HCA 13/71 f.275v Annotate

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HCA 13/71 f.275v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


which were noe part of the [?pred] 2500000) alsoe
boxes of sweat meates and many gammons of bacon, and some earthenware
with the said shipp for his owne account, which oranges and lemmons, sweate
meates, bacon, and earthen ware together with his clothes taken away by the
said ffrenchmen, were worth the summe of fiftie pounds sterling, all which
hee utterly lost by the said seizure.

To the last hee saith that this deponents said master
Turner, Mr Thomas Broderick John Parker and William
[XXXX] were and are commonly accounted owners of the
said ketch and of her tackle, apparell and furniture, and otherwise hee
cannot depose/

William Childe [SIGNATURE, RH SIDE]


The 20th of June 1656

The claime of Manuel Garcia of Lisborne}
merchant for tenn chests of white Sugar}
in the Nostra Seniora da Rosario, George}
Wheeler commander. Suckly. Budd.}

Examined upon an allegation and schedule
given in on the behalfe of the said

dt. Coronnell


Joseph d'Oliviera of Roane in ffrance
Marchant, aged 24 yeares or thereabouts
sworne and exámined.

To the first and second árticles of the said allegation hee saith and
deposeth that hee well knoweth the producent Manuel Garcia, and
served him at Lisbone as his booke keeper and writer in his
counting house at Lisbone from the yeere 1648 to the yeere 1652
or thereabouts namely for the space of foure yeeres or thereabouts
and thereby well knoweth that hee the said Manuel about five
or six monethes after the date of the bill of lading annexed received
a letter of advice from his brother and father Edward or Duarte
Garcia residing at Bahia da Todas los Santos in Brazila
advising that hee the said Duarte had for account of the said
Manuel laden aboard the shipp the Nostra Seniora da Rosario
commanded by Captaine (George Wheeler and bound for Lisb[one GUTTER]
tenn chests of white sugar marked as in the margent, to be


at Lisbone delivered to him the said Manuel or order for his owne
accompt, advising withall that they were the proceede of goods
which hee had received from the said Manuel, and in the said letter.
hee the said Duarte sent one of the bills of lading signed by the
said wheeler for receipt of the said sugar aboard, being as hee
beleeveth the said bill annexed or another of the same tenor
which hee knoweth for that hee this deponent sawe the said letter
and bill upon the said receipt by the said Manuel and entred the
same letter in his coppiebooke, and alsoe sawe the factorie which
came alonge with the same, and well knoweth that the said Manuel
had before sent severall merchandizes for his owne account
to the said Garcia [?Re] Bahia da Todos los Santos aforesaid, and
for theise reasons hee well knoweth the said Manuel to bee the true
and lawfull owner and proprietor of the said tenn chests of white
sugar, And otherwise cannot depose.

To the third hee saith that the said Duarte Garcia was and is
commonly accounted the brother of the said producent, and was the
time aforesaid (as this deponent hath bin credibly informed
dwelling at Bahia da Todos los Santos aforesaid, and saith that the said