' ("four barrells of Spanish Tabacco, a great quantity of dry ginger loose and about four barralls and one ?Potaco more of ?Varinaes Tobacco, and forty Ratacos more of varinaos tobaccoes, thirteen pipes of sugar or thereabouts, eighteene baggs of ginger, a great quantity of Brazil and Cam?ocha wood all for the proper use and Accompt of the sayd Joseph Markes John Baptista Mograita and other merchants of Spayne subiects of the King of Spaine to be transported in the sayd shipp to Dunquerke for their use")<ref>HCA 13/68 f.35r</ref>
'''Genoa anchovies''' ("thirtie foure tonnes of the best Genua oile, and one hundred fiftie eight barrells of the best Genoa anchovies")<ref>[[HCA 13/72 f.334r Annotate|HCA 13/72 f.334r]]</ref>
'''Genua oile''' ("thirtie foure tonnes of the best Genua oile, and one hundred fiftie eight barrells of the best Genoa anchovies")<ref>[[HCA 13/72 f.334r Annotate|HCA 13/72 f.334r]]</ref>
'''Ginger''' ("four barrells of Spanish tabacco, a great quantity of dry ginger loose and about four barralls and one potaco more of ?Varinaes tobacco, and forty ratacos more of Varinaos tobaccoes, thirteen pipes of sugar or thereabouts, eighteene baggs of ginger, a great quantity of Brazil and Campocha wood all for the proper use and accompt of the sayd Joseph Markes John Baptista Mograita and other merchants of Spayne subiects of the King of Spaine to be transported in the sayd shipp to Dunquerke for their use")<ref>[[HCA 13/68 f.35r Annotate|HCA 13/68 f.35r]]</ref>
'''Glasses''' ("which Lading hee saith Consisted in Woollen and Lynnen Cloth, Serges. Stuffs Needles Thread Riben Pinns. Knives Sizers silke, and woosted stockings. Combs, bells, morters and Pestles, Earthen ware Glasses, beads, Cabinetts Hatts. shooes. old Cloathes and other Comodityes")<ref>HCA 13/73 f.509r</ref>
'''Glasse bottles''' ("142 dozen of glasse bottles belonging to this deponent and his shipps company")<ref>[[HCA 13/65 f.98v Annotate|HCA 13/65 f.98v]]</ref>
'''Glasses''' ("which lading hee saith consisted in woollen and lynnen cloth, serges. stuffs needles thread riben pinns. knives scizers silke, and woosted stockings. combs, bells, morters and pestles, earthen ware glasses, beads, cabinetts hatts. shooes. old cloathes and other comodityes")<ref>[[HCA 13/73 f.509r Annotate|HCA 13/73 f.509r]]</ref>
'''Goat skins'''
'''Gotes skins'''
'''Gomera tobacco''' ("John Lambert md xxiiij Cweight of Gomera Tobacco")<ref>[[E_190/46/2_f.2r_Annotate|E 190/46/2 f.2r]]</ref>
'''Granatts''' ("granatts, a sort of stone, or beads of á small vallue w:ch are vented in Ittaly")<ref>[[MRP: 20th August 1663, Letter from Gamaliel Nightingale to Sir GO, Aleppo|20th August 1663, Letter from Gamaliel Nightingale to Sir GO, Aleppo]]</ref>
'''Granatts''' ("granatts, a sort of stone, or beads of á small vallue which are vented in Ittaly")<ref>[[MRP: 20th August 1663, Letter from Gamaliel Nightingale to Sir GO, Aleppo|20th August 1663, Letter from Gamaliel Nightingale to Sir GO, Aleppo]]</ref>
'''Greene ginger''' ("the Interrogate Thomas Rummings and Anthony Beale had each of them considerable quantities of white pepper, greene ginger white sugar Casialignmum Tamerin and ?Cande but the certayne quantitie hee cannot declare")<ref>HCA 13/73</ref>
'''Great baulkes'''<ref>[[MRP: C5/485/75 Inventory of M:r Thomas Gaskins yard ff. 1-7|C5/485/75 Inventory of M:r Thomas Gaskins yard ff. 1-7]]</ref>
'''Gueldings''' ("the said shippe the ''Edward and John'' for the accompt of maior Chamberlayne and others mentioned in the allegation given on the behalfe of the said Tolly the number of twenty sixe horses and gueldings and 2 mares")<ref>HCA 24/112</ref>
'''Great timber''' ("during all that time she hath of his knowledge bin imployed to bring Deales and great timber, spars and balkes from Norway")<ref>[[HCA 13/76 f.143r Annotate|HCA 13/76 f.143r]]</ref>
'''Greene ginger''' ("the interrogate Thomas Rummings and Anthony Beale had each of them considerable quantities of white pepper, greene ginger white sugar casialignmum tamerin and cande but the certayne quantitie hee cannot declare")<ref>HCA 13/73</ref>
'''Greene bayes'''
'''Grind stones'''
'''Groge wyne''' ("item thirty ffive butts of groge wyne")<ref>[[MRP: PROB 5/840 Inventory & probate accounts of Samuel Mico, 1666, ff. 1-27|PROB 5/840 Inventory & probate accounts of Samuel Mico, 1666, ff. 1-27]]</ref>
'''Grogeram yarne''' (''alt.'' grogaran; grogoran) ("wax, grogeram yarne silke, cotton yarne and allum to be carried to ligorne"<ref>[[HCA 13/71 f.361r Annotate|HCA 13/71 f.361r]]</ref>; "the Grogoran yarne schedulated of Begbazar in the Turks dominions")<ref>[[HCA 13/65 f.87v Annotate|HCA 13/65 f.87v]]</ref>
'''Gueldings''' (''alt.'' gelding) ("the said shippe the ''Edward and John'' for the accompt of maior Chamberlayne and others mentioned in the allegation given on the behalfe of the said Tolly the number of twenty sixe horses and gueldings and 2 mares")<ref>HCA 24/112</ref>
'''Gumme''' ("a barrell of gumme")<ref>[[HCA 13/70 f.647r Annotate|HCA 13/70 f.647r]]</ref>
'''Gunpowder''' ("severall Barrells of Gunpowder")<ref>HCA 23/19</ref>
'''Gunpowder''' ("severall Barrells of Gunpowder")<ref>HCA 23/19</ref>
Line 219: Line 330:
'''Haberdashery wares''' ("Haberdashery wars, as hatts, Tape Needles Pins ... and such like")<ref>HCA 13/73 f.528v</ref>
'''Haberdashery wares''' ("Haberdashery wars, as hatts, Tape Needles Pins ... and such like")<ref>[[HCA 13/73 f.528v Annotate|HCA 13/73 f.528v]]</ref>
'''Harlem stuff''' ("one case of harlem stuff")<ref>HCA 13/70 f.622r</ref>
'''Halfe dales'''<ref>[[MRP: C5/485/75 Inventory of M:r Thomas Gaskins yard ff. 1-7|C5/485/75 Inventory of M:r Thomas Gaskins yard ff. 1-7]]</ref>
'''Hatts''' ("which Lading hee saith Consisted in Woollen and Lynnen Cloth, Serges. Stuffs Needles Thread Riben Pinns. Knives Sizers silke, and woosted stockings. Combs, bells, morters and Pestles, Earthen ware Glasses, beads, Cabinetts Hatts. shooes. old Cloathes and other Comodityes")<ref>HCA 13/73 f.509r</ref>
'''Harbor beer''' ("desired him to provide and send onboard the said ship ffourty Eight barrells of harbor Beer Twelve Tonne and a halfe of Sea Bear, two barrells of Strong Beere, and two Barrells of Sea bear more, and foure punchions of Beere, with the Caske")<ref>[[HCA 13/73 f.405r Annotate|HCA 13/73 f.405r]]</ref>
'''Harlem stuff''' ("one case of harlem stuff")<ref>[[HCA 13/70 f.622r Annotate|HCA 13/70 f.622r]]</ref>
'''Hatts''' ("which Lading hee saith Consisted in Woollen and Lynnen Cloth, Serges. Stuffs Needles Thread Riben Pinns. Knives Sizers silke, and woosted stockings. Combs, bells, morters and Pestles, Earthen ware Glasses, beads, Cabinetts Hatts. shooes. old Cloathes and other Comodityes")<ref>[[HCA 13/73 f.509r Annotate|HCA 13/73 f.509r]]</ref>
'''Hemp''' ("68 bundles of hemp"<ref>HXA XX/XX f.XX</ref>; "bundles of rough hemp")<ref>HCA 15/6 unfol.</ref>
'''Hemp''' ("68 bundles of hemp"<ref>HXA XX/XX f.XX</ref>; "bundles of rough hemp")<ref>HCA 15/6 unfol.</ref>
'''Hempseed''' ("xx quarters of hempseed")<ref>[[E_190/46/2_f.2v_Annotate|E 190/46/2 f.2v]]</ref>
'''Herings''' ("he answereth and beleeveth that Salmon and herings were no vendible commodity at Rochell in the moneths arlate")<ref>HCA 13/129 unfol., r., Personal answers of Peter Cornelius Youngboare: Allegation: ?Maurice Trent: Date: 17th March 1658</ref>
'''Herings''' ("he answereth and beleeveth that Salmon and herings were no vendible commodity at Rochell in the moneths arlate")<ref>HCA 13/129 unfol., r., Personal answers of Peter Cornelius Youngboare: Allegation: ?Maurice Trent: Date: 17th March 1658</ref>
'''Herrings''' ("The second was from Masterland with Herrings to Stockholme, and there this deponent tooke in a lading of Pitch, tarr, Iron and some Dealeboards, for and to bee delivered at this city of London to Charles Marisco a merchant here"<ref>HCA 13/76 f.3v</ref>; "seaven lasts and seaven barrells of herrings")<ref>HCA 13/73 f.514r</ref>
'''Herrings''' ("The second was from Masterland with Herrings to Stockholme, and there this deponent tooke in a lading of Pitch, tarr, Iron and some Dealeboards, for and to bee delivered at this city of London to Charles Marisco a merchant here"<ref>[[HCA 13/76 f.3v Annotate|HCA 13/76 f.3v]]</ref>; "seaven lasts and seaven barrells of herrings")<ref>[[HCA 13/73 f.514r Annotate|HCA 13/73 f.514r]]</ref>
'''Hessens''' ("one hundred and forty eight pices of Hessens")<ref>[[MRP: C6/36/21 f. 2|C6/36/21 f.2]]</ref>
'''Hessens''' ("one hundred and forty eight pices of Hessens")<ref>[[MRP: C6/36/21 f. 2|C6/36/21 f.2]]</ref>
'''Hides''' ("This deponent saith That coming in August 1653 last past as a passenger from Cadiz in Spaine to Saint Malloe ffrance in a certaine shipp named the ''Saint Vincent'' hee well well remembreth that some dayes before the says shipps depture from Cadiz he saw one Raphael da Luna who was the servant of the acclate Manual Lowij Carnero carry on board the sayd shipp a good parcell of Indian hides, which hee sayd were his masters, and he consigned the same to William Claviel att Saint Mallo who does busines as a factor for the sayd Carnero")<ref>HCA 13/69 unfol.</ref>
'''Hides''' ("This deponent saith That coming in August 1653 last past as a passenger from Cadiz in Spaine to Saint Malloe ffrance in a certaine shipp named the ''Saint Vincent'' hee well well remembreth that some dayes before the says shipps depture from Cadiz he saw one Raphael da Luna who was the servant of the acclate Manual Lowij Carnero carry on board the sayd shipp a good parcell of Indian hides, which hee sayd were his masters, and he consigned the same to William Claviel att Saint Mallo who does busines as a factor for the sayd Carnero")<ref>HCA 13/69 unfol.</ref>
'''Holland quilte'''
'''Holland sayes''' ("five cases of Holland sayes")<ref>[[MRP: C6/36/21 f. 2|C6/36/21 f.2]]</ref>
'''Holland sayes''' ("five cases of Holland sayes")<ref>[[MRP: C6/36/21 f. 2|C6/36/21 f.2]]</ref>
'''Hoopes''' ("the sayd Rack or derelict when shee was found as aforesayd forty tonne or thereabouts of trayne oyle but much damnified by water and about 70 tonne of empty casks about thirty bundles of hoopes, one great Copper, and fower and twenty seale skinns, (and some fish and bread which was utterly spoiled by longe continuance in water)")<ref>[[HCA 13/70 f.521r Annotate|HCA 13/70 f.521r]]</ref>
'''Hopps''' ("the said vessell the ''Elizabeth'' being departed from dunkirke to come for London laded with hopps, thredd and other goods")<ref>[[HCA 13/73 f.508v Annotate|HCA 13/73 f.508v]]</ref>
'''Horses''' ("the said shippe the ''Edward and John'' for the accompt of maior Chamberlayne and others mentioned in the allegation given on the behalfe of the said Tolly the number of twenty sixe horses and gueldings and 2 mares")<ref>HCA 24/112</ref>
'''Horses''' ("the said shippe the ''Edward and John'' for the accompt of maior Chamberlayne and others mentioned in the allegation given on the behalfe of the said Tolly the number of twenty sixe horses and gueldings and 2 mares")<ref>HCA 24/112</ref>
'''Hundscot sayes''' ('''alt.''' Hounscott) ("One fardell or pack of white Hundscot Sayes")<ref>HCA 13/72 f.8v</ref>
'''Howshold stuff''' ("ij loads of howshold stuff")<ref>[[E_190/46/2_f.2v_Annotate|E 190/46/2 f.2v]]</ref>
'''Hundscot sayes''' ('''alt.''' Hounscott; Hunscotts) ("One fardell or pack of white hundscot sayes"<ref>[[HCA 13/72 f.8v Annotate|HCA 13/72 f.8v]]</ref>; "One fardell or pack of this third marke No: 5. with 25 peeces of black hunscot sayes"<ref>[[HCA 13/72 f.9r Annotate|HCA 13/72 f.9r]]</ref>
'''Indico''' (= Indigo) ("a little before the arrivall of the said ship ''Peace'' at Nevis, the Tobacco plants Indico and Sugar Canes were there at at the other Leeward Islands, spoyled and rooted upp by reason of Hurricanoes")<ref>HCA 13/73</ref>; "they had allsoe receaved seaverall other letters from theire Agents and Correspondents there wherein the manner of the said takeing away of the said tenne barrells of Indico belonging to y;e said producent was menconned and expressed")<ref>HCA 13/64 f.?r</ref>
'''Indico''' (= Indigo) ("a little before the arrivall of the said ship ''Peace'' at Nevis, the tobacco plants indico and sugar canes were there at at the other Leeward islands, spoyled and rooted upp by reason of hurricanoes")<ref>HCA 13/73</ref>; "they had allsoe receaved seaverall other letters from theire agents and correspondents there wherein the manner of the said takeing away of the said tenne barrells of indico belonging to the said producent was menconned and expressed")<ref>HCA 13/64 f.?r</ref>
'''Indicoes''' ("Hurricanoes and Stormes had spoyled most of the Sugar Canes, Tobaccoe, and Indicoes in those places, and had rooted many of them up")<ref>HCA 13/73</ref>
'''Indicoes''' ("hurricanoes and stormes had spoyled most of the sugar canes, tobaccoe, and Indicoes in those places, and had rooted many of them up")<ref>HCA 13/73</ref>
'''Iron''' ("whilst the said shipp was at Stockholme  aforesaid, there was a quantity of Iron, and other goods laden  and put on board her there for the sole and proper accompt of  him the said Patrick Angus")<ref>HCA 23/19 f.?r</ref>
'''Irish butter''' ("sixty firkins of Irish butter")<ref>[[MRP: HCA 13/69|HCA 13/69]]</ref>
'''Iron kettles''' ("who by name bought the 413 Iron Potts, 300 bundles of Rod Iron, and 170 Iron Kettles laden on board the shipp the ''Saint Andrew'' arrested by Authority of this High Court of Admiralty"<ref>HCA 23/19 no f.</ref>
'''Iron''' ("whilst the said shipp was at Stockholme  aforesaid, there was a quantity of iron, and other goods laden  and put on board her there for the sole and proper accompt of  him the said Patrick Angus")<ref>HCA 23/19 f.?r</ref>
'''Iron potts'''
'''Iron kettles''' ("who by name bought the 413 Iron Potts, 300 bundles of rod iron, and 170 iron kettles laden on board the shipp the ''Saint Andrew'' arrested by authority of this High Court of Admiralty"<ref>HCA 23/19 no f.</ref>
'''Iron potts''' ("five tonns iron potts and morters")<ref>[[E_190/46/2_f.2v_Annotate|E 190/46/2 f.2v]]</ref>
'''Ironmongers wares'''
'''Rod iron'''
'''Rod iron'''
'''Kersyes''' ("the said Goods amounted to a great vallue they being Bayes. [?WX?sh] Plaine Cottons [XXXX GUTTER] Million ffustians. Norwich Goods. Stockings, and Kersyes, and such like Comodityes")<ref>HCA 13/72 f.52v</ref>
'''Kettle''' ("about three hundred kettles as hee supposeth")<ref>[[HCA 13/76 f.38v Annotate|HCA 13/76 f.38v Annotate]]</ref>
'''Kersyes''' (''alt.'' kersies) ("the said goods amounted to a great vallue they being Bayes. [?WX?sh] Plaine Cottons [?XXXX] Million ffustians. Norwich Goods. Stockings, and Kersyes, and such like Comodityes"<ref>[[HCA 13/72 f.52v Annotate|HCA 13/72 f.52v]]</ref>; "lynnens, mercerie wares, silke stuffs, kersies and other commodities to the valew of about tenn thousand pounds fflemish, and after laded the same at Amsterdam")<ref>[[HCA 13/73 f.158v Annotate|HCA 13/73 f.158v]]</ref>
'''Kid skins'''
'''Kilmornock stockins'''
'''Knifes''' (''alt.'' knives) ("2 dozen of knifes given to the blakes that brought my things from the shore:")<ref>HCA 15/6, Case: ?Jones and others XXX marriners of the ''Constant Ruth'' against Holworthy and others: Item: A copy of an Account delivered by Mr Williams executors February 24:th 1654, f.4r</ref>
'''Knifes''' (''alt.'' knives) ("2 dozen of knifes given to the blakes that brought my things from the shore:")<ref>HCA 15/6, Case: ?Jones and others XXX marriners of the ''Constant Ruth'' against Holworthy and others: Item: A copy of an Account delivered by Mr Williams executors February 24:th 1654, f.4r</ref>
Line 254: Line 383:
'''Lace''' ("two Small packs with white lace"<ref>HCA 13/72 f.8v</ref>; "Two small bundles of the Eighth Marke, one with white laces and the other with Silver and Gold lace Counterfeit No 19.")<ref>HCA 13/72 f.8v</ref>
'''Lace''' ("two small packs with white lace"<ref>[[HCA 13/72 f.8v Annotate|HCA 13/72 f.8v]]</ref>; "Two small bundles of the eighth marke, one with white laces and the other with silver and gold lace counterfeit No 19.")<ref>[[HCA 13/72 f.8v Annotate|HCA 13/72 f.8v]]</ref>
'''Lawnes'''  ("A parcell of Cobbwebb lawnes lately seized in the said shippe the ''Young Tobias''"<ref>HCA 3/47, f. 1v, Tues., 3rd June 1656</ref>; "about fifty foure pieces of Cobbwebb lawnes laken out of the said shipp")<ref>HCA 3/47, f. 1v, Tues., 3rd June 1656</ref>
'''Lagee silke''' (''alt.'' legee silke) ("Item 22 ''lb'' of fine Lagee silke at 18: ''s'' per lb")<ref>[[MRP: PROB 5/2521 Inventory of Paul Docminique sen., 1680/81, ff. 1-8|PROB 5/2521 Inventory of Paul Docminique sen., 1680/81, ff. 1-8]]</ref>
'''Larwick dales'''<ref>[[MRP: C5/485/75 Inventory of M:r Thomas Gaskins yard ff. 1-7|C5/485/75 Inventory of M:r Thomas Gaskins yard ff. 1-7]]</ref>
'''Lath wood'''<ref>[[MRP: C5/485/75 Inventory of M:r Thomas Gaskins yard ff. 1-7|C5/485/75 Inventory of M:r Thomas Gaskins yard ff. 1-7]]</ref>
'''Lathes'''<ref>[[MRP: C5/485/75 Inventory of M:r Thomas Gaskins yard ff. 1-7|C5/485/75 Inventory of M:r Thomas Gaskins yard ff. 1-7]]</ref>
'''Latin wire'''
'''Lattin''' ("two little barrells or casks of tinne or lattin")<ref>[[HCA 13/76 f.38v Annotate|HCA 13/76 f.38v Annotate]]</ref>
'''Lawnes'''  ("A parcell of cobbwebb lawnes lately seized in the said shippe the ''Young Tobias''"<ref>HCA 3/47, f. 1v, Tues., 3rd June 1656</ref>; "about fifty foure pieces of Cobbwebb lawnes laken out of the said shipp")<ref>HCA 3/47, f. 1v, Tues., 3rd June 1656</ref>
'''Lead''' ("was freighted and againe laden there with lead and sugar by M:r Richard fford merchant of this citie and companie")<ref>HCA 13/69 no f.</ref>
'''Lead''' ("was freighted and againe laden there with lead and sugar by M:r Richard fford merchant of this citie and companie")<ref>HCA 13/69 no f.</ref>
'''Leather''' ("some were sydes of Leather tanned which hee reckoned and accompted as hydes severally though in truth they were but half hydes")<ref>HCA 13/129, no fol. no., Case: XXXX: Answer: XXXX: Date: XXXX</ref>
'''Leather''' ("some were sydes of leather tanned which hee reckoned and accompted as hydes severally though in truth they were but half hydes")<ref>HCA 13/129, no fol. no., Case: XXXX: Answer: XXXX: Date: XXXX</ref>
'''Legee silke''' (''alt.'' lagee silke) ("amongest the rest one bill of lading for one baile of legee silke and one faugot of Sufa silke to be carried to Ligorne")<ref>[[HCA 13/71 f.322r Annotate|HCA 13/71 f.322r]]</ref>
'''Lemmons''' (= lemon) ("A matter of unladeing and receaving of a parcell of 46 chests of lemmons Laden in the ''Anne and Joyce''")<ref>HCA 3/47 f. 480r (orig), f. 477r. (new); "Satterday 24th October 1657"</ref>; "the arlate Manuel Lewis Carrero was and is a Spanish borne and a subiect of the King of Spaine and lives in Cadiz and there keepes a house and family and is a merchant trading in lemon and other merchandizes which he deposeth, himselfe living in Cadiz and having good acquaintance with the sayd Carrero")<ref>HCA 13/69 no f.</ref>
'''Lemmons''' (= lemon) ("A matter of unladeing and receaving of a parcell of 46 chests of lemmons Laden in the ''Anne and Joyce''")<ref>HCA 3/47 f. 480r (orig), f. 477r. (new); "Satterday 24th October 1657"</ref>; "the arlate Manuel Lewis Carrero was and is a Spanish borne and a subiect of the King of Spaine and lives in Cadiz and there keepes a house and family and is a merchant trading in lemon and other merchandizes which he deposeth, himselfe living in Cadiz and having good acquaintance with the sayd Carrero")<ref>HCA 13/69 no f.</ref>
'''Lignmum'''<ref>[[C 10/488/141|C 10/488/141]]</ref>
'''Lignum vita''' ("sticks of lignum vita")<ref>[[E 190/46/2 f.2r Annotate|E 190/46/2 f.2r]]</ref>
'''Linnens''' ("saith that the said cargo of linnens were laden by monsieur Le Mot Arman, and consigned to this port to the said Mr fford")<ref>HCA 13/69 no f.</ref>
'''Linnens''' ("saith that the said cargo of linnens were laden by monsieur Le Mot Arman, and consigned to this port to the said Mr fford")<ref>HCA 13/69 no f.</ref>
'''Linnen cloath''' (''alt.'' lynnen cloth) ("these hides of this deponents knowledge who went a passenger in the ''Saint Vincent'' came safe to the sayd Claviels hands, and hee as this deponent is well assured did here sell the same and convert the proceed thereof in to Linnen Cloath for accompt of the sayd Carnero")<ref>HCA 13/69 unfol.</ref>
'''Linnen cloath''' (''alt.'' lynnen cloth; linnen cloth) ("these hides of this deponents knowledge who went a passenger in the ''Saint Vincent'' came safe to the sayd Claviels hands, and hee as this deponent is well assured did here sell the same and convert the proceed thereof in to Linnen Cloath for accompt of the sayd Carnero")<ref>HCA 13/69 unfol.</ref>
'''Linseed oile''' ("Henry de Bruyne against six pipes of Linseed oile laden by Henry de Bruyne at Amsterdam merchant in the shipp the ''Angell'' whereof Jervais Mitchell is Master and consigned to Bedord Whiting as belonginge to himselfe...")<ref>HCA 13/47 f.200r (orig. no, new no. is 201r), "the First Session of Hillary Tearme being Wednesday the one and twentieth day of January 1656"</ref>
'''Linseed oile''' ("Henry de Bruyne against six pipes of linseed oile laden by Henry de Bruyne at Amsterdam merchant in the shipp the ''Angell'' whereof Jervais Mitchell is Master and consigned to Bedord Whiting as belonginge to himselfe...")<ref>HCA 13/47 f.200r (orig. no, new no. is 201r), "the First Session of Hillary Tearme being Wednesday the one and twentieth day of January 1656"</ref>
'''Lockerams''' ("besides the sayd tenn bales, fower Nests of Truncks, fower full conteyning flaxe and twenty peeces of narrow lockerams and halfe a peece of Tregar or Course Cloath, and sixe peeces of broad lockerams"<ref>HCA 13/71 f.574v</ref>
'''Liquorice''' ("the said Titus Complaine being here in London did cause one Chest of sugar of the valew of fourtie one pounds fourteen shillings and five pence, one hogshead of Tobaccoe of the valew of twelve pounds fifteen shillings and 10 ''d'' one barrell packt with loose sugar, cinnamon, Cloves, pepper and liquorice, amounting to 17 ''li'' 08 ''s'' 10 ''d'' besides a scarfe packed up in the same barrell of the valew (as hee beleeveth) of 12 ''s'' or thereabouts, being in all 18 ''li'' : 00: 10 ''d'' the predeposed goods wares and merchandizes amounting in all to 72 ''li'': 11 ''s'': 01 ''d'': sterling to bee laden aboard the said vessell or hoy to be transported as aforesaid")<ref>[[HCA 13/70 f.338v Annotate|HCA 13/70 f.338v]]</ref>
'''Logwood''' ("hee was in the said yard (out of which the said Logwood was taken and sent on board the said ship) whilest, some of the said wood was weighing, and sawe most of it sent, and brought aboard the said ship, the said yard being neere the waterside and neere unto the place: where his ship lay")<ref>HCA 13/73</ref>; "whither hee doth not know beleeve or hath heard that the said fower tonnes and ten sticks of Logwood were sold by the said Jeremiah Sweetman or some other of the said English that arrived in the said Shippe unto some of the Inhabitants of Barnstaple Biddeford or ?Northam before the same were arrested by authority of this Court")<ref>HCA 23/19 no f.</ref>
'''Livery lace'''
'''Loaf sugar''' ("one barrell packd with loafe sugar, sinamon, cloves pepper and liquorice")<ref>[[HCA 13/70 f.361r Annotate|HCA 13/70 f.361r]]</ref>
'''Lockerams''' ("besides the sayd tenn bales, fower nests of truncks, fower full conteyning flaxe and twenty peeces of narrow lockerams and halfe a peece of Tregar or course cloath, and sixe peeces of broad lockerams")<ref>[[HCA 13/71 f.574v Annotate|HCA 13/71 f.574v]]</ref>
'''Locks''' ("there was laden and put on board the said ship in the River of Thames a Cargoe of Goods consisting in Linnen and Woollen Cloath, East India stuff, Searges, Beads, Glasses, Muskets, Pistolls, Strongwaters, Brandewines, white wine and Clarret, Silke Stockings, Suits and Cloakes shoes, Knives, sizers Combs Pins, Needles, Thimbles, Thred ffish hooks, Bells, Locks, Lead and severall other Comodityes.")<ref>[[HCA 13/73 f.499r Annotate|HCA 13/73 f.499r]]</ref>
'''Logwood''' (''alt.'' log wood) ("hee was in the said yard (out of which the said Logwood was taken and sent on board the said ship) whilest, some of the said wood was weighing, and sawe most of it sent, and brought aboard the said ship, the said yard being neere the waterside and neere unto the place: where his ship lay")<ref>HCA 13/73</ref>; "whither hee doth not know beleeve or hath heard that the said fower tonnes and ten sticks of logwood were sold by the said Jeremiah Sweetman or some other of the said English that arrived in the said shippe unto some of the inhabitants of Barnstaple Biddeford or ?Northam before the same were arrested by authority of this Court"<ref>HCA 23/19 no f.</ref>; "1339 sticks more of Log or Brazele wood conteyning 102 quintalls")<ref>[[HCA 13/70 f.87v Annotate|HCA 13/70 f.87v]]</ref>  
'''Long cloth'''
'''Long cloth'''
'''Longe Bocking bayes''' ("twenty peeces of Longe Bocking Bayes")<ref>[[HCA 13/72 f.216v Annotate|HCA 13/72 f.216v]]</ref>  
'''Long rack dales'''<ref>[[MRP: C5/485/75 Inventory of M:r Thomas Gaskins yard ff. 1-7|C5/485/75 Inventory of M:r Thomas Gaskins yard ff. 1-7]]</ref>
'''Looking Glasses''' ("And saith there was likewise on board her a great quantity of looking glasses and drinking glasses and allso of XX and other wares of great value which this deponent cannot specify")<ref>HCA 13/68 f.130v</ref>
'''Long sound connifers'''<ref>[[MRP: C5/485/75 Inventory of M:r Thomas Gaskins yard ff. 1-7|C5/485/75 Inventory of M:r Thomas Gaskins yard ff. 1-7]]</ref>
'''Longe Bocking bayes''' ("twenty peeces of Longe Bocking bayes")<ref>[[HCA 13/72 f.216v Annotate|HCA 13/72 f.216v]]</ref>  
'''Looking glasses''' ("And saith there was likewise on board her a great quantity of looking glasses and drinking glasses and allso of XX and other wares of great value which this deponent cannot specify")<ref>[[HCA 13/68 f.130v Annotate|HCA 13/68 f.130v]]</ref>
'''Lumbar'''<ref>[[MRP: C5/485/75 Inventory of M:r Thomas Gaskins yard ff. 1-7|C5/485/75 Inventory of M:r Thomas Gaskins yard ff. 1-7]]</ref>
Line 272: Line 417:
'''Mahalaga currans''' ("one hundred and sixty Tonnes of Mahalaga and Petrao Currans videlicet one hundred & thiry of Mathaligo and thirty Tonnes of Petrao Currans")<ref>HCA 13/73</ref>
'''Mader''' ("about the 20th of July last this deponent sent the said ship ''Cock'' from Rotterdam to Glascoe, with a ladlng of iron mader, starch, fruits, sugar, deales and wine for account of John Anderson the elder and Ninian Anderson")<ref>[[HCA 13/73 f.515r Annotate|HCA 13/73 f.515r]]</ref>
'''Mahalaga currans''' ("one hundred and sixty tonnes of Mahalaga and Petrao currans videlicet one hundred & thirty of Mathaligo and thirty tonnes of Petrao currans")<ref>HCA 13/73</ref>
'''Mahaligo currans''' ("one hundred and sixty tonne of Mahaligo Currans")<ref>HCA 13/73</ref>
'''Mahaligo currans''' ("one hundred and sixty tonne of Mahaligo Currans")<ref>HCA 13/73</ref>
'''Mannettee''' ("[At Brazil] tooke in a sort of ffish called Mannettee and dying-stuff calle Ruckoo")<ref>HCA 13/70 f.612r</ref>
'''Malaga wine''' (''alt.'' Mallaga wines) ("170 butts of Malaga wine")<ref>[[MRP: PROB 5/840 Inventory & probate accounts of Samuel Mico, 1666, ff. 1-27|PROB 5/840 Inventory & probate accounts of Samuel Mico, 1666, ff. 1-27]]</ref>
'''Mannettee''' ("[At Brazil] tooke in a sort of ffish called Mannettee and dying-stuff calle Ruckoo")<ref>[[HCA 13/70 f.612r Annotate|HCA 13/70 f.612r]]</ref>
'''Manilloes''' ("twenty two caske black manilloes")<ref>[[MRP: C6/36/21 f. 2|C6/36/21 f.2]]</ref>
'''Manilloes''' ("twenty two caske black manilloes")<ref>[[MRP: C6/36/21 f. 2|C6/36/21 f.2]]</ref>
'''Marble stones''' ("The claime of Chowne Wakeford and others for salvage of small marble stones saved out of the ''greene Dragon'' at or neere Brighthelmstone Smith")<ref>HCA 3/47 f. 6v, Wed. 7th June 1656</ref>
'''Marble stones''' ("The claime of Chowne Wakeford and others for salvage of small marble stones saved out of the ''Greene Dragon'' at or neere Brighthelmstone Smith")<ref>HCA 3/47 f. 6v, Wed. 7th June 1656</ref>
'''Mares''' ("the said shippe the ''Edward and John'' for the accompt of maior Chamberlayne and others mentioned in the allegation given on the behalfe of the said Tolly the number of twenty sixe horses and gueldings and 2 mares")<ref>HCA 24/112</ref>
'''Mares''' ("the said shippe the ''Edward and John'' for the accompt of maior Chamberlayne and others mentioned in the allegation given on the behalfe of the said Tolly the number of twenty sixe horses and gueldings and 2 mares")<ref>HCA 24/112</ref>
'''Mathaligo currans''' ("one hundred and fifty tonnes of Mathaligo Currans seized on board the ''Lady ffrigott'')<ref>HCA 13/73</ref>
'''Mathaligo currans''' ("one hundred and fifty tonnes of Mathaligo currans seized on board the ''Lady ffrigott'')<ref>HCA 13/73</ref>
'''Malt''' ("seeing the said seizure of the ''ffortune'', which was laden with malt and barley")<ref>HCA 13/69</ref>
'''Malt''' ("seeing the said seizure of the ''ffortune'', which was laden with malt and barley")<ref>HCA 13/69</ref>
'''Marma''' ("15:o barrells of Marma")<ref>[[MRP: PROB 5/840 Inventory & probate accounts of Samuel Mico, 1666, ff. 1-27|PROB 5/840 Inventory & probate accounts of Samuel Mico, 1666, ff. 1-27]]</ref>
'''Matted chaire'''
'''Mault''' ("19 Hogsheads of ?Mault")<ref>HCA 13/73</ref>
'''Mault''' ("19 Hogsheads of ?Mault")<ref>HCA 13/73</ref>
'''Meale''' ("the ship the ''King David'' arlate lying neere Saint Martins and not farr from Rochell, within the time arlate, tooke in her Lading arlate of two hundred and fforty tonns or thereabouts of barley, a quanty of meale, a parcell of course linnen and a parcell of paper, all to be delivered at Cadiz"<ref>[[HCA 13/73 f.527v Annotate|HCA 13/73 f.527v]]</ref>
'''Meduses''' ("Tenn bales of goods conteyning sixteene peeces of Taunton serges, Twenty sixe peeces of Paragons Tenn peeces of broad Cheynies, fowerteene peeces of Meduses, sixe peeces of black bayes, nyne hundred twenty five Yards or Spanish yardes of ffreizes peeces of quarter silke, and tenn peeces of halfe silke Adorettas, sixe peeces of damaskillias or floramides, and fower peeces of narrow Cheynyes")<ref>HCA 13/71 f.574v</ref>
'''Meduses''' ("tenn bales of goods conteyning sixteene peeces of Taunton serges, twenty sixe peeces of paragons tenn peeces of broad cheynies, fowerteene peeces of meduses, sixe peeces of black bayes, nyne hundred twenty five yards or Spanish yardes of ffreizes peeces of quarter silke, and tenn peeces of halfe silke adorettas, sixe peeces of damaskillias or floramides, and fower peeces of narrow cheynyes")<ref>[[HCA 13/71 f.574v Annotate|HCA 13/71 f.574v]]</ref>
'''Minnekin bayes''' ("the said three bales of perpetuanaes and two bales of minnekin bayes were at the time of their lading aforesaid worth the summe of Two hundred Twenty eight pounds twelve shilings and six pence sterling money")<ref>[[HCA 13/70 f.288r Annotate|HCA 13/70 f.288r]]</ref>
'''Mercerie wares''' ("lynnens, mercerie wares, silke stuffs, kersies and other commodities to the valew of about tenn thousand pounds fflemish, and after laded the same at Amsterdam")<ref>[[HCA 13/73 f.158v Annotate|HCA 13/73 f.158v]]</ref>
'''Minx skinns''' ("the said barrill att the time of the said lading containeing ninety eight beaver skinns, seaven otter skinns. and fower minx skinns")<ref>HCA 13/71 f.43v</ref>
'''Middle sparrs'''<ref>[[MRP: C5/485/75 Inventory of M:r Thomas Gaskins yard ff. 1-7|C5/485/75 Inventory of M:r Thomas Gaskins yard ff. 1-7]]</ref>
'''Morters''' ("which Lading hee saith Consisted in Woollen and Lynnen Cloth, Serges. Stuffs Needles Thread Riben Pinns. Knives Sizers silke, and woosted stockings. Combs, bells, morters and Pestles, Earthen ware Glasses, beads, Cabinetts Hatts. shooes. old Cloathes and other Comodityes")<ref>HCA 13/73 f.509r</ref>
'''Middle wire'''
'''Muscavadas''' ("in the yeare 1647 and particularly in and about the moneth of November in the said yeare Barbadas sugar Muscavadas (which is the ordinary sort) was here worth 14:li per hundred and consequently two hogsgeads were worth 28:li sterlinge at the common and usuall price, which hee knoweth because hee this deponent hath longe dealt as a marchant in that commoditie, and at that time sold at that rate, and saith that two hogsheads of Barbadas sugars doe ordinarile containe nine hundred weight of sugar")<ref>HCA 13/64 f.24v</ref>
'''Mill stones'''
'''Muscavadoe sugar''' (" of this Depo:ts knowledge Nevis Mascovado Sugar is better than Barbadoes Muscavadoe Sugar")<ref>HCA 13/73</ref>
'''Minnekin bayes''' ("the said three bales of perpetuanaes and two bales of minnekin bayes were at the time of their lading aforesaid worth the summe of two hundred twenty eight pounds twelve shilings and six pence sterling money")<ref>[[HCA 13/70 f.288r Annotate|HCA 13/70 f.288r]]</ref>
'''Minx skinns''' ("the said barrill att the time of the said lading containeing ninety eight beaver skinns, seaven otter skinns. and fower minx skinns")<ref>[[HCA 13/71 f.43v Annotate|HCA 13/71 f.43v]]</ref>
'''Mixed kersies'''
'''Mixed serges'''
'''Mixt shiffer''' ("One pack No 2 with ninety peeces of mixt shiffer, silke, and wooll, of this 5th marke")<ref>[[HCA 13/72 f.9r Annotate|HCA 13/72 f.9r]]</ref>
'''Morea silke''' ("Item a bale of Morea silke wt. 160: ''lb'' neat, at 7: ''s'' the small ''lb''")<ref>[[MRP: PROB 5/2521 Inventory of Paul Docminique sen., 1680/81, ff. 1-8|PROB 5/2521 Inventory of Paul Docminique sen., 1680/81, ff. 1-8]]</ref>
'''Morters''' ("which Lading hee saith consisted in Woollen and Lynnen Cloth, Serges. Stuffs Needles Thread Riben Pinns. Knives Sizers silke, and woosted stockings. combs, bells, morters and Pestles, Earthen ware Glasses, beads, cabinetts Hatts. shooes. old cloathes and other comodityes")<ref>[[HCA 13/73 f.509r Annotate|HCA 13/73 f.509r]]</ref>
'''Moyhaire yarne''' ("Item 33 ''li'' of moyhaire yarne")<ref>[[MRP: PROB 5/2521 Inventory of Paul Docminique sen., 1680/81, ff. 1-8|PROB 5/2521 Inventory of Paul Docminique sen., 1680/81, ff. 1-8]]</ref>
'''Muscavadas''' (''alt.'' muscavadoes sugars) ("in the yeare 1647 and particularly in and about the moneth of November in the said yeare Barbadas sugar muscavadas (which is the ordinary sort) was here worth 14 ''li'' per hundred and consequently two hogsheads were worth 28: ''li'' sterlinge at the common and usuall price, which hee knoweth because hee this deponent hath longe dealt as a marchant in that commoditie, and at that time sold at that rate, and saith that two hogsheads of Barbadas sugars doe ordinarile containe nine hundred weight of sugar")<ref>[[HCA 13/64 f.24v Annotate|HCA 13/64 f.24v]]</ref>
'''Muscavadoe sugar''' (''alt.'' muscavadoes sugars) ("of this deponents knowledge Nevis Mascovado sugar is better than Barbadoes muscavadoe sugar")<ref>HCA 13/73</ref>
'''Muscovia linnen yarne''' (" hee saith hee at Harlem paid for part of his goods being Muscovia linnen yarne")<ref>[[HCA 13/73 f.468v Annotate|HCA 13/73 f.468v]]</ref>
'''Narrow lockerams''' ("besides the sayd tenn bales, fower Nests of Truncks, fower full conteyning flaxe and twenty peeces of narrow lockerams and halfe a peece of Tregar or Course Cloath, and sixe peeces of broad lockerams"<ref>[[HCA 13/71 f.574v Annotate|HCA 13/71 f.574v]]</ref>
'''Naples orgazine''' ("No. 3 item one other bale of Naples orgazine w:t 223 ''lb'' neat, at 21 ''s'' per ''lb''")<ref>[[MRP: PROB 5/2521 Inventory of Paul Docminique sen., 1680/81, ff. 1-8|PROB 5/2521 Inventory of Paul Docminique sen., 1680/81, ff. 1-8]]</ref>
'''Naples tammins''' ("one bale of Naples tammins")<ref>[[MRP: PROB 5/840 Inventory & probate accounts of Samuel Mico, 1666, ff. 1-27|PROB 5/840 Inventory & probate accounts of Samuel Mico, 1666, ff. 1-27]]</ref>
'''Narrow cheynies''' ("tenn bales of goods conteyning sixteene peeces of Taunton serges, twenty sixe peeces of paragons tenn peeces of broad cheynies, fowerteene peeces of meduses, sixe peeces of black bayes, nyne hundred twenty five yards or Spanish yardes of ffreizes peeces of quarter silke, and tenn peeces of halfe silke adorettas, sixe peeces of damaskillias or floramides, and fower peeces of narrow cheynyes")<ref>[[HCA 13/71 f.574v Annotate|HCA 13/71 f.574v]]</ref>
'''Narrow lockerams''' ("besides the sayd tenn bales, fower Nests of truncks, fower full conteyning flaxe and twenty peeces of narrow lockerams and halfe a peece of Tregar or course cloath, and sixe peeces of broad lockerams"<ref>[[HCA 13/71 f.574v Annotate|HCA 13/71 f.574v]]</ref>
'''Needles''' ("which Lading hee saith Consisted in Woollen and Lynnen Cloth, Serges. Stuffs Needles Thread Riben Pinns. Knives Sizers silke, and woosted stockings. Combs, bells, morters and Pestles, Earthen ware Glasses, beads, Cabinetts Hatts. shooes. old Cloathes and other Comodityes")<ref>[[HCA 13/73 f.509r Annotate|HCA 13/73 f.509r]]</ref>
'''Needle wire'''
'''Negroes''' ("March the 26: 1652 A noate of what cargoe I received for a voyage to Guinea in the bite to buy Negros")<ref>HCA 15/6, Case: ?Jones & others XXX marriners of the ''Constant Ruth'' against Holworthy and others: Item: A copy of an Account delivered by Mr Williams executors February 24:th 1654, f.2r</ref>
'''Needles''' ("which Lading hee saith consisted in woollen and lynnen cloth, serges. stuffs needles Thread Riben Pinns. Knives Sizers silke, and woosted stockings. Combs, bells, morters and Pestles, Earthen ware Glasses, beads, Cabinetts Hatts. shooes. old Cloathes and other Comodityes")<ref>[[HCA 13/73 f.509r Annotate|HCA 13/73 f.509r]]</ref>
'''Nevis sugar''' ("hee being an Inhaitant of Nevis knoweth that Nevis Sugar is Better than Barbados sugar")<ref>HCA 13/73</ref>
'''Negroes''' ("March the 26: 1652 A noate of what cargoe I received for a voyage to Guinea in the bite to buy negros")<ref>HCA 15/6, Case: ?Jones & others XXX marriners of the ''Constant Ruth'' against Holworthy and others: Item: A copy of an Account delivered by Mr Williams executors February 24:th 1654, f.2r</ref>
'''Norwich goods''' ("the said Goods amounted to a great vallue they being Bayes. [?WX?sh] Plaine Cottons [XXXX GUTTER] Million ffustians. Norwich Goods. Stockings, and Kersyes, and such like Comodityes")<ref>[[HCA 13/72 f.52v Annotate|HCA 13/72 f.52v]]</ref>
'''Nevis sugar''' ("hee beleeveth Nevis sugar is better than Barbados sugar")<ref>[[HCA 13/73 f.110v Annotate|HCA 13/73 f.110v]]</ref>
'''Norwich stufts'''
'''Newfoundland fish'''
'''Normandy apples''' ("bound for Haver de Grace in ffrance with her ladeing of Normandy apples")<ref>[[HCA 13/70 f.104v Annotate|HCA 13/70 f.104v]]</ref>
'''Normandy cancas'''<ref>HCA 13/125 unfol. 111_PANA_PART_TWO_P1110701</ref>
'''North Sea codd'''
'''Norwich goods''' ("the said goods amounted to a great vallue they being bayes. [?WX?sh] plaine cottons [?XXXX] Million ffustians. Norwich Goods. Stockings, and Kersyes, and such like Comodityes")<ref>[[HCA 13/72 f.52v Annotate|HCA 13/72 f.52v]]</ref>
'''Norwich stufts''' (''alt.'' Norwich stuffes)
'''Wall nutts''' ("at Souters aforesaid and at Saint Martins in France the said master and companie caused to be laden and putt aboard the said shipp for their respective accompts twenty six hogsheads of vinegar three hogsheads of wyne one hogshead of brandewine, a quantity of about 150000. wall nutts to be also transported in the said shipp to Edam for their accompt the same being the proceed of cheese and other goods by them carried out of Holland and sould in ffrance")<ref>[[HCA 13/70 f.286v Annotate|HCA 13/70 f.286v]]</ref>
'''Oake timber''' ("the said shipp is of the burthen of about 32 tonns and had on board her a lading of oake timber (for building of shipping and houses) laded on board her by severall merchants living at ffrederickstadt")<ref>HCA 13/76 f.5v</ref>
'''Oaken bark'''
'''Oaken baulkes''' ("oaken baulks upon the wharfe")<ref>[[MRP: C5/485/75 Inventory of M:r Thomas Gaskins yard ff. 1-7|C5/485/75 Inventory of M:r Thomas Gaskins yard ff. 1-7]]</ref>
'''Oaken boards'''<ref>[[MRP: C5/485/75 Inventory of M:r Thomas Gaskins yard ff. 1-7|C5/485/75 Inventory of M:r Thomas Gaskins yard ff. 1-7]]</ref>
'''Oake timber''' ("the said shipp is of the burthen of about 32 tonns and had on board her a lading of oake timber (for building of shipping and houses) laded on board her by severall merchants living at ffrederickstadt")<ref>[[HCA 13/76 f.5v Annotate|HCA 13/76 f.5v]]</ref>
'''Oares''' ("seaventie oares, twelve bundles of corke, three baggs of wooll")<ref>[[HCA 13/70 f.22v Annotate|HCA 13/70 f.22v]]</ref>
'''Oates'''("xl quarters oates")<ref>[[E_190/46/2_f.2r_Annotate|E 190/46/2 f.2r]]</ref>
'''Oiles''' (" they use to receive from Lisbone, sugars, tobaccoes, oiles and other commodities")<ref>[[HCA 13/70 f.613r Annotate|HCA 13/70 f.613r]]</ref>
'''Oiles''' (" they use to receive from Lisbone, sugars, tobaccoes, oiles and other commodities")<ref>[[HCA 13/70 f.613r Annotate|HCA 13/70 f.613r]]</ref>
'''Olaves''' (''alt.'' olives) ("ffifty Jarrs of Olaves")<ref>[[HCA 13/72 f.9r Annotate|HCA 13/72 f.9r]]</ref>
'''Olaves''' (''alt.'' olives) ("ffifty jarrs of olaves")<ref>[[HCA 13/72 f.9r Annotate|HCA 13/72 f.9r]]</ref>
'''Old brass'''
'''Old cloathes''' ("which lading hee saith consisted in woollen and lynnen cloth, serges. stuffs needles thread riben pinns. knives sizers silke, and woosted stockings. combs, bells, morters and pestles, earthen ware glasses, beads, cabinetts hatts. shooes. old cloathes and other comodityes")<ref>[[HCA 13/73 f.509r Annotate|HCA 13/73 f.509r]]</ref>
'''Old cloathes''' ("which lading hee saith consisted in woollen and lynnen cloth, serges. stuffs needles thread riben pinns. knives sizers silke, and woosted stockings. combs, bells, morters and pestles, earthen ware glasses, beads, cabinetts hatts. shooes. old cloathes and other comodityes")<ref>[[HCA 13/73 f.509r Annotate|HCA 13/73 f.509r]]</ref>
'''Old metall''' ("j barr j baskett of old metall j tonn of [?England]")<ref>[[E_190/46/2_f.2v_Annotate|E 190/46/2 f.2v]]</ref>
'''Onyons''' (''alt.'' onions)
'''Oranges''' ("Thomas Taylor and Loys Taylor his wife were, comonly accounted and reputed the true and lawfull owners and proprietors of eight and twenty ceder chests, which contained and were filled (as this deponent verily beleeveth) with tobaccoe; and alsoe sixty six rolls of tobaccoe, and of foure more rolls of tobaccoe, and of a quantity of oranges")<ref>HCA 13/73</ref>
'''Oranges''' ("Thomas Taylor and Loys Taylor his wife were, comonly accounted and reputed the true and lawfull owners and proprietors of eight and twenty ceder chests, which contained and were filled (as this deponent verily beleeveth) with tobaccoe; and alsoe sixty six rolls of tobaccoe, and of foure more rolls of tobaccoe, and of a quantity of oranges")<ref>HCA 13/73</ref>
'''Ossen brigs''' ("sent in her from London that voyage bayes, Cottons, plaines and Ossen brigs and other goods to the value of fower hundred pounds sterling")<ref>[[HCA 13/72 f.449v Annotate|HCA 13/72 f.449v]]</ref>
'''Orgazine''' ("No. 3 Item one other bale of Naples orgazine weight 223 ''lb'' neat, at 21s per ''lb''")<ref>[[MRP: PROB 5/2521 Inventory of Paul Docminique sen., 1680/81, ff. 1-8|PROB 5/2521 Inventory of Paul Docminique sen., 1680/81, ff. 1-8]]</ref>
'''Orsoy''' (''alt.'' ossoy) ("Item one other bale of orsoy weightt 220 ''lb'' neat at 20 ''s'' per ''lb''")<ref>[[MRP: PROB 5/2521 Inventory of Paul Docminique sen., 1680/81, ff. 1-8|PROB 5/2521 Inventory of Paul Docminique sen., 1680/81, ff. 1-8]]</ref>
'''Ossen brigs''' ("sent in her from London that voyage bayes, cottons, plaines and Ossen brigs and other goods to the value of fower hundred pounds sterling")<ref>[[HCA 13/72 f.449v Annotate|HCA 13/72 f.449v]]</ref>
'''Ostridge feathers''' ("then laden onboard the said ship severall thousands of hydes, severall bales of bees wax each bale containing about foure quintalls, a chest of ostridges feathers, a quantity of box wood and some other merchandizes which said goods and merchandizes were to be carryed and transported in the said ship ''Anne and Margaret'' to Leghorne")<ref>[[HCA 13/73 f.673r Annotate|HCA 13/73 f.673r]]</ref>
'''Otter skinns''' ("the said barrill att the time of the said lading containeing ninety eight beaver skinns, seaven otter skinns. and fower minx skinns")<ref>[[HCA 13/71 f.43v Annotate|HCA 13/71 f.43v]]</ref>
'''Otter skinns''' ("the said barrill att the time of the said lading containeing ninety eight beaver skinns, seaven otter skinns. and fower minx skinns")<ref>[[HCA 13/71 f.43v Annotate|HCA 13/71 f.43v]]</ref>
'''Oyle''' ("the said ship the ''Lixon ffrigot'' was laden at Ligorne with oyle rice silke stockings, and rope, and some other comodityes")<ref>HCA 13/73</ref>; "each pipe of oyle"<ref>HCA 13/73</ref>; "One tunn butt of oyle lately found in the sea by the company of the shipp the ''Maidenhead'' and brought to this port of London")<ref>HCA 3/47 f.7v, 7th June 1656</ref>
'''Oxe hydes''' ("nine hundred twenty three oxe hydes")<ref>[[HCA 13/65 f.109v Annotate|HCA 13/65 f.109v]]</ref>
'''Oyle''' ("the said ship the ''Lixon ffrigot'' was laden at Ligorne with oyle rice silke stockings, and rope, and some other comodityes")<ref>HCA 13/73</ref>; "each pipe of oyle"<ref>HCA 13/73</ref>; "one tunn butt of oyle lately found in the sea by the company of the shipp the ''Maidenhead'' and brought to this port of London")<ref>HCA 3/47 f.7v, 7th June 1656</ref>
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'''Painted bricks''' ("for this deponent and shipps companies joint accompt twelve dozen of greene matted stooles or chaires, together with about two thousand eight hundred of painted bricks for flooring")<ref>[[HCA 13/70 f.662r Annotate|HCA 13/70 f.662r]]</ref>
'''Painted bricks''' ("for this deponent and shipps companies joint accompt twelve dozen of greene matted stooles or chaires, together with about two thousand eight hundred of painted bricks for flooring")<ref>[[HCA 13/70 f.662r Annotate|HCA 13/70 f.662r]]</ref>
'''Pantadoes''' ("the time arlate this rendent was sent by the said Edmund Cowse to Virginia with a quantity of goods vizt 7?1 pipes of wine and no more as he beleeveth 2: chests of white earthen ware one bale of paper and noe more 20 peeces of east India stuffe called pantadoes, and a parcell of red earthen wares worth nothing at all as he beleevth, and a small quantity of salt, and no other goods as hee beleeveth")<ref>HCA 13/128 no fol. no. recto, Allegation: Edmund and James Cowse: Answer: Daniell ?Jiggles: Date: XXXX</ref>
'''Pantadoes''' (''alt.'' pintadoes; pintados) ("the time arlate this rendent was sent by the said Edmund Cowse to Virginia with a quantity of goods vizt 7?1 pipes of wine and no more as he beleeveth 2: chests of white earthen ware one bale of paper and noe more 20 peeces of East India stuffe called pantadoes, and a parcell of red earthen wares worth nothing at all as he beleevth, and a small quantity of salt, and no other goods as hee beleeveth")<ref>HCA 13/128 no fol. no. recto, Allegation: Edmund and James Cowse: Answer: Daniell ?Jiggles: Date: XXXX</ref>
'''Paper''' ("Theise goods laden are as followeth Eight pipes of Oporto wynes whereof, Two are white, one ?eager, A Bale cont 32: Rames of white writing paper A packett 20. peeces of pintados which here sell at 50:li Two chests of fine earthen ware A parcell of course earthen ware A parcell of Salt"<ref>HCA 13/128 no fol. no. recto, Allegation: Edmund & James Cowse: Answer: Daniell ?Jiggles: Date: 1st November 1655</ref>
'''Paper''' ("Theise goods laden are as followeth eight pipes of Oporto wynes whereof, Two are white, one ?eager, A bale cont 32: rames of white writing paper A packett 20. peeces of pintados which here sell at 50:li Two chests of fine earthen ware A parcell of course earthen ware A parcell of Salt"<ref>HCA 13/128 no fol. no. recto, Allegation: Edmund & James Cowse: Answer: Daniell ?Jiggles: Date: 1st November 1655</ref>
'''Paragons''' ("Tenn bales of goods conteyning sixteene peeces of Taunton serges, Twenty sixe peeces of Paragons Tenn peeces of broad Cheynies, fowerteene peeces of Meduses, sixe peeces of black bayes, nyne hundred twenty five Yards or Spanish yardes of ffreizes peeces of quarter silke, and tenn peeces of halfe silke Adorettas, sixe peeces of damaskillias or floramides, and fower peeces of narrow Cheynyes")<ref>[[HCA 13/71 f.574v Annotate|HCA 13/71 f.574v]]</ref>
'''Paragons''' ("tenn bales of goods conteyning sixteene peeces of Taunton serges, Twenty sixe peeces of paragons tenn peeces of broad cheynies, fowerteene peeces of meduses, sixe peeces of black bayes, nyne hundred twenty five yards or Spanish yardes of ffreizes peeces of quarter silke, and tenn peeces of halfe silke adorettas, sixe peeces of damaskillias or floramides, and fower peeces of narrow cheynyes")<ref>[[HCA 13/71 f.574v Annotate|HCA 13/71 f.574v]]</ref>
'''Pease''' ("whither there were not sixty two sacks full of pease Laden aboard the Shippe, and whither the said pease were not dry and well Conditioned when they were Laden aboard the said Shippe?")<ref>HCA 23/19, no f.</ref>
'''Paternoster beades'''
'''Paving stones''' "shee had aboard her 131 beames or thereabouts of timber, fourteene thousand pipestaves, 89 peeces of planck, 46 baggs  or thereabouts of flax, three hundred tonnes of paving stones, and 150 cases of bottles, foure chests of windowe glasse, and six iron gunns or peeces of ordnance, and noe other goods, which iron guns were not of the shipps provision but were laden in hold to be sold for merchandizing, they being fowle and uneven cast"<ref>[[HCA 13/63 f.401r Annotate|HCA 13/63 f.401r]]</ref>
'''Pease''' ("whither there were not sixty two sacks full of pease Laden aboard the Shippe, and whither the said pease were not dry and well conditioned when they were Laden aboard the said Shippe?")<ref>HCA 23/19, no f.</ref>
'''Peeces of eight'''
'''Peeces of eight'''
'''Pepper''' ''abr.'' pepp ("the said Thomas Newman, and one ffrancis Griffith the then purser of the said ship (who is since deceased) did goe on shore, in the said port of Indra Ponza, to buy pepper and did buy a great quantity of pepper there, which was all to have bin transported in the said ship to Leghorne, for the Account of Sir John Dethick and Company aforesaid")<ref>HCA 13/73</ref>
'''Penny nayles'''
'''Pepper''' ''abr.'' pepp ("the said Thomas Newman, and one ffrancis Griffith the then purser of the said ship (who is since deceased) did goe on shore, in the said port of Indra Ponza, to buy pepper and did buy a great quantity of pepper there, which was all to have bin transported in the said ship to Leghorne, for the account of Sir John Dethick and company aforesaid")<ref>HCA 13/73</ref>
'''White pepper''' ("the said Godfrey Jonas had ?two parcells of white pepper aboard her worth eleaven pounds sterling")<ref>HCA 13/73</ref>
'''White pepper''' ("the said Godfrey Jonas had ?two parcells of white pepper aboard her worth eleaven pounds sterling")<ref>HCA 13/73</ref>
'''Perfume''' ("the said shipp in or about ffebruary last was a twelvemoneth departed from XXX XXXX aforesaid for Santa Domingo, and arrived from VXXX CXXXXX XX two hundred thirtie two chests of sugar and tenn chests of perfume, and six sacks of Carra Nuts, and eight peeces of XXXXX, which were to be carried to and delivered at Santa Domingo")<ref>HCA 13/73</ref>
'''Perfume''' ("the said shipp in or about ffebruary last was a twelvemoneth departed from XXX XXXX aforesaid for Santa Domingo, and arrived from VXXX CXXXXX XX two hundred thirtie two chests of sugar and tenn chests of perfume, and six sacks of carra nuts, and eight peeces of XXXXX, which were to be carried to and delivered at Santa Domingo")<ref>HCA 13/73</ref>
'''Perpetuanes''' (''alt.'' perpetuanoes; perpetuana's) ("Serges, Bayes, Sayes Norwich stuffes Perpetuanes, and other goods, and after the same were provided, and bought the same were shipped on board a shipp called the ''Mackarel'' to bee carried and transported to Amsterdam")<ref>[[HCA 13/73 f.199r Annotate|HCA 13/73 f.199r]]</ref>
'''Perpetuanes''' (''alt.'' perpetuanoes; perpetuana's) ("Serges, Bayes, Sayes Norwich stuffes Perpetuanes, and other goods, and after the same were provided, and bought the same were shipped on board a shipp called the ''Mackarel'' to bee carried and transported to Amsterdam")<ref>[[HCA 13/73 f.199r Annotate|HCA 13/73 f.199r]]</ref>
'''Pestles''' ("which Lading hee saith Consisted in Woollen and Lynnen Cloth, Serges. Stuffs Needles Thread Riben Pinns. Knives Sizers silke, and woosted stockings. Combs, bells, morters and Pestles, Earthen ware Glasses, beads, Cabinetts Hatts. shooes. old Cloathes and other Comodityes")<ref>[[HCA 13/73 f.509r Annotate|HCA 13/73 f.509r]]</ref>
'''Pestles''' ("which Lading hee saith Consisted in Woollen and Lynnen Cloth, Serges. Stuffs Needles Thread Riben Pinns. Knives Sizers silke, and woosted stockings. Combs, bells, morters and Pestles, Earthen ware Glasses, beads, Cabinetts Hatts. shooes. old Cloathes and other Comodityes")<ref>[[HCA 13/73 f.509r Annotate|HCA 13/73 f.509r]]</ref>
'''Petrao currans''' ("one hundred and sixty Tonnes of Mahalaga and Petrao Currans videlicet one hundred & thiry of Nathaligo and thirty Tonnes of Petrao Currans" (HCA 13/73 Part Two))
'''Pickle oysters''' ("the said Josiah Burgis did at ffallmouth after the said ships arrivall there lade and put on board her foure dozen and a halfe of pickle Oysters and about twenty pounds weight of Tynn which hee soe put onboard for his owne account")<ref>[[HCA 13/73 f.561r Annotate|HCA 13/73 f.561r]]</ref>
'''Petrao currans''' ("one hundred and sixty tonnes of Mahalaga and Petrao currans videlicet one hundred and thirty of Nathaligo and thirty tonnes of Petrao Currans" (HCA 13/73 Part Two))
'''Pickled Herrings''' (= pickled herings) "To the second Interrogatorie This deponent saith and deposeth that the sayd ship the ''Hart'' had att the tyme of the sayd seizure, one hundred and four score Tonnes of pickled herrings on board her")<ref>[[HCA 13/68 f.3v Annotate|HCA 13/68 f.3v]]</ref>
'''Pickle oysters''' ("the said Josiah Burgis did at ffallmouth after the said ships arrivall there lade and put on board her foure dozen and a halfe of pickle oysters and about twenty pounds weight of tynn which hee soe put onboard for his owne account")<ref>[[HCA 13/73 f.561r Annotate|HCA 13/73 f.561r]]</ref>
'''Pictures''' ("16 naggs of wooll of the 7 and 8:th for accompt of Martin XX XXXXXX XXX Thomas?Molender arlate, and one roll of ?pictures of XXXX Vanderplanck")<ref>HCA 13/76 f. 172v</ref>
'''Pickled herrings''' (= pickled herings) "To the second interrogatorie this deponent saith and deposeth that the sayd ship the ''Hart'' had att the tyme of the sayd seizure, one hundred and four score tonnes of pickled herrings on board her")<ref>[[HCA 13/68 f.3v Annotate|HCA 13/68 f.3v]]</ref>
'''Pilchards''' ("And saith the said shipp went from Plymouth with a lading of about 600 hogsheads of pilchards to bee carried in the said ship and to bee delivered at Leghorne")<ref>HCA 13/76 f.29r</ref>
'''Pickled lemmons''' ("at such her coming thether she came full laden with muscadino candies and pickled lemmons")<ref>[[HCA 13/76 f.9r Annotate|HCA 13/76 f.9r]]</ref>
'''Pinns''' ("which Lading hee saith Consisted in Woollen and Lynnen Cloth, Serges. Stuffs Needles Thread Riben Pinns. Knives Sizers silke, and woosted stockings. Combs, bells, morters and Pestles, Earthen ware Glasses, beads, Cabinetts Hatts. shooes. old Cloathes and other Comodityes")<ref>[[HCA 13/73 f.509r Annotate|HCA 13/73 f.509r]]</ref>
'''Pictures''' ("16 baggs of wooll of the 7 and 8:th for accompt of Martin XX XXXXXX XXX Thomas?Molender arlate, and one roll of ?pictures of XXXX Vanderplanck")<ref>[[HCA 13/76 f.172v Annotate|HCA 13/76 f.172v]]</ref>
'''Pilchards''' (''alt.'' pilchers) ("And saith the said shipp went from Plymouth with a lading of about 600 hogsheads of pilchards to bee carried in the said ship and to bee delivered at Leghorne")<ref>[[HCA 13/76 f.29r Annotate|HCA 13/76 f.29r]]</ref>
'''Pipes of wine''' (alt. pypes of wine)
'''Pinns''' (''alt.'' pins) ("which lading hee saith consisted in Woollen and Lynnen Cloth, Serges. Stuffs Needles Thread Riben Pinns. Knives Sizers silke, and woosted stockings. Combs, bells, morters and Pestles, Earthen ware Glasses, beads, Cabinetts Hatts. shooes. old Cloathes and other Comodityes")<ref>[[HCA 13/73 f.509r Annotate|HCA 13/73 f.509r]]</ref>
'''Pintadoes''' (''alt.'' pintados) ("A packett 20. peeces of pintados which here sell at 50 ''li'')<ref>[[MRP: HCA 13/128|HCA 13/128 unfol.]]</ref>
'''Pipe boards'''
'''Pipe clay'''
'''Pipe staves''' (''alt.'' pipestaves)
'''Pipes of wine''' (''alt.'' pypes of wine)
'''Pitch''' ("The second was from Masterland with Herrings to Stockholme, and there this deponent tooke in a lading of Pitch, tarr, Iron and some Dealeboards, for and to bee delivered at this city of London to Charles Marisco a merchant here")<ref>HCA 13/76 f.3v</ref>
'''Pitch''' ("The second was from Masterland with herrings to Stockholme, and there this deponent tooke in a lading of pitch, tarr, iron and some dealeboards, for and to bee delivered at this city of London to Charles Marisco a merchant here")<ref>[[HCA 13/76 f.3v Annotate|HCA 13/76 f.3v]]</ref>
'''Plaine cottons'''
'''Plaine cottons'''
'''Plaines''' ("sent in her from London that voyage bayes, Cottons, plaines and Ossen brigs and other goods to the value of fower hundred pounds sterling")<ref>[[HCA 13/72 f.449v Annotate|HCA 13/72 f.449v]]</ref>
'''Plaine dales'''<ref>[[MRP: C5/485/75 Inventory of M:r Thomas Gaskins yard ff. 1-7|C5/485/75 Inventory of M:r Thomas Gaskins yard ff. 1-7]]</ref>
'''Plaines''' ("sent in her from London that voyage bayes, cottons, plaines and Ossen brigs and other goods to the value of fower hundred pounds sterling")<ref>[[HCA 13/72 f.449v Annotate|HCA 13/72 f.449v]]</ref>
'''Planck boards'''
'''Plancks'''<ref>[[E 190/46/2 f.1v Annotate|E 190/46/2 f.1v]]</ref>
'''Portugall Oyle''' ("Out of the Shipp ''Red-Mill'' for 23. pipes amd 21. hogsgeads of Portugall Oyle 565 [li] - XX- XX")<ref>HCA 23/19 no fol. no. verso, Document Number: 242: Case: XXXX: Date: XXXX</ref>
'''Portmantle''' (''alt.'' port mantle(s)) ("one portmantle with weareing linnen and some small favours and curiosities bestowed upon this deponent in ffrance"<ref>[[HCA 13/68 f.464v Annotate|HCA 13/68 f.464v]]</ref>; "two port mantles")<ref>[[E_190/46/2_f.2r_Annotate|E 190/46/2 f.2r]]</ref>
'''Pots''' ("three baggs or sacks of tortois shells, and five greate pots, and two smale ones of balsome or druggs, all for account of the said owners, of Amsterdam, which said shells and druggs the said Skipper bought of and from Augustin Rosetti the foresaid Genoese, who came passenger and had goods in the said shipp")<ref>[[HCA 13/72 f.135r Annotate|HCA 13/72 f.135r]]</ref>
'''Portugall oyle''' ("out of the shipp ''Red-Mill'' for 23. pipes amd 21. hogsheads of Portugall oyle 565 [li] - XX- XX")<ref>HCA 23/19 no fol. no. verso, Document Number: 242: Case: XXXX: Date: XXXX</ref>
'''Pruans''' (''alt.'' prunes) ("fifteen punchions of pruans"<ref>[[HCA 13/71 f.237v Annotate|HCA 13/71 f.237v]]</ref>; "twenty punchions of prunes"<ref>[[HCA 13/70 f.308r Annotate|HCA 13/70 f.308r]]</ref>
'''Pots''' ("three baggs or sacks of tortois shells, and five greate pots, and two smale ones of balsome or druggs, all for account of the said owners, of Amsterdam, which said shells and druggs the said skipper bought of and from Augustin Rosetti the foresaid Genoese, who came passenger and had goods in the said shipp")<ref>[[HCA 13/72 f.135r Annotate|HCA 13/72 f.135r]]</ref>
'''Pruans''' (''alt.'' prunes) ("fifteen punchions of pruans"<ref>[[HCA 13/71 f.237v Annotate|HCA 13/71 f.237v]]</ref>; "twenty punchions of prunes")<ref>[[HCA 13/70 f.308r Annotate|HCA 13/70 f.308r]]</ref>
'''Pruning hookes'''
'''Quarters''' "the ''Howse of ffreindship'' did want and stand in need of severall materialls and things to fit and enable her to proceed to sea, namely of Tarr Deales Bankes Sparrs Quarters Battens, Traine Oyle, Spunyarne, Ratlyn, Thrumb, Marlin houselin Rosinn Billetts, and suchlike Comodityes"<ref>[[HCA 13/73 f.403r Annotate|HCA 13/73 f.403r]]</ref>
'''Quarters''' ("the ''Howse of ffreindship'' did want and stand in need of severall materialls and things to fit and enable her to proceed to sea, namely of Tarr Deales Bankes Sparrs Quarters Battens, Traine Oyle, Spunyarne, Ratlyn, Thrumb, Marlin houselin Rosinn Billetts, and suchlike Comodityes")<ref>[[HCA 13/73 f.403r Annotate|HCA 13/73 f.403r]]</ref>
'''Quicksylver''' ("with rich commodityes, quicksylver, rice, annise seeds, currants")<ref>[[HCA 13/68 f.130v Annotate|HCA 13/68 f.130v]]</ref>
'''Ratlyn''' "the ''Howse of ffreindship'' did want and stand in need of severall materialls and things to fit and enable her to proceed to sea, namely of Tarr Deales Bankes Sparrs Quarters Battens, Traine Oyle, Spunyarne, Ratlyn, Thrumb, Marlin houselin Rosinn Billetts, and suchlike Comodityes"<ref>[[HCA 13/73 f.403r Annotate|HCA 13/73 f.403r]]</ref>
'''Rack dales'''<ref>[[MRP: C5/485/75 Inventory of M:r Thomas Gaskins yard ff. 1-7|C5/485/75 Inventory of M:r Thomas Gaskins yard ff. 1-7]]</ref>
'''Rhenish wine''' ("bound for Amsterdam to fetch Rhenish wine")<ref>HCA 13/76 f.12r</ref>
'''Raisins''' (''alt.'' raysins; razons; raisons) ("in or about the moneth of march last viewed 117 barrells of raisins or thereabouts lying in a warehouse at Buttolphs Wharfe, and acknowledged by both the parties litigant to have come out
'''Riben''' ("which Lading hee saith Consisted in Woollen and Lynnen Cloth, Serges. Stuffs Needles Thread Riben Pinns. Knives Sizers silke, and woosted stockings. Combs, bells, morters and Pestles, Earthen ware Glasses, beads, Cabinetts Hatts. shooes. old Cloathes and other Comodityes")<ref>[[HCA 13/73 f.509r Annotate|HCA 13/73 f.509r]]</ref>
of the shipp the ''Messina Merchant'' whereof the said Warren is master")<ref>[[HCA 13/65 f.30r Annotate|HCA 13/65 f.30r]]</ref>
'''Rice''' ("the said ship the ''Lixon ffrigot'' was Laden at Ligorne with Oyle Rice Silke Stockings, and Rope, and some other Comodityes")<ref>HCA 13/73</ref>
'''Ratlyn''' "the ''Howse of ffreindship'' did want and stand in need of severall materialls and things to fit and enable her to proceed to sea, namely of Tarr Deales Bankes Sparrs Quarters Battens, Traine Oyle, Spunyarne, Ratlyn, Thrumb, Marlin houselin rosinn billetts, and suchlike comodityes"<ref>[[HCA 13/73 f.403r Annotate|HCA 13/73 f.403r]]</ref>
'''Rope''' ("thirty Coyles of Rope")<ref>HCA 13/73</ref>
'''Raw silke'''
'''Red canary''' ("the said Alvarado did order this deponent to deliver the said hogshead of red canary to the said Mr Caseby, upon the arrivall of the said ship at London")<ref>[[HCA 13/73 f.48r Annotate|HCA 13/73 f.48r]]</ref>
'''Red and yellow earth'''
'''Red earthenware'''
'''Red herrings''' ("a small barrill of red herrings"<ref>HCA 13/49 f.12v</ref>
'''Red serge''' ("headcloth of red serge")<ref>[[MRP: PROB 5/2160 Inventory of Robert Cranmere, 1665, ff. 1-5|PROB 5/2160 Inventory of Robert Cranmere, 1665, ff. 1-5]]</ref>
'''Resin''' (''alt.'' ?rosin)("her lading consisted in french wines, Resin, feathers, skinns and other goods of the growth and making of france")<ref>[[HCA 13/70 f.229v Annotate|HCA 13/70 f.229v]]</ref>
'''Rhenish wine''' ("bound for Amsterdam to fetch Rhenish wine")<ref>[[HCA 13/76 f.12r Annotate|HCA 13/76 f.12r]]</ref>
'''Riben''' ("which lading hee saith consisted in woollen and lynnen cloth, serges. stuffs needles thread riben pinns. knives sizers silke, and woosted stockings. combs, bells, morters and pestles, earthen ware glasses, beads, cabinetts hatts. shooes. old cloathes and other comodityes")<ref>[[HCA 13/73 f.509r Annotate|HCA 13/73 f.509r]]</ref>
'''Rice''' ("the said ship the ''Lixon ffrigot'' was laden at Ligorne with Oyle Rice Silke Stockings, and Rope, and some other comodityes")<ref>HCA 13/73</ref>
'''Rope''' ("thirty coyles of rope")<ref>HCA 13/73</ref>
'''Rochell wines''' ("7 ½ Tonns of Rochell wines att) 60:li the Tonn french mony and in English mony 4:li. 3:s. 4:d p tonn"<ref>HCA 13/128 no fol. no. recto, Case: Office of the Judges ag:t Richard Lavers, promoted by Richard Ford; second schedule</ref>
'''Rochell wines''' ("7 ½ Tonns of Rochell wines att) 60:li the tonn french mony and in English mony 4:li. 3:s. 4:d per tonn"<ref>HCA 13/128 no fol. no. recto, Case: Office of the Judges ag:t Richard Lavers, promoted by Richard Ford; second schedule</ref>
'''Rope''' ("thirty Quoyles of Rope two Great Trunks, severall Quarter Caskes with XXX and Oyle, and barrells of Pitch and Tarre, and some other Things which were for the said Woods owne Private Trade and account")<ref>HCA 13/73</ref>
'''Rodd iron''' ("who by name bought the 413 iron potts, 300 bundles of rod iron, and 170 iron kettles laden on board the shipp the ''Saint Andrew'' arrested by authority of this High Court of Admiralty"<ref>HCA 23/19 no f.</ref>
'''Rope''' ("thirty quoyles of rope two great trunks, severall quarter caskes with XXX and Oyle, and barrells of Pitch and Tarre, and some other things which were for the said Woods owne Private Trade and account")<ref>HCA 13/73</ref>
'''Rosemary''' ("a parcell of dry rosemary leaves consists, and squills, Eight parts of DXXXX, and two ?sucall cases of perfume and at Sabia on the same account")<ref>(HCA 13/76 f. no fol. no.</ref>
'''Rosemary''' ("a parcell of dry rosemary leaves consists, and squills, Eight parts of DXXXX, and two ?sucall cases of perfume and at Sabia on the same account")<ref>(HCA 13/76 f. no fol. no.</ref>
'''Rosin''' "the ''Howse of ffreindship'' did want and stand in need of severall materialls and things to fit and enable her to proceed to sea, namely of Tarr Deales Bankes Sparrs Quarters Battens, Traine Oyle, Spunyarne, Ratlyn, Thrumb, Marlin houselin Rosinn Billetts, and suchlike Comodityes"<ref>[[HCA 13/73 f.403r Annotate|HCA 13/73 f.403r]]</ref>
'''Rosin''' "the ''Howse of ffreindship'' did want and stand in need of severall materialls and things to fit and enable her to proceed to sea, namely of tarr deales bankes sparrs quarters battens, traine oyle, spunyarne, ratlyn, thrumb, marlin houselin rosinn billetts, and suchlike comodityes")<ref>[[HCA 13/73 f.403r Annotate|HCA 13/73 f.403r]]</ref>
'''Ruckoo''' ("[At Brazil] tooke in a sort of ffish called Mannettee and dying-stuff calle Ruckoo")<ref>[[HCA 13/70 f.612r Annotate|HCA 13/70 f.612r]]</ref>
'''Round wood'''<ref>[[MRP: C5/485/75 Inventory of M:r Thomas Gaskins yard ff. 1-7|C5/485/75 Inventory of M:r Thomas Gaskins yard ff. 1-7]]</ref>
'''Ruggs''' ("ten bales of Ruggs vizt five broad and five narrow")<ref>[[MRP: C6/36/21 f. 2|C6/36/21 f.2]]</ref>
'''Rubarb''' ("The two bales of worme seed and one bale of rubarb schedulated hee saith are of the growth of Bask and Barhar under the Dominions of the King of Juzbeck neere Persia")<ref>[[HCA 13/65 f.86r Annotate|HCA 13/65 f.86r]]</ref>
'''Ruckoo''' ("[At Brazil] tooke in a sort of ffish called mannettee and dying-stuff calle Ruckoo")<ref>[[HCA 13/70 f.612r Annotate|HCA 13/70 f.612r]]</ref>
'''Ruggs''' ("ten bales of ruggs videlicet five broad and five narrow")<ref>[[MRP: C6/36/21 f. 2|C6/36/21 f.2]]</ref>
'''Russian hides'''
'''Rye''' ("with Rye & Barly")<ref>[[HCA 13/76 f.71r Annotate|HCA 13/76 f.71r]]</ref>
'''Sacks''' ("to whome were the said sacks delivered at Tangier for the use of the Garrison there, and whither the said Robert Oyle did not keepe some of the said sacks on board")<ref>HCA 23/19 no fol. no. recto, Document Number: 13: Case: XXXX: Date: XXXX</ref>
'''Sack-cloth''' ("foure [?rowles] of sack-cloth")<ref>[[HCA 13/70 f.25r Annotate|HCA 13/70 f.25r]]</ref>
'''Saffron''' ("And saith that in or about July last there was laded aboard the said shipp at Nantes a cargo of wine, and XXXXX, and vinegar and  caskes of saffron to be carried in her for Bridges for accompt (as this deponent understood) of her said  owners")<ref>HCA 13/76 f.60v</ref>
'''Sacks''' ("to whome were the said sacks delivered at Tangier for the use of the garrison there, and whither the said Robert Oyle did not keepe some of the said sacks on board")<ref>HCA 23/19 no fol. no. recto, Document Number: 13: Case: XXXX: Date: XXXX</ref>
'''Salmon''' ("he beleeveth that every last of the said salmon conteined 12: barrels and was worth 20:li sterl per last and not above and that every Last of herrings contained 12 barrells of herrings worth 10:li sterling per last")<ref>HCA 13/129 no f., Personal answers of Peter Cornelius Youngboare: Allegation: ?Maurice Trent: Date: 17th March 1658</ref>
'''Saddles''' ("one pack of saddles")<ref>[[E_190/46/2_f.2v_Annotate|E 190/46/2 f.2v]]</ref>
'''Salt''' ("two Boates Lading of Salt"<ref>HCA 13/73</ref>; "ffrench salt"<ref>HCA 23/19 no f., but verso</ref>; "Out of the prize shipp ''Turke'' 165 2/5 of Spanish salt")<ref>HCA 23/19 no f., but verso</ref>
'''Saffron''' ("And saith that in or about July last there was laded aboard the said shipp at Nantes a cargo of wine, and XXXXX, and vinegar and  caskes of saffron to be carried in her for Bridges for accompt (as this deponent understood) of her said  owners")<ref>[[HCA 13/76 f.60v Annotate|HCA 13/76 f.60v]]</ref>
'''Salt peter''' (''alt. salt peeter)
'''Salmon''' ("he beleeveth that every last of the said salmon conteined 12: barrels and was worth 20:li sterl per last and not above and that every Last of herrings contained 12 barrells of herrings worth 10 ''li'' sterling per last")<ref>HCA 13/129 no f., Personal answers of Peter Cornelius Youngboare: Allegation: ?Maurice Trent: Date: 17th March 1658</ref>
'''Sassa perilla''' (''alt.'' sassaperilla) ("and thence returned to Truxille, and there tooke in Sassa perilla and ?ligden"<ref>HCA 13/73</ref>; "a parcell of sassaperilla and other druggs, and some Brazill wood and fustick")<ref>HCA 13/70 f.455v</ref>
'''Salt''' ("two boates lading of salt"<ref>HCA 13/73</ref>; "ffrench salt"<ref>HCA 23/19 no f., but verso</ref>; "Out of the prize shipp ''Turke'' 165 2/5 of Spanish salt")<ref>HCA 23/19 no f., but verso</ref>
'''Sattens''' "Taffetas, Sattens and Stuff")<ref>HCA 13/73 f.528v</ref>
'''Salt peter''' (''alt.'' salt peeter)
'''Sayes''' ("Serges, Bayes, Sayes Norwich stuffes Perpetuanes, and other goods, and after the same were provided, and bought the same were shipped on board a shipp called the ''Mackarel'' to bee carried and transported to Amsterdam")<ref>HCA 13/73 f.199r</ref>
'''Scarlett cloath'''<ref>HCA 13/71 f.628v</ref>
'''Sassa perilla''' (''alt.'' sassaperilla; sassaperill) ("and thence returned to Truxille, and there tooke in Sassa perilla and ?ligden"<ref>HCA 13/73</ref>; "a parcell of sassaperilla and other druggs, and some Brazill wood and fustick")<ref>[[HCA 13/70 f.455v Annotate|HCA 13/70 f.455v]]</ref>
'''Serges''' (''alt.'' searges) ("the producente Tomas Papillon and Lawrence Martell (both well knowne to this deponent) wrote and gave commission to M:r Nicholas XXX of Exon to buy them 5 bales of serges, of 10 peeces of serges in each Bale, and to lade them aboard the shipp the ''Diamond'' of Topsham bound for Saint Malo, and to marke them ''F.C.'' and consigne them to Marc ?John at Saint Maloe for accompt of the said producents Tomas Papillon and Lawrence Martell XX XXXX of ffrancis Calendrini, which hee knoweth because this deponent keepeth the accompte of the said Mr Papillon wrote the said letter to the said partner by their order")<ref>HCA 13/64 f.21r</ref>
'''Sattens''' "Taffetas, Sattens and Stuff")<ref>[[HCA 13/73 f.528v Annotate|HCA 13/73 f.528v]]</ref>
'''Sheep Skins''' ("three lasts of wheate, eleaven baggs of wool, 2000 sheep skins, and about 20 shipp pounds of iron")<ref>HCA 13/76 f. 11v.</ref>
'''Sayes''' ("Serges, Bayes, Sayes Norwich stuffes Perpetuanes, and other goods, and after the same were provided, and bought the same were shipped on board a shipp called the ''Mackarel'' to bee carried and transported to Amsterdam")<ref>[[HCA 13/73 f.199r Annotate|HCA 13/73 f.199r]]</ref>
'''Shooes''' ("which Lading hee saith Consisted in Woollen and Lynnen Cloth, Serges. Stuffs Needles Thread Riben Pinns. Knives Sizers silke, and woosted stockings. Combs, bells, morters and Pestles, Earthen ware Glasses, beads, Cabinetts Hatts. shooes. old Cloathes and other Comodityes")<ref>HCA 13/73 f.509r</ref>
'''Scarlett''' ("there were also there laden aboard the sayd shipp that voyage by Manoell Swares twenty bales of fine linnen cloath and a peece of scarlett and one trunck with hatts therein"<ref>[[HCA 13/71 f.505r Annotate|HCA 13/71 f.505r]]</ref>; "the two half peices of fine scarlett")<ref>[[HCA 13/70 f.395r Annotate|HCA 13/70 f.395r]]</ref>
'''Shells''' ("three baggs or sacks of tortois shells, and five greate pots, and two smale ones of balsome or druggs, all for account of the said owners, of Amsterdam, which said shells and druggs the said Skipper bought of and from Augustin Rosetti the foresaid Genoese, who came passenger and had goods in the said shipp")<ref>HCA 13/72 f.135r</ref>
'''Scarlett cloath''' (''alt.'' scarlett cloth)<ref>[[HCA 13/71 f.628v Annotate|HCA 13/71 f.628v]]</ref>
'''Shiffer''' ("One pack No 2 with Ninety peeces of Mixt Shiffer, Silke, and wooll")<ref>HCA 13/72 f.9r</ref>
'''Scotch lynnen cloth''' ("iiij C ells scotch Lynnen cloth")<ref>[[E_190/46/2_f.3r_Annotate|E 190/46/2 f.3r]]</ref>
'''Silke''' (= silk)("divers other goods or bales of silke, and other merchandizes and moneys for Account of the said Riccard and Company")<ref>HCA 13/73</ref>
'''Scotch ticking'''
'''Silke Stockings''' ("the said ship the ''Lixon ffrigot'' was Laden at Ligorne with Oyle Rice Silke Stockings, and Rope, and some other Comodityes")<ref>HCA 13/73</ref>
'''Scottish linnen cloth'''
'''Scottish linnen yarne'''<ref>[[E 190/46/2 f.1r Annotate|E 190/46/2 f.1r]]</ref>
'''Screene fannes'''<ref>[[HCA 13/71 f.349r Annotate|HCA 13/71 f.349r]]</ref>
'''Sea beere''' ("desired him to provide and send onboard the said ship ffourty eight barrells of harbor beer twelve tonne and a halfe of sea bear, two barrells of strong beere, and two barrells of sea bear more, and foure punchions of beere, with the caske")<ref>[[HCA 13/73 f.405r Annotate|HCA 13/73 f.405r]]</ref>
'''Seacoles''' ("hee had a shipps lading of seacoles consigned unto him from the said Atkins and for his the said Atkins accompt, which miscarried and were sunck")<ref>[[HCA 13/70 f.4v Annotate|HCA 13/70 f.4v]]</ref>
'''Seale skinns''' (''alt.'' seal-skins) ("the sayd rack or derelict when shee was found as aforesayd forty tonne or thereabouts of trayne oyle but much damnified by water and about 70 tonne of empty casks about thirty bundles of hoopes, one great copper, and fower and twenty seale skinns, (and some fish and bread which was utterly spoiled by longe continuance in water)")<ref>[[HCA 13/70 f.521r Annotate|HCA 13/70 f.521r]]</ref>
'''Searge curtayn'''
'''Searge hangings'''
'''Seeds''' ("divers goods, as seeds, papers, looking=glasses, steele and other wares which he shipped at Venise")<ref>[[HCA 13/71 f.656v Annotate|HCA 13/71 f.656v]]</ref>
'''Serges''' (''alt.'' searges) ("the producente Tomas Papillon and Lawrence Martell (both well knowne to this deponent) wrote and gave commission to M:r Nicholas XXX of Exon to buy them 5 bales of serges, of 10 peeces of serges in each Bale, and to lade them aboard the shipp the ''Diamond'' of Topsham bound for Saint Malo, and to marke them ''F.C.'' and consigne them to Marc ?John at Saint Maloe for accompt of the said producents Tomas Papillon and Lawrence Martell XX XXXX of ffrancis Calendrini, which hee knoweth because this deponent keepeth the accompte of the said Mr Papillon wrote the said letter to the said partner by their order")<ref>[[HCA 13/64 f.21r Annotate|HCA 13/64 f.21r]]</ref>
'''Sheep skins''' (''alt.'' sheepe skinns) ("three lasts of wheate, eleaven baggs of wool, 2000 sheep skins, and about 20 shipp pounds of iron")<ref>[[HCA 13/76 f.11v Annotate|HCA 13/76 f.11v]]</ref>
'''Sheetes''' ("seaventy foure chests of sheetes")<ref>[[MRP: C6/36/21 f. 2|C6/36/21 f.2]]</ref>
'''Mixt shiffer''' ("One pack No 2 with ninety peeces of mixt shiffer, silke, and wooll, of this 5th marke")<ref>[[HCA 13/72 f.9r Annotate|HCA 13/72 f.9r]]</ref>
'''Shooes''' ("which Lading hee saith Consisted in Woollen and Lynnen Cloth, Serges. Stuffs Needles Thread Riben Pinns. Knives Sizers silke, and woosted stockings. Combs, bells, morters and Pestles, Earthen ware Glasses, beads, Cabinetts Hatts. shooes. old Cloathes and other Comodityes")<ref>[[HCA 13/73 f.509r Annotate|HCA 13/73 f.509r]]</ref>
'''Shells''' ("three baggs or sacks of tortois shells, and five greate pots, and two smale ones of balsome or druggs, all for account of the said owners, of Amsterdam, which said shells and druggs the said Skipper bought of and from Augustin Rosetti the foresaid Genoese, who came passenger and had goods in the said shipp")<ref>[[HCA 13/72 f.135r Annotate|HCA 13/72 f.135r]]</ref>
'''Sherry wyne''' ("two Butts Sherry Wyne")<ref>[[MRP: PROB 5/840 Inventory & probate accounts of Samuel Mico, 1666, ff. 1-27|PROB 5/840 Inventory & probate accounts of Samuel Mico, 1666, ff. 1-27]]</ref>
'''Shiffer''' ("One pack No 2 with Ninety peeces of Mixt Shiffer, Silke, and wooll")<ref>[[HCA 13/72 f.9r Annotate|HCA 13/72 f.9r]]</ref>
'''Shomack''' (''alt.'' shoomack; shewmack; shemack; sumack) ("there was at Porto Port aforesaid a Hamburgher or fflemish shipp laden with oranges, lemmons, shomack and other commodities"<ref>[[HCA 13/70 f.169r Annotate|HCA 13/70 f.169r]]</ref>; "hee this deponent att or about the time aforesaid received att Porto Porte aforesaid aboard his said shipp <u>165.</u> bailes of shomack marked '''IP.''' for which hee signed bills of lading to the use of the said Joseph de Prere Merchant of Amsterdam"<ref>[[HCA 13/70 f.338v Annotate|HCA 13/70 f.338v]]</ref>
'''Sider''' (''alt. cider; cyder)
'''Silke''' (= silk)("divers other goods or bales of silke, and other merchandizes and moneys for Account of the said Riccard and Company"<ref>HCA 13/73</ref>; "the 5 bales of silke are of the growth of the parts and places neere Ardiveile in Persia")<ref>[[HCA 13/65 f.87v Annotate|HCA 13/65 f.87v]]</ref>
'''Silke carpett'''
'''Silke gownes''' ("the said merchandize in the said truncks consisted of linnens, and two silke gownes and two silke petticotes and some other goods of good valew")<ref>[[HCA 13/70 f.301r Annotate|HCA 13/70 f.625v]]</ref>
'''Silke hoods'''<ref>[[HCA 13/71 f.349r Annotate|HCA 13/71 f.349r]]</ref>
'''Silke petticotes''' ("the said merchandize in the said truncks consisted of linnens, and two silke gownes and two silke petticotes and some other goods of good valew")<ref>[[HCA 13/70 f.301r Annotate|HCA 13/70 f.625v]]</ref>
'''Silke quilte''' (''alt.'' silke quilt)
'''Silke Stockings''' (''alt.'' silke stockins) ("the said ship the ''Lixon ffrigot'' was laden at Ligorne with oyle rice silke stockings, and rope, and some other Comodityes"<ref>HCA 13/73</ref>; "Thomas ?Constable Gunner of the sayd shipp and slayne att the tyme of surprizall in Trapany had aboard her att the tyme of the sayd seizure for his own accompt several peices of moka?rres, dimmitees, silke stockings Clothes and other things which were as this deponent beleiveth of the cleare value of forty pounds sterling")<ref>[[HCA 13/68 f.147v Annotate|HCA 13/68 f.147v]]</ref>
'''Silver''' (''alt.'' sylver) ("hee is well assured and verily beleeveth that the said two barrs of silver were really and truely provided and laded for the proper and sole account of the sad producent and upon his adventure")<ref>HCA 13/73</ref>
'''Silver''' (''alt.'' sylver) ("hee is well assured and verily beleeveth that the said two barrs of silver were really and truely provided and laded for the proper and sole account of the sad producent and upon his adventure")<ref>HCA 13/73</ref>
'''Sizers''' ("which Lading hee saith Consisted in Woollen and Lynnen Cloth, Serges. Stuffs Needles Thread Riben Pinns. Knives Sizers silke, and woosted stockings. Combs, bells, morters and Pestles, Earthen ware Glasses, beads, Cabinetts Hatts. shooes. old Cloathes and other Comodityes")<ref>HCA 13/73 f.509r</ref>
'''Sivitt''' ("one glass of sivitt")<ref>[[MRP: PROB 5/840 Inventory & probate accounts of Samuel Mico, 1666, ff. 1-27|PROB 5/840 Inventory & probate accounts of Samuel Mico, 1666, ff. 1-27]]</ref>
'''Sizers''' ("which Lading hee saith Consisted in Woollen and Lynnen Cloth, Serges. Stuffs Needles Thread Riben Pinns. Knives Sizers silke, and woosted stockings. Combs, bells, morters and Pestles, Earthen ware Glasses, beads, Cabinetts Hatts. shooes. old Cloathes and other Comodityes")<ref>[[HCA 13/73 f.509r Annotate|HCA 13/73 f.509r]]</ref>
'''Skinns''' (''alt.'' skinnes; skins) ("her lading consisted in french wines, Resin, feathers, skinns and other goods of the growth and making of france")<ref>[[HCA 13/70 f.229v Annotate|HCA 13/70 f.229v]]</ref>
'''Slaughter kids''' ("xix dozen of slaughter kids lij dozen of slaughter Lambs iiij [?xx] dozen of [?mort] kids iiij [?xx] dozen of [?mort] Lambs")<ref>[[E_190/46/2_f.3r_Annotate|E 190/46/2 f.3r]]</ref>
'''Slaughter lambs''' ("xix dozen of slaughter kids lij dozen of slaughter Lambs iiij [?xx] dozen of [?mort] kids iiij [?xx] dozen of [?mort] Lambs")<ref>[[E_190/46/2_f.3r_Annotate|E 190/46/2 f.3r]]</ref>
'''Slaves''' ("the 17:th day at night she came aboard againe and brought me word that I could not have men slaves under 40 barrs nor women under 35:")<ref>HCA 15/6, Case: ?Jones & others XXX marriners of the ''Constant Ruth'' against Holworthy and others: Item: A copy of an Account delivered by M:r Williams executors February 24:th 1654, f.4v</ref>
'''Slaves''' ("the 17:th day at night she came aboard againe and brought me word that I could not have men slaves under 40 barrs nor women under 35:")<ref>HCA 15/6, Case: ?Jones & others XXX marriners of the ''Constant Ruth'' against Holworthy and others: Item: A copy of an Account delivered by M:r Williams executors February 24:th 1654, f.4v</ref>
'''Slap-sellers-ware''' ("Merchandizes proper and serviceable for those parts videlicet: strong waters, linnen Cloath, bodies, pewter, Slap-sellers-ware suites of cloathes, fruit and spieceries and other goods and merchandizes the particulars whereof this rendent cannot at present exactly call to mind")<ref>[[HCA 13/70 f.407r Annotate|HCA 13/70 f.407r]]</ref>
'''Slitt dales'''<ref>[[MRP: C5/485/75 Inventory of M:r Thomas Gaskins yard ff. 1-7|C5/485/75 Inventory of M:r Thomas Gaskins yard ff. 1-7]]</ref>
'''Slotias''' ("thirty four chests of Slotias")<ref>[[MRP: C6/36/21 f. 2|C6/36/21 f.2]]</ref>
'''Slotias''' ("thirty four chests of Slotias")<ref>[[MRP: C6/36/21 f. 2|C6/36/21 f.2]]</ref>
'''Smyrna raisins'''
'''Sope''' (''alt.'' soape)
'''Sope''' (''alt.'' soape)
'''Spanish salt''' ("Out of the prize shipp ''Turke'' 165 2/5 of Spanish salt at 60:s per Weigh for 586:li 4:s or coming to in sterling money 586:li - XXX - XX")<ref>HCA 23/19 no fol. no. verso, Document Number: 242: Case: XXXX: Date: XXXX)</ref>
'''Spanish salt''' ("Out of the prize shipp ''Turke'' 165 2/5 of Spanish salt at 60:s per Weigh for 586:li 4:s or coming to in sterling money 586:li - XXX - XX")<ref>HCA 23/19 no fol. no. verso, Document Number: 242: Case: XXXX: Date: XXXX)</ref>
'''Spanish wine''' ("two pipes of Spanish wine, two pipes or greate fats of brandewine, two halfe abous of Spanish wine, and two barreles of knives (which had bin in a fatt that brake) all which goods were of those that were brought from Amsterdam in the said shipp")<ref>HCA 13/72 f.135r</ref>
'''Spanish wine''' ("two pipes of Spanish wine, two pipes or greate fats of brandewine, two halfe abous of Spanish wine, and two barreles of knives (which had bin in a fatt that brake) all which goods were of those that were brought from Amsterdam in the said shipp")<ref>[[HCA 13/72 f.135r Annotate|HCA 13/72 f.135r]]</ref>
'''Spannish silke''' ("two bales of Spannish silke to be transported to the port of Lisbone")<ref>[[HCA 13/71 f.669r Annotate|HCA 13/71 f.669r]]</ref>
'''Spanish wools''' ("there were on the said Wednesay morning about foure or five baggs of Spanish wools put out of the frigot aboard her to be brought for London")<ref>[[HCA 13/76 f.10r Annotate|HCA 13/76 f.10r]]</ref>
'''Sparres''' (= sparrs; spars) ("whither hee was on board XXX said shippe the ''Saint Johns Head'' when the Deales and XXX were sent aboard the said Shippe to make bulke XXXX the Corne that was laden aboard the said Shippe, and XXX whither there were not 240 single deales, and foure and XXX twenty sparres")<ref>HCA 23/19, unfoliated</ref>
'''Sparres''' (= sparrs; spars) ("whither hee was on board XXX said shippe the ''Saint Johns Head'' when the Deales and XXX were sent aboard the said Shippe to make bulke XXXX the Corne that was laden aboard the said Shippe, and XXX whither there were not 240 single deales, and foure and XXX twenty sparres")<ref>HCA 23/19, unfoliated</ref>
'''Spicerie''' ("Perpetuana's, bayes, hatts, linnens, wines, Spicerie and other goods") <ref>[[HCA 13/73 f.179r Annotate|HCA 13/73 f.179r]]</ref>
'''Speckled wood''' ("Sticks of speckled wood.) Identified by [https://twitter.com/Textilisnet @Textilsnet] as probably snakewood from Guiana or Surinam (''Piratinera Guianensis''). Among other uses, used as a textile dye-wood for an orange/yellow colour.<ref>[[HCA 13/53 f.35v Annotate|HCA 13/53 f.35v]]; [http://www.tropilab.com/snakewood.html 'Piratinera Guianensis - Snakewood', Tropilab Inc website], viewed 21/10/2017</ref>
'''Spunyarne''' "the ''Howse of ffreindship'' did want and stand in need of severall materialls and things to fit and nenable her to proceed to sea, namely of Tarr Deales Bankes Sparrs Quarters Battens, Traine Oyle, Spunyarne, Ratlyn, Thrumb, Marlin houselin Rosinn Billetts, and suchlike Comodityes"<ref>HCA 13/73 f.403r</ref>
'''Spice box'''
'''Spicerie''' ("Perpetuana's, bayes, hatts, linnens, wines, Spicerie and other goods")<ref>[[HCA 13/73 f.179r Annotate|HCA 13/73 f.179r]]</ref>
'''Spruce deales'''<ref>[[HCA 13/71 f.115r Annotate|HCA 13/71 f.115r]]</ref>
'''Spunyarne''' "the ''Howse of ffreindship'' did want and stand in need of severall materialls and things to fit and enable her to proceed to sea, namely of Tarr Deales Bankes Sparrs Quarters Battens, Traine Oyle, Spunyarne, Ratlyn, Thrumb, Marlin houselin Rosinn Billetts, and suchlike Comodityes")<ref>[[HCA 13/73 f.403r Annotate|HCA 13/73 f.403r]]</ref>
'''Starch''' ("a small caske (about the bignes of a butter ferkin) of starch which was found staved in the hold by meanes of the said storme")<ref>[[HCA 13/70 f.677r Annotate|HCA 13/70 f.677r]]</ref>
'''Statute lace'''
'''Statute lace'''
'''Stooles''' ("for this deponent and shipps companies joint accompt twelve dozen of greene matted stooles or chaires, together with about two thousand eight hundred of painted bricks for flooring")<ref>HCA 13/70 f.662r</ref>
'''Stooles''' ("for this deponent and shipps companies joint accompt twelve dozen of greene matted stooles or chaires, together with about two thousand eight hundred of painted bricks for flooring")<ref>[[HCA 13/70 f.662r Annotate|HCA 13/70 f.662r]]</ref>
'''Stockfish''' 9''alt.'' stock fish)
'''Striped stuff''' ("201 hogsheads of traine oile, 96 packs of whalebone, 1185 peeces of box-wood, sixtie seaven or sixtie eight baggs of wooll, and foure rolls of slight striped stuffe, all which were laden at Bayon in ffrance")<ref>HCA 13/70 f.22v</ref>
'''Stocking sayes''' (" Peices of long Stocking Sayes")<ref>[[MRP: PROB 5/840 Inventory & probate accounts of Samuel Mico, 1666, ff. 1-27|PROB 5/840 Inventory & probate accounts of Samuel Mico, 1666, ff. 1-27]]</ref>
'''Striped curtaines'''
'''Striped stuff''' ("201 hogsheads of traine oile, 96 packs of whalebone, 1185 peeces of box-wood, sixtie seaven or sixtie eight baggs of wooll, and foure rolls of slight striped stuffe, all which were laden at Bayon in ffrance")<ref>[[HCA 13/70 f.22v Annotate|HCA 13/70 f.22v]]</ref>
'''Strong beer''' (" laded aboard her two hundred fiftie and seaven quarters of malt to be carried and transported in the said vessell to Bergen aforesaid, as alsoe a tonne of stronge beer")<ref>[[HCA 13/72 f.111r Annotate|HCA 13/72 f.111r]]</ref>
'''Strong water''' ("Nineteene of XXX of Strong water"<ref>HCA 13/73</ref>; "the said ship did carry out Iron, Strong Water, Wine, and other commodities to the value of about three thousand pounds, and sailed therewith as they beleive to Ginney, and there as they beleeve and have heard tooke in 100: and some odd negroes for part of the said ladeing and therewith and the other goods went away for the West Indies where they were lost and cast away without makeing of any port of discharge")<ref>HCA 13/129, Personal answers of Robert Oxwick, William Weilday and John Jefferyes: Allegation: John White & others: Date: 4th Feb. 1658, unfoliated</ref>
'''Strong water''' ("Nineteene of XXX of Strong water"<ref>HCA 13/73</ref>; "the said ship did carry out Iron, Strong Water, Wine, and other commodities to the value of about three thousand pounds, and sailed therewith as they beleive to Ginney, and there as they beleeve and have heard tooke in 100: and some odd negroes for part of the said ladeing and therewith and the other goods went away for the West Indies where they were lost and cast away without makeing of any port of discharge")<ref>HCA 13/129, Personal answers of Robert Oxwick, William Weilday and John Jefferyes: Allegation: John White & others: Date: 4th Feb. 1658, unfoliated</ref>
'''Stuffs''' ("the said Mr ffernandez bought or caused to be bought a Considerable Quantity of Goods in this City, namely Stuffs of severall sorts, and Silke Stockings, and other goods"<ref>HCA 13/73</ref>
'''Stryped hangings'''
'''Stuffs''' (''alt.'' stuffes) ("the said Mr ffernandez bought or caused to be bought a considerable quantity of goods in this city, namely stuffs of severall sorts, and silke stockings, and other goods")<ref>HCA 13/73</ref>
'''Suckets''' ("one barrell of beaver and one fearkin of Suckets")<ref>HCA 15/6, no fol. no., bill of lading, Dec. 20th 1655</ref>
'''Suckets''' ("one barrell of beaver and one fearkin of Suckets")<ref>HCA 15/6, no fol. no., bill of lading, Dec. 20th 1655</ref>
'''Sufa silke''' (''alt. suffe silke'') ("amongest the rest one bill of lading for one baile of legee silke and one faugot of Sufa silke to be carried to Ligorne")<ref>[[HCA 13/71 f.322r Annotate|HCA 13/71 f.322r]]</ref>
'''Suffolk cloathes''' ("the arlate Mr Travers of London merchant had then three bales containing 15 or 16 Suffolke cloathes")<ref>[[HCA 13/73 f.175r Annotate|HCA 13/73 f.175r]]</ref>
'''Sugar''' (= sugars)
'''Sugar''' (= sugars)
'''Sugar canes''' ("a little before the arrivall of the said ship ''Peace'' at Nevis, the Tobacco plants Indico and Sugar Canes were there at at the other Leeward Islands, spoyled and rooted upp by reason of Hurricanoes<ref>HCA 13/73</ref>
'''Sugar canes''' ("a little before the arrivall of the said ship ''Peace'' at Nevis, the Tobacco plants Indico and Sugar Canes were there at at the other Leeward Islands, spoyled and rooted upp by reason of Hurricanoes")<ref>HCA 13/73</ref>
'''White sugar''' ("the Interrogate Thomas Rummings and Anthony Beale had each of them considerable quantities of white pepper, greene ginger white sugar Casialignmum Tamerin and ?Cande but the certayne quantitie hee cannot declare")<ref>HCA 13/73</ref>
'''White sugar''' ("the Interrogate Thomas Rummings and Anthony Beale had each of them considerable quantities of white pepper, greene ginger white sugar Casialignmum Tamerin and ?Cande but the certayne quantitie hee cannot declare")<ref>HCA 13/73</ref>
'''Suit''' ("there was laden and put on board the said ship in the River of Thames a Cargoe of Goods consisting in Linnen and Woollen Cloath, East India stuff, Searges, Beads, Glasses, Muskets, Pistolls, Strongwaters, Brandewines, white wine and Clarret, Silke Stockings, Suits and Cloakes shoes, Knives, sizers Combs Pins, Needles, Thimbles, Thred ffish hooks, Bells, Locks, Lead and severall other Comodityes")<ref>[[HCA 13/73 f.499r Annotate|HCA 13/73 f.499r]]</ref>
'''Sumack''' ("comming from Porto Port in Portugall laden with oile, Sumack and sugar and two chests of tobaccoe")<ref>[[HCA 13/70 f.349r Annotate|HCA 13/70 f.349r]]</ref>
'''Surratt callicoes'''
'''Surratt callicoes'''
'''Sweet oyles''' ("I pray be pleased to give Orders unto this Bearer Anthony Guy Wine-Cooper to receive Twelve Butts of Sweet Oyles bought by John Day for my Accompt which is all at present from your humble servant Martin Noell")<ref>HCA 23/19 unfoliated, r.</ref>
'''Sweet meates''' (''alt.'' sweetemeats; sweat meates) ("alsoe boxes of sweet meates and many gammons of bacon, and some earthenware with the said shipp for his owne account, which oranges and lemmons, sweete meates, bacon, and earthen ware together with his clothes taken away by the said ffrenchmen, were worth the summe of fiftie pounds sterling")<ref>[[HCA 13/71 f.275v Annotate|HCA 13/71 f.275v]]</ref>
'''Sweet oyles''' (''alt.'' sweete oiles) ("I pray be pleased to give Orders unto this Bearer Anthony Guy Wine-Cooper to receive Twelve Butts of Sweet Oyles bought by John Day for my Accompt which is all at present from your humble servant Martin Noell"<ref>HCA 23/19 unfoliated, r.</ref>; "hee never knew or heard of any question demannd or pretence by sute at lawe for 252 gallons of sweete oiles to the tonne, 236 gallons being the common and continuall proportion or allowance")<ref>[[HCA 13/70 f.87r Annotate|HCA 13/70 f.87r]]</ref>
'''Taffaty''' (''alt.'' taffitye)
'''Taffetes''' (''alt.'' taffetas) ("One great chest No C with sixteene pieces of Coloured Taffetes")<ref>HCA 13/72 f.8v</ref>
'''Taffetes''' (''alt.'' taffetas) ("One great chest No C with sixteene pieces of Coloured Taffetes")<ref>[[HCA 13/72 f.8v Annotate|HCA 13/72 f.8v]]</ref>
'''Tallowe''' (" Lading of Tallowe Butter and herrings")<ref>HCA 13/73 f.512v</ref>
'''Tallowe''' (''alt.'' talow) (" Lading of Tallowe Butter and herrings")<ref>[[HCA 13/73 f.512v Annotate|HCA 13/73 f.512v]]</ref>
'''Tamerin''' ("the Interrogate Thomas Rummings and Anthony Beale had each of them considerable quantities of white pepper, greene ginger white sugar Casialignmum Tamerin and ?Cande but the certayne quantitie hee cannot declare")<ref>HCA 13/73</ref>
'''Tamerin''' ("the Interrogate Thomas Rummings and Anthony Beale had each of them considerable quantities of white pepper, greene ginger white sugar Casialignmum tamerin and ?cande but the certayne quantitie hee cannot declare")<ref>HCA 13/73</ref>
'''Tanton [i.e. Taunton] serges''' ("One Pack with twenty and foure peeces of Tanton serges")<ref>HCA 13/72 f.8v</ref>
'''Tanned hydes'''
'''Tape''' ("Haberdashery wars, as hatts, Tape Needles Pins ... and such like")<ref>HCA 13/73 f.528v</ref>
'''Tanton [i.e. Taunton] serges''' ("One Pack with twenty and foure peeces of Tanton serges")<ref>[[HCA 13/72 f.8v Annotate|HCA 13/72 f.8v]]</ref>
'''Tapsells''' ("three bales of broad Tapsells")<ref>[[MRP: C6/36/21 f. 2|C6/36/21 f.2]]</ref>
'''Tape''' ("Haberdashery wars, as hatts, tape needles pins ... and such like")<ref>[[HCA 13/73 f.528v Annotate|HCA 13/73 f.528v]]</ref>
'''Tapsells''' ("three bales of broad tapsells")<ref>[[MRP: C6/36/21 f. 2|C6/36/21 f.2]]</ref>
'''Tarre''' (''alt.'' tarr) ("thirty Quoyles of Rope two Great Trunks, severall Quarter Caskes with XXX and Oyle, and barrells of Pitch and Tarre, and some other Things which were for the said Woods owne Private Trade and account")<ref>HCA 13/73</ref>
'''Tarre''' (''alt.'' tarr) ("thirty Quoyles of Rope two Great Trunks, severall Quarter Caskes with XXX and Oyle, and barrells of Pitch and Tarre, and some other Things which were for the said Woods owne Private Trade and account")<ref>HCA 13/73</ref>
'''Thread''' ("which Lading hee saith Consisted in Woollen and Lynnen Cloth, Serges. Stuffs Needles Thread Riben Pinns. Knives Sizers silke, and woosted stockings. Combs, bells, morters and Pestles, Earthen ware Glasses, beads, Cabinetts Hatts. shooes. old Cloathes and other Comodityes")<ref>HCA 13/73 f.509r</ref>
'''Thimbles''' ("there was laden and put on board the said ship in the River of Thames a Cargoe of Goods consisting in linnen and Woollen cloath, East India stuff, Searges, Beads, Glasses, Muskets, Pistolls, Strongwaters, Brandewines, white wine and Clarret, Silke Stockings, Suits and Cloakes shoes, Knives, sizers Combs Pins, Needles, Thimbles, Thred ffish hooks, Bells, Locks, Lead and severall other Comodityes.")<ref>[[HCA 13/73 f.499r Annotate|HCA 13/73 f.499r]]</ref>
'''Thrumb''' "the ''Howse of ffreindship'' did want and stand in need of severall materialls and things to fit and nenable her to proceed to sea, namely of Tarr Deales Bankes Sparrs Quarters Battens, Traine Oyle, Spunyarne, Ratlyn, Thrumb, Marlin houselin Rosinn Billetts, and suchlike Comodityes"<ref>HCA 13/73 f.403r</ref>
'''Thread''' (''alt.'' thred) ("which Lading hee saith Consisted in Woollen and Lynnen Cloth, Serges. Stuffs Needles Thread Riben Pinns. Knives Sizers silke, and woosted stockings. Combs, bells, morters and Pestles, Earthen ware Glasses, beads, Cabinetts Hatts. shooes. old Cloathes and other comodityes")<ref>[[HCA 13/73 f.509r Annotate|HCA 13/73 f.509r]]</ref>
'''Timber''' ("the Skipper was taken out of his shipp aboard the man of warr that tooke him, and three Englishmen put on board the said vessell who brought her and her sd lading of Timber with this depot up into the river of Thames")<ref>HCA 13/76 f.6r</ref>
'''Thrumb''' (''alt.''' thrumms) "the ''Howse of ffreindship'' did want and stand in need of severall materialls and things to fit and nenable her to proceed to sea, namely of tarr Deales Bankes Sparrs Quarters Battens, Traine Oyle, Spunyarne, Ratlyn, thrumb, marlin houselin rosinn billetts, and suchlike Comodityes"<ref>[[HCA 13/73 f.403r Annotate|HCA 13/73 f.403r]]</ref>
'''Tiffanyes''' ("a small baile of silke or tiffanyes, which her the said Stanton sayd was worth two hundred pounds.")<ref>[[HCA 13/70 f.301r Annotate|HCA 13/70 f.301r]]</ref>
'''Timber''' ("the Skipper was taken out of his shipp aboard the man of warr that tooke him, and three Englishmen put on board the said vessell who brought her and her sd lading of Timber with this depot up into the river of Thames")<ref>[[HCA 13/76 f.6r Annotate|HCA 13/76 f.6r]]</ref>
'''Tobacco''' (''alt. Tobaccoe)
'''Tobacco''' (''alt. Tobaccoe)
'''Tobacco pipe clay'''
'''Tobacco pipes'''
'''Tobacco pipes'''
'''Tobacco plants''' ("a little before the arrivall of the said ship ''Peace'' at Nevis, the Tobacco plants Indico and Sugar Canes were there at at the other Leeward Islands, spoyled and rooted upp by reason of Hurricanoes")<ref>HCA 13/73</ref>
'''Tobacco plants''' ("a little before the arrivall of the said ship ''Peace'' at Nevis, the Tobacco plants Indico and Sugar Canes were there at at the other Leeward Islands, spoyled and rooted upp by reason of Hurricanoes")<ref>HCA 13/73</ref>
'''Tortoise shells''' (''alt. tortois shells) ("the said Chest of Tortoise Shells")<ref>HCA 13/73</ref>
'''Tortle shells'''
'''Tortoise shells''' (''alt.'' tortois shells) ("the said Chest of Tortoise Shells")<ref>HCA 13/73</ref>
'''Tortoyse shells''' ("one Chest of Tortoyse shells marked [MARK IN THE LH MARGIN] the second marke in the margent, which were soe laden on board the said ship the ''Morning Starr'' upon and for the Sole and propper Account of the said Alfonso Gomez Dias, Merchant of Amsterdam")<ref>HCA 13/73</ref>
'''Tortoyse shells''' ("one Chest of Tortoyse shells marked [MARK IN THE LH MARGIN] the second marke in the margent, which were soe laden on board the said ship the ''Morning Starr'' upon and for the Sole and propper Account of the said Alfonso Gomez Dias, Merchant of Amsterdam")<ref>HCA 13/73</ref>
'''Trane Oyle''' ("the arlate Thomas Grove did at Newfound Land lade some trane Oyle aboard the shipp ''Pease'')<ref>HCA 13/73</ref>
'''Trane Oyle''' ("the arlate Thomas Grove did at Newfound Land lade some trane Oyle aboard the shipp ''Pease'')<ref>HCA 13/73</ref>
'''Traine Oil''' ("the said Grove did Lade on board the said Ship at Newfound Land about six hogsheads of Traine Oyle, which was there stowed inn the Lazaretto or the fore?peeke of the said Ship, and there Continued untill it was unladen at Nevis")<ref>HCA 13/73</ref>
'''Traine Oil''' ("the said Grove did Lade on board the said Ship at Newfound Land about six hogsheads of Traine Oyle, which was there stowed inn the Lazaretto or the fore?peeke of the said Ship, and there Continued untill it was unladen at Nevis")<ref>HCA 13/73</ref>
'''Tramboone cinamon'''
'''Tramboone cinamon'''
'''Tregar cloath''' ("besides the sayd tenn bales, fower Nests of Truncks, fower full conteyning flaxe and twenty peeces of narrow lockerams and halfe a peece of Tregar or Course Cloath, and sixe peeces of broad lockerams"<ref>HCA 13/71 f.574v</ref>
'''Tregar cloath''' ("besides the sayd tenn bales, fower Nests of Truncks, fower full conteyning flaxe and twenty peeces of narrow lockerams and halfe a peece of Tregar or Course Cloath, and sixe peeces of broad lockerams"<ref>[[HCA 13/71 f.574v Annotate|HCA 13/71 f.574v]]</ref>
'''Turpentine''' (" six hogsheads of turpentine")<ref>HCA 13/70 f.22v</ref>
'''Tucsan wines''' ("severall goods and Merchandizes were laden aboard the said shipp at Bayon to be transported in the same to the downes as aforesaid for the said Mr Luke Lucy's and Mr Vincent de la barr of dover their accompt, and saith the goods and merchandizes there laden aboard the said shipp were fourtie foure tunns and a half of Tucsan (sic) wines, fortie foure cakes of black Rosin and one hogshead of Gammons of bacon, all which were there laden by one henry Theverin Correspondent there to the aid Mr Lucy")<ref>[[HCA 13/70 f.334r Annotate|HCA 13/70 f.334r]]</ref>
'''Turners wares'''
'''Turpentine''' ("six hogsheads of turpentine")<ref>[[HCA 13/70 f.22v Annotate|HCA 13/70 f.22v]]</ref>
'''Turpentine oile'''
'''Turpentine oile'''
'''Turtle-fish''' ("taking the Iland of Cayman in her way where shee tooke in turtle-fish andd went and sold the same at Saint Christofers and the Ilands thereabouts,")<ref>HCA 13/70 f.611v</ref>
'''Turtle-fish''' ("taking the Iland of Cayman in her way where shee tooke in turtle-fish andd went and sold the same at Saint Christofers and the Ilands thereabouts,")<ref>[[HCA 13/70 f.611v Annotate|HCA 13/70 f.611v]]</ref>
'''Tynn''' ("the said Josiah Burgis did at ffallmouth after the said ships arrivall there lade and put on board her foure dozen and a halfe of pickle Oysters and about twenty pounds weight of Tynn which hee soe put onboard for his owne account")<ref>HCA 13/73 f.561r</ref>
'''Tynn''' (''alt.'' tinne) ("the said Josiah Burgis did at ffallmouth after the said ships arrivall there lade and put on board her foure dozen and a halfe of pickle Oysters and about twenty pounds weight of Tynn which hee soe put onboard for his owne account")<ref>[[HCA 13/73 f.561r Annotate|HCA 13/73 f.561r]]</ref>
'''Varinas tobaccoe''' ("184 potaccoes of varinas tobaccoe weighing one and twenty thousand pounds at 8 peeces of 8 per cent."<ref>MRP: C6/151Pt1/55 Inventory of John Wolsentholme, merchant taylor, 1661, ff. X-1</ref>
'''Vallens''' (''alt.'' vallents)
'''Vermilion''' (''alt.'' vermillion) ("13 yards of Vermilion att 10:d p yard")<ref>[[HCA 13/68 f.164r Annotate|HCA 13/68 f.164r]]</ref>
'''Varinas tobaccoe''' ("184 potaccoes of Varinas tobaccoe weighing one and twenty thousand pounds at 8 peeces of 8 per cent."<ref>MRP: C6/151Pt1/55 Inventory of John Wolsentholme, merchant taylor, 1661, ff. X-1</ref>
'''Virginia tobaccoes''' ("a parcell of Virginia Tobaccoes")<ref>HCA 13/73</ref>
'''Venice glasses''' ("a faire chest of Venice glasses")<ref>[[HCA 13/68 f.131r Annotate|HCA 13/68 f.131r]]</ref>
'''Virginia Leafe Tobaccoe'''<ref>[[HCA 13/73 f.402v Annotate|HCA 13/73 f.402v]]</ref>
'''Vermilion''' (''alt.'' vermillion) ("13 yards of vermilion att 10 ''d'' per yard")<ref>[[HCA 13/68 f.164r Annotate|HCA 13/68 f.164r]]</ref>
'''Vinegar''' ("And that all the said shipps lading (except a parcell of about sixtie Cases of glasse, and five tonnes of Vinegar belonging to this depon:t")<ref>[[HCA 13/68 f.164r Annotate|HCA 13/68 f.164r]]</ref>
'''Virginia tobaccoes''' ("a parcell of Virginia tobaccoes")<ref>HCA 13/73</ref>
'''Virginia leafe tobaccoe'''<ref>[[HCA 13/73 f.402v Annotate|HCA 13/73 f.402v]]</ref>
'''Vinegar''' ("And that all the said shipps lading (except a parcell of about sixtie cases of glasse, and five tonnes of vinegar belonging to this deponent")<ref>[[HCA 13/68 f.164r Annotate|HCA 13/68 f.164r]]</ref>
'''Wainscotts''' ("saw ?them put aboard the sayd shipp all for his the said Harrisons owne accompt and knoweth that he did the tyme aforesd lade aboard the said shipp for his like accompt 126 XXXXX wainscott of the value of ?110:li sterling or thereabouts")<ref>[[HCA 13/68 f.413.r Annotate|HCA 13/68 f.413.r]]</ref>
'''Wainscotts''' ("saw ?them put aboard the sayd shipp all for his the said Harrisons owne accompt and knoweth that he did the tyme aforesd lade aboard the said shipp for his like accompt 126 XXXXX wainscott of the value of ?110:li sterling or thereabouts")<ref>[[HCA 13/68 f.413r Annotate|HCA 13/68 f.413r]]</ref>
'''Wax''' ("the rest of the said goods which shee had on board, were by direction and advise of the said Pickford or Ward carried in the said Ship, to the Coast of Barbary and there sold, and Bartered the same for wax, and other Comodityes to the best Advantage to the said ffreighters")<ref>HCA 13/73</ref>
'''Wall nutts''' (''alt.'' walnutts; wallnutts) ("at Souters aforesaid and at Saint Martins in France the said master and companie caused to be laden and putt aboard the said shipp for their respective accompts twenty six hogsheads of vinegar three hogsheads of wyne one hogshead of brandewine, a quantity of about 150000. wall nutts to be also transported in the said shipp to Edam for their accompt the same being the proceed of cheese and other goods by them carried out of Holland and sould in ffrance")<ref>[[HCA 13/70 f.286v Annotate|HCA 13/70 f.286v]]</ref>
'''Watered mohaire'''
'''Watered tabbies'''
'''Wax''' ("the rest of the said goods which shee had on board, were by direction and advise of the said Pickford or Ward carried in the said ship, to the coast of Barbary and there sold, and bartered the same for wax, and other comodityes to the best advantage to the said ffreighters")<ref>HCA 13/73</ref>
'''Wax candles'''
'''Wearing apparrell''' ("j trunck j box ij portmantles quarter wearing apparell")<ref>[[E_190/46/2_f.2r_Annotate|E 190/46/2 f.2r]]</ref>
'''West India goods''' ("wines and West India goods, to be returned in the said shipp to this port for the said account of Mr ffernandez")<ref>[[HCA 13/73 f.549v Annotate|HCA 13/73 f.549v]]</ref>
'''West India goods''' ("wines and West India goods, to be returned in the said shipp to this port for the said account of Mr ffernandez")<ref>[[HCA 13/73 f.549v Annotate|HCA 13/73 f.549v]]</ref>
'''West India hydes''' ("two thousand West India hydes")<ref>[[HCA 13/71 f.532r Annotate|HCA 13/71 f.532r]]</ref>
'''West India tobaccoe'''
'''West Phalia bacon'''
'''Wet fish'''
'''Whalebone''' ("201 hogsheads of traine oile, 96 packs of whalebone, 1185 peeces of box-wood, sixtie seaven or sixtie eight baggs of wooll, and foure rolls of slight striped stuffe, all which were laden at Bayon in ffrance")<ref>[[HCA 13/70 f.22v Annotate|HCA 13/70 f.22v]]</ref>
'''Whalebone''' ("201 hogsheads of traine oile, 96 packs of whalebone, 1185 peeces of box-wood, sixtie seaven or sixtie eight baggs of wooll, and foure rolls of slight striped stuffe, all which were laden at Bayon in ffrance")<ref>[[HCA 13/70 f.22v Annotate|HCA 13/70 f.22v]]</ref>
'''Whale oyle'''
'''Whales''' ("the voiage in question was a fishing voiage for the catching of whales and that the arlate Gosling and Mandrey were as they beleeve shipped by the said rendents or some of them at first as harponiers onely in the ship the ''Owners Adventure'' and left unto Thomas Damerell the Comander of the said ship to appoint them his Mates if he please")<ref>HCA 13/128 no fol. no. Allegation:  XXXX: Answer: Richard Batson, Humfry Beane and Gowden Goldgue (alias Goldeye): Date: Feb ?8th 1656</ref>
'''Whales''' ("the voiage in question was a fishing voiage for the catching of whales and that the arlate Gosling and Mandrey were as they beleeve shipped by the said rendents or some of them at first as harponiers onely in the ship the ''Owners Adventure'' and left unto Thomas Damerell the Comander of the said ship to appoint them his Mates if he please")<ref>HCA 13/128 no fol. no. Allegation:  XXXX: Answer: Richard Batson, Humfry Beane and Gowden Goldgue (alias Goldeye): Date: Feb ?8th 1656</ref>
'''Wheat''' (= wheate) ("what was done with the wheat that was so kept aboard did not the said Robert Oyle after hee went from Tanger aforesaid feed geese, Turkeyes, henns, and hoggs therewith dureing the said Shippes voyage from Tangier aforesaid to Alicant and Xouire and to Zephalania and in his homeward voyage"<ref>HCA 23/19 unfoliated</ref>; "it being very notorious and well knowne to the said Mr Wayn Wright and all other merchants that use the East countrey trade that every Last of wheate payeth one dollar the charges at Stettin and Stralsound and the charges for Smacks and boates to bring the said corne on board, and petty pilotage and other dutyes, all which hee this rendent did really pay")<ref>HCA 13/129 unfoliated</ref>
'''Wheat''' (''alt.'' wheate) ("what was done with the wheat that was so kept aboard did not the said Robert Oyle after hee went from Tanger aforesaid feed geese, Turkeyes, henns, and hoggs therewith dureing the said Shippes voyage from Tangier aforesaid to Alicant and Xouire and to Zephalania and in his homeward voyage"<ref>HCA 23/19 unfoliated</ref>; "it being very notorious and well knowne to the said Mr Wayn Wright and all other merchants that use the East countrey trade that every Last of wheate payeth one dollar the charges at Stettin and Stralsound and the charges for Smacks and boates to bring the said corne on board, and petty pilotage and other dutyes, all which hee this rendent did really pay")<ref>HCA 13/129 unfoliated</ref>
'''White balkes'''<ref>[[MRP: C5/485/75 Inventory of M:r Thomas Gaskins yard ff. 1-7|C5/485/75 Inventory of M:r Thomas Gaskins yard ff. 1-7]]</ref>
'''White callicoe'''
'''White earthen ware''' ("chests of white earthen ware")<ref>[[MRP: HCA 13/128|HCA 13/128]]</ref>
'''White lace'''
'''White oakham'''
'''White pepper'''
'''White pepper'''
'''White salt'''
'''White sugar'''
'''White sugar'''
'''White timber'''<ref>[[MRP: C5/485/75 Inventory of M:r Thomas Gaskins yard ff. 1-7|C5/485/75 Inventory of M:r Thomas Gaskins yard ff. 1-7]]</ref>
'''White wine''' ("there was laden and put on board the said ship in the River of Thames a Cargoe of Goods consisting in Linnen and Woollen Cloath, East India stuff, Searges, Beads, Glasses, Muskets, Pistolls, Strongwaters, Brandewines, white wine and Clarret, Silke Stockings, Suits and Cloakes shoes, Knives, sizers Combs Pins, Needles, Thimbles, Thred ffish hooks, Bells, Locks, Lead and severall other Comodityes.")<ref>[[HCA 13/73 f.499r Annotate|HCA 13/73 f.499r]]</ref>
'''Window glasse''' "shee had aboard her 131 beames or thereabouts of timber, fourteene thousand pipestaves, 89 peeces of planck, 46 baggs  or thereabouts of flax, three hundred tonnes of paving stones, and 150 cases of bottles, foure chests of windowe glasse, and six iron gunns or peeces of ordnance, and noe other goods, which iron guns were not of the shipps provision but were laden in hold to be sold for merchandizing, they being fowle and uneven cast"<ref>[[HCA 13/63 f.401r Annotate|HCA 13/63 f.401r]]</ref>
'''Wine''' ("how many hampers of wine laden aboard the said Shipp ''Saint Johns Head'' alias the ''Roman XX'' for the accompt of the said Mr Blan"<ref>HCA 23/19 unfoliated/73</ref>; "How longe after the arrivall of the said Shipp the ''Saint Joseph'' in the Port of Oratava were the thirteen pypes of wine laden aboard the said Shipp the ''Joseph'' by the ffor of the said Humphrey Dewell")<ref>HCA 23/19 unfoliated</ref>
'''Wine''' ("how many hampers of wine laden aboard the said Shipp ''Saint Johns Head'' alias the ''Roman XX'' for the accompt of the said Mr Blan"<ref>HCA 23/19 unfoliated/73</ref>; "How longe after the arrivall of the said Shipp the ''Saint Joseph'' in the Port of Oratava were the thirteen pypes of wine laden aboard the said Shipp the ''Joseph'' by the ffor of the said Humphrey Dewell")<ref>HCA 23/19 unfoliated</ref>
'''Wooll''' (= wools) (John Dobson Master of the shipp the ''William'' of Dartmouth upon the ladings of the seaven and twentie baggs of wool mentionned in the premisse of this cause on board the said shipp the ''William'' of Dartmouth then lyeing in the porte or roade of Bilboa to be carryed in the said shipp from thence to London")<ref>HCA 24/112</ref>
'''Wooll''' (= wools) (John Dobson Master of the shipp the ''William'' of Dartmouth upon the ladings of the seaven and twentie baggs of wool mentionned in the premisse of this cause on board the said shipp the ''William'' of Dartmouth then lyeing in the porte or roade of Bilboa to be carryed in the said shipp from thence to London")<ref>HCA 24/112</ref>
'''Woollen yarne''' (''alt.'' wool yarn) ("James Quilter ind ij parcells quantity ij hundred weight of worsted and woollen yarne"<ref>[[Tools: E190/46/2 ff.10r-19v|E190/46/2 ff.10r-19v]]</ref>
'''Woosted stockings''' (''alt.'' worsted stockings) ("which Lading hee saith Consisted in Woollen and Lynnen Cloth, Serges. Stuffs Needles Thread Riben Pinns. Knives Sizers silke, and woosted stockings. Combs, bells, morters and Pestles, Earthen ware Glasses, beads, Cabinetts Hatts. shooes. old Cloathes and other Comodityes")<ref>[[HCA 13/73 f.509r Annotate|HCA 13/73 f.509r]]</ref>
'''Woosted stockings''' (''alt.'' worsted stockings) ("which Lading hee saith Consisted in Woollen and Lynnen Cloth, Serges. Stuffs Needles Thread Riben Pinns. Knives Sizers silke, and woosted stockings. Combs, bells, morters and Pestles, Earthen ware Glasses, beads, Cabinetts Hatts. shooes. old Cloathes and other Comodityes")<ref>[[HCA 13/73 f.509r Annotate|HCA 13/73 f.509r]]</ref>
'''Worsted yarne''' ("James Quilter ind ij parcells quantity ij hundred weight of worsted and woollen yarne"<ref>[[Tools: E190/46/2 ff.10r-19v|E190/46/2 ff.10r-19v]]</ref>
'''Worme seed''' ("The two bales of worme seed and one bale of Rubarb schedulated hee saith are of the growth of Bask and Barhar under the Dominions of the King of Juzbeck neere Persia")<ref>[[HCA 13/65 f.86r Annotate|HCA 13/65 f.86r]]</ref>
'''Wyer''' ("fourty two rings of wyer")<ref>[[HCA 13/76 f.38v Annotate|HCA 13/76 f.38v Annotate]]</ref>
'''Red and yellow earth'''
'''Yellow timber'''<ref>[[MRP: C5/485/75 Inventory of M:r Thomas Gaskins yard ff. 1-7|C5/485/75 Inventory of M:r Thomas Gaskins yard ff. 1-7]]</ref>
'''Zante currants''' ("Mathalago currants were [XXXXX] worth twenty XX per hundred more than Zante currants"<ref>HCA 13/73</ref>
'''Zante currants''' ("Mathalago currants were [XXXXX] worth twenty XX per hundred more than Zante currants"<ref>HCA 13/73</ref>

Latest revision as of 09:53, November 3, 2021

Commodities glossary


This page provides a glossary of traded commodities taken from mid-C17th English High Court of Admiralty documents, second half of the C17th Chancery Court documents relating to commercial disputes, second half of the C17th Prerogative Court of Canterbury merchants' inventories, and a London coastal portbook from the 1650s.


12 · 14 · A · B · C · D · E · F · G · H · I · J · K · L · M · N · O · P · Q · R · S · T · U · V · W · X · Y · Z


12 foot dales[1]


14 foot dales[2]


Adorettas ("Tenn bales of goods conteyning sixteene peeces of Taunton serges, twenty sixe peeces of paragons tenn peeces of broad cheynies, fowerteene peeces of meduses, sixe peeces of black bayes, nyne hundred twenty five yards or Spanish yardes of ffreizes peeces of quarter silke, and tenn peeces of halfe silke adorettas, sixe peeces of damaskillias or floramides, and fower peeces of narrow cheynyes")[3]
Aggett hafts ("The aggett hafts and beads which you sent by Captaine Millet on account in ?3/3:d I doe still keepe the warehouse")[4]
Alder poles ("one Load of alder poles")[5]
Allum (alt. allom) ("wax, grogeram yarne silke, cotton yarne and allum to be carried to Ligorne"[6];"28 caske of allom")[7]
Almonds (alt. allmonds) ("currants ffennell and comin (OR, cumin) seeds, ffustick and almonds the certaine ?quantutyes whereof this deponent cannot sett forth")[8]
Aloes ("two barrells of aloes")[9]
Ambergreese (alt. ambergreece; amber-grijse) ("he cam along in the sayd shipp and had aboard for his owne accompt. 1600. pieces of 8/8 and 361/2 pieces of 8/8 and 75 pieces of 8/8 and gold to the value of 1471/2 in ps of 8/8 one bag of ambergreese worth 212. pieces of 8/8 1/2 and 311 kintalls (sic) of Spanish Iron.")[10]
Anchovas (alt. anchova's) ("twenty nine barrells of anchovas alsoe brought home")[11]
Anchovies (alt. anchovias) ("thirtie foure tonnes of the best Genua oile, and one hundred fiftie eight barrells of the best Genoa anchovies")[12]
Andirons ("twelve chests of candles one last of wheate, a parcell of brasse andirons, 26 rolls and some peeces of tobaccoe, eight chaires, five barrells and a halfe of herrings and six barrells of delfs butter")[13]
Annise seeds (alt. annis seeds)("with rich commodityes, quicksylver, rice, annise seeds, currants")[14]
Anniseed ("foure or five baggs of anniseed")[15]
Apples ("the said vessell at the said time of her seizure was full laden with ffrench apples laden at Tuckett and bound for Deepe for the accompt of ffrenchmen")[16]
Aqua vita ("eightie and two quarter caskes of aqua vita")[17]
Ardas silke[18]


Bacon ("alsoe boxes of sweet meates and many gammons of bacon, and some earthenware with the said shipp for his owne account, which oranges and lemmons, sweete meates, bacon, and earthen ware together with his clothes taken away by the said ffrenchmen, were worth the summe of fiftie pounds sterling")[19]
Bahia sugar ("did meet with surprize and take at sea within the jurisdiction of this Court, the shipp the Concord laden with 38. chests of Bahia sugars, [?twenty] chests of muscavadoe sugars sewerall baggs of shoomack and some pipes of wine")[20]
Balme ("five greate and two small pots of balme")[21]
Balsame (alt. balsome) ("five greate potts and two small potts of balsame")[22]
Bankes ("the Howse of ffreindship did want and stand in need of severall materialls and things to fit and nenable her to proceed to sea, namely of tarr deales Bankes Sparrs Quarters Battens, Traine Oyle, Spunyarne, Ratlyn, Thrumb, Marlin houselin rosinn billetts, and suchlike comodityes")[23]
Barbados sugar (alt. Barbadoes sugar) ("hee being an Inhaitant of Nevis knoweth that Nevis sugar is Better than Barbados sugar")[24]
Barley ("seeing the said seizure of the ffortune, which was laden with malt and barley")[25]
Barly ("with Rye & Barly")[27]
Barr iron
Barrell boards[28]
Barrell fruites
Barrell staves[29]
Basan silke ("Imprimus one bagg of Basan silke 58 lb neat at 20 s per lbl")[30]
Battens "the Howse of ffreindship did want and stand in need of severall materialls and things to fit and nenable her to proceed to sea, namely of Tarr Deales Bankes Sparrs Quarters Battens, Traine Oyle, Spunyarne, Ratlyn, Thrumb, Marlin houselin Rosinn Billetts, and suchlike Comodityes"[31]
Baulkes ("the ladeing of ffish and deales and tarr and baulkes then on board")[32]
Bayes ("serges, bayes, sayes Norwich stuffes perpetuanes, and other goods, and after the same were provided, and bought the same were shipped on board a shipp called the Mackarel to bee carried and transported to Amsterdam")[33]
Bayes clothes ("4 bales of bayes clothes")[34]
Beads ("which lading hee saith consisted in woollen and lynnen cloth, serges. Stuffs Needles Thread Riben pinns. Knives Sizers silke, and woosted stockings. combs, bells, morters and pestles, earthen ware glasses, beads, cabinetts Hatts. shooes. old cloathes and other comodityes")[35]
Beads of gold ("a rosarie of one hundred and fifty beads of gold laid upon precious wood, and linked togeather with a gold chaine, the said rosarie amounting in value to fifty pounds sterling or thereabouts")[36]
Beaver ("one barrell of beaver and one fearkin of Suckets")[37]
Beaver hatt ("the arlate Robert Page was owner and lawfull proprietor and in possession of a certaine Negro and of a beaver hatt, and died possessed thereof on or about the 23:th day of June last on Nevis one of the Caribbe Islands"[38]
Beaver skinns ("the said barrill att the time of the said lading containeing ninety eight beaver skinns, seaven otter skinns. and fower minx skinns"[39]
Bells ("which lading hee saith consisted in woollen and lynnen cloth, serges. stuffs needles thread riben pinns. knives sizers silke, and woosted stockings. combs, bells, morters and pestles, earthen ware glasses, beads, cabinetts hatts. shooes. old cloathes and other comodityes")[40]
Bengall taffetaes
Billetts "the Howse of ffreindship did want and stand in need of severall materialls and things to fit and nenable her to proceed to sea, namely of tarr deales bankes sparrs quarters battens, traine oyle, spunyarne, ratlyn, thrumb, marlin houselin rosinn billetts, and suchlike comodityes"[42]
Bitter almonds
Black amber-grijse ("three pounds (or thereabouts) of black amber-grijse, which amber-grijse was as hee beleeveth within the said time sealed up in the said callico-bagg"[43]
Black pepper
Black rosin ("severall goods and merchandizes were laden aboard the said shipp at Bayon to be transported in the same to the downes as aforesaid for the said Mr Luke Lucy's and Mr Vincent de la Barr of Dover their accompt, and saith the goods and merchandizes there laden aboard the said shipp were fourtie foure tunns and a half of Tucsan (sic) wines, fortie foure cakes of black rosin and one hogshead of gammons of bacon, all which were there laden by one henry Theverin Correspondent there to the aid Mr Lucy")[44]
Black stuff
Blew starch[45]
Blocks ("fifty dozen of blocks")[46]
Blubber ("the voiage arlate the said ship came and arrived at a place called Hope Iland as he hath heard and there the Master and Companie of her did get the blubber of some seahorse which the fflemings had left ther as not thinking the same worth taking which said blubber this rendent beleeveth was brought home in the said ship to this rendent and Companie the whole of whale blubber and horse blubber did amount unto 16. or 17. tonnes of course oyle and not above as he beleeveth and also about halfe a tonne of whale bone and not above as he beleeves all which together with the charges of boyling custome and excise and other petty charges after the comming home therof deduced did extend to about 165:li or 170:li and noe more as he beleeveth")[47]
Bocking bayes ("twenty peeces of longe Bocking bayes")[48]
Bollagna silke ("Item 3 baggs of Bollangna silke 119 li neat at 24s per lb")[49]
Boome sparrs[50]
Box ("an hundred and six cakes of rosin, six hogsheads of turpentine, seaventie oares, twelve bundles of corke, three baggs of wooll, seaven and fiftie peeces of box and 48 (?XXX) of turpentine oile"[51]
Box combs (alt. box combes) ("One chest of this eighth marke containeing two hundredd dozen of box combes"[52]
Box-wood (alt. box wood) ("201 hogsheads of traine oile, 96 packs of whalebone, 1185 peeces of box-wood, sixtie seaven or sixtie eight baggs of wooll, and foure rolls of slight striped stuffe, all which were laden at Bayon in ffrance")[53]
Brandy ("20 hogheads Brandy att 58 li the hogshead) and to in sterling 3 li - 1 s. 00 d per hogshead.) 35 hogsheads. att 60 li per hogshead, and to in sterling mony 4:li 3:s. 4:d. per hogshead) 143 small barrells of brandy att 11:li 19:s per barrell an:d to in sterling mony. 10:s ?6:d . per barrell[54]
Brandy wine (alt. brandywine) ("Out of the Shipp Unities lading for 91 Caske of Brandy wine 147 [li] - 19 - XX")[55]
Butter ("three hundred firkins of butter"[56]
Brazil wood ("200 Quintalls of Brazil Wood")[57]
Brazil woode
Brazeelewood ("an allegation given on the behalfe of John Charker concerning the possession of 200 quintalls of Brazeelewood brought to this port of London in the shippe the Jon and Abigall of which Thornas Morley Captaine"[58]
Bootes ("such goods as the sayd Moulson had on board for his owne accompt as hatts shooes bootes sayes, broadcloath, stuffes, diaper linnen and the like")[59]
Bottle "shee had aboard her 131 beames or thereabouts of timber, fourteene thousand pipestaves, 89 peeces of planck, 46 baggs or thereabouts of flax, three hundred tonnes of paving stones, and 150 cases of bottles, foure chests of windowe glasse, and six iron gunns or peeces of ordnance, and noe other goods, which iron guns were not of the shipps provision but were laden in hold to be sold for merchandizing, they being fowle and uneven cast"[60]
Bowdges ("fower chests of Copper barrs and one tunn of iron, and two barrells of bowdges remaining undisposed of at the time of the said seizure")[61]
Brass wares ("brasse and iron wars")[62]
Brimston (alt. brimstone)
Broad cheynies ("Tenn bales of goods conteyning sixteene peeces of Taunton serges, twenty sixe peeces of paragons tenn peeces of broad cheynies, fowerteene peeces of meduses, sixe peeces of black bayes, nyne hundred twenty five yards or Spanish yardes of ffreizes peeces of quarter silke, and tenn peeces of halfe silke adorettas, sixe peeces of damaskillias or floramides, and fower peeces of narrow cheynyes")[63]
Broad cloath
Broad dales[64]
Broad lockerams ("besides the sayd tenn bales, fower Nests of truncks, fower full conteyning flaxe and twenty peeces of narrow lockerams and halfe a peece of Tregar or course cloath, and sixe peeces of broad lockerams"[65]
Broad perpetuanes ("foure bayles of broad perpetuanes")[66]
Broad tapsells ("three bales of broad tapsells")[67]
Brown sugar
Buffalo hides[68]
Bull hides ("hee is not certaine but there may be more bull hides and fewer cowhides, or more cow hides and fewer bull hides, but for the number of hides bull and cow hides together hee beleeveth them to be as followeth within tenn or twelve hides more or lesse in the whole)")[69]
Butter ("three hundred firkins of butter")[70]


Cacoa ("the second bill of lading annexed wherein are mentioned nynety and fower pipes of Canary wyne, and one hundred and sixty peeces of campecha wood, and thirty bundles of salsaperilla, and two baggs of cacao")[71]
Cacoa nuts ("six sacks of cacoa nuts")[72]
Cabinetts ("which lading hee saith consisted in woollen and lynnen cloth, serges. stuffs needles thread riben pinns. Knives sizers silke, and woosted stockings. Combs, bells, morters and pestles, earthen ware glasses, beads, cabinetts hatts. shooes. old cloathes and other comodityes")[73]
Callico lawnes or shashes
Callicos (alt. callicoes) ("having aboard her a quantitie of marchandizes consisting in XX cottons and callicos XX XXX XXX factor XXX account taken aboard her on the coast of Cormandel was carrying XX XXX for Bantam for which place the said goods were XXXX and were provided XXXXX to be ther XXXXXX")[74]
Calve skins ("the said Whitwood did provide a considerable quantity of calves skinnes for part of the said ships Lading")[75]
Calma silke ("one bale of white Calama silke")[76]
Cambricke (alt. cambrick) ("one smale box of cambricke and lawnes"[77]; "the said producent within the space of a yeare before October last shipped and sent severall goods (as linnen cloth, laces, and cambrick and other goods at severall times and in severall shipps from Ostend"[78]
Campachina (alt. campecha) [wood][79]
Campecha wood ("the second bill of lading annexed wherein are mentioned nynety and fower pipes of Canary wyne, and one hundred and sixty peeces of campecha wood, and thirty bundles of salsaperilla, and two baggs of cacao")[80]
Canarie wynes ("hee this dept in or about the moneths of December and January in the yeare 1655 according to the English style having received here at London severall parcells of Canarie wynes transported from the Iland of Teneriffe to this XX for this deponents accompt, did here dispose of and sell the same at XXX the price of thirty eight pounds sterling per pipe")[81]
Canary wines ("Clayme of Thomas Cowling for Canary Wines taken in the Saint Laurence Peter[82]
Cande ("the interrogate Thomas Rummings and Anthony Beale had each of them considerable quantities of white pepper, greene ginger white sugar casialignmum tamerin and cande but the certayne quantitie hee cannot declare")[83]
Candles ("the commannder of the Lionesse bought a small quantitie of the Golden Suns beef, butter and herings and candles")[84]
Canvas ("j pack quarter xx webbs of canvas")[85]
Caracca hydes ("the said 54 Caracca hydes and the said chest of tortoise shells")[86]
Carackas hides ("his factor loaded aboard the said shipp the Morning Starr then lying at Santa Cruse in Teneriff an hundred large or Carackas hides (marked as in the margent), to be transported in the said shipp to Amsterdam")[87]
Cardamons (alt. cardimmon)
?Carra nuts ("six sacks of Carra ?Nuts")[88]
Casialignum ("the Interrogate Thomas Rummings and Anthony Beale had each of them considerable quantities of white pepper, greene ginger white sugar Casialignmum Tamerin and ?Cande but the certayne quantitie hee cannot declare")[89]
Cassia fistula ("a parcell of cassia fistula")[90]
Cast copper ("xviij Cweight of old cast copper, which came from Jamaica")[91]
Castor hatts ("the said Burges did lade and put on board the said ship eight castor hatts which this deponent sawe on board the said ship at Fallmouth")[92]
Cazarra hydes ("the foresaid ffour and ffifty Cazarra hydes")[93]
Chaires (alt. chayres) ("for this deponent and shipps companies joint accompt twelve dozen of greene matted stooles or chaires, together with about two thousand eight hundred of painted bricks for flooring")[94]
Cheese ("did furnish each of them with two barrells, and alsoe one Holland Cheese")[95]
Cheynies (alt. cheynes) ("tenn bales of goods conteyning sixteene peeces of Taunton serges, Twenty sixe peeces of paragons tenn peeces of broad cheynies, fowerteene peeces of meduses, sixe peeces of black bayes, nyne hundred twenty five yards or Spanish yardes of ffreizes peeces of quarter silke, and tenn peeces of halfe silke adorettas, sixe peeces of damaskillias or floramides, and fower peeces of narrow cheynyes")[96]
Childrens woosted stockings ("a small box, both containeing forty two dozen of mens; and twenty nine dozen of womens, and childrens woosted stockings")[97]
China bason
China dishes
China pot
China rootes ("a parcell of China rootes (of above six hundred weight")[98]
China ware
China silk
Christiana ordinary[99]
Cider (alt. cyder) ("the said vessell at the time of her seizure had no gunns ordnance or artillery aboard her, nor any provisions save about 2. loaves of bread a little beef and porke and cider")[100]
Cinamon (alt. sinamon) ("two chests with five hundred and fourtie pound of cinamon")[101]
Cinnamon barks
Clap boards ("on or about the third day of October in the yeare 1652 the sayd shipp sett sayle from Dantzyck and sayled to ?Rya a place likewise in the East Countrye and there tooke in a lading of hempe flax tarr clap boards and other like goods")[102]
Clarett ("7 tonns ?1 hoggshead of clarrett att 84:li 5.?s the tonn and in sterling 5:li. 17:s. 2:d. per ton")[103]
Clench nayles
Cloake ("there was laden and put on board the said ship in the River of Thames a cargoe of goods consisting in linnen and woollen cloath, East India stuff, searges, beads, glasses, muskets, pistolls, strongwaters, brandewines, white wine and clarret, silke stockings, suits and cloakes shoes, knives, sizers combs pins, needles, thimbles, thred ffish hooks, bells, locks, lead and severall other comodityes.")[104]
Cloth ("one peece of fine cloth conteyning thirtie and one yards")[105]
Cloves ("two parcells of cloves weighing about threescore pounds a peece")[106]

Coal Merchant Trade Card, Fruchard, P., mid-C18th[107]

Coal Mcht Trade Card Fruchard P Mid C19th 130513.JPG

Coales ("whether hee doth not well know that the shipp the Swanne of which the said Absolon was master commeing from Newcastle upon or about the seaventeenth of may last 1660 about 10 or 11 of the clock in the morneing sett saile from or neare Newcastle with her ladeing of coales"[108] ; "whither the said Robert oyle did not cause a great quantity of the said coales to bee kept aboard the said shippe, and did hee not cause some of them to bee hidden under the said shipps ballast, and others of them in barrells and Tubbs, and whither the coals soe kept aboard the said shippe as aforesaid were not carried away in the said shippe at her departure from Tangier, and were they not burned in the said Shippes Cook-Roome dureing her voyage into the Straights and from thence home to this port of London, and how long did the said Robert Oyle use the said Master Blands coales, and what were coales then worth at Tangier aforesaid, and how many chaldren of the said coales did hee burne at Tangier, and how many chaldren did hee carry away in the said shipp from thence, and why did hee carry away the said coales, was it not bee cause hee wanted wood or other fowell (sic) for the said shipps use")[109]
Coarse dales[110]
Cobbwebb lawnes ("a parcell of Cobbwebb lawnes lately seized in the said shippe the young Tobias"[111]; "about fifty foure pieces of cobbwebb lawnes taken out of the said shipp")[112]
Colchester bayes ("the said Robert Bretton of this deponents sight and knowledge bought in this citie of fiftie peaces of Colchester bayes and then going into the countrey hee the said producent ordered this deponent on his behalfe after they were died into black and colours to lade them for the Canaries")[113]
Coles ("to that end did pumpe her, and heave out about three lighters of coles")[114]
Coloured hatts ("Two Packs, No 6. and 8: with coloured hatts")[115]
Coloured taffetes ("one great chest No C with sixteene pieces of coloured taffetes")[116]
Coloured serges ("ffoure bales of coloured serges")[117]
Combs ("which Lading hee saith Consisted in Woollen and Lynnen Cloth, Serges. Stuffs Needles Thread Riben Pinns. Knives Sizers silke, and woosted stockings. Combs, bells, morters and Pestles, Earthen ware Glasses, beads, Cabinetts Hatts. shooes. old Cloathes and other Comodityes")[118]
Comin seeds (alt. cumin seeds) ("Currants ffennell and Comin (OR, cumin) seeds, ffustick and almonds the certaine ?quantutyes whereof this deponent cannot sett forth")[119]
Confaiture (alt. confeitures)
Coniak wines ("they had receaved advice from him that hee had accordingly laded the sayd shipp with two hundred twenty one tonnes of coniack wines for the accompt of them and the sayd Thomas Skinner")[120]
'Conie skinns (alt. cony skins) ("one butt of conie skinns")[121]
Coopers timbers
Corne ("whither the corne that was throwne overboard or that was layd up upon the shoare at Tangier was measured before it was throwne overboard or cast upon the shoare")[122]
Copper ("a quintall of copper")[123]
Copper barrs [124]
Copper basons ("Out of the Shipp Unities lading for brasse and copper kettle and basons 042 [li] - XX- XX")[125]
Copper kettle ("Out of the shipp Unities lading for brasse and copper kettle and basons 042 [li] - XX- XX")[126]
Copper plates[127]
Copper pan ("three copper kettles a copper pott and copper pan")[128]
Copper pott ("three copper kettles a copper pott and copper pan")[129]
Copper staves
Copper wire[130]
Copperes (alt. copperas) ("twelve hogsheads of copperes marked and numbred as in the margent containing between three and foure tonnes nett to be transported in the said shipp to Roane in ffrance"[131]
Corke ("seaventie oares, twelve bundles of corke, three baggs of wooll")[132]
Corrall beads ("this deponent tooke aboard at Newfoundland by the order of the said James Napper (which hee verily beleeveth was for the said Nappars sole accompt about eleven kintalls, and a halfe of drye ffish, as a private adventure which this deponent sold at Genoa, and invested the said money in corrall beads by his order, to the about the vallue of thirty two peeces of eight")[133]
Cotton woolls ("Ciprus cotton woolls are usually and ordinarily putt in very great baggs, which cannot be stowed without very great paines and difficulty, more especially when a shipp draweth nere to her full lading, having already receaved the most considerable quantity of her cargo")[134]
Cotton yarn (alt. cotton yarnes) ("at Scanderoone there were there laden aboard her [the Anne] about one hundred baggs of galls, about one hundred Bales of Cotton Yarne, and other goods")[135]
Cotton wool (alt. cotton wooll) ("72 baggs of cotton wool")[136]
Cottons ("having aboard her a quantitie of marchandizes consisting in XX cottons and callicos XX XXX XXX factor XXX account taken aboard her on the coast of Cormandel was carrying XX XXX for Bantam for which place the said goods were XXXX and were provided XXXXX to be ther XXXXXX")[137]
Counterband goods[138]
Course cloath ("besides the sayd tenn bales, fower nests of truncks, fower full conteyning flaxe and twenty peeces of narrow lockerams and halfe a peece of Tregar or course cloath, and sixe peeces of broad lockerams"[139]
Course paper
Course silver
Covering dales[140]
Cow hides ("hee is not certaine but there may be more bull hides and fewer cowhides, or more cow hides and fewer bull hides, but for the number of hides bull and cow hides together hee beleeveth them to be as followeth within tenn or twelve hides more or lesse in the whole)")[141]
Cow hornes
Cowring dales[142]
Cowyres (alt. cowries)[143]
Crooked oake
Cuckam ("after the said Johnsons departure from Santa Domingo aforesaid for Cadiz with his lading of cuckam, hides and tobaccoe")[144]
Cumin seeds (= comin seeds) (currants ffennell and comin (OR, cumin) seeds ffustick and almonds the certaine ?quantutyes whereof this deponent cannot sett forth")[145]
Currans (= Currants) ('alt. currance)
Currants ("surprised her and her ladeing of currans and other goods and dispoiled her and her ladeing of Currants and other goods")[146][147]
Curtaine fringe (alt. fringe) ("a parcell of curtaine ffringe, and Lace")[148]
Cutcheneale (= cotcheneale) ("The clayme of Christopher Boone of London merchant for severall parcells of silver and ?cutcheneale heretofore specially claymed by Adrian Goldsmith of Antwerpe having bin seized in the shipps the Sampson Salvador Saint George and Morning Star and since legally transferred to him the sayd Christopher Boone")[149]
Cutt dales[150]


Dales (alt. deales)[151]
Damaske (alt. damask)
Damaskillias ("Tenn bales of goods conteyning sixteene peeces of Taunton serges, twenty sixe peeces of paragons tenn peeces of broad cheynies, fowerteene peeces of meduses, sixe peeces of black bayes, nyne hundred twenty five yards or Spanish yardes of ffreizes peeces of quarter silke, and tenn peeces of halfe silke adorettas, sixe peeces of damaskillias or floramides, and fower peeces of narrow cheynyes")[152]
Dates ("fower chests of dates")[153]
Deales ("whither hee was on board XXX said shippe the Saint Johns Head when the deales and XXX were sent aboard the said Shippe to make bulke XXXX the corne that was laden aboard the said shippe, and XXX whither there were not 240 single deales, and foure and XXX twenty sparres")[154]
Dealeboards (alt. deale boards) ("The second was from Masterland with Herrings to Stockholme, and there this deponent tooke in a lading of pitch, tarr, Iron and some Dealeboards, for and to bee delivered at this city of London to Charles Marisco a merchant here")[155]
Delfs butter ("twelve chests of candles one last of wheate, a parcell of brasse andirons, 26 rolls and some peeces of tobaccoe, eight chaires, five barrells and a halfe of herrings and six barrells of Delfs butter")[156]
Diaper ("such goods as the sayd Moulson had on board for his owne accompt as hatts shooes bootes sayes, broadcloath, stuffes, diaper linnen and the like")[157]
Dimmitees (alt. dymithy; dimity) ("Thomas ?Constable gunner of the sayd shipp and slayne att the tyme of surprizall in Trapany had aboard her att the tyme of the sayd seizure for his own accompt several peices of moka?rres, dimmitees, silke stockings Clothes and other things which were as this deponent beleiveth of the cleare value of forty pounds sterling")[158]
Dressing boxes ("druggs, wine dressing boxes, shooes and such like merchandizes")[159]
Drinking glasses
Druggs (= drugs) ("hee hath ?two of his owne shipp ?chests which are full of druggs for his owne account"[160]; "two small skinns of druggs, two small barrells of druggs")[161]
Dry barrell boards[162]
Drye fish
Dy ginger
Dry goods
Double baulkes[163]
Dyed silke


Earthen ware ("the time arlate this rendent was sent by the said Edmund Cowse to Virginia with a quantity of goods videlicet 7?1 pipes of wine and no more as he beleeveth 2: chests of white earthen ware one bale of paper and noe more 20 peeces of East India stuffe called pantadoes, and a parcell of red earthen wares worth nothing at all as he beleevth, and a small quantity of salt, and no other goods as hee beleeveth")[164]
East India stuffe (alt. East India stuffes) ("the time arlate this rendent was sent by the said Edmund Cowse to Virginia with a quantity of goods videlicet 7?1 pipes of wine and no more as he beleeveth 2: chests of white earthen ware one bale of paper and noe more 20 peeces of East India stuffe called pantadoes, and a parcell of red earthen wares worth nothing at all as he beleevth, and a small quantity of salt, and no other goods as hee beleeveth")[165]
Eggs ("ferkins of eggs")[166]
Elephants teeth (alt. eliphants teeth)
Elme boards[167]
English hopps[168]
English puldanis[169]
English wooll[170]


Feather beds
Feathers ("thirtie baggs of feathers which were bought and laden by him this deponent at Bayon")[172]
ffennell ("Currants ffennell and Comin (OR, cumin) seeds ffustick and almonds the certaine ?quantutyes whereof this deponent cannot sett forth")[173]
ffish ("at the first arrivall of the said Ship Pearce at Nevis the said Wood had a pound of Sugar for a pound of ffish")[174]
ffishehookes ("ffishehookes, Knives Sizers"[175]
fflaxe (alt. flax; flaxe) ("the arlate shipps were laden with wheate fflaxe and Iron")[176]
ffranjinsense ("two chests of ffranjinsense")[177]
ffreizes ("nyne hundred twenty five Yards or Spanish yardes of ffreizes")[178]
Figgs ("from thence to ffaro in Portugall where they arrived with the said shipp in September 1651. where the said shippe haveinge taken in a quantity of figgs beinge but little above halfe her ladeinge did set saile with the same for London")[179]
Fine earthenware
Fine wire
Firr baulkes[180]
Firr boards
Flanders lace
Flax (alt. Flaxe) (("a parcell of flax to be brought unto Roscoe")[182]
Floramides ("Tenn bales of goods conteyning sixteene peeces of Taunton serges, Twenty sixe peeces of Paragons Tenn peeces of broad Cheynies, fowerteene peeces of Meduses, sixe peeces of black bayes, nyne hundred twenty five Yards or Spanish yardes of ffreizes peeces of quarter silke, and tenn peeces of halfe silke Adorettas, sixe peeces of damaskillias or floramides, and fower peeces of narrow Cheynyes")[183]
Fowling peeces
Fraile fruite
French Apples ("the said Vessell at the said time of her seizure was full laden with ffrench apples laden at Tuckett and bound for deepe for the accompt of ffrenchmen")[184]
French wines ("divers of the said prizes taken by the said Stanton were laden with french wines to the Number of about 600 Tonns")[185]
Freizes (alt. frizes) ("Tenn bales of goods conteyning sixteene peeces of Taunton serges, twenty sixe peeces of paragons tenn peeces of broad cheynies, fowerteene peeces of meduses, sixe peeces of black bayes, nyne hundred twenty five yards or Spanish yardes of ffreizes peeces of quarter silke, and tenn peeces of halfe silke adorettas, sixe peeces of damaskillias or floramides, and fower peeces of narrow cheynyes")[186]
Fringe (alt. curtaine fringe)[187]
Frizes (alt. freizes) ("Ten bales of white serges conteyning one hundred peices of serge and sewall sorts of bayes and frizes then remaining in a warehouse belonging to the said William Pym at Saint Malo aforesaid"[188]
Fustick ("a parcell of sassaperilla and other druggs, and some Brazill wood and fustick")[189]


Galls (alt. gaulls) ("the sayd two chests of galls as by the invoice of them delivered unto him appeareth were worth one hundred and two pounds tenn shillings sterling or thereabouts in England but what profitt they would have yeilded at Bantam or else where in the East Indies in bartering or selling hee knoweth not"[190]; "soe soone as the said ship [the Anne] delivered her said salt at Scanderrone, the said William Malym the master and company of the said ship. did take aboard her, a lading of cottons, galls and other peeces to be transported in her to this port of London")[191]
Gaulls (alt. galls) ("having already received and laden aboard her one hundred baggs of wool and 400 baggs and upwards of gaulls")[192]
Genoa anchovies ("thirtie foure tonnes of the best Genua oile, and one hundred fiftie eight barrells of the best Genoa anchovies")[193]
Genua oile ("thirtie foure tonnes of the best Genua oile, and one hundred fiftie eight barrells of the best Genoa anchovies")[194]
Ginger ("four barrells of Spanish tabacco, a great quantity of dry ginger loose and about four barralls and one potaco more of ?Varinaes tobacco, and forty ratacos more of Varinaos tobaccoes, thirteen pipes of sugar or thereabouts, eighteene baggs of ginger, a great quantity of Brazil and Campocha wood all for the proper use and accompt of the sayd Joseph Markes John Baptista Mograita and other merchants of Spayne subiects of the King of Spaine to be transported in the sayd shipp to Dunquerke for their use")[195]
Glasse bottles ("142 dozen of glasse bottles belonging to this deponent and his shipps company")[196]
Glasses ("which lading hee saith consisted in woollen and lynnen cloth, serges. stuffs needles thread riben pinns. knives scizers silke, and woosted stockings. combs, bells, morters and pestles, earthen ware glasses, beads, cabinetts hatts. shooes. old cloathes and other comodityes")[197]
Goat skins
Gotes skins
Gomera tobacco ("John Lambert md xxiiij Cweight of Gomera Tobacco")[198]
Granatts ("granatts, a sort of stone, or beads of á small vallue which are vented in Ittaly")[199]
Great baulkes[200]
Great timber ("during all that time she hath of his knowledge bin imployed to bring Deales and great timber, spars and balkes from Norway")[201]
Greene ginger ("the interrogate Thomas Rummings and Anthony Beale had each of them considerable quantities of white pepper, greene ginger white sugar casialignmum tamerin and cande but the certayne quantitie hee cannot declare")[202]
Greene bayes
Grind stones
Groge wyne ("item thirty ffive butts of groge wyne")[203]
Grogeram yarne (alt. grogaran; grogoran) ("wax, grogeram yarne silke, cotton yarne and allum to be carried to ligorne"[204]; "the Grogoran yarne schedulated of Begbazar in the Turks dominions")[205]
Gueldings (alt. gelding) ("the said shippe the Edward and John for the accompt of maior Chamberlayne and others mentioned in the allegation given on the behalfe of the said Tolly the number of twenty sixe horses and gueldings and 2 mares")[206]
Gumme ("a barrell of gumme")[207]
Gunpowder ("severall Barrells of Gunpowder")[208]


Haberdashery wares ("Haberdashery wars, as hatts, Tape Needles Pins ... and such like")[209]
Halfe dales[210]
Harbor beer ("desired him to provide and send onboard the said ship ffourty Eight barrells of harbor Beer Twelve Tonne and a halfe of Sea Bear, two barrells of Strong Beere, and two Barrells of Sea bear more, and foure punchions of Beere, with the Caske")[211]
Harlem stuff ("one case of harlem stuff")[212]
Hatts ("which Lading hee saith Consisted in Woollen and Lynnen Cloth, Serges. Stuffs Needles Thread Riben Pinns. Knives Sizers silke, and woosted stockings. Combs, bells, morters and Pestles, Earthen ware Glasses, beads, Cabinetts Hatts. shooes. old Cloathes and other Comodityes")[213]
Hemp ("68 bundles of hemp"[214]; "bundles of rough hemp")[215]
Hempseed ("xx quarters of hempseed")[216]
Herings ("he answereth and beleeveth that Salmon and herings were no vendible commodity at Rochell in the moneths arlate")[217]
Herrings ("The second was from Masterland with Herrings to Stockholme, and there this deponent tooke in a lading of Pitch, tarr, Iron and some Dealeboards, for and to bee delivered at this city of London to Charles Marisco a merchant here"[218]; "seaven lasts and seaven barrells of herrings")[219]
Hessens ("one hundred and forty eight pices of Hessens")[220]
Hides ("This deponent saith That coming in August 1653 last past as a passenger from Cadiz in Spaine to Saint Malloe ffrance in a certaine shipp named the Saint Vincent hee well well remembreth that some dayes before the says shipps depture from Cadiz he saw one Raphael da Luna who was the servant of the acclate Manual Lowij Carnero carry on board the sayd shipp a good parcell of Indian hides, which hee sayd were his masters, and he consigned the same to William Claviel att Saint Mallo who does busines as a factor for the sayd Carnero")[221]
Holland quilte
Holland sayes ("five cases of Holland sayes")[222]
Hoopes ("the sayd Rack or derelict when shee was found as aforesayd forty tonne or thereabouts of trayne oyle but much damnified by water and about 70 tonne of empty casks about thirty bundles of hoopes, one great Copper, and fower and twenty seale skinns, (and some fish and bread which was utterly spoiled by longe continuance in water)")[223]
Hopps ("the said vessell the Elizabeth being departed from dunkirke to come for London laded with hopps, thredd and other goods")[224]
Horses ("the said shippe the Edward and John for the accompt of maior Chamberlayne and others mentioned in the allegation given on the behalfe of the said Tolly the number of twenty sixe horses and gueldings and 2 mares")[225]
Howshold stuff ("ij loads of howshold stuff")[226]
Hundscot sayes (alt. Hounscott; Hunscotts) ("One fardell or pack of white hundscot sayes"[227]; "One fardell or pack of this third marke No: 5. with 25 peeces of black hunscot sayes"[228]


Indico (= Indigo) ("a little before the arrivall of the said ship Peace at Nevis, the tobacco plants indico and sugar canes were there at at the other Leeward islands, spoyled and rooted upp by reason of hurricanoes")[229]; "they had allsoe receaved seaverall other letters from theire agents and correspondents there wherein the manner of the said takeing away of the said tenne barrells of indico belonging to the said producent was menconned and expressed")[230]
Indicoes ("hurricanoes and stormes had spoyled most of the sugar canes, tobaccoe, and Indicoes in those places, and had rooted many of them up")[231]
Irish butter ("sixty firkins of Irish butter")[232]
Iron ("whilst the said shipp was at Stockholme aforesaid, there was a quantity of iron, and other goods laden and put on board her there for the sole and proper accompt of him the said Patrick Angus")[233]
Iron kettles ("who by name bought the 413 Iron Potts, 300 bundles of rod iron, and 170 iron kettles laden on board the shipp the Saint Andrew arrested by authority of this High Court of Admiralty"[234]
Iron potts ("five tonns iron potts and morters")[235]
Ironmongers wares
Rod iron




Kettle ("about three hundred kettles as hee supposeth")[236]
Kersyes (alt. kersies) ("the said goods amounted to a great vallue they being Bayes. [?WX?sh] Plaine Cottons [?XXXX] Million ffustians. Norwich Goods. Stockings, and Kersyes, and such like Comodityes"[237]; "lynnens, mercerie wares, silke stuffs, kersies and other commodities to the valew of about tenn thousand pounds fflemish, and after laded the same at Amsterdam")[238]
Kid skins
Kilmornock stockins
Knifes (alt. knives) ("2 dozen of knifes given to the blakes that brought my things from the shore:")[239]


Lace ("two small packs with white lace"[240]; "Two small bundles of the eighth marke, one with white laces and the other with silver and gold lace counterfeit No 19.")[241]
Lagee silke (alt. legee silke) ("Item 22 lb of fine Lagee silke at 18: s per lb")[242]
Larwick dales[243]
Lath wood[244]
Latin wire
Lattin ("two little barrells or casks of tinne or lattin")[246]
Lawnes ("A parcell of cobbwebb lawnes lately seized in the said shippe the Young Tobias"[247]; "about fifty foure pieces of Cobbwebb lawnes laken out of the said shipp")[248]
Lead ("was freighted and againe laden there with lead and sugar by M:r Richard fford merchant of this citie and companie")[249]
Leather ("some were sydes of leather tanned which hee reckoned and accompted as hydes severally though in truth they were but half hydes")[250]
Legee silke (alt. lagee silke) ("amongest the rest one bill of lading for one baile of legee silke and one faugot of Sufa silke to be carried to Ligorne")[251]
Lemmons (= lemon) ("A matter of unladeing and receaving of a parcell of 46 chests of lemmons Laden in the Anne and Joyce")[252]; "the arlate Manuel Lewis Carrero was and is a Spanish borne and a subiect of the King of Spaine and lives in Cadiz and there keepes a house and family and is a merchant trading in lemon and other merchandizes which he deposeth, himselfe living in Cadiz and having good acquaintance with the sayd Carrero")[253]
Lignum vita ("sticks of lignum vita")[255]
Linnens ("saith that the said cargo of linnens were laden by monsieur Le Mot Arman, and consigned to this port to the said Mr fford")[256]
Linnen cloath (alt. lynnen cloth; linnen cloth) ("these hides of this deponents knowledge who went a passenger in the Saint Vincent came safe to the sayd Claviels hands, and hee as this deponent is well assured did here sell the same and convert the proceed thereof in to Linnen Cloath for accompt of the sayd Carnero")[257]
Linseed oile ("Henry de Bruyne against six pipes of linseed oile laden by Henry de Bruyne at Amsterdam merchant in the shipp the Angell whereof Jervais Mitchell is Master and consigned to Bedord Whiting as belonginge to himselfe...")[258]
Liquorice ("the said Titus Complaine being here in London did cause one Chest of sugar of the valew of fourtie one pounds fourteen shillings and five pence, one hogshead of Tobaccoe of the valew of twelve pounds fifteen shillings and 10 d one barrell packt with loose sugar, cinnamon, Cloves, pepper and liquorice, amounting to 17 li 08 s 10 d besides a scarfe packed up in the same barrell of the valew (as hee beleeveth) of 12 s or thereabouts, being in all 18 li : 00: 10 d the predeposed goods wares and merchandizes amounting in all to 72 li: 11 s: 01 d: sterling to bee laden aboard the said vessell or hoy to be transported as aforesaid")[259]
Livery lace
Loaf sugar ("one barrell packd with loafe sugar, sinamon, cloves pepper and liquorice")[260]
Lockerams ("besides the sayd tenn bales, fower nests of truncks, fower full conteyning flaxe and twenty peeces of narrow lockerams and halfe a peece of Tregar or course cloath, and sixe peeces of broad lockerams")[261]
Locks ("there was laden and put on board the said ship in the River of Thames a Cargoe of Goods consisting in Linnen and Woollen Cloath, East India stuff, Searges, Beads, Glasses, Muskets, Pistolls, Strongwaters, Brandewines, white wine and Clarret, Silke Stockings, Suits and Cloakes shoes, Knives, sizers Combs Pins, Needles, Thimbles, Thred ffish hooks, Bells, Locks, Lead and severall other Comodityes.")[262]
Logwood (alt. log wood) ("hee was in the said yard (out of which the said Logwood was taken and sent on board the said ship) whilest, some of the said wood was weighing, and sawe most of it sent, and brought aboard the said ship, the said yard being neere the waterside and neere unto the place: where his ship lay")[263]; "whither hee doth not know beleeve or hath heard that the said fower tonnes and ten sticks of logwood were sold by the said Jeremiah Sweetman or some other of the said English that arrived in the said shippe unto some of the inhabitants of Barnstaple Biddeford or ?Northam before the same were arrested by authority of this Court"[264]; "1339 sticks more of Log or Brazele wood conteyning 102 quintalls")[265]
Long cloth
Long rack dales[266]
Long sound connifers[267]
Longe Bocking bayes ("twenty peeces of Longe Bocking bayes")[268]
Looking glasses ("And saith there was likewise on board her a great quantity of looking glasses and drinking glasses and allso of XX and other wares of great value which this deponent cannot specify")[269]


Mader ("about the 20th of July last this deponent sent the said ship Cock from Rotterdam to Glascoe, with a ladlng of iron mader, starch, fruits, sugar, deales and wine for account of John Anderson the elder and Ninian Anderson")[271]
Mahalaga currans ("one hundred and sixty tonnes of Mahalaga and Petrao currans videlicet one hundred & thirty of Mathaligo and thirty tonnes of Petrao currans")[272]
Mahaligo currans ("one hundred and sixty tonne of Mahaligo Currans")[273]
Malaga wine (alt. Mallaga wines) ("170 butts of Malaga wine")[274]
Mannettee ("[At Brazil] tooke in a sort of ffish called Mannettee and dying-stuff calle Ruckoo")[275]
Manilloes ("twenty two caske black manilloes")[276]
Marble stones ("The claime of Chowne Wakeford and others for salvage of small marble stones saved out of the Greene Dragon at or neere Brighthelmstone Smith")[277]
Mares ("the said shippe the Edward and John for the accompt of maior Chamberlayne and others mentioned in the allegation given on the behalfe of the said Tolly the number of twenty sixe horses and gueldings and 2 mares")[278]
Mathaligo currans ("one hundred and fifty tonnes of Mathaligo currans seized on board the Lady ffrigott)[279]
Malt ("seeing the said seizure of the ffortune, which was laden with malt and barley")[280]
Marma ("15:o barrells of Marma")[281]
Matted chaire
Mault ("19 Hogsheads of ?Mault")[282]
Meale ("the ship the King David arlate lying neere Saint Martins and not farr from Rochell, within the time arlate, tooke in her Lading arlate of two hundred and fforty tonns or thereabouts of barley, a quanty of meale, a parcell of course linnen and a parcell of paper, all to be delivered at Cadiz"[283]
Meduses ("tenn bales of goods conteyning sixteene peeces of Taunton serges, twenty sixe peeces of paragons tenn peeces of broad cheynies, fowerteene peeces of meduses, sixe peeces of black bayes, nyne hundred twenty five yards or Spanish yardes of ffreizes peeces of quarter silke, and tenn peeces of halfe silke adorettas, sixe peeces of damaskillias or floramides, and fower peeces of narrow cheynyes")[284]
Mercerie wares ("lynnens, mercerie wares, silke stuffs, kersies and other commodities to the valew of about tenn thousand pounds fflemish, and after laded the same at Amsterdam")[285]
Middle sparrs[286]
Middle wire
Mill stones
Minnekin bayes ("the said three bales of perpetuanaes and two bales of minnekin bayes were at the time of their lading aforesaid worth the summe of two hundred twenty eight pounds twelve shilings and six pence sterling money")[287]
Minx skinns ("the said barrill att the time of the said lading containeing ninety eight beaver skinns, seaven otter skinns. and fower minx skinns")[288]
Mixed kersies
Mixed serges
Mixt shiffer ("One pack No 2 with ninety peeces of mixt shiffer, silke, and wooll, of this 5th marke")[289]
Morea silke ("Item a bale of Morea silke wt. 160: lb neat, at 7: s the small lb")[290]
Morters ("which Lading hee saith consisted in Woollen and Lynnen Cloth, Serges. Stuffs Needles Thread Riben Pinns. Knives Sizers silke, and woosted stockings. combs, bells, morters and Pestles, Earthen ware Glasses, beads, cabinetts Hatts. shooes. old cloathes and other comodityes")[291]
Moyhaire yarne ("Item 33 li of moyhaire yarne")[292]
Muscavadas (alt. muscavadoes sugars) ("in the yeare 1647 and particularly in and about the moneth of November in the said yeare Barbadas sugar muscavadas (which is the ordinary sort) was here worth 14 li per hundred and consequently two hogsheads were worth 28: li sterlinge at the common and usuall price, which hee knoweth because hee this deponent hath longe dealt as a marchant in that commoditie, and at that time sold at that rate, and saith that two hogsheads of Barbadas sugars doe ordinarile containe nine hundred weight of sugar")[293]
Muscavadoe sugar (alt. muscavadoes sugars) ("of this deponents knowledge Nevis Mascovado sugar is better than Barbadoes muscavadoe sugar")[294]
Muscovia linnen yarne (" hee saith hee at Harlem paid for part of his goods being Muscovia linnen yarne")[295]


Naples orgazine ("No. 3 item one other bale of Naples orgazine w:t 223 lb neat, at 21 s per lb")[296]
Naples tammins ("one bale of Naples tammins")[297]
Narrow cheynies ("tenn bales of goods conteyning sixteene peeces of Taunton serges, twenty sixe peeces of paragons tenn peeces of broad cheynies, fowerteene peeces of meduses, sixe peeces of black bayes, nyne hundred twenty five yards or Spanish yardes of ffreizes peeces of quarter silke, and tenn peeces of halfe silke adorettas, sixe peeces of damaskillias or floramides, and fower peeces of narrow cheynyes")[298]
Narrow lockerams ("besides the sayd tenn bales, fower Nests of truncks, fower full conteyning flaxe and twenty peeces of narrow lockerams and halfe a peece of Tregar or course cloath, and sixe peeces of broad lockerams"[299]
Needle wire
Needles ("which Lading hee saith consisted in woollen and lynnen cloth, serges. stuffs needles Thread Riben Pinns. Knives Sizers silke, and woosted stockings. Combs, bells, morters and Pestles, Earthen ware Glasses, beads, Cabinetts Hatts. shooes. old Cloathes and other Comodityes")[300]
Negroes ("March the 26: 1652 A noate of what cargoe I received for a voyage to Guinea in the bite to buy negros")[301]
Nevis sugar ("hee beleeveth Nevis sugar is better than Barbados sugar")[302]
Newfoundland fish
Normandy apples ("bound for Haver de Grace in ffrance with her ladeing of Normandy apples")[303]
Normandy cancas[304]
North Sea codd
Norwich goods ("the said goods amounted to a great vallue they being bayes. [?WX?sh] plaine cottons [?XXXX] Million ffustians. Norwich Goods. Stockings, and Kersyes, and such like Comodityes")[305]
Norwich stufts (alt. Norwich stuffes)
Wall nutts ("at Souters aforesaid and at Saint Martins in France the said master and companie caused to be laden and putt aboard the said shipp for their respective accompts twenty six hogsheads of vinegar three hogsheads of wyne one hogshead of brandewine, a quantity of about 150000. wall nutts to be also transported in the said shipp to Edam for their accompt the same being the proceed of cheese and other goods by them carried out of Holland and sould in ffrance")[306]


Oaken bark
Oaken baulkes ("oaken baulks upon the wharfe")[307]
Oaken boards[308]
Oake timber ("the said shipp is of the burthen of about 32 tonns and had on board her a lading of oake timber (for building of shipping and houses) laded on board her by severall merchants living at ffrederickstadt")[309]
Oares ("seaventie oares, twelve bundles of corke, three baggs of wooll")[310]
Oates("xl quarters oates")[311]
Oiles (" they use to receive from Lisbone, sugars, tobaccoes, oiles and other commodities")[312]
Olaves (alt. olives) ("ffifty jarrs of olaves")[313]
Old brass
Old cloathes ("which lading hee saith consisted in woollen and lynnen cloth, serges. stuffs needles thread riben pinns. knives sizers silke, and woosted stockings. combs, bells, morters and pestles, earthen ware glasses, beads, cabinetts hatts. shooes. old cloathes and other comodityes")[314]
Old metall ("j barr j baskett of old metall j tonn of [?England]")[315]
Onyons (alt. onions)
Oranges ("Thomas Taylor and Loys Taylor his wife were, comonly accounted and reputed the true and lawfull owners and proprietors of eight and twenty ceder chests, which contained and were filled (as this deponent verily beleeveth) with tobaccoe; and alsoe sixty six rolls of tobaccoe, and of foure more rolls of tobaccoe, and of a quantity of oranges")[316]
Orgazine ("No. 3 Item one other bale of Naples orgazine weight 223 lb neat, at 21s per lb")[317]
Orsoy (alt. ossoy) ("Item one other bale of orsoy weightt 220 lb neat at 20 s per lb")[318]
Ossen brigs ("sent in her from London that voyage bayes, cottons, plaines and Ossen brigs and other goods to the value of fower hundred pounds sterling")[319]
Ostridge feathers ("then laden onboard the said ship severall thousands of hydes, severall bales of bees wax each bale containing about foure quintalls, a chest of ostridges feathers, a quantity of box wood and some other merchandizes which said goods and merchandizes were to be carryed and transported in the said ship Anne and Margaret to Leghorne")[320]
Otter skinns ("the said barrill att the time of the said lading containeing ninety eight beaver skinns, seaven otter skinns. and fower minx skinns")[321]
Oxe hydes ("nine hundred twenty three oxe hydes")[322]
Oyle ("the said ship the Lixon ffrigot was laden at Ligorne with oyle rice silke stockings, and rope, and some other comodityes")[323]; "each pipe of oyle"[324]; "one tunn butt of oyle lately found in the sea by the company of the shipp the Maidenhead and brought to this port of London")[325]


Painted bricks ("for this deponent and shipps companies joint accompt twelve dozen of greene matted stooles or chaires, together with about two thousand eight hundred of painted bricks for flooring")[326]
Pantadoes (alt. pintadoes; pintados) ("the time arlate this rendent was sent by the said Edmund Cowse to Virginia with a quantity of goods vizt 7?1 pipes of wine and no more as he beleeveth 2: chests of white earthen ware one bale of paper and noe more 20 peeces of East India stuffe called pantadoes, and a parcell of red earthen wares worth nothing at all as he beleevth, and a small quantity of salt, and no other goods as hee beleeveth")[327]
Paper ("Theise goods laden are as followeth eight pipes of Oporto wynes whereof, Two are white, one ?eager, A bale cont 32: rames of white writing paper A packett 20. peeces of pintados which here sell at 50:li Two chests of fine earthen ware A parcell of course earthen ware A parcell of Salt"[328]
Paragons ("tenn bales of goods conteyning sixteene peeces of Taunton serges, Twenty sixe peeces of paragons tenn peeces of broad cheynies, fowerteene peeces of meduses, sixe peeces of black bayes, nyne hundred twenty five yards or Spanish yardes of ffreizes peeces of quarter silke, and tenn peeces of halfe silke adorettas, sixe peeces of damaskillias or floramides, and fower peeces of narrow cheynyes")[329]
Paternoster beades
Paving stones "shee had aboard her 131 beames or thereabouts of timber, fourteene thousand pipestaves, 89 peeces of planck, 46 baggs or thereabouts of flax, three hundred tonnes of paving stones, and 150 cases of bottles, foure chests of windowe glasse, and six iron gunns or peeces of ordnance, and noe other goods, which iron guns were not of the shipps provision but were laden in hold to be sold for merchandizing, they being fowle and uneven cast"[330]
Pease ("whither there were not sixty two sacks full of pease Laden aboard the Shippe, and whither the said pease were not dry and well conditioned when they were Laden aboard the said Shippe?")[331]
Peeces of eight
Penny nayles
Pepper abr. pepp ("the said Thomas Newman, and one ffrancis Griffith the then purser of the said ship (who is since deceased) did goe on shore, in the said port of Indra Ponza, to buy pepper and did buy a great quantity of pepper there, which was all to have bin transported in the said ship to Leghorne, for the account of Sir John Dethick and company aforesaid")[332]
White pepper ("the said Godfrey Jonas had ?two parcells of white pepper aboard her worth eleaven pounds sterling")[333]
Perfume ("the said shipp in or about ffebruary last was a twelvemoneth departed from XXX XXXX aforesaid for Santa Domingo, and arrived from VXXX CXXXXX XX two hundred thirtie two chests of sugar and tenn chests of perfume, and six sacks of carra nuts, and eight peeces of XXXXX, which were to be carried to and delivered at Santa Domingo")[334]
Perpetuanes (alt. perpetuanoes; perpetuana's) ("Serges, Bayes, Sayes Norwich stuffes Perpetuanes, and other goods, and after the same were provided, and bought the same were shipped on board a shipp called the Mackarel to bee carried and transported to Amsterdam")[335]
Pestles ("which Lading hee saith Consisted in Woollen and Lynnen Cloth, Serges. Stuffs Needles Thread Riben Pinns. Knives Sizers silke, and woosted stockings. Combs, bells, morters and Pestles, Earthen ware Glasses, beads, Cabinetts Hatts. shooes. old Cloathes and other Comodityes")[336]
Petrao currans ("one hundred and sixty tonnes of Mahalaga and Petrao currans videlicet one hundred and thirty of Nathaligo and thirty tonnes of Petrao Currans" (HCA 13/73 Part Two))
Pickle oysters ("the said Josiah Burgis did at ffallmouth after the said ships arrivall there lade and put on board her foure dozen and a halfe of pickle oysters and about twenty pounds weight of tynn which hee soe put onboard for his owne account")[337]
Pickled herrings (= pickled herings) "To the second interrogatorie this deponent saith and deposeth that the sayd ship the Hart had att the tyme of the sayd seizure, one hundred and four score tonnes of pickled herrings on board her")[338]
Pickled lemmons ("at such her coming thether she came full laden with muscadino candies and pickled lemmons")[339]
Pictures ("16 baggs of wooll of the 7 and 8:th for accompt of Martin XX XXXXXX XXX Thomas?Molender arlate, and one roll of ?pictures of XXXX Vanderplanck")[340]
Pilchards (alt. pilchers) ("And saith the said shipp went from Plymouth with a lading of about 600 hogsheads of pilchards to bee carried in the said ship and to bee delivered at Leghorne")[341]
Pinns (alt. pins) ("which lading hee saith consisted in Woollen and Lynnen Cloth, Serges. Stuffs Needles Thread Riben Pinns. Knives Sizers silke, and woosted stockings. Combs, bells, morters and Pestles, Earthen ware Glasses, beads, Cabinetts Hatts. shooes. old Cloathes and other Comodityes")[342]
Pintadoes (alt. pintados) ("A packett 20. peeces of pintados which here sell at 50 li)[343]
Pipe boards
Pipe clay
Pipe staves (alt. pipestaves)
Pipes of wine (alt. pypes of wine)
Pitch ("The second was from Masterland with herrings to Stockholme, and there this deponent tooke in a lading of pitch, tarr, iron and some dealeboards, for and to bee delivered at this city of London to Charles Marisco a merchant here")[344]
Plaine cottons
Plaine dales[345]
Plaines ("sent in her from London that voyage bayes, cottons, plaines and Ossen brigs and other goods to the value of fower hundred pounds sterling")[346]
Planck boards
Portmantle (alt. port mantle(s)) ("one portmantle with weareing linnen and some small favours and curiosities bestowed upon this deponent in ffrance"[348]; "two port mantles")[349]
Portugall oyle ("out of the shipp Red-Mill for 23. pipes amd 21. hogsheads of Portugall oyle 565 [li] - XX- XX")[350]
Pots ("three baggs or sacks of tortois shells, and five greate pots, and two smale ones of balsome or druggs, all for account of the said owners, of Amsterdam, which said shells and druggs the said skipper bought of and from Augustin Rosetti the foresaid Genoese, who came passenger and had goods in the said shipp")[351]
Pruans (alt. prunes) ("fifteen punchions of pruans"[352]; "twenty punchions of prunes")[353]
Pruning hookes


Quarters ("the Howse of ffreindship did want and stand in need of severall materialls and things to fit and enable her to proceed to sea, namely of Tarr Deales Bankes Sparrs Quarters Battens, Traine Oyle, Spunyarne, Ratlyn, Thrumb, Marlin houselin Rosinn Billetts, and suchlike Comodityes")[354]
Quicksylver ("with rich commodityes, quicksylver, rice, annise seeds, currants")[355]


Rack dales[356]
Raisins (alt. raysins; razons; raisons) ("in or about the moneth of march last viewed 117 barrells of raisins or thereabouts lying in a warehouse at Buttolphs Wharfe, and acknowledged by both the parties litigant to have come out
of the shipp the Messina Merchant whereof the said Warren is master")[357]
Ratlyn "the Howse of ffreindship did want and stand in need of severall materialls and things to fit and enable her to proceed to sea, namely of Tarr Deales Bankes Sparrs Quarters Battens, Traine Oyle, Spunyarne, Ratlyn, Thrumb, Marlin houselin rosinn billetts, and suchlike comodityes"[358]
Raw silke
Red canary ("the said Alvarado did order this deponent to deliver the said hogshead of red canary to the said Mr Caseby, upon the arrivall of the said ship at London")[359]
Red and yellow earth
Red earthenware
Red herrings ("a small barrill of red herrings"[360]
Red serge ("headcloth of red serge")[361]
Resin (alt. ?rosin)("her lading consisted in french wines, Resin, feathers, skinns and other goods of the growth and making of france")[362]
Rhenish wine ("bound for Amsterdam to fetch Rhenish wine")[363]
Riben ("which lading hee saith consisted in woollen and lynnen cloth, serges. stuffs needles thread riben pinns. knives sizers silke, and woosted stockings. combs, bells, morters and pestles, earthen ware glasses, beads, cabinetts hatts. shooes. old cloathes and other comodityes")[364]
Rice ("the said ship the Lixon ffrigot was laden at Ligorne with Oyle Rice Silke Stockings, and Rope, and some other comodityes")[365]
Rope ("thirty coyles of rope")[366]
Rochell wines ("7 ½ Tonns of Rochell wines att) 60:li the tonn french mony and in English mony 4:li. 3:s. 4:d per tonn"[367]
Rodd iron ("who by name bought the 413 iron potts, 300 bundles of rod iron, and 170 iron kettles laden on board the shipp the Saint Andrew arrested by authority of this High Court of Admiralty"[368]
Rope ("thirty quoyles of rope two great trunks, severall quarter caskes with XXX and Oyle, and barrells of Pitch and Tarre, and some other things which were for the said Woods owne Private Trade and account")[369]
Rosemary ("a parcell of dry rosemary leaves consists, and squills, Eight parts of DXXXX, and two ?sucall cases of perfume and at Sabia on the same account")[370]
Rosin "the Howse of ffreindship did want and stand in need of severall materialls and things to fit and enable her to proceed to sea, namely of tarr deales bankes sparrs quarters battens, traine oyle, spunyarne, ratlyn, thrumb, marlin houselin rosinn billetts, and suchlike comodityes")[371]
Round wood[372]
Rubarb ("The two bales of worme seed and one bale of rubarb schedulated hee saith are of the growth of Bask and Barhar under the Dominions of the King of Juzbeck neere Persia")[373]
Ruckoo ("[At Brazil] tooke in a sort of ffish called mannettee and dying-stuff calle Ruckoo")[374]
Ruggs ("ten bales of ruggs videlicet five broad and five narrow")[375]
Russian hides
Rye ("with Rye & Barly")[376]


Sack-cloth ("foure [?rowles] of sack-cloth")[377]
Sacks ("to whome were the said sacks delivered at Tangier for the use of the garrison there, and whither the said Robert Oyle did not keepe some of the said sacks on board")[378]
Saddles ("one pack of saddles")[379]
Saffron ("And saith that in or about July last there was laded aboard the said shipp at Nantes a cargo of wine, and XXXXX, and vinegar and caskes of saffron to be carried in her for Bridges for accompt (as this deponent understood) of her said owners")[380]
Salmon ("he beleeveth that every last of the said salmon conteined 12: barrels and was worth 20:li sterl per last and not above and that every Last of herrings contained 12 barrells of herrings worth 10 li sterling per last")[381]
Salt ("two boates lading of salt"[382]; "ffrench salt"[383]; "Out of the prize shipp Turke 165 2/5 of Spanish salt")[384]
Salt peter (alt. salt peeter)
Sassa perilla (alt. sassaperilla; sassaperill) ("and thence returned to Truxille, and there tooke in Sassa perilla and ?ligden"[385]; "a parcell of sassaperilla and other druggs, and some Brazill wood and fustick")[386]
Sattens "Taffetas, Sattens and Stuff")[387]
Sayes ("Serges, Bayes, Sayes Norwich stuffes Perpetuanes, and other goods, and after the same were provided, and bought the same were shipped on board a shipp called the Mackarel to bee carried and transported to Amsterdam")[388]
Scarlett ("there were also there laden aboard the sayd shipp that voyage by Manoell Swares twenty bales of fine linnen cloath and a peece of scarlett and one trunck with hatts therein"[389]; "the two half peices of fine scarlett")[390]
Scarlett cloath (alt. scarlett cloth)[391]
Scotch lynnen cloth ("iiij C ells scotch Lynnen cloth")[392]
Scotch ticking
Scottish linnen cloth
Scottish linnen yarne[393]
Screene fannes[394]
Sea beere ("desired him to provide and send onboard the said ship ffourty eight barrells of harbor beer twelve tonne and a halfe of sea bear, two barrells of strong beere, and two barrells of sea bear more, and foure punchions of beere, with the caske")[395]
Seacoles ("hee had a shipps lading of seacoles consigned unto him from the said Atkins and for his the said Atkins accompt, which miscarried and were sunck")[396]
Seale skinns (alt. seal-skins) ("the sayd rack or derelict when shee was found as aforesayd forty tonne or thereabouts of trayne oyle but much damnified by water and about 70 tonne of empty casks about thirty bundles of hoopes, one great copper, and fower and twenty seale skinns, (and some fish and bread which was utterly spoiled by longe continuance in water)")[397]
Searge curtayn
Searge hangings
Seeds ("divers goods, as seeds, papers, looking=glasses, steele and other wares which he shipped at Venise")[398]
Serges (alt. searges) ("the producente Tomas Papillon and Lawrence Martell (both well knowne to this deponent) wrote and gave commission to M:r Nicholas XXX of Exon to buy them 5 bales of serges, of 10 peeces of serges in each Bale, and to lade them aboard the shipp the Diamond of Topsham bound for Saint Malo, and to marke them F.C. and consigne them to Marc ?John at Saint Maloe for accompt of the said producents Tomas Papillon and Lawrence Martell XX XXXX of ffrancis Calendrini, which hee knoweth because this deponent keepeth the accompte of the said Mr Papillon wrote the said letter to the said partner by their order")[399]
Sheep skins (alt. sheepe skinns) ("three lasts of wheate, eleaven baggs of wool, 2000 sheep skins, and about 20 shipp pounds of iron")[400]
Sheetes ("seaventy foure chests of sheetes")[401]
Mixt shiffer ("One pack No 2 with ninety peeces of mixt shiffer, silke, and wooll, of this 5th marke")[402]
Shooes ("which Lading hee saith Consisted in Woollen and Lynnen Cloth, Serges. Stuffs Needles Thread Riben Pinns. Knives Sizers silke, and woosted stockings. Combs, bells, morters and Pestles, Earthen ware Glasses, beads, Cabinetts Hatts. shooes. old Cloathes and other Comodityes")[403]
Shells ("three baggs or sacks of tortois shells, and five greate pots, and two smale ones of balsome or druggs, all for account of the said owners, of Amsterdam, which said shells and druggs the said Skipper bought of and from Augustin Rosetti the foresaid Genoese, who came passenger and had goods in the said shipp")[404]
Sherry wyne ("two Butts Sherry Wyne")[405]
Shiffer ("One pack No 2 with Ninety peeces of Mixt Shiffer, Silke, and wooll")[406]
Shomack (alt. shoomack; shewmack; shemack; sumack) ("there was at Porto Port aforesaid a Hamburgher or fflemish shipp laden with oranges, lemmons, shomack and other commodities"[407]; "hee this deponent att or about the time aforesaid received att Porto Porte aforesaid aboard his said shipp 165. bailes of shomack marked IP. for which hee signed bills of lading to the use of the said Joseph de Prere Merchant of Amsterdam"[408]
Sider (alt. cider; cyder)
Silke (= silk)("divers other goods or bales of silke, and other merchandizes and moneys for Account of the said Riccard and Company"[409]; "the 5 bales of silke are of the growth of the parts and places neere Ardiveile in Persia")[410]
Silke carpett
Silke gownes ("the said merchandize in the said truncks consisted of linnens, and two silke gownes and two silke petticotes and some other goods of good valew")[411]
Silke hoods[412]
Silke petticotes ("the said merchandize in the said truncks consisted of linnens, and two silke gownes and two silke petticotes and some other goods of good valew")[413]
Silke quilte (alt. silke quilt)
Silke Stockings (alt. silke stockins) ("the said ship the Lixon ffrigot was laden at Ligorne with oyle rice silke stockings, and rope, and some other Comodityes"[414]; "Thomas ?Constable Gunner of the sayd shipp and slayne att the tyme of surprizall in Trapany had aboard her att the tyme of the sayd seizure for his own accompt several peices of moka?rres, dimmitees, silke stockings Clothes and other things which were as this deponent beleiveth of the cleare value of forty pounds sterling")[415]
Silver (alt. sylver) ("hee is well assured and verily beleeveth that the said two barrs of silver were really and truely provided and laded for the proper and sole account of the sad producent and upon his adventure")[416]
Sivitt ("one glass of sivitt")[417]
Sizers ("which Lading hee saith Consisted in Woollen and Lynnen Cloth, Serges. Stuffs Needles Thread Riben Pinns. Knives Sizers silke, and woosted stockings. Combs, bells, morters and Pestles, Earthen ware Glasses, beads, Cabinetts Hatts. shooes. old Cloathes and other Comodityes")[418]
Skinns (alt. skinnes; skins) ("her lading consisted in french wines, Resin, feathers, skinns and other goods of the growth and making of france")[419]
Slaughter kids ("xix dozen of slaughter kids lij dozen of slaughter Lambs iiij [?xx] dozen of [?mort] kids iiij [?xx] dozen of [?mort] Lambs")[420]
Slaughter lambs ("xix dozen of slaughter kids lij dozen of slaughter Lambs iiij [?xx] dozen of [?mort] kids iiij [?xx] dozen of [?mort] Lambs")[421]
Slaves ("the 17:th day at night she came aboard againe and brought me word that I could not have men slaves under 40 barrs nor women under 35:")[422]
Slap-sellers-ware ("Merchandizes proper and serviceable for those parts videlicet: strong waters, linnen Cloath, bodies, pewter, Slap-sellers-ware suites of cloathes, fruit and spieceries and other goods and merchandizes the particulars whereof this rendent cannot at present exactly call to mind")[423]
Slitt dales[424]
Slotias ("thirty four chests of Slotias")[425]
Smyrna raisins
Sope (alt. soape)
Spanish salt ("Out of the prize shipp Turke 165 2/5 of Spanish salt at 60:s per Weigh for 586:li 4:s or coming to in sterling money 586:li - XXX - XX")[426]
Spanish wine ("two pipes of Spanish wine, two pipes or greate fats of brandewine, two halfe abous of Spanish wine, and two barreles of knives (which had bin in a fatt that brake) all which goods were of those that were brought from Amsterdam in the said shipp")[427]
Spannish silke ("two bales of Spannish silke to be transported to the port of Lisbone")[428]
Spanish wools ("there were on the said Wednesay morning about foure or five baggs of Spanish wools put out of the frigot aboard her to be brought for London")[429]
Sparres (= sparrs; spars) ("whither hee was on board XXX said shippe the Saint Johns Head when the Deales and XXX were sent aboard the said Shippe to make bulke XXXX the Corne that was laden aboard the said Shippe, and XXX whither there were not 240 single deales, and foure and XXX twenty sparres")[430]
Speckled wood ("Sticks of speckled wood.) Identified by @Textilsnet as probably snakewood from Guiana or Surinam (Piratinera Guianensis). Among other uses, used as a textile dye-wood for an orange/yellow colour.[431]
Spice box
Spicerie ("Perpetuana's, bayes, hatts, linnens, wines, Spicerie and other goods")[432]
Spruce deales[433]
Spunyarne "the Howse of ffreindship did want and stand in need of severall materialls and things to fit and enable her to proceed to sea, namely of Tarr Deales Bankes Sparrs Quarters Battens, Traine Oyle, Spunyarne, Ratlyn, Thrumb, Marlin houselin Rosinn Billetts, and suchlike Comodityes")[434]
Starch ("a small caske (about the bignes of a butter ferkin) of starch which was found staved in the hold by meanes of the said storme")[435]
Statute lace
Stooles ("for this deponent and shipps companies joint accompt twelve dozen of greene matted stooles or chaires, together with about two thousand eight hundred of painted bricks for flooring")[436]
Stockfish 9alt. stock fish)
Stocking sayes (" Peices of long Stocking Sayes")[437]
Striped curtaines
Striped stuff ("201 hogsheads of traine oile, 96 packs of whalebone, 1185 peeces of box-wood, sixtie seaven or sixtie eight baggs of wooll, and foure rolls of slight striped stuffe, all which were laden at Bayon in ffrance")[438]
Strong beer (" laded aboard her two hundred fiftie and seaven quarters of malt to be carried and transported in the said vessell to Bergen aforesaid, as alsoe a tonne of stronge beer")[439]
Strong water ("Nineteene of XXX of Strong water"[440]; "the said ship did carry out Iron, Strong Water, Wine, and other commodities to the value of about three thousand pounds, and sailed therewith as they beleive to Ginney, and there as they beleeve and have heard tooke in 100: and some odd negroes for part of the said ladeing and therewith and the other goods went away for the West Indies where they were lost and cast away without makeing of any port of discharge")[441]
Stryped hangings
Stuffs (alt. stuffes) ("the said Mr ffernandez bought or caused to be bought a considerable quantity of goods in this city, namely stuffs of severall sorts, and silke stockings, and other goods")[442]
Suckets ("one barrell of beaver and one fearkin of Suckets")[443]
Sufa silke (alt. suffe silke) ("amongest the rest one bill of lading for one baile of legee silke and one faugot of Sufa silke to be carried to Ligorne")[444]
Suffolk cloathes ("the arlate Mr Travers of London merchant had then three bales containing 15 or 16 Suffolke cloathes")[445]
Sugar (= sugars)
Sugar canes ("a little before the arrivall of the said ship Peace at Nevis, the Tobacco plants Indico and Sugar Canes were there at at the other Leeward Islands, spoyled and rooted upp by reason of Hurricanoes")[446]
White sugar ("the Interrogate Thomas Rummings and Anthony Beale had each of them considerable quantities of white pepper, greene ginger white sugar Casialignmum Tamerin and ?Cande but the certayne quantitie hee cannot declare")[447]
Suit ("there was laden and put on board the said ship in the River of Thames a Cargoe of Goods consisting in Linnen and Woollen Cloath, East India stuff, Searges, Beads, Glasses, Muskets, Pistolls, Strongwaters, Brandewines, white wine and Clarret, Silke Stockings, Suits and Cloakes shoes, Knives, sizers Combs Pins, Needles, Thimbles, Thred ffish hooks, Bells, Locks, Lead and severall other Comodityes")[448]
Sumack ("comming from Porto Port in Portugall laden with oile, Sumack and sugar and two chests of tobaccoe")[449]
Surratt callicoes
Sweet meates (alt. sweetemeats; sweat meates) ("alsoe boxes of sweet meates and many gammons of bacon, and some earthenware with the said shipp for his owne account, which oranges and lemmons, sweete meates, bacon, and earthen ware together with his clothes taken away by the said ffrenchmen, were worth the summe of fiftie pounds sterling")[450]
Sweet oyles (alt. sweete oiles) ("I pray be pleased to give Orders unto this Bearer Anthony Guy Wine-Cooper to receive Twelve Butts of Sweet Oyles bought by John Day for my Accompt which is all at present from your humble servant Martin Noell"[451]; "hee never knew or heard of any question demannd or pretence by sute at lawe for 252 gallons of sweete oiles to the tonne, 236 gallons being the common and continuall proportion or allowance")[452]


Taffaty (alt. taffitye)
Taffetes (alt. taffetas) ("One great chest No C with sixteene pieces of Coloured Taffetes")[453]
Tallowe (alt. talow) (" Lading of Tallowe Butter and herrings")[454]
Tamerin ("the Interrogate Thomas Rummings and Anthony Beale had each of them considerable quantities of white pepper, greene ginger white sugar Casialignmum tamerin and ?cande but the certayne quantitie hee cannot declare")[455]
Tanned hydes
Tanton [i.e. Taunton] serges ("One Pack with twenty and foure peeces of Tanton serges")[456]
Tape ("Haberdashery wars, as hatts, tape needles pins ... and such like")[457]
Tapsells ("three bales of broad tapsells")[458]
Tarre (alt. tarr) ("thirty Quoyles of Rope two Great Trunks, severall Quarter Caskes with XXX and Oyle, and barrells of Pitch and Tarre, and some other Things which were for the said Woods owne Private Trade and account")[459]
Thimbles ("there was laden and put on board the said ship in the River of Thames a Cargoe of Goods consisting in linnen and Woollen cloath, East India stuff, Searges, Beads, Glasses, Muskets, Pistolls, Strongwaters, Brandewines, white wine and Clarret, Silke Stockings, Suits and Cloakes shoes, Knives, sizers Combs Pins, Needles, Thimbles, Thred ffish hooks, Bells, Locks, Lead and severall other Comodityes.")[460]
Thread (alt. thred) ("which Lading hee saith Consisted in Woollen and Lynnen Cloth, Serges. Stuffs Needles Thread Riben Pinns. Knives Sizers silke, and woosted stockings. Combs, bells, morters and Pestles, Earthen ware Glasses, beads, Cabinetts Hatts. shooes. old Cloathes and other comodityes")[461]
'Thrumb (alt. thrumms) "the Howse of ffreindship did want and stand in need of severall materialls and things to fit and nenable her to proceed to sea, namely of tarr Deales Bankes Sparrs Quarters Battens, Traine Oyle, Spunyarne, Ratlyn, thrumb, marlin houselin rosinn billetts, and suchlike Comodityes"[462]
Tiffanyes ("a small baile of silke or tiffanyes, which her the said Stanton sayd was worth two hundred pounds.")[463]
Timber ("the Skipper was taken out of his shipp aboard the man of warr that tooke him, and three Englishmen put on board the said vessell who brought her and her sd lading of Timber with this depot up into the river of Thames")[464]
Tobacco (alt. Tobaccoe)
Tobacco pipe clay
Tobacco pipes
Tobacco plants ("a little before the arrivall of the said ship Peace at Nevis, the Tobacco plants Indico and Sugar Canes were there at at the other Leeward Islands, spoyled and rooted upp by reason of Hurricanoes")[465]
Tortle shells
Tortoise shells (alt. tortois shells) ("the said Chest of Tortoise Shells")[466]
Tortoyse shells ("one Chest of Tortoyse shells marked [MARK IN THE LH MARGIN] the second marke in the margent, which were soe laden on board the said ship the Morning Starr upon and for the Sole and propper Account of the said Alfonso Gomez Dias, Merchant of Amsterdam")[467]
Trane Oyle ("the arlate Thomas Grove did at Newfound Land lade some trane Oyle aboard the shipp Pease)[468]
Traine Oil ("the said Grove did Lade on board the said Ship at Newfound Land about six hogsheads of Traine Oyle, which was there stowed inn the Lazaretto or the fore?peeke of the said Ship, and there Continued untill it was unladen at Nevis")[469]
Tramboone cinamon
Tregar cloath ("besides the sayd tenn bales, fower Nests of Truncks, fower full conteyning flaxe and twenty peeces of narrow lockerams and halfe a peece of Tregar or Course Cloath, and sixe peeces of broad lockerams"[470]
Tucsan wines ("severall goods and Merchandizes were laden aboard the said shipp at Bayon to be transported in the same to the downes as aforesaid for the said Mr Luke Lucy's and Mr Vincent de la barr of dover their accompt, and saith the goods and merchandizes there laden aboard the said shipp were fourtie foure tunns and a half of Tucsan (sic) wines, fortie foure cakes of black Rosin and one hogshead of Gammons of bacon, all which were there laden by one henry Theverin Correspondent there to the aid Mr Lucy")[471]
Turners wares
Turpentine ("six hogsheads of turpentine")[472]
Turpentine oile
Turtle-fish ("taking the Iland of Cayman in her way where shee tooke in turtle-fish andd went and sold the same at Saint Christofers and the Ilands thereabouts,")[473]
Tynn (alt. tinne) ("the said Josiah Burgis did at ffallmouth after the said ships arrivall there lade and put on board her foure dozen and a halfe of pickle Oysters and about twenty pounds weight of Tynn which hee soe put onboard for his owne account")[474]


Vallens (alt. vallents)
Varinas tobaccoe ("184 potaccoes of Varinas tobaccoe weighing one and twenty thousand pounds at 8 peeces of 8 per cent."[475]
Venice glasses ("a faire chest of Venice glasses")[476]
Vermilion (alt. vermillion) ("13 yards of vermilion att 10 d per yard")[477]
Virginia tobaccoes ("a parcell of Virginia tobaccoes")[478]
Virginia leafe tobaccoe[479]
Vinegar ("And that all the said shipps lading (except a parcell of about sixtie cases of glasse, and five tonnes of vinegar belonging to this deponent")[480]


Wainscotts ("saw ?them put aboard the sayd shipp all for his the said Harrisons owne accompt and knoweth that he did the tyme aforesd lade aboard the said shipp for his like accompt 126 XXXXX wainscott of the value of ?110:li sterling or thereabouts")[481]
Wall nutts (alt. walnutts; wallnutts) ("at Souters aforesaid and at Saint Martins in France the said master and companie caused to be laden and putt aboard the said shipp for their respective accompts twenty six hogsheads of vinegar three hogsheads of wyne one hogshead of brandewine, a quantity of about 150000. wall nutts to be also transported in the said shipp to Edam for their accompt the same being the proceed of cheese and other goods by them carried out of Holland and sould in ffrance")[482]
Watered mohaire
Watered tabbies
Wax ("the rest of the said goods which shee had on board, were by direction and advise of the said Pickford or Ward carried in the said ship, to the coast of Barbary and there sold, and bartered the same for wax, and other comodityes to the best advantage to the said ffreighters")[483]
Wax candles
Wearing apparrell ("j trunck j box ij portmantles quarter wearing apparell")[484]
West India goods ("wines and West India goods, to be returned in the said shipp to this port for the said account of Mr ffernandez")[485]
West India hydes ("two thousand West India hydes")[486]
West India tobaccoe
West Phalia bacon
Wet fish
Whalebone ("201 hogsheads of traine oile, 96 packs of whalebone, 1185 peeces of box-wood, sixtie seaven or sixtie eight baggs of wooll, and foure rolls of slight striped stuffe, all which were laden at Bayon in ffrance")[487]
Whale oyle
Whales ("the voiage in question was a fishing voiage for the catching of whales and that the arlate Gosling and Mandrey were as they beleeve shipped by the said rendents or some of them at first as harponiers onely in the ship the Owners Adventure and left unto Thomas Damerell the Comander of the said ship to appoint them his Mates if he please")[488]
Wheat (alt. wheate) ("what was done with the wheat that was so kept aboard did not the said Robert Oyle after hee went from Tanger aforesaid feed geese, Turkeyes, henns, and hoggs therewith dureing the said Shippes voyage from Tangier aforesaid to Alicant and Xouire and to Zephalania and in his homeward voyage"[489]; "it being very notorious and well knowne to the said Mr Wayn Wright and all other merchants that use the East countrey trade that every Last of wheate payeth one dollar the charges at Stettin and Stralsound and the charges for Smacks and boates to bring the said corne on board, and petty pilotage and other dutyes, all which hee this rendent did really pay")[490]
White balkes[491]
White callicoe
White earthen ware ("chests of white earthen ware")[492]
White lace
White oakham
White pepper
White salt
White sugar
White timber[493]
White wine ("there was laden and put on board the said ship in the River of Thames a Cargoe of Goods consisting in Linnen and Woollen Cloath, East India stuff, Searges, Beads, Glasses, Muskets, Pistolls, Strongwaters, Brandewines, white wine and Clarret, Silke Stockings, Suits and Cloakes shoes, Knives, sizers Combs Pins, Needles, Thimbles, Thred ffish hooks, Bells, Locks, Lead and severall other Comodityes.")[494]
Window glasse "shee had aboard her 131 beames or thereabouts of timber, fourteene thousand pipestaves, 89 peeces of planck, 46 baggs or thereabouts of flax, three hundred tonnes of paving stones, and 150 cases of bottles, foure chests of windowe glasse, and six iron gunns or peeces of ordnance, and noe other goods, which iron guns were not of the shipps provision but were laden in hold to be sold for merchandizing, they being fowle and uneven cast"[495]
Wine ("how many hampers of wine laden aboard the said Shipp Saint Johns Head alias the Roman XX for the accompt of the said Mr Blan"[496]; "How longe after the arrivall of the said Shipp the Saint Joseph in the Port of Oratava were the thirteen pypes of wine laden aboard the said Shipp the Joseph by the ffor of the said Humphrey Dewell")[497]
Wooll (= wools) (John Dobson Master of the shipp the William of Dartmouth upon the ladings of the seaven and twentie baggs of wool mentionned in the premisse of this cause on board the said shipp the William of Dartmouth then lyeing in the porte or roade of Bilboa to be carryed in the said shipp from thence to London")[498]
Woollen yarne (alt. wool yarn) ("James Quilter ind ij parcells quantity ij hundred weight of worsted and woollen yarne"[499]
Woosted stockings (alt. worsted stockings) ("which Lading hee saith Consisted in Woollen and Lynnen Cloth, Serges. Stuffs Needles Thread Riben Pinns. Knives Sizers silke, and woosted stockings. Combs, bells, morters and Pestles, Earthen ware Glasses, beads, Cabinetts Hatts. shooes. old Cloathes and other Comodityes")[500]
Worsted yarne ("James Quilter ind ij parcells quantity ij hundred weight of worsted and woollen yarne"[501]
Worme seed ("The two bales of worme seed and one bale of Rubarb schedulated hee saith are of the growth of Bask and Barhar under the Dominions of the King of Juzbeck neere Persia")[502]
Wyer ("fourty two rings of wyer")[503]


Red and yellow earth
Yellow timber[504]


Zante currants ("Mathalago currants were [XXXXX] worth twenty XX per hundred more than Zante currants"[505]
  1. C5/485/75 Inventory of M:r Thomas Gaskins yard ff. 1-7
  2. C5/485/75 Inventory of M:r Thomas Gaskins yard ff. 1-7
  3. HCA 13/71 f.574v
  4. 15th October 1667, Letter from William Ryder to Sir GO, London
  5. E 190/46/2 f.2v
  6. HCA 13/71 f.361r
  7. HCA XX/XX f.XX
  8. HCA 13/68 f.130v
  9. HCA 13/70 f.446r
  10. HCA 13/68 f.34r
  11. HCA 13/72 f.326v
  12. HCA 13/72 f.334r
  13. HCA 13/70 f.24r
  14. HCA 13/68 f.130v
  15. HCA 13/73 f.31r
  16. HCA 13/70 f.105v
  17. HCA 13/70 f.308r
  18. PROB 5/2521 Inventory of Paul Docminique sen., 1680/81, ff. 1-8
  19. HCA 13/71 f.275v
  20. HCA 13/70 f.269v
  21. HCA 13/72 f.136v
  22. HCA 13/72
  23. HCA 13/73 f.403r
  24. HCA 13/73
  25. HCA 13/69
  26. C5/485/75 Inventory of M:r Thomas Gaskins yard ff. 1-7
  27. HCA 13/76 f.71r
  28. C5/485/75 Inventory of M:r Thomas Gaskins yard ff. 1-7
  29. C5/485/75 Inventory of M:r Thomas Gaskins yard ff. 1-7
  30. PROB 5/2521 Inventory of Paul Docminique sen., 1680/81, ff. 1-8
  31. HCA 13/73 f.403r
  32. HCA 13/71 f.413r
  33. HCA 13/73 f.199r
  34. HCA 13/70 f.341v
  35. HCA 13/73 f.509r
  36. HCA 13/73 f.594r
  37. HCA 15/6, no fol. no., bill of lading, Dec. 20th 1655
  38. HCA 13/64 f.19r
  39. HCA 13/71 f.43v
  40. HCA 13/73 f.509r
  41. C 10/488/141
  42. HCA 13/73 f.403r
  43. HCA 13/72 f.105v
  44. HCA 13/70 f.334r
  45. HCA 13/76 f.38v Annotate
  46. E 190/46/2 f.2v
  47. HCA 13/128 no fol. no. recto, Case: Edward Gosling, wages: Answer: Richard Batson: Date: XXXX
  48. HCA 13/72 f.216v
  49. PROB 5/2521 Inventory of Paul Docminique sen., 1680/81, ff. 1-8
  50. C5/485/75 Inventory of M:r Thomas Gaskins yard ff. 1-7
  51. HCA 13/70 f.22v
  52. HCA 13/72 f.9r
  53. HCA 13/70 f.22v
  54. HCA 13/128 no fol. no. recto, Case: Office of the Judges ag:t Richard Lavers, promoted by Richard Ford; second schedule
  55. HCA 23/19 unfoliated, but v.
  56. HCA 13/69 unfoliated
  57. HCA 13/73
  58. HCA 13/129 unfoliated, r., Personal answers of Augustine Coronell: Allegation: John Thacker: Date: June 23rd 1659
  59. HCA 13/72 f.216v
  60. HCA 13/63 f.401r
  61. HCA 13/71 f.635v
  62. HCA 13/73 f.528v
  63. HCA 13/71 f.574v
  64. C5/485/75 Inventory of M:r Thomas Gaskins yard ff. 1-7
  65. HCA 13/71 f.574v
  66. C6/36/21 f.2
  67. C6/36/21 f.2
  68. HCA 13/71 f.361r
  69. HCA 13/72 f.340r
  70. HCA 13/69 unfoliated
  71. HCA 13/72 f.430v
  72. HCA 13/73
  73. HCA 13/73 f.509r
  74. HCA 13/73
  75. HCA 13/76 f.58r
  76. PROB 5/840 Inventory & probate accounts of Samuel Mico, 1666, ff. 1-27
  77. HCA 13/72 f.200v
  78. HCA 13/69 Silver 6 f.4r
  79. HCA 13/70 f.87v
  80. HCA 13/72 f.430v
  81. HCA 13/1 f.?
  82. HCA 13/73
  83. HCA 13/73
  84. HCA 13/73 f.573v
  85. E 190/46/2 f.2v
  86. HCA 13/73
  87. HCA 13/72 f.252r
  88. HCA 13/73
  89. HCA 13/73
  90. HCA 13/72 f.340r
  91. E 190/46/2 f.2r
  92. HCA 13/73 f.560v
  93. HCA 13/73
  94. HCA 13/70 f.662r
  95. HCA 13/125
  96. HCA 13/71 f.574v
  97. HCA 13/72 f.216v
  98. HCA 13/74 f.61r
  99. C5/485/75 Inventory of M:r Thomas Gaskins yard ff. 1-7
  100. HCA 13/70 f.105v
  101. HCA 13/72 f.9r
  102. HCA 13/68 f.8v
  103. HCA 13/128 unfoliated, r.,Case: Office of the Judges against Richard Lavers, promoted by Richard Ford; second schedule
  104. HCA 13/73 f.499r
  105. HCA 13/69 no. foliation
  106. HCA 13/74 f.61r
  107. Phiippe Fruchard, Engraved coal merchant trade card, mid-C18th, held at British Museum
  108. HCA 23/19 unfoliated
  109. HCA 23/19 unfoliated f.8v
  110. C5/485/75 Inventory of M:r Thomas Gaskins yard ff. 1-7
  111. HCA 3/47 f. 1v, Tues., 3rd June 1656
  112. HCA 3/47, f. 1v, Tues., 3rd June 1656
  113. HCA 13/72 f.423r
  114. HCA 13/73
  115. HCA 13/72 f.9r
  116. HCA 13/72 f.8v
  117. HCA 13/72 f.8v
  118. HCA 13/73 f.509r
  119. HCA 13/68 f.130v
  120. HCA 13/69 unfoliated
  121. HCA 13/71 f.265v
  122. HCA 23/19 unfoliated
  123. HCA 13/73
  124. HCA 15/6, Case: ?Jones and others XXX marriners of the Constant Ruth against Holworthy & others: Item: A copy of an Account delivered by Mr Williams executors February 24:th 1654, f.2v
  125. HCA 23/19 no fol. no verso, Document Number: 242: Case: XXXX: Date: XXXX
  126. HCA 23/19 no fol. no verso, Document Number: 242: Case: XXXX: Date: XXXX
  127. HCA 13/76 f.38v Annotate
  128. HCA 13/76 f.79v
  129. HCA 13/76 f.79v
  130. HCA 13/76 f.38v
  131. HCA 13/70 f.216r
  132. HCA 13/70 f.22v
  133. HCA 13/72 f.61r
  134. HCA 13/71 f.?19r
  135. HCA 13/73
  136. PROB 5/840 Inventory & probate accounts of Samuel Mico, 1666, ff. 1-27
  137. HCA 13/73
  138. HCA 13/76 f.26v
  139. HCA 13/71 f.574v
  140. C5/485/75 Inventory of M:r Thomas Gaskins yard ff. 1-7
  141. HCA 13/72 f.340r
  142. C5/485/75 Inventory of M:r Thomas Gaskins yard ff. 1-7
  143. HCA 13/71 f.628v
  144. HCA 13/72 f.133v
  145. HCA 13/68 f.130v
  146. XXXX
  147. HCA 13/73
  148. HCA 13/71 f.275r
  149. HCA 13/71 f.372v
  150. C5/485/75 Inventory of M:r Thomas Gaskins yard ff. 1-7
  151. C5/485/75 Inventory of M:r Thomas Gaskins yard ff. 1-7
  152. HCA 13/71 f.574v
  153. HCA 13/65 f.90v
  154. HCA 23/19, unfoliated
  155. HCA 13/76 f.3v
  156. HCA 13/70 f.24r
  157. HCA 13/72 f.216v
  158. HCA 13/68 f.147v
  159. HCA 13/73 f.528v
  160. HCA 13/73
  161. HCA 13/73 f.194v
  162. C5/485/75 Inventory of M:r Thomas Gaskins yard ff. 1-7
  163. C5/485/75 Inventory of M:r Thomas Gaskins yard ff. 1-7
  164. HCA 13/128 unfol., r., Allegation: Edmund and James Cowse: Answer: Daniell ?Jiggles: Date: XXXX
  165. HCA 13/128 unfol., r., Allegation: Edmund and James Cowse: Answer: Daniell ?Jiggles: Date: XXXX
  166. E 190/46/2 f.1v
  167. C5/485/75 Inventory of M:r Thomas Gaskins yard ff. 1-7
  168. E 190/46/2 f.1v
  169. E 190/46/2 f.1r
  170. E 190/46/2 f.1v
  171. E 190/46/2 f.1r
  172. HCA 13/70 f.22v
  173. HCA 13/68 f.130v
  174. HCA 13/73
  175. HCA 13/73 f.528v
  176. HCA 13/128 unfol. r., Case: Beane against Jacobs: Personall answeares: Humfrey Beane: Date: XXXX
  177. HCA 13/73
  178. HCA 13/71 f.574v
  179. HCA 13/125
  180. C5/485/75 Inventory of M:r Thomas Gaskins yard ff. 1-7
  181. HCA 13/76 f.12r
  182. HCA XX/XX f.XX
  183. HCA 13/71 f.574v
  184. HCA 13/70 f.105v
  185. HCA 13/70 f.301r
  186. HCA 13/71 f.574v
  187. HCA 13/71 f.275r
  188. HCA 13/70 f.132v
  189. HCA 13/70 f.455v
  190. HCA 13/73
  191. HCA 13/73
  192. HCA 13/71 f.?19r
  193. HCA 13/72 f.334r
  194. HCA 13/72 f.334r
  195. HCA 13/68 f.35r
  196. HCA 13/65 f.98v
  197. HCA 13/73 f.509r
  198. E 190/46/2 f.2r
  199. 20th August 1663, Letter from Gamaliel Nightingale to Sir GO, Aleppo
  200. C5/485/75 Inventory of M:r Thomas Gaskins yard ff. 1-7
  201. HCA 13/76 f.143r
  202. HCA 13/73
  203. PROB 5/840 Inventory & probate accounts of Samuel Mico, 1666, ff. 1-27
  204. HCA 13/71 f.361r
  205. HCA 13/65 f.87v
  206. HCA 24/112
  207. HCA 13/70 f.647r
  208. HCA 23/19
  209. HCA 13/73 f.528v
  210. C5/485/75 Inventory of M:r Thomas Gaskins yard ff. 1-7
  211. HCA 13/73 f.405r
  212. HCA 13/70 f.622r
  213. HCA 13/73 f.509r
  214. HXA XX/XX f.XX
  215. HCA 15/6 unfol.
  216. E 190/46/2 f.2v
  217. HCA 13/129 unfol., r., Personal answers of Peter Cornelius Youngboare: Allegation: ?Maurice Trent: Date: 17th March 1658
  218. HCA 13/76 f.3v
  219. HCA 13/73 f.514r
  220. C6/36/21 f.2
  221. HCA 13/69 unfol.
  222. C6/36/21 f.2
  223. HCA 13/70 f.521r
  224. HCA 13/73 f.508v
  225. HCA 24/112
  226. E 190/46/2 f.2v
  227. HCA 13/72 f.8v
  228. HCA 13/72 f.9r
  229. HCA 13/73
  230. HCA 13/64 f.?r
  231. HCA 13/73
  232. HCA 13/69
  233. HCA 23/19 f.?r
  234. HCA 23/19 no f.
  235. E 190/46/2 f.2v
  236. HCA 13/76 f.38v Annotate
  237. HCA 13/72 f.52v
  238. HCA 13/73 f.158v
  239. HCA 15/6, Case: ?Jones and others XXX marriners of the Constant Ruth against Holworthy and others: Item: A copy of an Account delivered by Mr Williams executors February 24:th 1654, f.4r
  240. HCA 13/72 f.8v
  241. HCA 13/72 f.8v
  242. PROB 5/2521 Inventory of Paul Docminique sen., 1680/81, ff. 1-8
  243. C5/485/75 Inventory of M:r Thomas Gaskins yard ff. 1-7
  244. C5/485/75 Inventory of M:r Thomas Gaskins yard ff. 1-7
  245. C5/485/75 Inventory of M:r Thomas Gaskins yard ff. 1-7
  246. HCA 13/76 f.38v Annotate
  247. HCA 3/47, f. 1v, Tues., 3rd June 1656
  248. HCA 3/47, f. 1v, Tues., 3rd June 1656
  249. HCA 13/69 no f.
  250. HCA 13/129, no fol. no., Case: XXXX: Answer: XXXX: Date: XXXX
  251. HCA 13/71 f.322r
  252. HCA 3/47 f. 480r (orig), f. 477r. (new); "Satterday 24th October 1657"
  253. HCA 13/69 no f.
  254. C 10/488/141
  255. E 190/46/2 f.2r
  256. HCA 13/69 no f.
  257. HCA 13/69 unfol.
  258. HCA 13/47 f.200r (orig. no, new no. is 201r), "the First Session of Hillary Tearme being Wednesday the one and twentieth day of January 1656"
  259. HCA 13/70 f.338v
  260. HCA 13/70 f.361r
  261. HCA 13/71 f.574v
  262. HCA 13/73 f.499r
  263. HCA 13/73
  264. HCA 23/19 no f.
  265. HCA 13/70 f.87v
  266. C5/485/75 Inventory of M:r Thomas Gaskins yard ff. 1-7
  267. C5/485/75 Inventory of M:r Thomas Gaskins yard ff. 1-7
  268. HCA 13/72 f.216v
  269. HCA 13/68 f.130v
  270. C5/485/75 Inventory of M:r Thomas Gaskins yard ff. 1-7
  271. HCA 13/73 f.515r
  272. HCA 13/73
  273. HCA 13/73
  274. PROB 5/840 Inventory & probate accounts of Samuel Mico, 1666, ff. 1-27
  275. HCA 13/70 f.612r
  276. C6/36/21 f.2
  277. HCA 3/47 f. 6v, Wed. 7th June 1656
  278. HCA 24/112
  279. HCA 13/73
  280. HCA 13/69
  281. PROB 5/840 Inventory & probate accounts of Samuel Mico, 1666, ff. 1-27
  282. HCA 13/73
  283. HCA 13/73 f.527v
  284. HCA 13/71 f.574v
  285. HCA 13/73 f.158v
  286. C5/485/75 Inventory of M:r Thomas Gaskins yard ff. 1-7
  287. HCA 13/70 f.288r
  288. HCA 13/71 f.43v
  289. HCA 13/72 f.9r
  290. PROB 5/2521 Inventory of Paul Docminique sen., 1680/81, ff. 1-8
  291. HCA 13/73 f.509r
  292. PROB 5/2521 Inventory of Paul Docminique sen., 1680/81, ff. 1-8
  293. HCA 13/64 f.24v
  294. HCA 13/73
  295. HCA 13/73 f.468v
  296. PROB 5/2521 Inventory of Paul Docminique sen., 1680/81, ff. 1-8
  297. PROB 5/840 Inventory & probate accounts of Samuel Mico, 1666, ff. 1-27
  298. HCA 13/71 f.574v
  299. HCA 13/71 f.574v
  300. HCA 13/73 f.509r
  301. HCA 15/6, Case: ?Jones & others XXX marriners of the Constant Ruth against Holworthy and others: Item: A copy of an Account delivered by Mr Williams executors February 24:th 1654, f.2r
  302. HCA 13/73 f.110v
  303. HCA 13/70 f.104v
  304. HCA 13/125 unfol. 111_PANA_PART_TWO_P1110701
  305. HCA 13/72 f.52v
  306. HCA 13/70 f.286v
  307. C5/485/75 Inventory of M:r Thomas Gaskins yard ff. 1-7
  308. C5/485/75 Inventory of M:r Thomas Gaskins yard ff. 1-7
  309. HCA 13/76 f.5v
  310. HCA 13/70 f.22v
  311. E 190/46/2 f.2r
  312. HCA 13/70 f.613r
  313. HCA 13/72 f.9r
  314. HCA 13/73 f.509r
  315. E 190/46/2 f.2v
  316. HCA 13/73
  317. PROB 5/2521 Inventory of Paul Docminique sen., 1680/81, ff. 1-8
  318. PROB 5/2521 Inventory of Paul Docminique sen., 1680/81, ff. 1-8
  319. HCA 13/72 f.449v
  320. HCA 13/73 f.673r
  321. HCA 13/71 f.43v
  322. HCA 13/65 f.109v
  323. HCA 13/73
  324. HCA 13/73
  325. HCA 3/47 f.7v, 7th June 1656
  326. HCA 13/70 f.662r
  327. HCA 13/128 no fol. no. recto, Allegation: Edmund and James Cowse: Answer: Daniell ?Jiggles: Date: XXXX
  328. HCA 13/128 no fol. no. recto, Allegation: Edmund & James Cowse: Answer: Daniell ?Jiggles: Date: 1st November 1655
  329. HCA 13/71 f.574v
  330. HCA 13/63 f.401r
  331. HCA 23/19, no f.
  332. HCA 13/73
  333. HCA 13/73
  334. HCA 13/73
  335. HCA 13/73 f.199r
  336. HCA 13/73 f.509r
  337. HCA 13/73 f.561r
  338. HCA 13/68 f.3v
  339. HCA 13/76 f.9r
  340. HCA 13/76 f.172v
  341. HCA 13/76 f.29r
  342. HCA 13/73 f.509r
  343. HCA 13/128 unfol.
  344. HCA 13/76 f.3v
  345. C5/485/75 Inventory of M:r Thomas Gaskins yard ff. 1-7
  346. HCA 13/72 f.449v
  347. E 190/46/2 f.1v
  348. HCA 13/68 f.464v
  349. E 190/46/2 f.2r
  350. HCA 23/19 no fol. no. verso, Document Number: 242: Case: XXXX: Date: XXXX
  351. HCA 13/72 f.135r
  352. HCA 13/71 f.237v
  353. HCA 13/70 f.308r
  354. HCA 13/73 f.403r
  355. HCA 13/68 f.130v
  356. C5/485/75 Inventory of M:r Thomas Gaskins yard ff. 1-7
  357. HCA 13/65 f.30r
  358. HCA 13/73 f.403r
  359. HCA 13/73 f.48r
  360. HCA 13/49 f.12v
  361. PROB 5/2160 Inventory of Robert Cranmere, 1665, ff. 1-5
  362. HCA 13/70 f.229v
  363. HCA 13/76 f.12r
  364. HCA 13/73 f.509r
  365. HCA 13/73
  366. HCA 13/73
  367. HCA 13/128 no fol. no. recto, Case: Office of the Judges ag:t Richard Lavers, promoted by Richard Ford; second schedule
  368. HCA 23/19 no f.
  369. HCA 13/73
  370. (HCA 13/76 f. no fol. no.
  371. HCA 13/73 f.403r
  372. C5/485/75 Inventory of M:r Thomas Gaskins yard ff. 1-7
  373. HCA 13/65 f.86r
  374. HCA 13/70 f.612r
  375. C6/36/21 f.2
  376. HCA 13/76 f.71r
  377. HCA 13/70 f.25r
  378. HCA 23/19 no fol. no. recto, Document Number: 13: Case: XXXX: Date: XXXX
  379. E 190/46/2 f.2v
  380. HCA 13/76 f.60v
  381. HCA 13/129 no f., Personal answers of Peter Cornelius Youngboare: Allegation: ?Maurice Trent: Date: 17th March 1658
  382. HCA 13/73
  383. HCA 23/19 no f., but verso
  384. HCA 23/19 no f., but verso
  385. HCA 13/73
  386. HCA 13/70 f.455v
  387. HCA 13/73 f.528v
  388. HCA 13/73 f.199r
  389. HCA 13/71 f.505r
  390. HCA 13/70 f.395r
  391. HCA 13/71 f.628v
  392. E 190/46/2 f.3r
  393. E 190/46/2 f.1r
  394. HCA 13/71 f.349r
  395. HCA 13/73 f.405r
  396. HCA 13/70 f.4v
  397. HCA 13/70 f.521r
  398. HCA 13/71 f.656v
  399. HCA 13/64 f.21r
  400. HCA 13/76 f.11v
  401. C6/36/21 f.2
  402. HCA 13/72 f.9r
  403. HCA 13/73 f.509r
  404. HCA 13/72 f.135r
  405. PROB 5/840 Inventory & probate accounts of Samuel Mico, 1666, ff. 1-27
  406. HCA 13/72 f.9r
  407. HCA 13/70 f.169r
  408. HCA 13/70 f.338v
  409. HCA 13/73
  410. HCA 13/65 f.87v
  411. HCA 13/70 f.625v
  412. HCA 13/71 f.349r
  413. HCA 13/70 f.625v
  414. HCA 13/73
  415. HCA 13/68 f.147v
  416. HCA 13/73
  417. PROB 5/840 Inventory & probate accounts of Samuel Mico, 1666, ff. 1-27
  418. HCA 13/73 f.509r
  419. HCA 13/70 f.229v
  420. E 190/46/2 f.3r
  421. E 190/46/2 f.3r
  422. HCA 15/6, Case: ?Jones & others XXX marriners of the Constant Ruth against Holworthy and others: Item: A copy of an Account delivered by M:r Williams executors February 24:th 1654, f.4v
  423. HCA 13/70 f.407r
  424. C5/485/75 Inventory of M:r Thomas Gaskins yard ff. 1-7
  425. C6/36/21 f.2
  426. HCA 23/19 no fol. no. verso, Document Number: 242: Case: XXXX: Date: XXXX)
  427. HCA 13/72 f.135r
  428. HCA 13/71 f.669r
  429. HCA 13/76 f.10r
  430. HCA 23/19, unfoliated
  431. HCA 13/53 f.35v; 'Piratinera Guianensis - Snakewood', Tropilab Inc website, viewed 21/10/2017
  432. HCA 13/73 f.179r
  433. HCA 13/71 f.115r
  434. HCA 13/73 f.403r
  435. HCA 13/70 f.677r
  436. HCA 13/70 f.662r
  437. PROB 5/840 Inventory & probate accounts of Samuel Mico, 1666, ff. 1-27
  438. HCA 13/70 f.22v
  439. HCA 13/72 f.111r
  440. HCA 13/73
  441. HCA 13/129, Personal answers of Robert Oxwick, William Weilday and John Jefferyes: Allegation: John White & others: Date: 4th Feb. 1658, unfoliated
  442. HCA 13/73
  443. HCA 15/6, no fol. no., bill of lading, Dec. 20th 1655
  444. HCA 13/71 f.322r
  445. HCA 13/73 f.175r
  446. HCA 13/73
  447. HCA 13/73
  448. HCA 13/73 f.499r
  449. HCA 13/70 f.349r
  450. HCA 13/71 f.275v
  451. HCA 23/19 unfoliated, r.
  452. HCA 13/70 f.87r
  453. HCA 13/72 f.8v
  454. HCA 13/73 f.512v
  455. HCA 13/73
  456. HCA 13/72 f.8v
  457. HCA 13/73 f.528v
  458. C6/36/21 f.2
  459. HCA 13/73
  460. HCA 13/73 f.499r
  461. HCA 13/73 f.509r
  462. HCA 13/73 f.403r
  463. HCA 13/70 f.301r
  464. HCA 13/76 f.6r
  465. HCA 13/73
  466. HCA 13/73
  467. HCA 13/73
  468. HCA 13/73
  469. HCA 13/73
  470. HCA 13/71 f.574v
  471. HCA 13/70 f.334r
  472. HCA 13/70 f.22v
  473. HCA 13/70 f.611v
  474. HCA 13/73 f.561r
  475. MRP: C6/151Pt1/55 Inventory of John Wolsentholme, merchant taylor, 1661, ff. X-1
  476. HCA 13/68 f.131r
  477. HCA 13/68 f.164r
  478. HCA 13/73
  479. HCA 13/73 f.402v
  480. HCA 13/68 f.164r
  481. HCA 13/68 f.413r
  482. HCA 13/70 f.286v
  483. HCA 13/73
  484. E 190/46/2 f.2r
  485. HCA 13/73 f.549v
  486. HCA 13/71 f.532r
  487. HCA 13/70 f.22v
  488. HCA 13/128 no fol. no. Allegation: XXXX: Answer: Richard Batson, Humfry Beane and Gowden Goldgue (alias Goldeye): Date: Feb ?8th 1656
  489. HCA 23/19 unfoliated
  490. HCA 13/129 unfoliated
  491. C5/485/75 Inventory of M:r Thomas Gaskins yard ff. 1-7
  492. HCA 13/128
  493. C5/485/75 Inventory of M:r Thomas Gaskins yard ff. 1-7
  494. HCA 13/73 f.499r
  495. HCA 13/63 f.401r
  496. HCA 23/19 unfoliated/73
  497. HCA 23/19 unfoliated
  498. HCA 24/112
  499. E190/46/2 ff.10r-19v
  500. HCA 13/73 f.509r
  501. E190/46/2 ff.10r-19v
  502. HCA 13/65 f.86r
  503. HCA 13/76 f.38v Annotate
  504. C5/485/75 Inventory of M:r Thomas Gaskins yard ff. 1-7
  505. HCA 13/73