HCA 13/73 f.199r Annotate

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HCA 13/73 f.199r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


severall Comidityes (sic), in this City of London, namely, Serges, Bayes, Sayes
Norwich stuffes Perpetuanes, and other goods, and
after the same were Provided, and bought the same were shipped
on board a shipp Called the Mackarel to bee Carried and Transported
to Amsterdam, and were Consigned to Mr Chanternel Merchant
of Amsterdam Correspondent there [XX] of the said Mr Page, and the said
Ayleward, (as this Deponent now remembreth) went over in
the said ship hence for Amsterdam with the said Goods. And saith
the said Mr Page then sent a letter hence To [XXX] Directed
to the said Mr Chanternel in Amsterdam wherein hee
Advised the said Mr Chanternel that hee had sent some goods from hence
Consigned to him in a holland Pinke, and desired the said Chanternel to receive
the same, and to buy more Goods there, and alsoe a ship to carry the said Goods sent hence
and those which hee shoul there Provide to the Spanish West Indias, and the said Mr Page alsoe
wrote in the said Letter, that one John Lopez a Spaniard was appointed to goe Supra Cargoe of the
ship that should be soe bought, and that hee hoped it would Prove a good voyage, and that if
hee the said Mr Chanternel would become a Partner in the said voyage and designe, hee might be admitted, or to the like Purpose: And this Deponent (being then servant to the Producent
and doeing his busines touching his Comerce and Trade) Copyed the foresaid
Letter into the said Mr Pages Letter booke, And shipped
off the foresaid Goods here Laden on board the said ship Mackarell and was
made Privy to the said Designe and Voyage and thereby knoweth the
Premisses: And further hee cannot depose:/:

Upon the rest not Examined by Direction./.



To the Interrogatories.:./.:.[CENTRE HEADING]

To the first hee saith hee was none of the Company of the ship the Hope
Interrate, And saith hee was borne in the Parish of [?Ditsame] in
Devonshire, and saith hee is a Batchelor And hath lived
for about five yeeres last in this City, and about a yeere before
hee lived in Holland, and about two yeeres before this Deponent
lived in ffrance, and about two or three yeeres before hee lived
in Holland, and saith hee is a farr off Allyed to the said Mr Page
and liveth with him in the Quality aforesaid, And saith hee hath noe
share or Interest in the said ship or goods Claimed by the said Mr Page
and Company: And further cannot Answer:/

To the second hee saith hee was not present at the buying of the said
ship Hope, nor of her Outward Cargoe but knoweth that
the said Mr Page his Packer (by the said Mr Page his order)
bought and Packed the foresaid goods sent thence in the said shipp [?XXX]
and this Deponent with his owne hands with the money of and by
the Order of the said Mr Page, paid the Partyes
for the foresaid Goods of whom the said Packer bought them;
And further cannot Answer./:

To the 3d hee saith that hee Conceiveth that both the Outward
Cargoe, and homeward Cargoe was upon the Joint Account of
the Claimers And further cannot Answer:/.

To the 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th and 9th hee hath not soe deposed:/.

To the 10th hee saith that hee hath heard that the Interrate Andrew
dunkin hath lived in Sivill in Spaine, but hath here lived
in this City for theise two yeares last, and the Interrate Gowen {ainter
hath lived at the Canaryes some yeeres, but came from thence
about two yeeres and a quarter since, And to the rest negatively:/
