HCA 13/70 f.104v Annotate

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HCA 13/70 f.104v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


The 7th day of November 1654 [CENTRE HEADING]

his highness the Lord Protector against the Vessell the}
Jonathan Adventure and her ladeing taken by the}
Tiger ffriggat (Gabriel Sanders Captaine.}

Examined upon Interrogatories ministred on
the behalf of his said highnesse/

Rowe dt.


Isaac Martin of Plimouth Mariner aged
20 yeares or thereabouts a Wittnes sworne
and examined upon the said Interrogatories/.

To the first hee saith, That the Vessell the Jonathan Adventure interrate
was about 12. daies since mett with and seized by the Tyger frigatt in
the immediate service of this Commonwealth, neere unto the [?Sene] head
upon the Coast of Normandy in ffrance, and that this deponent was one
of the Company of of the Tyger ffriggat and present at the said seizure
And saith that upon the said seizure the Captaine of the said
friggat the Tyger caused the shipps Company of the said Vessell the
Jonathan Adventure to be brought aboard the said shipp Tyger
where this deponent left them about 11. daies since, and saith the
said shipp the Jonathan Adventure was brought into the River
of Thames under the Command of Jonas denny one of the
Company of the said shipp the Tyger: nd further deposeth

To the second Interrogatorie hee saith, That the said Vessell the Jonathan
Adventure was full laden with Apples, which hee well knoweth to
bee in a perishing condition, And saith there were no gunns Ordnance
or Artillery, or provision aboard the said Vessell at the said time of the seizure
save onely one peece of porke and a peece of beefe. And further
cannot depose/

To the third hee saith, That the Vessell the Jonathan Adventure
interrate was and is in this deponents opinion a ffrench built Vessell
and according to the confession of the said Vessells Company did and
doeth belong to deepe, and was laden at Tuckett and bound for
haver de grace in ffrance with her ladeing of Normandy apples
And saith that at the time of the said seizure the said Master and
Company spoke ffrench, and were and are as this deponent beleeveth, ffrenchmen
and Subiects to the ffrench king And further cannot depose

To the 4th hee saith, That the Master of the said Vessell at the time
of the said seizure produced and delivered to the Captaine of the
Tyger frigatt a passeport for his said shipp and ladeing which hee
this deponent beleeveth to be in the said Captaines hands. And
further cannot depose./