HCA 13/73 f.509r Annotate

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HCA 13/73 f.509r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


The 16th, of May .1660.

The Hopewell (Arthur Perkins Master)}
[GUTTER ?xx aforesaid: Smith}

Examined on the said Allegation./:

Rp. 5us

Richard Shament Living in Grubstreete
London Chirurgion aged 23 yeeres or thereabouts
sworne and Examined./

To the first article of the said Allegation hee saith and deposeth that
hee well knoweth the arlate Mr Jenkins Mr Jefferyes Mr Burton
and Mr [?Nehnaker], who hee saith were the true and Lawfull
Owners and proprietors of the arlate ship the hopewell or the
Greatest Parte of her and her tackle and furniture in the moneth
of November 1657: and soe Continued and were at the time
of the said ships seizure hereafter specified, which hee
knoweth for that hee went out Chirurgion of the said ship
the Hopewell, and often sawe the said Jenkins onboard her
about giving orders to the Master And further cannot depose./:

To the second hee saith that in or about the moneth of
November 1657: the said Jenkins Jeferyes, Burton and [?Nehnakerer]
did cause a Lading of Goods to be put onboard the said ship
to be transported in her to the Coast of Angola
upon their Account as this deponent verily veleeveth which Lading
hee saith Consisted in Woollen and Lynnen Cloth, Serges. Stuffs
Needles Thread Riben Pinns. Knives Sizers silke, and woosted
stockings. Combs, bells, morters and Pestles, Earthen ware
Glasses, beads, Cabinetts Hatts. shooes. old Cloathes and other
Comodityes And the said Lading, in this Deponents
Judgement was worth three thousand Pounds Sterling. And the
same was to be Trucked and bartered away upon the said
Coast of Angola for Negroes and Eliphants Teeth. upon
the Account of the said Jenkins and Company aforesaid as
this Deponent verily beleeveth, and the said Negroes and Teeth
were to be Carried to Virginia or Barbadoes, and there
trucked and sold for Tobaccoes and other Comodityes which
hee deposeth goeing the Voyage in question And further
cannot depose./

To the 3d and 4th articles hee saith that in the moneth of
December 1657: or thereabouts. the said ship with the foresaid
Lading inboard her set saile from hence to the Coast of
Angola, and arrived at Bengall in the said Coast with the said Lading in or
about the moneth of June 1658. And saith that
about six weekes after the said ships arrivall there the
Portugall Governour called Emanuell de Cost, did come onboard
the said ship, and was very civilly entertained by
Arthur Perkins the Master of the said ship: and the said
Perkins desiring the said Governour to Permitt him to take in wood
and water, telling him that hee was bound for Angola, the said
Governour told the said Perkins that hee might trade better there