HCA 13/70 f.338v Annotate
Volume | HCA 13/70 |
Folio | 338 |
Side | Verso |
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Colin Greenstreet | |
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hee further saith, That hee this deponent att or about the time aforesaid
received att Porto Porte aforesaid aboard his said shipp 165. bailes of
shomack marked IP. for which hee signed bills of lading to the
use of the said Joseph de Prere Merchant of Amsterdam, as also 13.
bailes of shomack, and two Chests of Tobaccoe marked I:P: And saith
further, that there were some other goods [?XXX] to say 6/ chests of sugar marked with
two different markes, which this deponent also received aboard his said shipp at
Porto Port to be transported to Roane, but for whose accompt hee cannot
otherwise declare then in the bills of lading taken aboard him and bow
remaining in the Registry of this Court was and is expressed. And further
as to the exact quantities or proprieties of the said shipps lading
hee saith hee cannot further depose, but referreth himselfe to the papers
writings and bills of lading seized in and aboard his said shipp by the
sayd TYger friggatt,
Repeated before doctor Clerke and doctor Godolphin./
Reijer Cornelisson [SIGNATURE, RH SIDE]
The 9th of July .1655: [CENTRE HEADING]
Titus Complaine against John Brandlyn}
and others}
Examined upon the said Libell.
Lewis Byker of the parish of Saint Peters Cornhill
London Grocer aged 62. yeares or thereabouts a
Wittnesse sworne and examined saith as followeth:-
To the first position or article of the said Libell hee saith hee knoweth nothing
of the propriety in the said article expressed:-/
To the second hee saith, That in or about the moneth of October 1653. last
past, this deponent by the direction of Titus Complaine an Apothecary living in
Ipswich did send his servant and precontest John knight to bring the goods
hereafter mentioned aboard the Vessssell or hoy called the Primerose
(whereof the lilate William Marsh was Commannder) to bee transported
in the sad Vessell from this Port of London to Ipswich for the accompt of the
said Titus Complaine, and accordingly this deponent caused the same with the
name of the hoy and Master aforesaid to bee entred into this deponents booke
of accompts. And further saving his subsequent deposition hee cannot depose.
To the third hee saith, That hee this deponent well knoweth, That in or about
the moneth of October aforesaid, the said Titus Complaine being here in
London did cause one Chest of sugar of the valew of fourtie one pounds
fourteen shillings and five pence, one hogshead of Tobaccoe of the valew
of twelve pounds fifteen shillings and 10 d one barrell packt with loose
sugar, cinnamon, Cloves, pepper and liquorice, amounting to 17 li 08 s 10 d
besides a scarfe packed up in the same barrell of the valew (as hee beleeveth)
of 12 s or thereabouts, being in all 18 li : 00: 10 d the predeposed goods wares
and merchandizes amounting in all to 72 li: 11 s: 01 d: sterling to bee laden
aboard the said Vessell or hoy to be transported as aforesaid. The
reasons of his knowledge are theise, for that the said Complaine
bought the said goods of this deponent here in London at or about the time and for
and at the rates predeposed, and accordingly the same were entred in this
deponents booke of accompts, (the said scarfe onely excepted) and were