HCA 13/70 f.308r Annotate
Volume | HCA 13/70 |
Folio | 308 |
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Colin Greenstreet | |
First transcribed | |
2015/02/04 |
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a certaine shipp named the hart for the summe of foure thousand
three hundred and thirtie gilders and tenn stivers, which they really
and truely paid and disbursed for the said shipp tackle and furniture
and soe they became the true and lawfull proprietors thereof and
soe continue to this present, And saith further that this
deponent and company gave order to their said factor to man the said
shipp soe bought for their accompt partly with dutch,
and the rest with English and Scots subiects of this Commonwealth
under the conduct of Peter Gerre[?brantsen ?bas] whom this deponent
ordered to be put master of her, having good assurance of his
fidelitiem, the said Peter having sailed in this deponents service
for severall yeares before, and ordered the said master that both at
sea and in ffrance hee should declare himselfe master of the said shipp
and in the ports of the dominion of this Commonwealth hee
should appoint one of the company of the said shipp that was
a subiect of this Commonwealth to declare himselfe her master,
According to which Instructions and orders the said Peter Gerrebrantsen
Bas sailed with the said shipp from Rotterdam in or about September
last to Croisick in ffrance, where shee was laded with salt for
the accompt of this deponent and company for Wexford in Ireland
for making the said herrings, and thether the said master transported
the said salt in the said shipp, where the said salt was accordingly
imployed and spent, and afterwards namely in or about the
moneth of November last past, the said shipp (which at Wexford
was received and dispatched as a free English shipp) was reladen
with the said herrings for Nantes for the accompt aforesaid, and
thither the said shipp carried and delivered the same for the said
accompt. And further this deponent saith that in the moneth
of ffebruary last past the said shipp was there reladen by the
order and for the accompt of this deponent and company with
eightie and two quarter caskes of aqua vita, fiftie tonnes of
wine, twenty punchions of prunes, and fourtie quarter caskes of
vinegar for the Barbadas, and consigned there to be delivered
to Mr Phillip Cheeke their factor there, as by the bill of
lading thereof were by him produced and left to be hereunto
annexed more fully may appeare, which bill hee saith was and
is true and reall, and received by this deponent and company from
George [?Rosee] their factor at Nantes. And this deponent further
[?This bill of lading}
[?annexed] to the}
[?exemplification] hereof}
[?XXX] by mr ford}
[?XX] May 1655. EA.}
saith that according to advise dated in Nantes the 30th of
March last new stile, and received from the said George [?Rosee], the
said shipp with her said lading departed from the River of Nantes
on her said voyage for the Barbada's the seaven and twentie
day of March last new stile, and saith that hee this deponent and company have not since
heard ought of or from the said shipp, whether shee be arived
at the Barbadas or what els is become of her [?they] knowe or have heard that shee is under any seizure or restraint in any port or place
yet in regard of such uncertaintie of her condition and being, and least the said dutch being dutch built
and some of the company hollanders might or may in any place or part be pretended to be a dutch
shipp and company, this deponent and company have by way of provision and
to intimate the truth to whomsoever it doth or may concerne [?cXXX]
this intimation and declaration of the truth to be here made, and doe
desire a testimoniall thereupon
Richard ford [SIGNATURE, RH SIDE]