HCA 13/71 f.628v Annotate
Volume | HCA 13/71 |
Folio | 628 |
Side | Verso |
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Uploaded image; transcribed on 19/02/2013 | |
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IMAGE: P1140506.JPG | |
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Alex Jackson | |
First transcribed | |
2013/02/19 | |
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Edited on 06/08/2014 by Colin Greenstreet |
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Thomas Colclough and Companie did sett out and employ
the said shipp the Rappahannacke upon a trading voyage from the
Port of London to Guinney and from thence to Virginia and that
they did here putt or cause to be putt on board the said shipp the Rapa=
hannacke a Cargo of goods and Merchandise being Linnen cloth
tinsell, iron, scarlett cloath, bowdges, callicoes and cormadell linnen
for the proper use and accompt of the said Owners to bee transported to the
parts of Guiney and there to bee bartred (sic) away for Negroes, which
were from thence to bee transported to Virginia and there to bee sould
or otherwise disposed of for the accompt and benefitt of the said Owners
The premisses hee saith hee well knoweth for the reasons predeposed
And otherwise cannot depose, saving That the said shipp with the
said goods safely arrived in the parts of Guinney aforesaid, under the
Conduct of this deponent.
To the third Article hee saith, That hee this deponent hath Likewise beene
credibly informed, and hath understood for and as a reall trueth by the
said Master and some of the Companie of the said shipp Sarah
That the said Robert Lewellin had in this part of London in or
about the moneth of ffebruary which was in the yeare. 1655
Laden and putt aboard the said shipp a Cargaison of goods and
Merchandises proper to be be transported to the said parts of Guinney and
there to be bartered away for Negroes to be transported to the
West-Indies and thence to be disposed of according to the direction
and for the accompt of the said Lewellin, And saith that hee this
deponent saw the said shipp Sarah safely arrived at Guinney aforesaid
and that the said outward Cargo or the most part thereof was there bartered away for
Negroes. And further hee cannot depose:-
To the 4th Article hee saith, That hee this deponent with the said shipp the
Rappahannack and goods in the same safely arrived in the parts of
Guiney upon or about the 14th of ffebruary 1655. last past, and
there this deponent by order of his said Owners being Master and
Supracargo of the said shipp and goods did traffique and barter
away part of the said shipps outward Cargoe, and did therewith
gaine and provide the number of fiftie three or fower Negroes, and had
soe much of the said outwards Cargoe remaining undisposed of
as would have produced upon barter one hundred Negroes more
which hee this deponent could with ease have effected, within
a very short space of time. hee further saith, That by the
credible relation of the said Master and some of the Companie
of the said shipp Sarah, the outwards lading of the said shipp