HCA 13/71 f.574v Annotate

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HCA 13/71 f.574v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


of the Company of the Ellen and Anne nor aboard her at the tyme
Interrogate And therefore cannot further answere to this Interrogatorie

To the second for the reasons aforesayd hee cannot depose

the marke of
John + Comyn [MARKE, RH SIDE]


The 21th of Aprill 1657 [centre heading]

Cowse against Keene
Suckley Smith

Examined upon the allegation given in on the behalfe of Mr Cowse
the 31th of May 1655/

see the six first in L10:Cj: d5: d3: d9 and e2:
and the 7th in A15: and the 8th and 9th in B12 and the 10th in L:12: A2

Edward Watts of London Merchant aged thirty three
yeares or thereabouts a wittnes sworne and examined
saith and deposeth as followeth videlicet./

To the third article of the sayd allegation and the schedule therein mentioned
(being the first schedule to the sayd allegation annexed) hee saith and deposeth
That hee this deponent in the yeare one thousand sixe hundred fiftie
fower did reside at Saint Lucas in Spaine and was theire imployed as cheife
factor of the articulate James Cowse and thereby knoweth that in the
yeare one thousand sixe hundred fiftie fower the articulate John Keene with his
shipp or Catch the John and Elizabeth arrived at Saint Lucars with diverse goods
on board her laden for the Account of the sayd James Cowse, and to be transported
(as hee the sayd Keene confessed to this deponent) to Santa Cruse in the Islands
of Palma and of the Canarie Islands which goods (being the goods schedulate)
the sayd Keene (being driven by stresse of weather into Saint Lucars brought
thither, and the sayd shipp or Catch haveing received much
dammage at sea before her comming to Saint Lucars and being disabled by
losse of her masts and riggeing and other dammage receaved at sea
and for want of men to proceede on her voyage to Santa Cruse
the sayd Keene did at Saint Lucars deliver unto this deponent and Mr Peter [?D]raby a factor alsoe at Saint Lucars for the sayd Cowse for Account
of the sayd Cowse these severall goods following being part of the goods schedulate videlicet Tenn bales of goods
conteyning sixteene peeces of Taunton serges, Twenty sixe peeces of Paragons
Tenn peeces of broad Cheynies, fowerteene peeces of Meduses, sixe peeces
of black bayes, nyne hundred twenty five Yards or Spanish yardes of ffreizes
peeces of quarter silke, and tenn peeces of halfe silke Adorettas, sixe peeces
of damaskillias or ffloramides, and fower peeces of narrow Cheynyes
and besides the sayd tenn bales, fower Nests of Truncks, fower full conteyning
flaxe and twenty peeces of narrow lockerams and halfe a peece of Tregar
or Course Cloath, and sixe peeces of broad lockerams: Alsoe two thousand
nyne hundred and thirty pipe staves (accounting only tenn hundred to the thousand)
and one dozen and twelve Chayres (all being part of the goods Schedulate)
And further saving his subsequent deposition hee cannot depose for
that hee was only a ffactor in Spaine and knew nothing touching the ladeing of the sayd goods in England

To the rest of the articles of the sayd allegation hee is not examined by direction
of the producent./