HCA 13/73 f.549v Annotate

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HCA 13/73 f.549v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


Company having possession of her did wholy unlade the said Prize
in the Roade of Marsellis, and hee this Deponent being
then Lieutenant of the Kent and goeing in her then to Mersellis
went onboard the said prize about twice, and sawe
her unlading, and sawe Part of her Lading carried
onboard the said ffairfax frigot, and some onboard
the Little Lewis then ryding there, and some on shore
and saith that about three weekes or a moneth after the
ffairfax ffrigot did neere Ligorne Road take a ship
called the Warrior this deponent being then in the ffairfax
and soe soone as shee was seized the said Winter went
onboard her, and tooke severall of the ffairfax
ffrigotts Company with him, and saith that soone after
there were severall goods brought onboard the ffairfax
as Bales of Cloath, some Chests of Indigo, some baggs
and Searnes of Copper; and some goods as hee was informed
were carried onboard Captain Jourdains shipp, and saith
that there were severall Spaniards onboard the said
ship Warrior did confesse her goods to belong
to Spaniards but most of her Company were Dutch
and soe were likewise the Company of the Armes
of Leake, and further deposeth not saving that the
said Winter was secured by order of Admirall Stoaks
and afterwards did as hee this Deponent hath bin informed
make his escape./.

To the 13th hee cannot depose /:

To the 14th hee saith that the said Winter hath not made
any restitution or satisfaction of or for the foresaid goods
by him disposed of as aforesaid, or given account there[?of GUTTER]
that this deponent knoweth of./:

To the 15th hee saith that hee Knoweth not what Countrymen
the said Winter is, nor whose subject, and saith that the said
Winter hath not bin juditially punished for his misdemeanor
that this deponent Knoweth of.

To the last hee saith his foregoing deposition is true:/.

To the Interrogatories [CENTRE HEADING]
To the first hee saith that hee was warned (by one
who said hee belonged to this court) to come and
Testify herein, And otherwise Negatively /.

To the second hee saith that Captain Whetston was called
Vice Admirall, but whether hee had orders to be Vice Admirall
this deponent Knoweth not, and hee had foure
ships or ffrigots besides his owne under his comand, And saith
that Lieutenants are to followe, and obey the orders of their