HCA 13/73 f.175r Annotate
Volume | HCA 13/73 |
Folio | 175 |
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2014/01/07 |
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The 2[?9]th of June 1659.
On behalfe of ffreeman and others}
touching the ship the Salvadore and
[GUTTER XXXX[ Winshinke}
Examined upon an allegation given in on the behalfe of the
said John ffreeman and others the 29th instant
John Freeman the younger of London Merchant, aged 32
yeares or thereabouts, sworne as in the Acts of Court and
examined upon the said allegation saith as followeth, videlicet.
To the 1st and second Articles of the said Allegation he saith That the arlate John ffreeman tholder, and
this Deponent who is the yonger were in the monethes of october and 9:ber 1653 the true and Lawfull owners and Proprietors
of twelve bales Containing 51 Clothes (which Cost with Charges all[?apping] 738: li 18: s 8: d) ffive bales [?containing]
100 peeces of Crowne Rashes or perpetuanas (which cost with Charges shipping 379: li 12: s 3: d) and Eighty Piggs of Lead [?Cont]
foure [?fodder and a halfe, (which cost with Charges shipping 59: li 4: s), This Deponent buying and paying for the same
And the arlate Mr Travers of London Merchant had then three bales Containing 15 or 16 Suffolke Cloathes (which [XXX] with charges [XXXXXX] as this deponent
is informed 176: li [XXX] and fourteen bales Conta. 66 Cloathes (which cost as this
Deponent is Informed by Invoice and as he [XXXXX] 943:li) and five bales cont[aining] five and twenty Suffolke
Cloathes (which Cost as this Deponent is informed by Invoice and as hee beleeveth 329:li) And saith that one
James Blat of this City had then one bale Containeing five Suffolke Cloathes (which Cost with Charges of shipping
as this deponent is Informed. by Invoice and as hee beleeveth 79:li 19:s) And one other bale Containing 20
Serges (which cost with Charges of shipping as this Deponent is Informed by Invoice and as he beleeveth 31:li 12:s) And
saith that some other English Merchants were then owners of three bales Containing 15 Suffolke Cloathes
and a halfe (which cost with Charges of shipping as this deponent is informed by Invoice and as hee beleeveth
212: li 10: s) And one barrell of Ale[XXXX] Spoones (which Cost with Charges of shipping as this Deponent is
Informed by Invoice, and as hee beleeveth 9: li) And saith that all and singular the aforementioned
goods were in the Moneths of October and November 1652 Laden and
put on board the arlate ship the Salvadore of Sunderburgh whereof Claus
Wineshinke was Master by the said John ffreeman the Elder this Deponent
Mr Phillip Travers and other English Merchants (the said ship then
lying in the River of Thames) and all the foresaid goods were to be
Transported in the said ship from hence to Dantsick in Prussia, and
there to be delivered to the ffactors of the said John ffreeman the elder
this Deponent and Phillip Travers, and the other English Merchants
according to the Consignments And this deponent did himselfe write a letter
in the name of himselfe, and the said John ffreeman thelder, to John
Hanson. living at Elsinore who is a Correspondent of this Deponent and
the said John ffreeman thelder there in which said Letter this Deponent
arote to the said Hanson to Disburse the Customes that should
be due in the Sound and the said Claes Wineshinke well knewe the same.
And this Deponent on behalfe of himselfe and the Rest of the said
Merchants did order the said Claus Wineshinke, (to whome this
Deponent gave the said Letter that hee wrote to the said Hanson)
to saile directly from hence to the Sound, and there to Deliver
the said Letter to the said John Hanson, and there to Cleare his ship
and saile directly to Dantzick, And saith that Notwithstanding,
the said Wineshinke well knoweth Customes were due and
hee had order to have them paid at Elsinore, hee did (Contray
to his promise and engagement by Charterparty made betweene
him and the said Mr John ffreeman thelder and this Deponent)
not goe to the Sound but did (as the arlate Henry Wineshinke
the ffather of the said Claes hath acknowledged to this Deponent) goe
through the Be[?l]t and soe passed Middleford Sound and paid
noe Customes, and soe went to his owne Dwelling at Sunderbergs
and there the said goods were unladen and taken out of the said
ship and put into the house of Henry Winshinke the ffather of
the said Claes; and there Kept Eleaven Dayes, (as the said Henry
Wineshinke, and the said Claes his Brother, did declare and affirme
to this Deponent who went over thither about the said busines). which was
soe done Contrary to the good will, and Liking of the said John ffreeman
thelder this Deponent and the rest of the other English merchants Interessed therein And further
cannot depose
John Freeman Junior
Phillip TraversSources
Primary sources
PROB 11/279/359 Will of John Freeman, Clothier of Dedham, Essex 15 July 1658
PROB 11/360/29 Sentence of John Freeman, Merchant of Saint Andrew Holborn, Middlesex 31 May 1679
PROB 11/360/89 Will of John Freeman, Merchant Tailor of Saint Andrew Holborn, Middlesex 12 June 1679
PROB 11/361/58 Will of John Freeman, Merchant of Saint George the Martyr Southwark, Surrey 10 October 1679
PROB 18/11/72 Probate lawsuit Freeman v Freeman, concerning the deceased John Freeman, merchant taylor of St Andrew Holborn, London. Allegation and interrogatory. 1679
State Papers
SP 46/98/fo6-7 Petition to the Lord Protector of John Freeman, Senior and Junior, and Philip Travers on behalf of themselves and other merchants whose goods have been detained since 1653 by the King of Denmark, for a letter to be written to him: 1656 Subscribed: Referred to the Privy Council; 6 Mar. 1655/6. Endorsed: Ordered; 29 Apr. 1656 [1656]