HCA 13/73 f.528v Annotate
Volume | HCA 13/73 |
Folio | 528 |
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Colin Greenstreet | |
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2014/06/05 |
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The 2d. of July 1660./.[CENTRE HEADING]
Touching the hopewell aforesaid}
Arthur Perkins}
Examined upon the foresaid Allegation
Rp. EA. 6us.
William Jackson servant to Thomas
Burton of London Merchant, aged [XX]
yeeres or thereabouts, sworn and Examined
To the first second third and 4th articles of the said Allegation hee
saith and deposeth that he well knoweth the arlate John [?Jeffreyes]
James Jenkins, Thomas Colclough, Thomas Burton and
Richard Netmaker, And saith that in the months of September
October November and December 1657: they were the true and lawfull
Owners of the arlate ship, the Hopewell (Arthur Perkins Master)
and of her tackle Apparrell and furniture, and soe [XXX]
ought to be at this Present: And saith that in the said moneths
of October, November and beginning of December 1657 the
said Owners did cause a Cargoe of goods to be Laden onboard
the said ship. (shee then Lying in the River of Thames)
to be carried and transported in her to Angola and other
places on the Coast of Affrica, upon their Account and [XXX]
there to be bartered and sold for Merchandizes of [?that]
Ciuntry, and those Merchandizes were to be transported
in the said ship to Virginia or Barbadoes. and there
to be delivered, and the proceeds
to be Laden onboard the said ship of the same could [?be]
all laden in her, and the same was to be transported
from thence to London, and all upon the Account
and risgo of the foresaid Owners And saith that the
said Outwards Cargoe soe Laded as aforesaid
onboard the said ship in the River of Thames. Consis[?ted]
of Beads, Gloves, Silks and woorsted stockings [?such
wars as Taffatas, Sattens and Stuff ffishehookes, Knives Sizers
Earthen wars, Glasses, Pewter, Brasse and Iron wars,
Haberdashery wars, as hatts, Tape Needles Pins [XXX]
and such like, Cottons Kersyes, Castle Sope, Linens of [?severall]
sorts, Fowling peeces, Pistols, Spices, Tobacco, Strong [?waters]
Druggs, Wine Dressing Boxes, shooes and such like Merchandizes
And the said Cargoe did here cost the said Owners
the summe of 957: li 5: s 3 d or thereabouts besides the sume of 29: li 13: s 7 d that
was paid for Customs and Excise, and charges of putting the same
onboard, And saith that the said Thomas Burton did [XXX]
cause a box of Lace, Gloves and Taffaty and some other things to be
laden in the said ship to be Transported in her, upon [XXX]
Private account, which did amount unto 24. li sterling or thereabouts
and the said James Jenkins did put a Sute of Armour [?and]