Bad behaviour & Invective
Bad behaviour and Invective at Sea
Editorial history
16/11/13: CSG, created page
Purpose of page
- To provide possible search terms to explore poor behaviour and use of invective at sea in MarineLives resources (HCA 13/64, HCA 13/65. HCA 13/68. HCA 13/69, HCA 13/70, HCA 13/71, HCA 13/72, HCA 13/74)
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Terms describing poor behaviour
- Curse
- Debauched
- Debauched behaviour
- Discredit
- Discontented
- Disobedient carriage
- Disorderly
- Disolute carriage
- Evell behaviour
- Evell carriage
- Evill language
- Grosse carriage
- Ill behaviour
- Lewd
- Lewde
- Mischeife
- Misdemeanour
- Mutinous behaviour
- Mutinous language
- Mutiny
- Obstinate behaviour
- Opprobious
- Outragious manner
- Pevish carriage
- Pilfering
- Rayle
- Refractory
- Refractory behaviour
- Refractory carriage
- Reproachfull
- Revenge
- Ringleader
- Roguish
- Rude
- Speak in an angry manner
- Stubborne
- Sweare
- Tumult
- Uncivill behaviour
- Uncivill words and carriage
- Violent and outragious speeches
- Wronged
- "one of the danish Generalls Captaines
did tell the sayd Welch that those his letters of Marque were good for
nothing but to wipe his breeche with" (HCA 13/72 f.218v)
Care a pinne
- "Whereupon this deponent shortly after went home to the
sayd Ritchmond his howse in Barking aforesayd and required the sayd
warrant of him who answereth that hee had throwne the same into the
fyre and burnt it and that hee cared not a pinne for the sayd warrant
nor would obey the same And the sayd Ritchmond doth
still Continue such his contempt and deteyneth this deponents sayd
Anchor" (HCA 13/72 f.227v)
- "the sayd Grove growing more enraged called the sayd
Woods Pedler and old roague and Churle and other reproachfull names and
says if hee the sayd Woods were not an old man hee the sayd Grove
would drubb him and further speaking to the sayd Wood sayd You old
roague you were in the hould the other day but if ever I see you in
the hould againe I will hoist or trice you up with a tackle" (HCA 13/73 f.8r)
- "calling him damned dogg and devell" (HCA 13/72 f.280r)
- "That
during the time of his restraint by the said seizors on board the said
shipp, both the said Captaine and Companie did very barbarously
and inhumanely use and entertaine this deponent threatning with
pistolls and cutlases to kill [OR, bill] him or to cutt his throat, calling him
damned dogg and devell, and sayeing that they cared not if the said
shipp and goods did belong to the Lord Protector (meaning as this
Deponent conceiveth his highnesse the Lord Protector of this Commonwealth
and most insolently declareing, that if they had his said highnesse the Lord
Protector on board the said shipp in the place of him this deponent they
would use or entreat him in such evell and barbarous manner
as this examinate conceiveth unfitting to be further in this his deposition
expressed." (HCA 13/72 f.280r)
- "hee this deponent was in Company of the
arlate Aron ffranke and others at the house of Mr Read in Marke lane London
in the moneth of September last past whether the sayd ffranke came to receave the moneys due to him for wages
for the voyage in question, which when hee had receaved hee refused to
give an acquittance for and fell into very violent and outragious speeches
about the sayd Mr Reade and against the arlate Morgan Jones then alsoe present and called the sayd Jones Roague and other opprobious names as dogg and the like and behaved him selfe soe uncicilly
in presence of this deponent and one Mr Thomas
Bright that they feared the sayd ffranke would doe some mischeife
to the sayd Mr Read, or the sayd Morgan Jones, whereupon the sayd
Jones went out of the sayd house and fetched a Constable to
keepe the peace And saith that while the sayd Jones was gone
out for the Constable the sayd ffranck rayled still upon the sayd
Jones and sayd hee was a dogg and roague and that hee would
bee revenged of him and doe him all the mischeife that possibly
hee could, and that hee would doe him what mischeif hee
could concerning the voyage (meaning and speaking of the voyage in
question) and withall clapped his hands upon his pockett severall
tymes and sayd if hee had the sayd Jones at Sea againe hee would
sho?[ve] him a dutch [?w]ick and that if hee had him the sayd Jones in his the sayd
ffrancks owne Country or any where out of England hee would
cutt his the sayd Jones his throate whatsoever because of it, and
the sayd ffrnck alsoe spake words to the same effect to the sayd Jones
before the sayd Jones went to fetch the constable, And all those
passages and words were soe had and done in the moneth of September
last in the howse of the sayd Mr Reade in presence and hearing of this
deponent and the sayd Mr Bright and the sayd Read And saith that the
sayd Jones returneing with a Constable the sayd ffranck
being fearefull to be carried by the Constable before some Justice
of peace to answere such his misdemeanour, was somewhat more
wuiet and orderly in his language and behaviour, and did then give an
acquittance for the wages hee had receaved which before hee refused
to doe, yet at his goeing away sayd in presence of this deponent and others who came with the constable thus or the like in effect
well I have not done with Jones yet (meaning the arlate Mr Jones)
for I will be revenged of him" (13/72 f.295r)
- "while the said shipp was at Zant one John
Jackson one of the company being ashore and in drinke fell out with the said
John dobson upon occasion (as it was said) that the said dobson reviled and
called him dogg, but that hee beate or shoake him this deponent knoweth not
nor hath heard, nor doth not beleeve the same, because (had the same happened)
hee beleeveth hee must needs have heard of it" (HCA 13/71 f.293r)
Go be hanged
- "t he the deponent being Masters Mate
of the shipp arlate did by the Masters order require the said
Mutineers to trimme their sayles, and sayle for London,
and that they told this deponent flatly they would not
and gave this deponent evill language as bidding him
goe and be hanged, but he saith he cannot say that
the arlate Cobb or Jennings were in the said mutiny" (HCA 13/72 f.46r)
- "after the evell language predeposed
of which passed betwixt the sayd damerell and Gosling about
workeing further into the Ice the sayd damerell and Gosling had
severall other fallings out each with other, once about a sea horse
tooth, and at other tymes upon other occasions and they did call one
an other pupies and rascall and foole and loggerhead and
the like opprobious termes" (HCA 13/71 f.601v)
- "Old Pedler" (HCA 13/73 f.3r)
- "pimpeing roague"
- "the sayd Grove in an outragious manner
reviled the sayd Wood and called him old Roague and old Pedler
and old Pimpe and other the like disgracefull names and told him
the sayd Wood that if hee were not an old roague hee would drubb
him And alsoe sayd (speaking to the sayd Woods) you old roague yo:u
were in the hold the other day but if ever I see you in hold againe
I will trice you up with a tackle or hee spake other menaceing speeches
to the same effect all which opprobious language and threates and
other passages were soe done spoken on the open deck in presence
and heareing of this deponent and the Boatswaine and most of the sayd
shipps company" (HCA 13/73 f.3r)
- "Which being donne some
from one of the danish said vessells, called aboard the said Welches
bigger shipp (wherein this deponent was) and asked them saying
you rogues will you yeeld your shipps" (HCA 13/72 f.217v)
- "being questioned by the sayd Captaines brother and the Purser
and asked why hee did soe the sayd Bernard Johnson answered in this deponents
presence and hearing and sayd they were rogues letters that raled against
him and therefore hee had throwne them over board, or words to that
effect" (HCA 13/72 f.241v)
- "the sayd Gosling replyed
to the sayd damerell and sayd hee was a better man then hee, and able to
whipp his the sayd damerells breech, whereto the sayd damerell answered [and GUTTER]
sayd if you were with some Commanders they would make you [XXXXX GUTTER]
and tye your neck and heeles togeather, wherto the sayd Gosling answered and [sayd GUTTER]
you shitten damerell, you tye mee neck and heeles, togeather, you pimpeing roague
you whereto the sayd Damerell answered and told the sayd Gosling hee [was a GUTTER]
roague to call him Pimpeing damarell, and the sayd Gosling thereupon sayd you
(speakeing to the sayd Damarell) are a pimpeing roague to [call mee GUTTER]
roague, and you will goe up and downe pimpeing when [you get GUTTER]
home, and those or the like words passed betwixt the sayd Damarell and Gosling
on shipp board in the presence and hearing of this deponent and divers others of the
Company of the Owners Adventure" (HCA 13/71 f.487v)