HCA 13/68 f.413r Annotate
Volume | HCA 13/68 |
Folio | 413 |
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Colin Greenstreet | |
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2016/11/19 |
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The three and twentyeth day of December 1653
On the behalfe of John Harrison}
Examined upon the sayd allegation
William Neave of Dukes place London merchant
aged 44 yeares or thereabouts a witnes sworne and
examined deposeth and saith as followeth. videlicet.
To the first and second and third articles of the sayd allegation This deponent saith that he
this deponent was Resident att Riga in the monethes of July and August
1652. and there saw the sayd shipp Ostrich arrive under the Commannd
of the sayd John Harrison who as this deponent then credibly heard had
lately bought the sayd shipp tackle and furniture att Dantzyck from
whence she then immediately came and saith that in the sayd monethes
of July and August the sayd John Harrison did att Riga for
his owne Accompt lade aboard the sayd shipp to be transported to this
Port of London upon his owne Adventure the goods and merchandises
hereafter following to say 68 bundles of hemp weighing 206 ship pounds
English weight 670 lb of the value of about 34 s per C. and 38 atts
of fine Lettousse flax weighing 80 hundred pounds English weight
which this deponent knoweth for that he saw the sayd John Harrison
buy the sayd hempe and flax and saw the same weighed and sent
away out of the warehouses where the same were bought, and saw them
put aboard the sayd shipp all for his the sayd Harrisons owne accompt and knoweth that
he did the tyme aforesayd lade aboard the sayd shipp for his owne accompt
1120 peices of wainscott of the value of 150 li sterling or thereabouts, and 800
four foot boards of the value of 80 li sterling and 1600 of three
foot board, of the value of 96 li sterling. all which this deponent saw
laden the tyme place and for the account aforesayd. and saith the sayd flax
was worth 50 s per C. and knoweth that the sayd Harrison was necessitated
to sell att Copenhagen in Denmarke 52 mattes of flaxe over and above
the foresayd 38 mattes. in the sale whereof he lost 80 [?li] or threabouts, this
deponent being att Copenhagen and seeing the sayd 52 mattes so sold
for providing of victuall and necessaries. for him the sayd Harrison and
shipps Company of Mariners who had likewise severall parcells of goods
laden aboard the sayd shipp the tyme and place aforesayd for their Accompt
but the certaine quantity or value thereof he knoweth not And otherwise
he cannot depose saving that the sayd John Harrison did acquaint this deponent
att Riga the tyme aforesayd that he bought the sayd shipp at Dantzick much
unfitted and in want of furniture, for 8000 guilders;
To the fourth article of the sayd allegation he saith the sayd shipp Ostrich in the sayd
monethes of July and August was a stanch shipp of the burthen of 200
tonnes and upwards. and was worth with her tackle and furniture
having bene newly fitted and equipped the summe of one thousand
pounds sterling in the Judgement of this deponent who beleiveth shee sould then
have yeilded somuch moneyes to have bene sold att this Port of London.
To the fifth article of the sayd allegation This deponent saith that the sayd shipp
having taken in the sayd goods sett sayle from Riga and in her Course for
London whither she was bound, putting into Copenhagen
where this deponent saw her sayd Lading on bord her the