HCA 13/71 f.349r Annotate
Volume | HCA 13/71 |
Folio | 349 |
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Uploaded image; transcribed on 04/11/2012 | |
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IMAGE: P1130861.JPG | |
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Alex Jackson | |
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2012/11/04 | |
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Edited on 31/07/2014 by Colin Greenstreet |
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the Trinity house the sayd shipps company did assiste in the unladeing
of divers goods from on board the sayd shipp only taking care -
not to meddle with any that were dammaged./
To the 2 hee saith that hee being one of the shipps Company thereby
knoweth that there were shipps aboard the sayd shipp the Edward and John
for accompt of the arlate Chamberlaine and others twenty eight horses Geldings and
mares to the transported to the Barbadoes, and saith that two of them dyed
at Sea by the way and all the rest were by the arlate Totty safely carried to
the Babados, and that at their Comming there the sayd Chamberlayne
came onboard to demande two horses or geldings whereof that in question is
one and others the Owners of them came to demand the rest of the
sayd horses and mares, and a place was appointed on shoare in the
Barbadoes where they were all to bee left for every and to take -
his owne and this deponent sawe all the sayd horses or gueldings
and mares aforesayd (save such as dyed) put safely to shoare to bee -
carried to the place appointed and committed to the care of John honey
Edward Cooke Thomas Lindsey and˺ Cornelius Simonson to carrie them to
the place appointed and further to this article hee cannot of his certayne
knowledge depose hee not goeing with the sayd horses/
To the 3rd article of the sayd allegation hee saith that hee knoweth
that the sayd arlate Viber for part of the outward bound voyage
was by the arlate John Totty Constituted boatswaine of the shipp
articulate and did for the tyme hee soe continued take care and charge of
the good delivered on board ther And saith that in the downes in -
shipps outward bound voyage the sayd Viber and Abraham [?doverin]
his mate were taken running away with the sayd shipps boate and
divers goods which they have imbezelled from on board the sayd shipp
this hee knoweth for that hee this deponent and sixe others of the sayd
shipps company did get another boate and persue the sayd Viber and his
mate and overtooke them, and saith the sayd Viber and his mate perceiving
that they should bee taken did throwe overboard of their breeches
or pocketts some of the goods by them imbezelled some silke hoods for
womenand flanders lace alsoe as they afterwards confessed and other things of good value some whereof
videlicet about a dozen hoodes being light things swamme a while and
by that meanes were taken up by this deponent and others who persued
them, and this deponent and the rest who persued having taken the -
sayd Viber and his mate brought them back on board and searched
them and found about them some flanders lace and bond strings and
screene fannes and other commodities of goods value for woemens
wearing, and searching the sayd the sayd Vibers Cabbin found there the
boxeout of which the same (as the sayd Viber confessed) were taken,
broke open and some other goods of the like quality in the boxe, and scattered about the
Cabbin and saith that for this imbezelment the sayd Viber and his mate
were brought by this deponent and others the sayd shipps company before the sayd Tottey the
Master who did not any way prosecute the lawe against the sayd Viber
or this Mate for any of the goods soe imbezelled but only put the sayd
Viber by his place of Boateswaine and made him a quarter Master and kept
him and the sayd [?doverin] still on board and the sayd [?doverin] continued the whole voyage