Tools: Geographical glossary
Geographical glossary
This page provides a glossary of geographical terms taken from mid-C17th English High Court of Admiralty documents, second half of the C17th Chancery Court documents relating to commercial disputes, and second half of the C17th Prerogative Court of Canterbury merchants' inventories.
A · B · C · D · E · F · G · H · I · J · K · L · M · N · O · P · Q · R · S · T · U · V · W · X · Y · Z
Achean (= Achin; Achine; Acheene) ("Achean on the coast of the Island of Sumatra" (HCA 13/73))
Achine ("the Queene of Achine" (HCA 13/73 Part Two))
Affrica (= Africa) ("the shippe the Providence was of London, and belonged to the Royall Company of English Merchants tradeing for Africa, and was come to trade for them upon the Coast of Affrica" (HCA 23/19 no f., but recto))
Aldermanburie (HCA 13/71 f.??))
Aleppo ("William ffookes and Richard Chowne then living in one of the houses belonging to the English factory in Aleppo" (HCA 13/69 no f.))
Allecante (= Alicante; Allegant) (" went from Ligorne to Allecant and there tooke in goods and went therewith to Lisbon" (HCA 13/73))
All Hallowes Barking ("ROBERT TINDALL of the parish of All Hallowes Barking London Mariner, aged 48 yeares or thereabouts sworne before the right honorable John Godolphin doctor of lawes one of the Judges of the High Court of the Admiraltie and examined upon certaine Interries as witness on the behalfe of the said Alderman Ricard and others")[1]
Amsterdam ("shee carried in her from Amsterdam linnen, woollen, silkes, and XXX pipes of wine" (HCA 13/73 Part Two); "the Sole and propper Account of the said Alfonso Gomez Dias, Merchant of Amsterdam" (HCA 13/73 Part One); "JOHN JOHNSON BOSCH of Amsterdam Mariner aged 27 yeeres" (HCA 13/73 Part Two))
Andra Ponza = Indra Ponza, Sumatra ("the said ship as aforesaid at Andra (sic) Ponza" (HCA 13/73 Part Two))
Angola ("the freights that were made by the said shipp from Lisbone to the Maderas and from the Maderas to Angola were made by Capt Ell in in his life tyme and that hee and his purser kept the Accompts thereof were the proffits thereof" (HCA 13/129 no fol. no., verso, Case: XXXX: Answer: XXXX: Date: X))
?Antiego ("hee was absent at ?Antiego upon the imployment of the arlate Luke Woods whilst the things arlate were transeacting" (HCA 13/73 Part Two))
Antwerp (= Antwerpe) ("hee this deponent was borne at Antwerpe under the dominion of the Kinge of Spaine and hath lived for these 10 yeares last in England & is a ffree man of the Cittie of London where hee hath lived for the most part of the sayd tyme" (HCA 13/69 no f.))
Austin Friars ("the Owners of the said shippe the May flower when shee went last from this port of London were as followeth viz:t S:r Thomas Somes of Soper Lane London Grocer of 3/16 parts Mr William Cockayne of Austin Fryers London owner of 3/16 part Mr Richard Clutterbucke owner of 1/16 part Mr Robert Whitlock of London of 1/16 part Mr Holmes of Glocestershire (as the XXXXtriss) of 1/16 Mr Humphrey fford of London of 1/16 part Mr Harris of Leigh of 1/16 part Mr Theophilus Smith of London 1/32 part Mr XXXcrofte of Islington Owner of 1/32 pt Mr Whitall of Towerwharfe of 1/32 Mr Skinner of 1/32 p:r Mr Francis Flyer of 1/32 part Mr ?Hoverlyne of Wapping of 1/32 part Mr George Smith XX of 1/32 part Mr George Swift of London of 1/32 and lastly hee this deponent is owner of 1/16 pt of the said ship")[2]
Badajos ("this Deponent [MANUEL DE FONSECA of London Merchant, aged 21 yeeres] was borne at Badajos in Spaine, and is a Batchelor and hath lived for theise six yeeres last in this City, and for foure yeeres before hee lived in ffrance and Holland" (HCA 13/73 Part Two))
Banck side ("hee went that night ashore to his house on the banck side")[3]
Bantam ("the said Van Voozt on or about the said Nineteenth of October 1657: Caused the sd Captaine Taylor and Company to Depart from Indra Ponza, and sailed with the Bantam ffrigot in her way to Bantam. neere w:ch place arriving the said Van Voozt, nor any other of the Dutch shipps Lying before Bantam, soe that the Bantam ffrigot was Constrained to goe to Battavia" (HCA 13/73 Part Two))
Bantam Roade ("there were aboard the said Ship ffrancis and John two and thirty Musketts w:ch were taken by this depot for the sayd ships use after her coming into Bantam Roade" (HCA 13/73 Part One))
Map of Barbados, Lygon, R. (London, 1657)[4]
Barbados ("the said Mountjoy is ready to depose upon oath, he being at the Island of Barbados at that tyme the Lord Willowby of Parham came thither; being about the moneth of May 1650 the said War Mr at first caused the Gunnes to be made ready pretending it was to stand in his owne defence against the Lord Willowby but presently after the said Ward Master went aboard, and had private conferrence with the Lord Willowby and the seamen of the ship Parramore were commanded to pvide their skiffe in readinesse with Armes under pretence to secure their said Master from harme, but straight they were commanded by the said Ward Master to Ayd Certaine of the Malignant Parties a?shore and to secure them from Captaine Strong, and Captain Starre who otherwise might have apprehended them for the states of England" (HCA 1/8 f.?8?))
Barbadoes ("The Barbadoes" (HCA 13/73))
Barbery ("bound for Barbery and is mate of her, and is worth little")[5]
Bermudas ("were upon the said seizure taken by the said Captaine James and XXXX XXX (in their said man of warr) and carried to Bermudas"(HCA 13/73))
The Coast of Barbary and the Maroc to Quibriche Caravan Route, Manesson, A., 1719[6]
Barbary ("the rest of the said goods w:ch shee had on board, were by direction & advise of the said Pickford or Ward carried in the said Ship, to the Coast of Barbary" (HCA 13/73 Part One))
Barking ("Jacobus Mann, of Barking, London, Merchant, aged 67")[7]
Barnstable ("ROBERT DOWNE of Barnstable in the County of Devon late purser of the ship of fflyboate called the Agreement aged 27 yeares or thereabouts")[8]
Batavia (" Godfrey ?Jonas (whom hee XXXX know) was Gunner of the ship the ffrancis and John (Laurence XXXXing Mr) and departed this life at Batavia in East India about fourteene monthes since" (HCA 13/73 Part One))
Battavia ("this Depo:t, and Captaine Isaac Taylor were Comanded to Appeare before the arlate John Martsuyker the Generall of and for the Dutch East India Company at Battavia w:ch they according (sic) did" (HCA 13/73 Part Two))
Bermudas ("after the said shipps departure from hence she came and arrived at the Bermudas where shee discharged pt of her passengers w:ch shee brought from hence abord her")[9]
Biddeford ("whither hee doth not know beleeve or hath heard that the said fower tonnes and ten sticks of Logwood were sold by the said Jeremiah Sweetman or some other of the said English that arrived in the said Shippe unto some of the Inhabitants of Barnstaple Biddeford or ?Northam before the same were arrested by authority of this Court" (HCA 23/19 no fol. no.))
Bilboa ("he saw a letter at Bilboa fom the sayd Bodkin att Nantes directed to ffrancis Bodkins att Bilboa, ordering him to procure the like summe of moneyes, and this deponent knoweth that the sayd ffrancis Bodkins bought and procured the same accordingly")[10]
Binney ("hee well knoweth that the producente Rowland Wilson John Wood and company aclate, Marchants trading to the partes of Ginney, Binney and the Gould coast")[11]
Birchin Lane ("Examined upon an accon on the behalfe of the sayd Batson WILLIAM TICKELL of Birchen Lane London merchant aged forty three yeares or thereabouts, a witness sworne and examined")[12]
Biscay ("JACOME JUAN of ?Deva in Biscay Mariner, aged 28 yeeres" (HCA 13/73 Part Two))
Bishopsgate streete ("JAMES DOWNE of London Marchant living in Bishopsgate streete at the signe of the Bull aged 38 yeares or thereabouts sworne and examined")[13]
Blackwall ("after such time as the sd ship arlate arrived at Blackwall this rendent did give the sd Gosling a Cup of beere at London and tould him when the ship was discharged he would talke further with him about the voiage in question or to that effect" (HCA 13/128 no fol. no. recto & verso, Case: Edward Gosling, wages: Answer: Richard Batson: Date: XXXX))
Boston ("River of Boston'" (HCA 13/1 f-??); "Mee Robert Hubbert of Boston in Newengland" (HCA 15/6, no fol. no., bill of lading, Dec. 20th 1655))
Brabant ("HENRIQUE JORGE MENDEZ of Antwerpe in Brabant merchant aged forty eight yeares or thereabouts a witnes" (HCA 13/68 Part One f.22r))
Braseele ("Thomas Ewans her Master did take upon him a new Voyage to be made from Lisbon to Braseele & thence back to Lisbon" (HCA 13/73 Part One))
The Brazeele (= Brazeeles) ("the sayd shipp at here goeing out had noe designe of goeing to Brazeele or any other parts of the West Indies" (HCA 13/73))
Brazil ("the said Wood was to be transported in the said Ship to London for the Account of the Portugall Brazil Company" (HCA 13/73 Part Two))
Braziles ("there was there Laden and put abord the said ship at Lisbone by his said employres A cargazoone of goods and Merchandizes which were to bee transported in the said shipps for the Braziles for thre Accompt & others of that nation")[14]
Brest ("the said Ship Thomas. about two yeares before. shee was seized by the said three brest men of warr and sawe heer last in Brest harbour after the said time that she was seized" (HCA 13/73 Part One); "hee hath not seene the said Ship Thomas or any of her Anchors Cables. or sailes since her, being in Brest Harbour" (HCA 13/73 Part One))
Bridges (= Bruges) ("one of the Actuaries of the Admiralty Court of Bridges" HCA XX/XX f. X))
Bruges (= Bridges) ("hee dayly expected the arrivall of the sd ship Crowned Towne of Bruges at Bristoll, from Nantes with a lading of Salt Wine, Spiritts of wine or Brandy")[15]
Buoy of Nore ("he came from the buoy in the Nore in three or ffowre days space. to Ratcliffe Chaine")[16]
Burdeaux ("Did you know the said shipp called the Willingminde of London of the burthen of 60 Tonne whereof Adam Browne was Master: under God, at such time as shee was last in Ross in XX Ireland, when was she last there, was shee not then bound forth from thence on a voyage to Rochell and Burdeaux in ffrance or one of them and soe to returne to Waterford" (HCA 23/19))
Bugbys hole
Bugby's hole ("And saith that two or three of his said men were hyred about a weeke or tenn dayes before the said shipps Went out from Bugbys hole")[17]
Bugbyes hole
Buttree (""August 1652 A Noate of what my fourty five hodgsheads of Corne Cost at Buttree" (HCA 15/6, Case: ?Jones and others XXX marriners of the Constant Ruth ag:t Holworthy & others: Item: A copy of an Account delivered by Mr Williams executors February 24:th 1654, f.4r))
Cadiz ("James Drawater did at Amsterdam about eight monethes since take the shipp the Anne aforesaid to freight for a voyage to be made with her from Amsterdam for Cadiz, there to deliver such goods as the said freighter should lade or cause to be laded aboard her, and to receive such other goods as by his order should at Cadiz be provided and brought to be reladed aboard her for this port to which shee was to retourne therewith" (HCA 13/73 Part Two); "JUAN THOMAS MILATI of Cadiz in Spayn merchant aged 23 yeares or thereabouts a witness sworne and examined deposeth and saith as followeth" (HCA 13/69 no f.))
Caen ("deposeth That the double shallup or frigat named the ffrancis late of Deepe and nowe of this port of London of the burthen of thirteene tonnes or thereabouts where of David Barre was and is master was really and bona fide bought by John Samborne merchant (having procucacon from this deponent to that purpose) of the master David Barre at Caen in Normandie on or about the thirtieth day of March last past (newe stile) for the price and summe of twelve hundred and twenty livred Tournois upon and for the sole and proper accompt of hee this deponent really and truely paid for the same with his effects remayning in the said Sambornes hands" (HCA 13/69 no f.))
Callis (= ?Calais) ("in her Course for Callis whither she was bound was taken and carryed to ?Amsterdam by fourteene Men of Warr, and was was (sic) there deteyned from about the beginning of December 1652 till about the 15:th day of Aprill 1653. Last past, upom pretence that she was comeing for some port in the Commonwealth of England")[18]
Calves ("the Islands fflowers and Calves, being two of the Westerene Islands" (HCA 13/73))
Canaryes ("there was Newes brought thither that the English had taken Dunkirke, and had put all the Spaniards to the Sword after they had given them. quarter, And thereupon the Spaniards at the Canaryes were very much incensed against the English And saith this was Publique and Notorious at Oratavo, and in the Road, and places thereabouts" (HCA 13/73 Part One))
Candy ("there tooke in ballast and went to Trapanye and tooke in salt & carried the same to Venice, and there discharged the same about the 1?8:th. day of August 1655. as he beleeveth, And there this rendent was offered a fraight to Smirna and soe to Venice againe which this rendent accepted of, but dureing such tyme as he was at Venice intreating about the same the Duke of Venice or his Officers forced this rendent and his said ship into their Service contrary to this rendents good will and likeing to carry bread from thence to Candy for the ffleete which this rendents ship accordingly did and arrived & delivered the same there in or about the beginning of december 1655" (HCA 13/128 no fol. no., verso, Case: Allegation on the behalfe of Edward Paull and others: Personal answeres: William Wilmott: Date: XXXX))
Cape La Gulis ("did you not know That in the course of the said shipp homewards and upon, or about the 12:th of Aprill 16660 the Master and Companie of the said shipp or some of them did espye the Land of Cape La Gulis beinge about 60, or 70 Leagues to the Eastward of it" (HCA 23/19))
Caribbe Islands ("the arlate Robert Page was owner and lawfull proprietor and in possession of a certaine Negro and of a beaver hatt, and died possessed thereof on or about the 23:th day of June last on Nevis one of the Caribbe Islands")[19]
Channell ("roaving up and downe in the English Channell" (HCA 23/19))
Charles-Towne (HCA 13/71 f.?))
Chatham ("John Bourman, of Chatham, Kent, Shipwright, aged 38" (HCA 13/73 Part Two))
Chelsey Colledge ("there were about twenty men belonging to the said Ship the said Voyage; whereof Seaven (with the said John Lopes are Spaniards, and foure of them are nowe in London being this day brought hether from Chelsey Colledge whereof this deponent is one" (HCA 13/73 Part Two))
The Island of Chepalonia ("kept the sayd Hosyer and ?his Company for some tyme prizoners in chaynes and afterwards turned them on shoare in the Island of Chepalonia" (HCA 13/73))
Ciprus Bashaw or Governor (on Ciprus) (HCA 3/47 f. 2v, Wed.,4th June 1656))
City of London ("JOHN STANNIAN of the citie of London gent., aged 26 yeeres" (HCA 13/73 Part Two))
Civill (= Sevill)
Civitavecchia ("she might thence have gone with her outward lading to civitavecchia")[20] A port near Rome on the Tyrrhenian Sea.
Coast of Barbara ("the foresaid Voyage both at Canaryes Maderas, and on the Coast of Barbara and all other places the said Ship the Lisbone ffrigot was at the Voyage in question" (HCA 13/73))
Coast of Barbary ("the rest of the said goods which shee had on board, were by direction and advise of the said Pickford or Ward carried in the said Ship, to the Coast of Barbary and there sold, and Bartered the same for wax, and other Comodityes to the best Advantage to the said ffreighters" (HCA 13/73 Part One))
Colburne ("the sayd shipp about nine yeares since was built att Colburne in Pomer land, and hath for the sayd nyne yeares Last past belonged to Dantzyck, the premisses this deponent knoweth having lived in Dantzyck for and during all the sayd tyme., and is master
of the sayd shipp")[21]
Colestaires ("in the moneth of November last, as this deponent was goeing to the Waterside; neere Colestaires, hee sawe one John Tyler, and some others talking and discoursing in a Carpenters yard with one Mordecay Yonge" (HCA 13/73))
Comana ("she departed in or about November 1657 to ?Comana a coast on the terra firma" (HCA 13/73 Part One))
Comann ("hee came first aboard the shipp the Saint Mary interrogated on Comann in the West Indies, whence hee was hired and shipped by John Lopes, who apppeared there as Captaine of her" (HCA 13/73 Part Two))
Comando (= Comendo) ("Whether doe you know a certaine Shipp called the Providence whereof Thomas Cheves was master and Comander, if yea expresse so much, and whether doe you not know that the said shippe was lately and when bound out in the service of the Royall Company of Mrchants of England trading for Africa, and did arrive in the Rode of Comando in Affrica in or about September 1663" (HCA 23/19 no f.))
Prospect of Constantinople, Sandys, 1621[22]
Compter a small prison for debtors and vagrants; two were located north of the river at Wood Street and Poultry Street, and one was south of the river in Southwark. ("hee the said Southward presently caused him to be arrested, and carried away to the Compiter")[23]
Copeland Islands ("the said shipp...was...cast away neere about the Coplin Islands")[24]. A group of three islands in the north Irish Sea.
Coplin Islands ("the said shipp...was...cast away neere about the Coplin Islands")[25]. A group of three islands in the north Irish Sea.
Corde ("William Best of Corde in the County of Dorset Mariner Gunners Mate of the Shipp Peace aged twenty two yeares or thereabouts" (HCA 13/73 Part Two)
Corfe ("WILLIAM BEST of Corfe in the County of Dorset Mariner Gunners Mate of the shipp Peace aged twenty two yeares" (HCA 13/73 Part Two))
Cormanteene ("No:101 Bought one man slave at Cormanteene 50 (barrs) 00 (Monies):188" (HCA 15/6, Case: ?Jones & others XXX marriners of the Constant Ruth ag:t Holworthy & others: Item: A copy of an Account delivered by Mr Williams executors February 24:th 1654, f.4v))
Corsica ("hee beleeveth Leghorne interrate to be about 10 or 15. leagues more out of the direct course from Zant to the straights mouth, than Corsica is" (HCA 13/71 f.?19?v))
Croskrey (= Croskery) ("hee understandes the Sampson but formerly the Johannes and saith that the sd ship did as hee beleeveth untill lately belong to ?Croskrey in Norway in the Dominions of the King of Denmarke; and to Hans Matson of Croskrey, a subject of the King of Denmarke & reputed to be borne in Norway")[26]
Cyprus ("on or about the thirteenth day of November 1657: and ?from that day all the said marine:s schedulate entred into whole pay. and from Gravesend as aforesaid shee went to Yarmouth and there tooke in her Lading of ffish, and from thence sailed to Marcellis, and there delivered the same. and tooke in Ballast, and sailed to Cyprus and there (after they had Cleared their hold of the ballast,) tooke in a Lading of Salt, and Caried the same to the port of Satalea, and there delivered her Salt, and tooke in XXXXX and sailed back againe to Cyprus, and tooke in another Lading of Salt, and caried the same to Scanderoone, and there delivered the same, and the last of the said Salt was delivered at Scanderoone on or about the fourth day of June 1658" (HCA 13/73 Part One))
Dansick ("Whether have the said James Mills and Benjamin Harrison both or one of them bee not allowed Twenty Pounds upon an East Country voyage from Dansick or Quinsbrough to London, besides the ?dennidge and severall other priviledges belonging to them or one of them as a Master of a shipp" (HCA 23/19))
Debtford ("JOHN CARRIER of Debtford in the County of Kent Shipwright late Carpenters Mate of the Lady ffrigott aged twenty two yeares" (HCA 13/73 Part Two))
Deepe (= ?Diepe) ("deposeth That the double shallup or frigat named the ffrancis late of Deepe and nowe of this port of London of the burthen of thirteene tonnes or thereabouts where of David Barre was and is master was really and bona fide bought by John Samborne merchant (having procucacon from this deponent to that purpose) of the master David Barre at Caen in Normandie on or about the thirtieth day of March last past (newe stile) for the price and summe of twelve hundred and twenty livred Tournois upon and for the sole and proper accompt of hee this deponent really and truely paid for the same with his effects remayning in the said Sambornes hands" (HCA 13/69 no f.))
Denia ("...and thence have gone to Denia")[27]. A port in the province of Alicante, Spain halfway between Alicante and Valencia.
Deptford ("HENRY HUGHES of Deptford in the County of Kent Merchant aged 28 or thereabouts" (HCA 13/73 Part Two))
?Deva ("JACOME JUAN of ?Deva in Biscay Mariner, aged 28 yeeres" (HCA 13/73 Part Two))
Devon ("HANIBAL ROWE de Sheldon in Com Devon clothier etatis 35" (HCA 13/64 f.19v))
Dominions of the Duke of Holsteyne ("ffrederickstadt a ffreecity in the Dominions of the Duke of Holsteyne") [28]
Dorchester ("in the moneth of September last the producent John Davy being XXX to reade with this deponent and with his brother living in Dorchester in Devon being clothiers for cloth upon his the said producents owne accompt, bought two ends of broad cloth of this deponents said brother in lawe named Peter ?Colway" (HCA 13/64 f.20v))
Dorset (= Dorsett) ("WILLIAM BEST of Corfe in the County of Dorset Mariner Gunners Mate of the shipp Peace aged twenty two yeares" (HCA 13/73 Part Two))
Dort ("whether was James Yard Junior an English ffactor in ?Dort then p:rsent when the same were bought by his Order" (HCA 23/19 no f.))
Dover ("John Tilly for about for about Nine or Tenne yeeres last hath lived and resided at Amsterdam as a merchant Stranger, and for about tenne yeeres bifore (sic), the said Tilly lived at Dover here in England, where this Deponent first knewe him, and there the said Tilly his Mother lived with the said Tilly for many yeeres who was an Irish woman: & Could speake noe other Language than Irish" (HCA 13/73 Part Two); "The clayme of Daniell Skinner the Elder) Daniell Skinner the Younger amd Thomas Skinner English Marchants of Dover for the shipp) the Younge Gyant of Dover (Robert Hopkins Master) and her tackle & furniture and for her ladeing of) the sayde shipp being XXXX Taken by) some of the shipps of the State and Commonwealth ) of England" (HCA 13/69 no f.))
Downes ("sett saile in and with the said ship and some goods in her from the Downes in or about the moneth of February 1656 (accordinge to the English stile) for Bantam" (HCA 23/19 no f.))
Duke Streete (in parish of Stepney) ("this deponent was present as this deponents house; at the signe of the Ship neere Duke ?Streete" (HCA 13/73 Part One))
Dukes place ("DIEGO FLIPE ?KERCHOVER of Dukes place London Marchant aged 21 yeares or thereabouts" (HCA 13/69 no f.))
Dunkirke ("there was Newes brought thither that the English had taken Dunkirke, and had put all the Spaniards to the Sword after they had given them. quarter" (HCA 13/73 Part One))
Dunquirke ("the said owners bought the said shipp (as this deponent hath bin informed) at Dunquirke about two yeares since, but this deponent was not present nor knoweth ought of the payment therefore" (HCA 13/69 no f.); "from a month before Michaelmas last or there hee this deponent hath bin master of the said shipp the Saint ffrancis and come first aboard her then at Hamburgh as master thereof, and that a Dunquirke as this deponent was told XX bin master of her next before this deponent, who having bin plundred in the Elbe; had lost the said shipp at Hamburgh 3 or 4 monethes befoer this deponent became master of her" (HCA 13/69 no f.)
Dunwich ("JOSIAS HARRISON of Dunwich in Suffolk apprentice to Samuel ?Driver of the Sus?tan, aged 12 yeares or thereabouts" (HCA 13/69 no f.))
The East Indias ("after the Departure of the said Bantam ffrigot from the East Indias as a foresaid shee set saile for Legorne" (HCA 13/73 Part Two))
East countrey ("it being very notorious and well knowne to the said Mr Wayn Wright and all other mrchants that use the East countrey trade that every Last of wheate payeth one dollar the charges at Stettin & Stralsound" (HCA 13/129 no fol. no., recto))
East Countrye ("on or about the third day of October in the yeare 1652 the sayd shipp sett sayle from Dantzyck and sayled to ?Rya a place likewise in the East Countrye and there tooke in a lading of hempe flax tarr Clap boards and other like goods")[29]
East Smith feild ("Examined upon an allegation on behalfe of the Keeps of the Liberty of England by Authority of Parliament. JOHN MAJOR of East Smith feild in the County of Midds Leiftenanant of the Elizabeth frigot in the immediate service of this Commonwealth aged five and twenty yeares or thereabouts a witnes")[30]
Eastlands (= the Eastlands)
Elbe ("from a month before Michaelmas last or there hee this deponent hath bin master of the said shipp the Saint ffrancis and come first aboard her then at Hamburgh as master thereof, and that a Dunquirke as this deponent was told XX bin master of her next before this deponent, who having bin plundred in the Elbe; had lost the said shipp at Hamburgh 3 or 4 monethes befoer this deponent became master of her" (HCA 13/69 no f.))
Elgeta ("BENITO DEYRIGOIN of Elgeta in Biscay Mariner aged 18 yeeres" (HCA 13/73 Part Two))
Emms ("what papers were on board the sd shipp came to the hands of the Captaine of the Crowne ffrigott that tooke and seized them off the River of Emms upon the Coast of Holland without concealing or making away any of them")[31]
English Channell ("roaving up and downe in the English Channell" (HCA 23/19): "Whether the said shippe the Nativity when (as itt is pretended) shee was seized by Captaine Colarte was nott she seized in the English Channell and in sight of land" (HCA 23/19: Document Number: 4: Case: XXXX: Date: XXXX: no f., but recto))
Europe ("(From the Spanish West Indies) and ?then departed to goe for Europe" (HCA 13/73 Part Two); "the said Ship set saile from Batavia for Europe with such Pepper as shee had taken in before the said 11:th of October, shee not being pmitted to take in any goods whatsoever afterwards in those parts that this deponent knoweth of" (HCA 13/73 Part Two))
The Exchange ("the said Bridges advised this deponent XX delivered the said Letters to y:e merch:ts to whom they were directed and the said Mr Bridges to that End went along with this deponent to the Exchange; where hee delivered the said Letters according to thir Superscriptions" (HCA 13/73 Part One))
ffalmouth ("the said ship in her outward voyage lay about thirteene dayes windbound at ffalmouth and Pendennis Castle" (HCA 13/73 Part Two))
ffalmouth Harbour ("the said Ship lay winde bound at ffalmouth Harbour on her outward Voyage for about thirteen dayes" (HCA 13/73 Part Two))
ffanchurch Streete ("WILLIAM INIANS of ffanchurch Streete London Mariner late Masters Mate of the James aforesayd aged twenty two yeares or thereabouts a wittnes")[32]
fflanders ("the proceed thereof to be imployed in the service and upon the Occasion of his sayd Catholique Ma:ty in Italy and fflanders, the premisses this deponent knoweth to be true for that hee is under paymaster Generall of the King of Spaines Army in fflanders"[33]; "hee was present out of employm:t and was formerly a Captaine in the Duke of Yorkes Army in fflanders")[34]
?ffloowbridge ("THOMAS FISHER: Living at ?ffloowbridge London Fishmonger, aged 46 yeeres" (HCA 13/73 Part Two))
fflowers ("the Islands fflowers and Calves, being two of the Westerene Islands" (HCA 13/73))
ffrederick stadt (= ffrederickstadt)
fflushen ("Att what Ports beyond the Seas hath the said shippe traded this voyage, Putt him in minde of his oath and lett him declare whether ?some of the goods that are nowe claymed did not com from some English Plantation beyond the Sea, and Whether the ship since shee went from fflushen was nott att some English Plantacon" (HCA 23/19 no fol. no verso, Document Number: 10: Case: XXXX: Date: XXXX))
fflushing ("ABRAHAM PETERSON of fflushing Mariner Stiersman of the said shipp the Saint ffrancis, aged 26 yeares or thereabouts" (HCA 13/69 no f.))
ffrederickstadt ("the Interr shipp the ?Death belongeth and hath belonged to ffrederickstadt ever since her building there which happened about five or six yeares since, and was hired to serve in the said shipp; Death, about Easter last by the Skipper named Hance Decker le Doate, at ffrederickstadt, where the owners of her live" (HCA 13/76f.5v); "the Nettle leafe the ffrederickstadt fflag was on board")[35]
Gallaway ("THOMAS MARTIN of Gallaway in Ireland merchant aged five and twenty yeares a witnes")[37]
Gazachico "after she went away from Oratava either to Gazachico [near Oratavo Road]" (HCA 13/73 Part One))
Genoa ("her voyage from London to Genoa in the Streights and there discharged her outward ladeing" (HCA 13/73); "hee beleeveth there was peace, and Amity betweene the Comonwealth and the State of Genoa. and their subjects the time arlate" (HCA 13/73 Part One))
Ginny ("hyred by Godfrey Jones the Mastr of the Ship the Content to serve in the said shipp from hence to Ginny, and to other ports and places in the West Indies and so home againe to this port of London" (HCA 13/129 no fol. no., Personal answers of Robert Oxwick, William Weilday and John Jefferyes: Allegation: John White & others: Date: 4th Feb. 1658))
Ginney ("hee well knoweth that the producente Rowland Wilson John Wood and company arlate, Marchants trading to the partes of Ginney, Binney and the Gould coast"[38]; "they beleeve that the said ship did dept from Gravesend about September or October 1647. and from thence (as they have heard & beleeve went to Ginney and there tooke in Negroes, and with them sayled to Barbadoes on their owne accord" (HCA 13/129 no fol. no., Personal answers of Robert Oxwick, William Weilday and John Jefferyes: Allegation: John White and others: Date: 4th Feb. 1658))
Gould coast ("hee well knoweth that the producente Rowland Wilson John Wood and company arlate, Marchants trading to the partes of Ginney, Binney and the Gould coast")[39]
Gravesend ("the sayd shipp the Peace being in the yeare 1656 fitted for the voyage in question fell downe from London to Gravesend" (HCA 13/73 Part One); "after she shall be cleared at Gravesend" (HCA 23/19))
The Great James [in Bishopsgate Street, London]
Greenland ("all the parties allegate were hyred to serve in the vessell the Greyhound allegate by order of these rendents as they beleeve for the wages expressed in the schedule annexed to these rendents answeres and noe more as they beleeve for a fishing voiage to be made in the said vessell for Greeneland & the ports & harbours thereabouts" (HCA 13/128 no fol. no., recto, Case: XXXX: Answer: Richard Batson, Humphrey Beane, and Gowen Goldegay: Date: January 13th 1656 (57)))
Guaraarhirhe ("hee this deponent hath resided in London for almost two yeares last past and hath constantly lodged at Mr Davies his house in Dukes place London where hee lodgeth at present, and is a Native of the place of Guaraarhirhe in the Canarie Islands" (HCA 13/69 no f.))
Guinney ("this deponent put into the Guinney frigot about three weekes before the said disaster happened" (HCA 13/73 Part One))
Gulf of Honduras (HCA 13/73 Part One))
Guelfe of Honduras ("the ?Guelfe of Honduras" (HCA 13/73))
Hamborow ("the first person or clubfoated fellow said that they were bound for Hamborow. Although as hee saith the Clubfooted fellow spoke a great deale better English than the other did, and this depo:t better understood him")[40]
Hamburgh ("the said Otto hath lived there [Amsterdam] for theise twelve yeeres last: And for soe long hee hath bin a Subject of the States of the United Netherlands, but was borne at Hamburgh" (HCA 13/73 Part Two); "the allegate Sr Marcuo Verolo de Silvera, was for all the time allegate and is resident at Lixon and the said Duarte Munez de la Costa for all the time aforesaid hath beene and is resident att Hamburgh and is a merchant there" (HCA 13/129 no fol. no., recto, Personal answers of Augustine Coronell: Allegation: John Thacker: Date: June 23rd 1659))
Havana ("goods for Havana" (HCA 13/73); "Santa ?Cruse was built in CoXXXpeXye in the West Indies about foure yeeres since, where the said Captaine Joseppo Sinnego bought her and brought her to ?Vera Cruce wheare the said Captaine XXXed her with goods for Havana" (HCA 13/73 Part Two))
Holland ("ALLEN ALLENSON of EuXXXXX in Holland Mariner, aged fourtie yeeres" (HCA 13/73 Part Two))
Holsatia lat. ("DITL?OF HENDRICKSON de ffrederickstat in Holsatia Nauta")[41]
?Holstatia lat. (= ? Holstein; Holsten)
Holsten ("was hired to serve in the sd shipp; Death, about Easter last by the Skipper named Hance Decker le Doate, at ffrederickstadt, where the owners of her live, but who are the owners are what their names are or of what parts they are owners hee knowteth not but beleeveth them to bee ffree persons under the Dominions of the Duke of Holsten")[42]
Holsteyne ("they the said owners are said to bee Burgers and inhabitants of ffrederickstadt a ffreecity in the Dominions of the Duke of Holsteyne And when hee is at home he liveth with his parents housekeepers and dwellers in the liberties of the city of ffrederickstadt being a Batchelo:r")[43]
Holy yeland ("This Rendent saith that the sayd shipp the Lewis or ?Lowisa was taken neere to Holy yeland by the Kentish frigot whereof Capt Reynolds was Commander and this Rendent masters mate")[44]
Honduras ("the said Ship went from Amsterdam to an Island, w:ch as hee taketh is called Trinidad. and from thence went to Comana, and thence to Truxilla and there delivered out severall of the said outward goods and thence went to Honduras and there delivered the rest of the said outward goods. and tooke in Chests of Indico and Druggs" (HCA 13/73 Part Two))
The Hope ("the sayd shipp about the latter end of the sayd moneth of January 1648 fell downe to the Hope" (HCA 13/73))
Horne ("the said Otto and Thompson or Tymison, have had their Dwelling places in Holland namely the said Otto at Amsterdam; and the said Thompson or Tymison neere Horne, in North Holland" (HCA 13/73 Part Two))
Horsey Downe ("RICHARD ROLFE of Southampton, but lodging at present in Horsey Downe mariner, late Boatswaine of the ship the Lisbone ffrigot, aged 23 yeeres" (HCA 13/73 Part One))
Indra Ponza ("the said Captaine Van Voozt, did send one of ?his foresaid pinnaces about thirty men therein, to lye at the Rivers mouth at Indra Ponza to hinder and did hinder the goeing in and coming out of the Captaine and Company of the Bantam frigot (sic), to and from Indra Ponza and from bringing any goods from thence on board y:e said ship Bantam ffrigot (HCA 13/73 Part Two))
Indra Ponza Roade ("hee saith that Indra Ponza Roade is and ought to be a place free for the English to trade in over w:ch place y:e Queene of Achine (whom this depo:t well knoweth having lived with her about five yeeres) was and is the supreame Governournesse; who did about three yeeres since? there: and at all other of her Dominiones proclaime ffree Trade to the English Nation; And saith hee hath a Copy of the said Proclamacon now in his Custody" (HCA 13/73 Part Two))
?Indria ?Ponza ("set saile in her from this port to ?Indria ?Ponza in y:e island of Sumatra in y:e East Indias" (HCA 13/73 Part Two))
Innvrnesse (HCA 13/129)
Ipswiche (= Ipswich) ("Mr Edward Bushell Mr John ?Osbun Mr Nicholas Hulton M:r Samuell Hedges Mr Beniamin Packes all liveing in and about London, Mr John Bushell and M:r Barnaby Crofford Englishe Merchants in Lisbone, Mr Thomas Wite William Maynard and John Daniell of Ipswiche and lastly hee this deponent were owners of the said ship the Reason when she went last from hence and doe soe continue till this day for ought hee knoweth to the contrary")[45]
Ireland ("this deponent well knowe the said John Tilley ?is, ffather and Mother, who were both Commonly accomted Natives of Ireland; and spoke both of them the Irish Language" (HCA 13/73 Part Two))
Island of Barbados
Island of Nevis
Island of Palma ("The Clayme of Joseph Markes and John Baptista Margarita and others merchants) of Spayne and subiects of the King of Spayne for their goods lately laden on att)
the Island of Palma in the Canaries) and Cast on shoare in the shipp the ffortune whereof Phillip Duncar was Ma:r upon the Coast of Cornwall.")[46]
Island of ?Pullegand:o ("from Bantam to the sayd Island of Pullegand:o where the shipp the Olive Branch ridd) (HCA 13/73 Part One))
Island of Trinidad
Isle of Wight ("the shipps arlate were stayed at the Isle of Wight by the Governour or his deputye at Yarmouth castle in the said Island upon information given by some of their owne Company as hee beleeveth that they were bound for Spayne" (HCA 13/128 no fol no. recto, Case: Beane against Jacobs: Personall answeares: Humfrey Beane: Date: XXXX); "one of the ffrigatts Company the ffrancis the aclate Captaine W:m ?Brustowe Commander went on board and seized or stopped the shipp Saint Ignatius aclate in Yarmouth Roade within the Isle of Wight, And saith that under a little parcell of tobacco in a private place of the great Cabbin of the Saint Ignatius this deponent found the three schedules or ffrench letters aclate N:o 6. 7. 8 and breaking them open found them to bee ffrench but could not understand them, and some two dayes after such his finding of the said letters this deponent gave them to the said Captaine W:m Burstow Commander of the said ffrancis ffrigatt")[47]
Islington ("the Owners of the said shippe the May flower when shee went last from this port of London were as followeth videlict Sir Thomas Somes of Soper Lane London Grocer of 3/16 parts M:r William Cockayne of Austin Fryers London owner of 3/16 part Mr Richard Clutterbucke owner of 1/16 part Mr Robert Whitlock of London of 1/16 part Mr Holmes of Glocestershire (as the XXXXtriss) of 1/16 M:r Humphrey fford of London of 1/16 part Mr Harris of Leigh of 1/16 part Mr Theophilus Smith of London 1/32 part Mr XXXcrofte of Islington Owner of 1/32 part Mr Whitall of Towerwharfe of 1/32 Mr Skinner of 1/32 p:r Mr Francis Flyer of 1/32 part Mr ?Hoverlyne of Wapping of 1/32 part Mr George Smith XX of 1/32 part Mr George Swift of London of 1/32 and lastly hee this deponent is owner of 1/16 part of the said ship")[48]
Italy ("the said Tye came in the said Ketchers Boate on board the said Ship, and told the said Ketcher, and the Company that the Spaniards would not upon any ?Tezines, whatsoever permit the said Ship to trade there in regard shee came from Italy, and had Goods on board her that came from Roome (sic), where the plague was at that time" (HCA 13/73 Part One))
Jamaica ("goods for Havana and there tooke in other goods and after some ?time of ?stay departed with her and her lading for Sta Domingo where hs designe was to deliver the said goods and there to embarque ?soldiers for Jamaica"(HCA 13/73 Part Two))
Java ("the land of Java" (HCA 23/19 no f.))
Java Maior lat. ("lett every wittnesse be asked whether doe you not knowe, or have hear dthat XXX Cittie of Bantam did and dooth stand XX a XXXXX Island called Java Maior, and XXXX thesaid Island is a very greate Islan, and forsuch comonly accompted" (HCA 23/19 no f.))
Jersey ("had formerly about 8 yeares since bin an Inhabitant and lived in Jersey where hee beleiveth hee was borne"[49]; "under the hand of Sir George Carteret the now Govero:r of Jersey")[50]
Johanna ("Whether did not the said shipp at her goeinge from Johanna to Suarratt arrive at Surratt in as short a tame as other shipps usually doe and in such tyme as wind and weather would pmitt and that the said shipp came to Surratt at such tyme and season of the yeare as is usuall for shipps to come thither" (HCA 23/19 no f.))
Kingston supra Thamesm lat. (BENJAMIN BENNETT de Kingston supra Thamesm in Com Surria ?Gen annos agens 32")[51]
Kingston upon Thames ("hee was borne in Kingston upon Thames and liveth at present by goeing to sea. and knoweth none of the parties litigant And hath lived at Kingston all his time saving when hee has bin at sea and other places upon his occasions")[52]
Knasburrough ("Lawrence Broadbolt, of Nevis, in the West Indies, Merchant, borne at Knasburrough, Yorkshire, aged 44" (HCA 13/73 Part Two))
Leaden hall street ("hee this deponent hath well knowne and been familiarly acquainted with the aclate Nicholas del Peino since the moneth of August 1653 last past, and hath frequently during that time seene conversed and eaten in the companie of the said Del Peino, who hee saith till about the moneth of November 1653. last past did usually lodge in the white hart in Leaden hall street London, And by reason of his this deponents familiar conversation with the said Del Peino during the time predeposed, hee this deponent well knoweth, that hee the said Nicholas Del Peino did constantly reside in and about this City of London and parts adjacent" (HCA 13/69 no f.))
Leeward islands ("Nevis and Saint Christophers and other of the Leeward Islands" (HCA 13/73); "the said Ship was bound from Newfoundland, to the Leeward Islands as well as to the Barbadoes" (HCA 13/73 Part Two))
?Leferno ("?Leferno in ffrance" (HCA 13/73 Part Two))
Leghorne ("the said ship the Bantam ffrigot after her Departure from Battavia, sayled to Leghorne and there safely arrived on or about the 18:th day of August 1658: and there her said pepper taken in at Indra Ponza was delivered" (HCA 13/73 Part Two))
Ligorne ("the said ship the Lixon ffrigot was Laden at Ligorne with Oyle Rice Silke Stockings, and Rope, and some other Comodityes" (HCA 13/73 Part One); "ffosse Tucker & Howgate with the rest of the sayd shipp Scipio her company proceeded upon her voyage from London to Genoa in the Streights and there discharged her ladeing and tooke in some goods there and went with them to Ligorne where fayling of their designe they landed the goods brought from Genoa and went from Ligorne to Allecant" (HCA 13/73 Part One))
Limehouse ("JOHN CARTER of Limehouse in parish of Stepney Blockmaker aged 61 yeeres" (HCA 13/73 Part Two))
Lipari ("she might have thence gone with her outward ladeing to civitavecchia and the Iland of Lippery"[54]. Located in the Aeolian islands of the Tyrrhenian Sea off north coast of Sicily.
Lymehouse ("ABRAHAM LANGFORD of Lymehouse in the pishe of Stepney and County of Midds Marrin:er late purser of the shipp the Good Successe, aged 24 yeares or thereabouts" (HCA 13/64 f.3))
Lisbone (= Lisbonne) ("in the moneths of January ffebruary March Aprill and untill about the 19 or 20:th day of May last past the said ship the Successe whereof William Backy was Commander) was and remained in the Port of Lisbone")[55]
Lizboa (the said Shippe was upon and at the time of her departure From this Port of London upon the voyage to Lizboa of the Burthen of one hundred and eighty Tunnes or thereabouts" (HCA 23/19))
London wall ("hee hath lived about ?9 moneths last past in England, and hath lodged in that time in 4. or 5. sewall places in London according to his best ?convenience, and was borne at Cadiz in Spaine, and inhabiteth at present London wall neare the Spanish Ambassado:r" (HCA 13/69 no f.))
Lubeck ("did not ffrancis Summ:rs alleadg that the afforesaid Sampson. did by promise or subscription off (sic) policy or anothe way insure him 50: li or more or less in the Saint Jacob off (sic) Lubeck one Hans Claeson which said Summe was to reinsure him. parte of 100: li he the said Summ:rs had insured the. said Powys" (HCA 23/19 no fol no., Document Number: ?: Case: James Powys against XXXX : Date: XXXX))
Madera Islands ("the said Ketcher and his Company finding that there was not practick to be gotten at the Canaries, for their said ship did upon a serious Consideracon saile the said ship to the Madera Islands, and there safely arrived" (HCA 13/73 Part One))
Maderas ("the freights that were made by the said shipp from Lisbone to the Maderas and from the Maderas to Angola were made by Capt Ell in in his life tyme and that hee & his purser kept the Accompts thereof were the proffits thereof" (HCA 13/129 no fol. no., verso, Case: XXXX: Answer: XXXX: Date: X))
Madras ("what daie of the moneth what yeare of our Lord the said Shipp the Mayfflower was dispatched and cleared at Madras ?by factors and Agents of the East=India Companie XX Madras upon her voyage homewards for England" (HCA 23/19))
Madrid ("This deponent daith that the sayd Sebastian da Cortizo was and is a Spaniard borne and lives in Madrid where he was borne and hath in habited for theis 20 yeares past and indeed all his tyme. and was and is a subiect of the King of Spaine and so accounted.")[56]
Maierque ("the said Master did sell some of the goods at Maierque but without the order of him the said Samuell Mico for he did give him order to goe first for Naples & thither shee did after goe & there arrived" (HCA 13/128 no fol. no., Allegation: On the behalfe of Thomas Cullinge Jonathan Andrewes & Gifford Bale: Personal answers: Samuell Micoe: Date: Hune 10th 1657))
Mallega ("FRANCISCO LORENZO DE LARA Native of Mallega in Spaine, Merchant resideing at present in London aged 24. yeares or thereabouts a Witnesse sworne and examined" (HCA 13/69 no f.))
Marseille, Delice de France, 1685[57]
Marcellis lat. (= Marseille) ("on or about the thirteenth day of November 1657: and ?from that day all the said marine:s schedulate entred into whole pay. and from Gravesend as aforesaid shee went to Yarmouth and there tooke in her Lading of ffish, and from thence sailed to Marcellis, and there delivered the same. and tooke in Ballast, and sailed to Cyprus and there (after they had Cleared their hold of the ballast,) tooke in a Lading of Salt, and Caried the same to the port of Satalea, and there delivered her Salt, and tooke in XXXXX and sailed back againe to Cyprus, and tooke in another Lading of Salt, and caried the same to Scanderoone, and there delivered y:e same, and the last of the said Salt was delivered at Scanderoone on or about the fourth day of June 1658" (HCA 13/73 Part One))
Maderas ("shee sailed to the Maderas againe: (she being ordered soe to doe by the said Pickford or Ward before her goeing from the Maderas to the Coast of Barbary. (HCA 13/73 Part One))
Martinice ("hee hath heard some of the said Ships Company say, that they heard the said Luke Woods order the said Grove when hee had missed the Barbadoes to saile to Martinice and soe to Nevis") (HCA 13/73 Part Two))
Masterland ("Sven Rasmuson Masterland in Suecia Navarchus dicta navis annos agens 50:ta aut XX XXter" (HCA XX/XX P1090925 f.3v); "The second was from Masterland with Herrings to Stockholme, and there this depo:t tooke in a lading of Pitch, tarr, Iron and some Dealeboards, for and to bee delivered at this city of London to Charles Marisco a merchant here")[58]
Mayorca ("laden with
oyle and other goods from Mayorca, bound for the Port of Topsham")[59]
Meslepatan (= Mesloputan; Mesleputain)(Whether doe you not know know beleive, or have heard reported that the May fflower before her arrivall at Madras the voyage in Question did Come from Meslepatan for Madras and that being XX with goods she was dispatched from XXXX for Madras by William Johnson Cheife XXXX for the East India Companie" (HCA 23/19))
Mevis = Nevis ("hee well remembreth that at Mevis this deponent and Robert Grove Cheife Mate of the Peace and William Tizard another mate of the sayd shipp and one Robert Chipp the Gunner of her were produced as witnesses before Captaine Morton Captaine Russell Captaine Smith and other officers under the Governour at Mevis upon Interrogatories given in before them against the sayd Thomas Grove the Master" (HCA 13/73))
Mexico ("This deponent saith and deposeth that in the monethes of June and July 1653 and continually since the arlate John Bodkin was and is the Lawfull Owner and proprieto:r of the arlate five hundred peices of eight of Mexico and Sevill conteyned in two bag?s marked and numbred as in the margent [IB n:° 3. 4.]")[60]
Middleborough ("CLAES WILLEMS of Middleborough Mariner, late Master of the ship the Morning Starr aged 38 yeeres" (HCA 13/73 Part One)
Midds ("CAPTAINE LAURENCE BROWNING of Ratcliffe in the parish of Stepney and County of Midds Mariner Master or Comander of the Ship the ffrancis and John: aged 52 yeeres" (HCA 13/73 Part One))
Milford ("she had aboard her in silver two XXX, one XXXX, two XXXXXXX, seaven or eight XXXXXX, and a tobacco box and seaven or eight peeces of eight; which the said John Lopez had ashore at Milford. And otherwise hee cannot depose" (HCA 13/73))
Milford Haven ("taken by the Lizard ffrigot (Captaine Baker Comander,) being in the Imediate Service of this Comonwealth and by him and Company Carried to Milford Haven" (HCA 13/73 Part One))
Millbrooke ("Thomas Serjeant of Millbrooke, Cornwall, Boatswayne of the ship the Delight, aged thirty-five years" (HCA 13/71 f.?))
Morea ("certayne English Merchants of the Maria (OR, Morea) Company tradeing for Turkey to goe from London to Polerao & other places beyond Seas" (HCA 13/73 Part Two); "at our about ?Petras in the Morea where the said possession of all and singular the said Currans was as they beleeve de?fined by the first and originall Owners thereof or their factors or servants or by their order unto theise respondents and Companies factors for their use" (HCA 13/129 no fol. no, recto, Case: XXXX: Answers: Andrew Rickard Esquire, William Vincent Esquire, Nicholas Penning, Phillip ffarewell, John Sandys, and Michael Evans: Date: 5th October 1659); "in the behalfe of the said Alderman Riccard or others of the Morea Adventurers or any other persons" (HCA 13/129 no fol. no, verso, Case: XXXX: Answers: Andrew Rickard Esq:r, William Vincent Esquire, Nicholas Penning, Phillip ffarewell, John Sandys, and Michael Evans: Date: 5th October 1659))
Morlaix ("being in her Course for this Port and coming from Morlaix" (HCA 13/73 Part One))
Nantes ("he saw a letter at Bilboa from the sayd Bodkin att Nantes directed to ffrancis Bodkins att Bilboa, ordering him to procure the like summe of moneyes, and this deponent knoweth that the sayd ffrancis Bodkins bought and procured the same accordingly" (HCA 13/68 Part One f.33r))
Naples ("the said Master did sell some of the goods at Maierque but without the order of him the said Samuell Mico for he did give him order to goe first for Naples and thither shee did after goe and there arrived" (HCA 13/128 no fol. no., Allegation: On the behalfe of Thomas Cullinge Jonathan Andrewes and Gifford Bale: Personal answers: Samuell Micoe: Date: Hune 10th 1657))
Nevis ("Nevis and Saint Christophers and other of the Leeward Islands" (HCA 13/73))
Newcastle ("Last in Company of a greate ffleete of English Colliars Consisting of about threescore and tenne saile; And the arlate Ship the Abigail, came likewise out from Newcastle in Company of the said ffleete" (HCA 13/73 Part One))
Newcrane ("all the shipps papers that hee knoweth of were delivered to the Captaine of the ffan fan who seized and tooke said shipp Peter off of Yarmouth about six leagues from thence and was by him sent with her sd lading up the river of Thames where she now lyes neere the Newcrane")[61]
Newengland (= New England)
Newfound Land ("the Pease being come out some few dayes before from Newfound Land the shipp the Pease and her company of espied XXXX shipps at Sea which they thought to be some of her consorts bound for the Barbados"(HCA 13/73))
New crane ("on or about the tenth day of May last the shipp the Mary of XX arlate rode at anchor in the River of Thames over against New Crane taking in of ballast in a fitting place where shipps use to ride and take in ballast")[62]
New found land ("upon the departure of the shipp Pease from the New found land" (HCA 13/73))
Newhaven ("this Deponent did in a former voyage carry about three hundred Quintalls of Brazeel wood, from Lisbone to Newhaven for the account as hee beleeveth of the said Brazil Companie" (HCA 13/73 Part Two))
Nore ("he came from the buoy in the Nore in three or ffowre days space. to Ratcliffe Chaine")[63]; "to the buoy and Nore"[64]
Normandie ("deposeth That the double shallup or frigat named the ffrancis late of Deepe and nowe of this port of London of the burthen of thirteene tonnes or thereabouts where of David Barre was and is master was really and bona fide bought by John Samborne merchant (having procucacon from this deponent to that purpose) of the master David Barre at Caen in Normandie on or about the thirtieth day of March last past (newe stile) for the price and summe of twelve hundred and twenty livred Tournois upon and for the sole and proper accompt of hee this deponent really and truely paid for the same with his effects remayning in the said Sambornes hands" (HCA 13/69 no f.))
North Holland ("the said Otto and Thompson or Tymison, have had their Dwelling places in Holland namely the sayd Otto at Amsterdam; and the said Thompson or Tymison neere Horne, in North Holland" (HCA 13/73 Part Two))
Norway ("This deponent saith that he went as merchant in the shipp Tankervale Robert Cooke master the last voyage she made which was from this port of London to Norway and there to take in horses; and was from hence to have gone to the Barbados and so back agayne to this port")[65]
Nova Hibernia lat. ("the said shipp the Santa Cruse belonged to the port of VXXX CXXX in ?Nova ?Hibernia in the Dominion of the king of Spaine" (HCA 13/73 Part Two))
Old Swan ("The Red Lyon at the Old Swan in Thames Streete" (HCA 13/73))
Oporto ("whether hee was in the shippe the Nativity when shee began her last voyage and from What port was shee sett out when she was bound for Oporto Port" (HCA 23/19))
Oratava ("the Roade of Oratava" (HCA 13/73); "the Lisbone ffrigot, the said Voyage arrived in the Road of l'Oratava on or about the 25:th of July 1658" (HCA 13/73 Part One); "Tye tooke and went the same day therewith on shore in a Dutch Boate to the Port of Oratavo aforesaid (HCA 13/73 Part One))
Ostend (= Ostende)
Ostender (the Master of the Royall and the Stiersman of the Goliffe ?resemble one another, Et alr nescit saving hee hath heard the said Master Speake to the Effect arlate. who Speakes very good dutch. whom hee supposeth to bee an ostender")[66]
Paul Church yard ("the said peece of fine cloth cost and was worth twenty one shillings per yard and was bought at that rate of Thomas Nevill draper in Paul Church yard" (HCA 13/69 no f.))
Pendennis Castle ("ffalmouth and Pendennis Castle" (HCA 13/73 Part Two); "the ship should be sailed downe to Pendennis Castle (being about two Miles from ffalmouth Harbour) and there ordered this deponent (who was Cheife mate of the said Ship. all the said Voyage to ly there at Anchor untill day light, in regard it is a very dangerous place for Rocks, and Shelves" (HCA 13/73 Part Two))
Pillow ("Whether Thomas Benson was not on board the Shippe in controversy at Pillow neare Quinsbrough" (HCA 23/19))
Plymouth ("betweene ffalmouth and Plymouth the said Wood did Cleare foure men off of the ship" (HCA 13/73 Part Two))
Plymouth Sound ("the said Grove lay ready and staid in Plymouth Sound about a fortnight purposely for the said Wood, who was ashore" (HCA 13/73 Part Two))
Poland ("JACOB GROAT of Dantzijck in Poland mariner master of the sayd shipp the Saint John aged eight and thirty yeares or thereabouts. a witnes")[67]
Poltrao (the Road of ?Poltrao" (HCA 13/73 Part Two))
Pomer land ("the sayd shipp about nine yeares since was built att Colburne in Pomer land, and hath for the sayd nyne yeares Last past belonged to Dantzyck, the p:rmisses this deponent knoweth having lived in Dantzyck for and during all the sayd tyme., and is master of the sayd shipp")[68]
Pomerania (HCA 13/76 f.138r)
Pomerland ("hee was borne under the dominion of the Duke of Pomerland" (HCA 13/69 no f.))
Poplar ("JAMES BERBLOCK of Poplar in the parish of Stepney and County of Midd mariner aged fifty one yeares" (HCA 13/73 Part One))
Port of Ligorno ("this deponent goeing Purser in her to Ligorno knoweth that in the Moneths of ffebruary and March 1657 in which moneths the sayd shipp Olive Branch was and remayned in the Port of Ligorno XXXX pepper was brought in XXXX was there frequently and commonly sold at the rate of twenty peeces of eight per hundred English weight" (HCA 13/73 Part One))
Port of London
Portsmouth ("ALEXANDER COVELL of Portsmouth Barber, aged 25 yeares or thereabouts sworne in Court" (HCA 13/69 no f.))
Portugall ("The perils and dangers of the seas excepted saile unto Lisboa in the Kingdom of Portugall there to discharge the goods and merchandizes carried In her thither and being then dispatched shall directly saile from thence to the ?Madera Islands XX The straights of Gibraltar being in league of friendship with the King of England" (HCA 23/19))
?Pullegand:o ("from Bantam to the sayd Island of Pullegand:o where the shipp the Olive Branch ridd) (HCA 13/73 Part One))
Quinsbrough (= Quinsborough) (Whether have the said James Mills and Benjamin Harrison both or one of them bee not allowed Twenty Pounds upon an East Country voyage from Dansick or Quinsbrough to London, besides the ?dennidge and severall other priviledges belonging to them or one of them as a Master of a shipp" (HCA 23/19))
Radcliffe crosse ("hee liveth neere Ratcliffe Crosse in Stepney parish")[69]
Ratcliffe ("ROBERT HERCULES of Ratcliffe Mariner aged 40 yeeres" (HCA 13/72 Part Two))
Ratcliffe chaine ("he came from the buoy in the Nore in three or ffowre days space to Ratcliffe Chaine")[70]
The Red Lyon at the Old Swan in Thames Streete
Rederhithe (= Redriffe) ("THOMAS CLARKE of Rederhithe or Redriffe in the County of Surrey late Master and Commander of the said shipp the Rappahannack aged 42. yeares or thereabouts sworne in Court and examined"[71]. Also "Rederiff" in HCA 13/73 f.230r P1130619, line 5. It is Rotherhithe on the Surrey shore of the Thames in London.
Rederiff wall ("WILLIAM READING of Rederiff wall in the parish of Saint Mary Magdalen Bermondsey in the County of Surrey mariner aged thirty five yeares" (HCA 13/73 Part One))
Riga ("Riga in Prussia")[72]
Rippon ("hath bin Credibly informed that the said Cowling was borne at or neere Rippon in Yorkeshire" (HCA 13/73 Part Two))
River of Emms ("what papers were on board the sd shipp came to the hands of the Captaine of the Crowne ffrigott that tooke and seized them off the River of Emms upon y:e Coast of Holland without concealing or making away any of them")[73]
River of Indra Ponza ("In his passage one of the said Dutch Vessells. which came and Anchored at or neere the Barre of y:e River of Indra Ponza, sent her boate and alsoe another Boate well manned to seize this deponert and the said Bantam ffrigotts boate & the Pepper therein" (HCA 13/73 Part Two))
River of Nants ("the said Grove did not take in all the salt sent by the said Wood to be Laden on board the said ship in the River of Nants" (HCA 13/73 Part Two))
River of Thames ("in or about the beginning of the moneth of August 1658, the said ship Warewell arived in the River of Thames" (HCA 13/73))
Roan ("Set out the said Ship, about January 1653 from this Port of London on a Voyage to bee made with her from hence to Roan, and to other places beyond the Sea" (HCA 13/73 Part One))
Rochell La Rochelle, a harbour on the Bay of Biscay in France.("Did you know the said shipp called the Willingminde of London of the burthen of 60 Tonne whereof Adam Browne was Master: under God, at such time as shee was last in Ross in XX Ireland, when was she last there, was shee not then bound forth from thence on a voyage to Rochell and Burdeaux in ffrance or one of them and soe to returne to Waterford" (HCA 23/19))
Roehampton ("M:r Tomas Papillon and Lawrence Martell were and are Englishmen and Inhabitants of this citie and persons well affected to the parliament of England, and soe commonly accompted, w:ch hee knoweth having knowne them living here from their ?childhoods, and ?with the M:r Papillon was borne at Roehampton and the said Martell at Towerhill London")[74]
Roome ("shee came from Italy, and had Goods on board her that came from Roome (sic), where the plague was at that time" (HCA 13/73 Part One))
Ross (= Rosse) ("Did you know the said shipp called the Willingminde of London of the burthen of 60 Tonne whereof Adam Browne was Master: under God, at such time as shee was last in Ross in XX Ireland, when was she last there, was shee not then bound forth from thence on a voyage to Rochell and Burdeaux in ffrance or one of them and soe to returne to Waterford" (HCA 23/19))
Rotterdam ("the aclate George Robinson is his this deponents servant but permitted by this deponent to trade for himselfe, and to make use of this deponents correspondent ?Korne ?Parnen of Rotterdam, and with the said Kornis is now XXXX XXXXXX a Dutchman borne and a subiect of the States of the United Netherlands and ?who an Iynhabitant of Rotterdam, from ?whence this deponent frequently receiveth letters from him in ?the ?run of merchandise")[75]
Royall ("the sayd Clauson liveth at Royall in ffrance and soe hath done divers yeares but what countryman by birth or whether hee keepe a family this deponent knoweth not" (HCA 13/69 no f.))
Rye ("RICHARDUS TUO de Rye in Com Sussex Victualler")[76]
Salinas (= Salina) ("hee saith, That the direct Course to sayle from Salinas roade in Cyprus for Englands is to saile thence to the straights mouth, and saith hee beleeveth Zant to be about 20. leagues out of the direct Course from Ciprus to the Straights mouth" (HCA 13/71 f. ?19?r&?v))
Satalia [in the Mediterranean] ("upon the Death of the foresaid William Malim (who was Master of the said ship) this deponent became Master of her, hee being before: the said William Malims Cheife mate; And for that hee received at Satalia, of the sayd William Malim ?twenty Eight ryalls of Eight, and at Scanderoone hee received of the said Malim either Eight or tenne Ryalls more (but, whether eight or Tenne he doth not nowe remember having lost most of his Accounts.) and saith that those summes were all that hee receaved the said voyage in part of his wages for his Service in the said Shipp" (HCA 13/73 Part One))
Satalea ("on or about the thirteenth day of November 1657: and ?from
that day all the said mariners schedulate entred into whole pay. and from Gravesend as aforesaid shee went to Yarmouth and there tooke in her Lading of ffish, and from thence sailed to Marcellis, and there delivered the same. and tooke in Ballast, and sailed to Cyprus and there (after they had Cleared their hold of the ballast,) tooke in a Lading of Salt, and Caried the same to the port of Satalea, and there delivered her Salt, and tooke in XXXXX and sauled back againe to Cyprus, and tooke in another Lading of Salt, and caried the same to Scanderoone, and there delivered y:e same, and the last of y:e said Salt was delivered at Scanderoone on or about the fourth day of June 1658" (HCA 13/73 Part One))
Sattalia ("sailed to Cyprus, and there (after her ballast was heaved out,) shee tooke in a Cargo of Salt & Carried the same to a place called Sattalia, and there delivered y:e same, and having taken in Ballasts sailed back to Cyprus againe, and after her hold was Cleared of the ballast, shee tooke ?on another Lading of salt, and Caried y:e same to Scanderoone, and there Delivered the same" (HCA 13/73 Part One))
Saint Andrew Undershaft ("JOHN ASHURST the younger of the pish of Saint Andrew Undershafte London Marchant aged 25 yeares of thereabouts a witness sworne and examined" (HCA 13/69 no f.))
Saint Bartholomew neere the Royal Exchange ("JOHN SAVAGE of the parish of Saint Bartholomew neere the Royal Exchange London Merchant, aged 32 yeeres or thereabouts" (HCA 13/73 Part Two))
Saint Catherines near the Tower ("Laurence Burr, of Saint Catherines near the Tower, Cooper of the Lady ffrigott, aged 38" (HCA 13/73 Part Two))
Saint Christophers ("Nevis and Saint Christophers and other of the Leeward Islands" (HCA 13/73))
Saint S:ta Cruze ("replyed they were Vessells carrying of wines to Santa Cruze" (HCA 13/73 Part One))
Saint Dunstans in the East ("RICHARD ELL of the parish of Saint Dunstans in the East
London Mariner the commander of the shipp the Prosperous of London, aged 50 yeares or therabouts")[77]
Saint Dunstans ("JOHN LEWIS of the parish of Saint Dunstans XXXX East ?India Merchant aged 47 yeeres" (HCA 13/73 Part One))
Sancta Gabriellis ffanchurch ("JACOBUS CORSELLIS12 XXXXXXXXXXX Sancta Gabriellis ffanchurch London Mercator")[78]
Saint George Buttolphe Lane ("ALBERTUS SKINNER of the pish S:t George Buttolphe Lane London Merchant aged 28 yeares or thereabouts a witness sworne and examined" (HCA 13/69 no f.))
Saint John do Lus ("the producent John ffrederick and company were and at this proper wise and over XXX the moneth of August 1649 or thereabouts have bin the true and lawfull owners and proprietors of the shipp the XXXX XXX called the Saint Quartin of Saint John do Lus")[79]
Saint Katherines' Docke ("divers ?Billeneeres for the space of 12: yeares and upwards have made it theire usuall practice to lay theire hoyes and vessells betweene the said Staires and Saint Katherines' Docke. the same is a very great annoyance and prejudice not onely to the watermen there plying who formerly had a faire and sandey ground very commodious for theire Imployment But now by reason of the Continuall rideing Stayeing and abideing of those vessells sometimes Thirty togeather betweene the said staires and dock neere the Shoreside the ground is there suncke and filled with mudd soyle and slime in divers places thereof about kneedeepe" (HCA 15/6 Box One no folio no., Item: Petition of divers watermen plyeing at Saint Katherines Staires and other the Inhabitants there bordering upon the River of Thames: Date: XXXX))
Saint Katherine's staires ("The humble Remonstrance of diveres watermen plyeing at Saint Katherines' staires and other the Inhabitants there bordering uppon the River of Thames whose names are hereunto subscribed" (HCA 15/6 Box One no folio no., Item: Petition of divers watermen plyeing at S:t Katherines Staires and other the Inhabitants there bordering upon the River of Thames: Date: XXXX))
Saint ?Jones ("the ship then rideing in the harbour of Saint ?Jones which is the safest and best or at least as good and safe a harbour as any is in the Newfound land" (HCA 13/73))
Santo Lazio ("about three dayes or XXXXX before the said Grove Discovered the Island called Santo Lazio (by w:ch sight of which Island the said Grove and Company perceived they had overshot the Barbadoes) (HCA 13/73))
Saint Leszus
Saint Lucar ("PEDRO DE MORALIS of Saint Lucar Mariner, aged 28 yeeres" (HCA 13/73 Part Two))
Saint Lusea ("the sayd Thomas by his steering on his owne course contrary to the advise of his sayd Mates did misse the Island of Barbados and came to the Island of Saint Lusea in the moneth of November 1657" (HCA 13/73))
Saint Mallo (= Saint Malo; Saint Malloe) ("trading voyage for the port of Saint Mallo aclate to Newfoundland to catch fish and to carry the same for Bilbao and there to dispose of and soe to returne againe for Saint Malo w:th the proceed of such goods for his owne proper Accompt")[80]
Saint Manes Castle ("Whether Immediately before the said shippe was stayed neere ffalmouth was shee nott chased by a dutch man of Warre or some other shippe upon the seas neere the Coast of Cornwall on the West of ffalmouth and Pendennis, or Saint Manes Castle" (HCA 23/19))
Sancta Margarets Lothbury ("THOMAS ROUSE XXXXX Sancta Margarets Lothbury London Mercator XXX agens 31")[81]
Saint Margaret Newfish streete ("this deponent was borne in the pish of S:t Margaret Newfish streete London & hath lived these 4 yeares last or thereabouts in the pish of A:t Andrew Undershafte aforesayd" (HCA 13/69 no f.))
Santa Marice Matsellon lat. ("THOMAS ANDREWS de Wapping in parro Sancta Marice Matsellon als White Chappell annos agens 42" (HCA 13/76 Part One f.1r))
Sancta Martin Outwich lat. ("WILLIMUS BRADNOX paXXXX ?Sancta Martin Outwich London Mercator, annos agens 20" (HCA 13/64 f.?r))
Saint Martins ("Saint Martins in ffrance" HCA 13/76 f.11r))
Saint Mary Magdalen ("ADAM BEALE of the pish of Saint Mary Magdalen Bermondsey Shipwright aged forty eight yeares" (HCA 13/73 Part One))
Saint Mary Matsellon ("THOMAS CAPELL of the parish of Saint Mary Matsellon als Whitechappell Cooper aged twenty two yeares" (HCA 13/73 Part One))
Saint Olaves, Southwark
Saint Saviour Southwarke ("THOMAS HOLBERT of the parish of Saint Saviour Southwarke Waterman aged 44 or thereabouts, sworne in the high Court of the Admiraltie of England saith")[82]
Saint Vallazyes [France] ("the said Ship, and her Lading met with Extraordinary ?soule, windy , and Tempestuous weather by which shee was driven upon the sand, neere S:t Vallazyes in ffrance; and by meanes thereof split, and broken in peeces.
and utterly lost together with her lading" (HCA 13/73 Part One))
Santa Domingo ("the said shipp in or about ffebruary last was a twelvemoneth departed from XXX XXXX aforesaid for S:ta Domingo" /HCA 13/73 Part Two))
Scanderoone ("he sayled with his shipp Richard and William in Company of Captaine Hughes in the Thomas Bonadventure from Scanderoone to Cyprus, from Cyprus to Serigo so to Zant so to ?Cap halaria so to porto leghorne" (HCA 13/69 no f.))
Scanderrone ("soe soone as the said ship [the Anne] Delivered her said salt at Scanderrone, the said William Malymy:e Master and Company of the said ship. did take aboard her, a Lading of Cottons, galls and other peeces to be Transfported in her to this port of London" (HCA 13/73 Part One))
Seville (= Sevill; Sevile) ("the said Gerrard Lloyd and company had a very greate trade at Seville in Spaine and did there keepe a house and familie, and had at Sevile and other parts in Spaon a very greate commerce and traffique by ?many of Marchdize, w:ch hee knoweth for that hee this deponent lived at Sevill aforesaid with XXXX ?case where that kept their factory and managed their said trade and some came to take notice thereof" (HCA 13/71 f.393r))
Shadwell ("RICHARD EDWARDS: of Shadwell in the County of Middlesex aged 42 yeeres" (HCA 13/73 Part One))
Sheldon ("HANIBAL ROWE de Sheldon in Com Devon clothier etatis 35")[83]
Sicklesham harbor
Signe of the Bull ("JAMES DOWNE of London Marchant living in Bishopsgate streete at the signe of the Bull aged 38 yeares or thereabouts sworne & examined")[84]
Signe of the Ship ("this deponent was present as this deponents house; at the signe of the Ship neere Duke ?Streete" (HCA 13/73 Part One))
Skadam ("HERRICK WILLIAMSON of Skadam in Holland Mariner aged fourty yeares or thereabouts a witnes")[85]
Smirna (= Smyrna)
Soper Lane ("the Owners of the said shippe the May flower when shee went last from this port of London were as followeth videlicet Sir Thomas Somes of Soper Lane London Grocer of 3/16 parts M:r William Cockayne of Austin Fryers London owner of 3/16 part Mr Richard Clutterbucke owner of 1/16 part Mr Robert Whitlock of London of 1/16 part Mr Holmes of Glocestershire (as the XXXXtriss) of 1/16 Mr Humphrey fford of London of 1/16 part Mr Harris of Leigh of 1/16 part Mr Theophilus Smith of London 1/32 part Mr XXXcrofte of Islington Owner of 1/32 part Mr Whitall of Towerwharfe of 1/32 Mr Skinner of 1/32 p:r M:r Francis Flyer of 1/32 part Mr ?Hoverlyne of Wapping of 1/32 part Mr George Smith XX of 1/32 part Mr George Swift of London of 1/32 and lastly hee this deponent is owner of 1/16 pt of the said ship" (HCA 13/64 f.32r))
South Seas ("hee well knoweth the said shipp the Love and was commander of her in her late homewards voyage from the South Seas, and went out in her from this port thither in which going out this deponent was master of her")[86]
Southhampton (=Southampton) ("Richard Man, of Southhampton, Mariner, aged 31" (HCA 13/73 Part One))
Spanish West Indias ("in and about the monethes of May and June 1657: the arlate Mr ffernandez and Mr Page had discourse and treaty with John Lopes about sending a ship and Cargoe from England or Holland to the Spanish West Indies for the Account of them the said Mr ffernandez and Mr Page, and Company" (HCA 13/73 Part Two))
Spanish West Indies
Spayn ("JUAN THOMAS MILATI of Cadiz in Spayn merchant aged 23 yeares or thereabouts a witness sworne and examined deposeth and saith as followeth" (HCA 13/69 no f.))
State of Genoa ("hee hath corresponded with the producent Stephen Pallavicino in the wayes of Merchandize, and saith hee was and is comonly reputed a native subject, & Inhabitant of the State of Genoa" (HCA 13/73 Part One))
States of the United Neatherlands ("never lived in any of the territoryes of the dominions of the states of the united neatherlands")[87]
Stepney ("Grace Hogsflesh, of Stepney, Widowe, aged 39" (HCA 13/73 Part Two))
Stettin, Hollandische Merkur (Haerlem, 1660)[88]
Stettin ("it being very notorious & well knowne to the said Mr Wayn Wright and all other mrchants that use the East countrey trade that every Last of wheate payeth one dollar the charges at Stettin and Stralsound and the charges for Smacks and boates to bring the said corne on board, & petty pilotage & other dutyes, all which hee this rendent did really pay" (HCA 13/129 no f.))
Stobenheath ("JOHN TREDDLE of Ratcliff in the parish of Stepney als Stobenheath in the County of Midd Mariner aged twenty seaven yeares or thereabouts" (HCA 13/71 f.?310r))
Stockholme ("Did you know the good shipp or vessell called the Providence of Stockholme whereof John Robertson was Master at such time as she was last at Stockholme aforesaid?" (HCA 23/19 no fol. no. recto, Document Number: 11: Case: XXXX: Date: XXXX))
The Straights ("a tradeing voyage from London to the Straights" (HCA 13/73))
Straights mouth (= streights mouth) ("hee beleeveth Leghorne interrate to be about 10 or 15. leagues more out of the direct course from Zant to the straights mouth, than Corsica is" (HCA 13/71 f.?19?v))
Straights of Gibraltar ("from this port To Lisboa and from thence to the XXXX Or any other place within the straights of Gibraltar Being in ffriendshipp with the King of England" (HCA 23/19))
Stralsund ("hee was accompted a Stralsunder videlicet a native of Stralsund in Pomerania in the dominion of the King of Sweden")[89]
The Streights ("the sayd shipp Scipio was lying in the River of Thames takeing in goods for a tradeing voyage for which shee was bound from this Port of London to be made to the Straights or the places neere there about and soe to returne and thence to this port of London" (HCA 13/73 Part One))
Studland bay
Suecia lat. (= Sweden)
Sumatra (= Summatra) ("Achean on the coast of the Island of Sumatra" (HCA 13/73); "during the time that the said ship the Bantam ffrigot was upon the Coast of Sumatra and in the East Indias the Voyage in question; this deponent and the said Captaine Taylor and Company of the said Ship Did Carry and demaneane themselves very Civilly, and peacably" (HCA 13/73 Part Two))
Summers Island ("Thomas Taylor and Loys his wife against the Shipp the Summer Islands Merchant and against John Jenkins Master of the said Ship" (HCA 13/73 Part One))
Surrey (= Com Surria) ("JOSEPHUS XXXXXX de Redrith in Com Surria Nauta, natus in parea Saint Olavi Hartstreet London annos agens 20")[90]
Tangier (= Tanger; Tangie) ("How much thereof was throwne over board in the Road of Tangie, did not the said Robert Oyle order it to bee throwne over board, and who did helpe to throwe it overboar, lett the witness declare theire names, and what quantity of the said wheat was throwne on the shoare before the Citty of Tangier, and who did order the same to bee so throwne on shoare, was it not done by the order of the said Robert Oyle, and would not the wheat which was soe throwne a shoare, with good usage have vyn recoverable and fitt for use" (HCA 23/19 no fol. no. recto, Document Number: 13: Case: XXXX: Date: XXXX); ("what was done with the wheat that was so kept aboard did not the said Robert Oyle after hee went from Tanger aforesaid feed geese, Turkeyes, henns, and hoggs therewith dureing the said Shippes voyage from Tangier aforesaid to Alicant and Xouire and to Zephalania and in his homeward voyage" (HCA 23/19, no f.))
Teneriffe (= Tenerife) ("before the silver in question came & arrived here in England, the ffactor of the said producent called don Luis Perez de Vittoria, sent from the Iland of Teneriffe to the XXXX Mr Vandeput, for his the said producents Accompt to the Vallue of betwixt twelve and thirteene hundred pounds sterling in silver" (HCA 13/73 Part One); "DON ANTONIO DE PUNTE ?CARRILLAY ?gutman of the place of Tenerife in the Islands of the Canaryes merchant aged 29 yeares or thereabouts, a witnes sworne & examined" (HCA 13/69 no f.))
Thames Streete ("The Red Lyon at the Old Swan in Thames Streete" (HCA 13/73)
Topsham ("soone after the Ladeing of the said 5 bales of serges schedulated abord the said ship the Diamond at Topsham shee sett saile and departed therewith from hence for Saint Maloe")[91]
Towerhill ("Mr Tomas Papillon and Lawrence Martell were and are Englishmen and Inhabitants of this citie and persons well affected to the parliament of England, and soe commonly accompted, which hee knoweth having knowne them living here from their ?childhoods, and ?with the Mr Papillon was borne at Roehampton and the said Martell at Towerhill London")[92]
Tower Street , Thames Street and the Legal Quays, Roque, 1746[93]
Tower Street ("the owners of the said ship both at the tyme of her goeing out from hence and till this day were and are as followes videlicet Mr Richard ?Peetrs Merchn:t in Lisbone owner of 1/8 part Mr Hugh ?Southing of Tower Street London of 1/16 part for himselfe and freind, Mr John Bushell of Lisboon Merchant 1/16 part for himselfe and freinds Mr Samuel Vassall for himselfe and freind of 1/16 part , M:r Thomas Bateman of London of 1/8 part Mr PXXX Middleton of 1/16 pt Mr Dudley Avery of 1/16 part M
Mr Barnaby ?Crosson of Lisbon marchant of 1/16 part, Mr ffrancis Hanbury of Lisbon Marchant of 1/32 part; Mr James Man of Marke Lane London Merchant 1/16 part M:r James ?Cotton 1/32 part for the account of Mr Thomas Waters Mr MXXX of Lisbon Merchant 1/16 part Mr Henry Smith 1/32 part and XX this deponent for himselfe and master was and is owner of two sixteenths partes and one Two and thirtieth part of the said ship the Hanniball)[94]
Trapany ("come safe out of the Port of Trapany")[95]
Trinidad ("the said Ship went from Amsterdam to an Island, which as hee taketh is called Trinidad. and from thence went to Comana, and thence to Truxilla and there delivered out severall of the said outward goods and thence went to Honduras and there delivered the rest of the said outward goods. and tooke in Chests of Indico and Druggs" (HCA 13/73 Part Two))
Tripoly ("betwixt Smirna and Venice this rendent and his said ship and ladeing were taken by three Tripoly men of warr, and carried to Tripoly and ?the ?said ship & lading all lost, & this rendent and his Company made prisoners as he beleeves, where this rendent continued by the space of Three moneths & ?od dayes, & then was ransomed w:ch cost him ?800. dollars as he beleeves, and this rendent beleeveth that all the rest of the said Companie who are ?liveing except Edward ?Paull are there yet in captivity" (HCA 13/128 no fol. no., verso, Case: Allegation on the behalfe of Edward Paull and others: Personal answeres: William Wilmott: Date: XXXX))
Truxillo ("XXXX discharged at Honduras the said shipp returned to Truxillo where she tooke aboard ?Jassonavilla and hides" (HCA 13/73 Part Two))
Turkey ("hee this deponent having for many yeares been a mariner and a Master of a shipp frequenting and using the trade of Turkey and particulalry of Ciprus arlate well knoweth, That Cyprus cotton woolls are usually and ordinarily putt in very great baggs, which cannot be stowed without very great paines and difficulty")[96]
United Netherlands ("the said John Shauternel is a Subject of the States of the United Netherlands" (HCA 13/73 Part Two); "the said shipp did never before as hee knoweth and he XXX beleveth ?belong to Amsterdam or other port without the Dominion of the States of the United Netherlands" (HCA 13/69 no f.))
United Provinces ("the said John is a Subject of the States of the United Provinces" (HCA 13/73 Part Two))
Upper Shadwell ("WILLIAM WOOD of Upper Shadwell in the parish of Stepney mariner aged 27" (HCA 13/73))
Venice ("there tooke in ballast and went to Trapanye and tooke in salt & carried the same to Venice, and there discharged the same about the 1?8:th. day of August 1655. as he beleeveth, And there this rendent was offered a fraight to Smirna and soe to Venice againe which this rendent accepted of, but dureing such tyme as he was at Venice intreating about the same the Duke of Venice or his Officers forced this rendent and his said ship into their Service contrary to this rendents good will and likeing to carry bread from thence to Candy for the ffleete which this rendents ship accordingly did and arrived and delivered the same there in or about the beginning of december 1655" (HCA 13/128 no fol. no., verso, Case: Allegation on the behalfe of Edward Paull and others: Personal answeres: William Wilmott: Date: XXXX))
?Vera Cruce ("Santa ?Cruse was built in CoXXXpeXye in the West Indies about foure yeeres since, where the said Captaine Joseppo Sinnego bought her and brought her to ?Vera Cruce wheare the said Captaine XXXed her with goods for Havana" (HCA 13/73 Part Two))
Virginia ("the time arlate this rendent was sent by the said Edmund Cowse to Virginia with a quantity of goods vizt 7?1 pipes of wine and no more as he beleeveth 2: chests of white earthen ware one bale of paper and noe more 20 peeces of east India stuffe called pantadoes, and a pcell of red earthen wares worth nothing at all as he beleevth, and a small quantity of salt, and no other goods as hee beleeveth"(HCA 13/128 no fol. no. recto, Allegation: Edmund and James Cowse: Answer: Daniell ?Jiggles: Date: XXXX))
Wapping ("Thomas Yeomans of Wapping, Mariner, late Masters Mate of the Peace, aged 23" (HCA 13/73 Part Two))
Wapping dock ("came to an Anchor a little belowe or against Wapping dock" (HCA 13/73))
Waterford ("Did you know the said shipp called the Willingminde of London of the burthen of 60 Tonne whereof Adam Browne was Master: under God, at such time as shee was last in Ross in XX Ireland, when was she last there, was shee not then bound forth from thence on a voyage to Rochell and Burdeaux in ffrance or one of them and soe to returne to Waterford" (HCA 23/19))
Waymouth ("at Plymouth and Waymouth the said Wood did discharge severall of the Mariners that belonged to the said Ship, soe that it was very dangerous bringing her up to this port" (HCA 13/73 Part Two))
West Indias ("to manage the ?Trucking, Selling, and Bartering away of the Outward Cargoe at the said West Indias (sic)" (HCA 13/73 Part Two))
West Indies ("the sayd shipp at here goeing out had noe designe of goeing to Brazeele or any other parts of the West Indies" (HCA 13/73))
Westerene Islands ("the Islands fflowers and Calves, being two of the Westerene Islands" (HCA 13/73))
Westow ("EDWARD CARR of Westow in the County of Durham Mariner at first a common mariner and afterwards Boatswaines Mate of the sayd shipp the Vine aged twenty one yeares or thereabouts a witness")[98]
White hart ("hee this deponent hath well knowne and been familiarly acquainted with the arlate Nicholas del Peino since the moneth of August 1653 last past, and hath frequently during that time seene conversed and eaten in the companie of the said Del Peino, who hee saith till about the moneth of November 1653. last past did usually lodge in the white hart in Leaden hall street London, And by reason of his this depo:ts familiar conversation with the said Del Peino during the time predeposed, hee this deponent well knoweth, that hee the said Nicholas Del Peino did constantly reside in and about this City of London and parts adjacent" (HCA 13/69 no f.))
Whitechappell (= White Chappell) ("THOMAS CAPELL of the parish of Saint Mary Matsellon als Whitechappell Cooper aged twenty two yeares" (HCA 13/73 Part One); "JACOBUS TAYLOR de White Chappell prope London Nauta annos agens 46")[99]
Wrexford ("George Codd a native of Wrexford in Ireland and a subiect of his Majesty of England")[100]
Yarmouth ("on or about the thirteenth day of November 1657: and ?from that day all the said mariners schedulate entred into whole pay. and from Gravesend as aforesaid shee went to Yarmouth and there tooke in her Lading of ffish, and from thence sailed to Marcellis, and there delivered the same. and tooke in Ballast, and sailed to Cyprus and there (after they had Cleared their hold of the ballast,) tooke in a Lading of Salt, and Caried the same to the port of Satalea, and there delivered her Salt, and tooke in XXXXX and sailed back againe to Cyprus, and tooke in another Lading of Salt, and caried the same to Scanderoone, and there delivered the same, and the last of the said Salt was delivered at Scanderoone on or about the fourth day of June 1658" (HCA 13/73 Part One))
Yarmouth castle ("the shipps arlate were stayed at the Isle of Wight by the Governour or his deputye at Yarmouth castle in the said Island upon information given by some of their owne Company as hee beleeveth that they were bound for Spayne" (HCA 13/128 no fol no. recto, Case: Beane against Jacobs: Personall answeares: Humfrey Beane: Date: XXXX))
Yorkshire ("hath bin Credibly informed that the said Cowling was borne at or neere Rippon in Yorkeshire" (HCA 13/73 Part Two))
Zant ("hee well knoweth, That ordinarily, shipps which have not complicated their Cargaison at Cyprus doe touch at Zant in their way for London, and these take in Currants and many times come thither expressely, for their better securitie, in which cases Zant is commonly accompted th best and nearest way for London, though in deed, thise considerations excepted, it be something out of the direct Course" (HCA 13/71 f.?19r))
Zante ("Zante currans" (HCA 13/73))
Zealand ("he is an Irishman, and is not bound as he beleiveth to discover his conscience in poynt of Religion, and is a Merchant factor without a settled aboad, and from the yeare 1642. to 1646. lived in fflanders. frō 1646. to 1652 in the beginning thereof lived in Holland and Zealand. and from April 1652. to July 1653 in Spain, from whence he came in July last and in the same month arrived in London, and here hath resided ever since." (HCA 13/68 f.33v)
- Jump up ↑ HCA 13/71 f.242r
- Jump up ↑ HCA 13/64 f.32r
- Jump up ↑ HCA 13/76 f.10v|
- Jump up ↑ R. Lygon, Map of Barbados (London, 1657), sourced copyright free from Internet Archive, 04/12/12
- Jump up ↑ HCA 13/76 f.135v
- Jump up ↑ A. Manesson, Coast of Barbary and the Maroc to Quilbriche Carvan Route (Paris, 1719), sourced copyright free from Internet Archive edition, 16/08/12
- Jump up ↑ HCA 13/64 f.?|
- Jump up ↑ HCA 13/64 f.7r
- Jump up ↑ HCA 13/64 f.15r
- Jump up ↑ HCA 13/68 f.33r
- Jump up ↑ HCA 13/64 f.23r
- Jump up ↑ HCA 13/71 f.167v
- Jump up ↑ HCA 13/71 f.102r
- Jump up ↑ HCA 13/64 f.12r
- Jump up ↑ HCA 13/76 f.58r
- Jump up ↑ HCA 13/76 f.3r
- Jump up ↑ HCA 13/76 f.3r|
- Jump up ↑ HCA 13/68 f.8v
- Jump up ↑ HCA 13/64 f.19r
- Jump up ↑ HCA 13/71 f.193r
- Jump up ↑ HCA 13/68 f.8v
- Jump up ↑ Sandys, Prospect of Constantinople, in Relation of a Journey begun An: Dom: 1610. Foure bookes. Containing a description of the Turkish Empire, of Ægypt, of the Holy Land, of the remote parts of Italy, and ilands adioyning (London, 1621), p.30
- Jump up ↑ HCA 13/71 f.413r
- Jump up ↑ HCA 13/71 f.237v
- Jump up ↑ HCA 13/71 f.237v
- Jump up ↑ HCA 13/76 f.201r
- Jump up ↑ HCA 13/71 f.193r
- Jump up ↑ HCA 13/76 f.6r
- Jump up ↑ HCA 13/68 f.8v
- Jump up ↑ HCA 13/68 f.23r
- Jump up ↑ HCA 13/76 f.5v
- Jump up ↑ HCA 13/71 f.112r
- Jump up ↑ HCA 13/68 f.22r
- Jump up ↑ HCA 13/76 f.25v
- Jump up ↑ HCA 13/76 f.5v
- Jump up ↑ XXXX
- Jump up ↑ HCA 13/68 f.33r
- Jump up ↑ HCA 13/64 f.23r
- Jump up ↑ HCA 13/64 f.23r
- Jump up ↑ HCA 13/76 f.7v
- Jump up ↑ HCA 13/76 f.12r
- Jump up ↑ HCA 13/76 f.5v
- Jump up ↑ HCA 13/76 f.6r
- Jump up ↑ HCA 13/68 f.22r
- Jump up ↑ HCA 13/64 f.13r
- Jump up ↑ HCA 13/68 f.34v
- Jump up ↑ HCA 13/76 f.203r
- Jump up ↑ HCA 13/64 f.32r
- Jump up ↑ HCA 13/64 f.1r
- Jump up ↑ HCA 13/64 f.1r
- Jump up ↑ HCA 13/76 f.27v
- Jump up ↑ HCA 13/76 f.28r
- Jump up ↑ XXXX
- Jump up ↑ HCA 13/71 f.193r
- Jump up ↑ HCA 13/64 f.3?
- Jump up ↑ HCA 13/69 f.22v
- Jump up ↑ Marseille, from Delice de France (Paris, 1685)
- Jump up ↑ HCA 13/76 f.3v
- Jump up ↑ HCA 13/76 f.136r
- Jump up ↑ HCA 13/68 f.33r
- Jump up ↑ HCA 13/76 f.7r
- Jump up ↑ HCA 13/71 f.454v
- Jump up ↑ HCA 13/76 f.3r
- Jump up ↑ HCA 13/76 f.2r
- Jump up ↑ HCA 13/71 f.167v
- Jump up ↑ HCA 13/76 f.28r
- Jump up ↑ HCA 13/68 f.8v
- Jump up ↑ HCA 13/68 f.8v
- Jump up ↑ HCA 13/76 f.136v
- Jump up ↑ HCA 13/76 f.3r
- Jump up ↑ HCA 13/73 f.628r
- Jump up ↑ HCA 13/76 f.11r
- Jump up ↑ HCA 13/76 f.5v
- Jump up ↑ HCA 13/64 f.21v
- Jump up ↑ HCA 13/71 f.214r
- Jump up ↑ HCA 13/76 f.7r
- Jump up ↑ HCA 13/64 f.27r
- Jump up ↑ HCA 13/64 f.22r
- Jump up ↑ HCA 13/64 f.20v
- Jump up ↑ HCA 13/64 f.1r
- Jump up ↑ HCA 13/64 f.20r
- Jump up ↑ HCA 13/76 f.10r
- Jump up ↑ HCA 13/64 f.19v
- Jump up ↑ HCA 13/71 f.102r
- Jump up ↑ HCA 13/68 f.4r
- Jump up ↑ HCA 13/71 f.242r
- Jump up ↑ [[HCA 13/76 f.6r Annotate|HCA 13/76 f.6r]
- Jump up ↑ Front plate of Hollandische Merkur (Haerlem, 1660), showing Stettin, sourced copyright free from Google Book edition, 05/12/11
- Jump up ↑ [[HCA 13/76 f.137v Annotate|HCA 13/76 f.137v]
- Jump up ↑ HCA 13/76 f.233r
- Jump up ↑ HCA 13/64 f.22v
- Jump up ↑ HCA 13/64 f.21v
- Jump up ↑ Roque, Detail of Legal Quays from Roques Map of London (London, 1746), sourced copyright free from Wikipedia reproduction, 25/06/09
- Jump up ↑ HCA 13/64 f.14v
- Jump up ↑ HCA 13/68 f.138v
- Jump up ↑ HCA 13/71 f.19r
- Jump up ↑ HCA 13/76 f.23v
- Jump up ↑ HCA 13/71 f.307v
- Jump up ↑ HCA 13/76 f.57r
- Jump up ↑ HCA 13/76 f.136r