Tools: January 2018 kickoff skype call
Skype call to kickoff January 2018 volunteer group
- Be at your PC or laptop five minutes before the time of the call and logged into Skype
- Colin will create a Skype group and originate the call
- If at any time you drop off the call due to technical reasons, Colin will attempt to bring you back in
Proposed January 2018 Kickoff Skype Call Agenda
(1) Quick individual introductions (1 min each)
- Gentle nudge: for those who have not uploaded a picture of themselves and written a couple of lines, you can find inspiration from your colleagues efforts here:
(2) Quick teach in on use of the wiki (15 mins)
- adding text to wiki pages
- inserting footnotes
- creating new wiki pages
[Colin will post some supporting notes to this wiki page before the call to act as an aide memoire on the above]
(3) Forming a transcription sub-group and a textiles, garments and dyestuffs sub-group (20 mins)
Colin's discussions with you individually suggest that some of you are keen to improve your transcription skills, and others want more of a focus on the textiles, garments and dyestuffs glossary
Coin therefore suggests we form two sub-groups (a) transcription skills & practice (b) developing the textiles, graments and dyestuffs glossary
This does not stop members of the textiles, garments and dyestuffs glossary group from improving their transcription skills! Indeed, I am going to suggest that one of the remits of this glossary group is to identify C17th manuscript material, preferably from the 1627-1677 period, for imaging and upload. We can then collectively transcribe this material, contributing it to the commons via our wiki, and use the material for sources of more glossary terms and glossary commentary. I have taken a start by identifying some London and surrounds based dyer inventories, but I am totally open to the group establishing what type of material would be most valuable - we have a number of textile and garment experts amongst our volunteers, and I look forward to learning from you, with myself as the facilitator.
We need to:
- Decide who is in each group
- How we want to work in each group in terms of (a) frequency of group sessions (b) availability and use of 1:1 support by Colin
(4) AOB
Transcription sub-group
Definite members
Amber Berkeley
Axel Hee Rømer
Deborah Sherlock
Issues for discussion
- How much transcription experience of sub-group members have of transcription, and specifically C17th transcription? Beginner, intermediate, advanced?
- How much time do sub-group members want to put in per week, per month (helps Colin think about putting together individual support and sugegsted mansucripts to work on)
- Are there particular themes or document types sub-group members would like to work on?
Depositions for Deborah Sherlock
HCA 13/68 f.296v - start of deposition
HCA 13/68 f.297r
HCA 13/68 f.297v
HCA 13/68 f.298r
HCA 13/68 f.298v
Colin has started this above deposition but it would be good to finish it, and the subject matter is interesting. It concerns the seizure of an English ship at the island of Antego by ships of Prince Rupert's fleet, when the English ship stopped to relade cargo from another damaged English merchant ship.
The deposition starts:
The third day of december 1653.
Lewellen Austin and others against Powerr. [?XX]
Examined upon the sayd allegation on the
behalfe of the sayd Powell.
Richard Stedman of Blackwall in the County of
Middlesex Shipwright late Carpenter aboard the
shipp the Hopewell aged 29 yeares or thereabouts
a witnes sworne and examined deposeth and saith
as followeth.
Textiles, Garments & Dyestuffs sub-group
Definite members
Freyalynn Close-Hainsworth
Susan Mee
Existing contributors
Dr Aaron Allen, Dr Carolyn Arena, Freyalynn Close-Hainsworth, Eglantine, Dr Karwan Fatah-Black, Helen Good, Colin Greenstreet, Tracey E Griffiths, Viveka Hansen, Heather Knight, Dr Marcin Krygier, M.L. Logue, the pseudonymous Mapnut, Dr Angela McShane, Angela Middleton, Frances Owen, Tim Parry-Williams, Dr Michael Pearce, Dr Sophie Pitman, Dr Jo Pugh, Dr Deborah Sherlock, Dr Samantha Thompson, Rebecca Unsworth
Issues for discussion
- What specialist knowledge and skills do we have amongst members of this sub-group related to textiles, garments and dyestuffs?
- Are there particular topics individuals wish to focus on?
- How shall we allocate work on a weekly or bi-weekly basis?
- Should we form an editorial group?
- Should we establish some editorial standards?
- How should we establish new manuscript sources for the period 1627-1677, related to the themes of the glossary, and ideally to MarineLives, which we can image and transcribe as new sources for the glossary?
Glossary entry example
Wiki support notes
To see the characters and very simple expressions you need to use to produce basic typographical effects, to create and insert footnotes, to create headers of different sizes, and to upload and insert images of different sizes and positions on the page, GO INTO EDIT MODE AT THE TOP OF THIS PAGE, THEN VIEW THE WIKI SUPPORT NOTES
Basic typography
Second footnote[2]
Footnote with internal wiki link[3]
Link to an external web link[4]
Header One
Header Two
Header Three
Header Four
- Jump up ↑ This is a footnote
- Jump up ↑ This is a second footnote
- Jump up ↑ Textiles, garments, & dyes glossary
- Jump up ↑ Glen Robson, IIIF Technical Coordinator, 'MarineLives New Year Wishes', blog post, accessed 14/01/2018