HCA 13/71 f.413r Annotate

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HCA 13/71 f.413r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


ordering of the said shipp and master for her owners (which hee conceiveth
to be the arlate Peter Johnsen) hee this deponent received part of the
said deales, and when hee had soe received some part, the said
person (who as aforesaid undertooke to have command over the
master) refused to suffer the rest to be delivered, and that the reason
of such refusall (as hee told this deponent by an Interpreter)
was because as hee said hee could get noe money for his freight
and that hee would deliver noe more goods untill hee knew who
should pay him his freight, whereas hee this deponent going and
acquainting mr Southwood with what was answered him, and that the
rest of said deales were denied to be delivered, hee the said Southwood
willed this deponent to meete him the next day upon the Exchange
which this deponent did, and went with him the said Southwood to the
beare Taverne in Cornehill, whence the said Southwood sending for
Sergeante, and the said person comming in to speake with mr
Southwood, hee the said Southwood presently caused him to be arrested,
and carried away, And saith that the next day
or within a day or two after, there coming one to towne called mr Launder
(who as it was said had freighted the shipp) and hee and the
said Southwood and the said person, soe arrested, having spoken and
agreed together, (but what such their speech or agreement was hee
this deponent knoweth not) hee this deponent had the rest of the
said deales delivered unto him.

Repeated before the two Judges in Court



The 21th of November 1656/ [CENTRE HEADING]

Examined upon the sayd allegation



Robert Beebee of Saint Olaves Southwarke Waterman
aged forty fower yeares or thereabouts a wittnes sworne
and examined saith and deposeth as followeth videlicet/

To the first and second articles of the said allegation hee saith that after
the arrivall of the arlate shipp the Justice at this Port of London with the
goods in question hee saith the arlate Mr Southwood did send a Porter to this deponents
house to will this deponent to come to him to the Kingsheads Taverne on New ffish
streete hill and this deponent accordingly came to him and being come the sayd Southwood
ordered this deponent to goe with lighters to the shipp the Justice and there receive
of the arlate Christian [?Nogassen] and Peter Johnson the ladeing of ffish and deales and tarr
and baulkes then on board the sayd shipp and laden aboard her for Accompt of him
the sayd Southwood as hee the sayd Southwood affirmed, and told this deponent that the
sayd Wogassen and Johnson were by agreement to deliver the sayd ladeing within
seaven dayes and willed this deponent to give attendance diligently with lighters
to receave the same, for that otherwise hee the sayd Southwood was liable to
pay demorage for what tyme the sayd shipp should bee in delivery of her
ladeing above the sayd seaven dayes whereupon this deponent and his servants went with
fower lighters aboard the sayd shipp and this deponent there demanded the
sayd ladeing of ffish deales tarr and baulkes to bee delivered unto him for the
use of the sayd Mr Southwood and the sayd Wogassen and Johnson refused to deliver any
of the sayd ladeing to the deponent and his servants, whereupon this deponent left the