HCA 13/73 f.527v Annotate

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HCA 13/73 f.527v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


dwelt at the time of his this deponents first knowledge of them, and
saith the said Mr. Tersanitten this deponent hath likewise knowne for the
space of this deponents said dwelling at Rochell hee the said Tersanitten
having alsoe dwelt there for that space. And otherwise he answereth
negatively for his owne part, nor doth knowe beleeve or hath heard as he
saith that any of the said other three merchants are factor or factors for
Spanish merchants residing at Cadiz or elsewhere in Spaine.

To the second negatively for his part and otherwise cannot answer.

To the third he saith hee lived all his time in holland from his birth
till hee was about thirteene or fourteene yeeres old and then went
to Rochell where hee hath dwelt ever since saving five or six monethes that hee [?XXX] and saving his now coming unto
thence to this citie, whence hee intends for holland againe as hee [?saith]
And saith that for the time of his said residing at Rochell after three or fower
of the first yeeres that hee was a servant, hee hath bin a factor and merchant
And otherwise answereth not.

Repetit corant duo Judicante.

Jacob van Wallendal [SIGNATURE, RH SIDE]


The second of July 1660.
Examined upon the forsaid allegation. [CENTRE HEADING]

Daniel van Liebergen of Rochell but borne at Amsterdam
aged 26 yeeres or thereabouts sworne and examined

To 2nd 3rd and 4th articles of the said Allegation hee saith and deposeth
that the ship the King David arlate lying neere Saint Martins
and not farr from Rochell, within the time arlate, tooke in
her Lading arlate of two hundred and fforty Tonns or thereabouts
of Barley, a Quanty of Meale, a parcell of course Linnen
and a parcell of Paper, all to be delivered at Cadiz to the
Factors and assignes of the arlate Thevanien and Pagez and
Company. We laded the same neere Rochell aforesaid, which
Lading was begunn about December and finished in or
about ffebruary last, And saith the said Barley was consigned
to be delivered at Cadiz aforesaid to Rodrigo and Gilberto
Melz which hee knoweth, being then resident at Rochell, and
interested in an hundred Tunns of the said Barley in Company
with his precontest Jacob van Wallendall and John Ghelijins.
All three Netherlanders borne subjects of the States of the
United Netherlands namely the said Mr. Wallendall and the
deponent natives of Amsterdam, and the said Mr. Ghelijns native
of fflushing. And saith the arlate Henry Tersanitten
(who is well Knowne to this Deponent and who was of the company of the said Thevanien and Pagez) is alsoe a Netherlander
but of what place hee knoweth not. And for the said
Thevenien and Pagez hee saith they are ffrenchmen and
subjects of the King of ffrance And for such hee
saith the Parties aforesaid are Commonly accompted reputed and
taken, And saith the said Rodrigo and Gilberto Melz
are also dutchmen, Natives of Dort and subjects of the
said States and are resident at Cales as Dutchmen
and strangers only, and for such they were and are