HCA 13/70 f.87r Annotate
Volume | HCA 13/70 |
Folio | 87 |
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Colin Greenstreet | |
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2014/12/14 |
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received them after 236 gallons to the tonne, and delivered part thereof
to the said Brewar, and after the said Brewar had received them hee
would not pay the said Thoroughgood but after 252 gallons to the
tonne, which was the ground of the foresaid sute as sayd Thoroughgood confessed to this deponent, And saith that
the said sute (by the collusion as hee verily beleeveth of and
betweene the said Thoroughgood and Brewar) came to a triall and
a verdict obtained upon an old statute for 252 gallons to the tonne
on or about the 15th of July last. And saith that for theise
30 yeares (saving as aforesaid) hee never knew or heard of any question
demannd or pretence by sute at lawe for 252 gallons of sweete oiles to the tonne,
236 gallons being the common and continuall proportion or allowance,
And otherwise hee cannot answer.
To the last hee saith hee never had any sute at lawe with the
said Brewar, nor hath any difference with him (saving what
as aforesaid concerneth the oiles in question) nor beareth him any
malice or grudge whatsoever, nor hath this deponent declared
himselfe nor is the said Brewars adversary, nor hath this deponent
received any benefitt or proffit either directly or indirectly by this
sute or by his deposition in the same, nor is any promised unto him;
but on the contrary hee saith that if the said Brewar [?obtaine]
in this sute, this deponent shall recover diverse hundred
pounds namely if 252 gallons be the hae of sweete oiles, but if
Brewar be overthrowne hee shall have neither proffit nor
Repeated before doctor Clerke:-/
The 12th of March 1654. [CENTRE HEADING]
The claime of Balthazar and}
John Coymans merchants of Amsterdam}
for the Saint Mary de Guardalupa, and}
her tackle and furniture, and for goods}
in the same. Smith. Budd.}
dt. P.v.d.p.
Examined upon an allegation given in
on the behalfe of the said claimers.
Lucas Hendrickson Sinck of horne
in North holland Mariner, master of
the said shipp the Saint Mary de
Guardalupa, aged 41 yeares or
thereabouts sworne and examined.
To the first article of the said allegation hee saith and deposeth that hee
well knoweth the producents Baltazar and John Coymans and
hath soe donne for theise tenn yeares last past or thereabouts,