HCA 13/72 f.334r Annotate

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HCA 13/72 f.334r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


and endeavouring to decline the said restitution, they applied themselves
to the duke of Madina Cali, and soe at length the said shipp and
such of her tackle, and furniture and ladeing as were left unplundered
by the said takers, were restored, after much expence of time and
money to procure the same and in victualling and maintaining the
ships company; And saith there was about six weekes space betweene
such the said shipp the Paker frigot her bringing into Cadiz
and her departure thence, and forthwith after restitution this deponent
[?went] aboard and found her hold broken open and goods wanting,
and this deponent laid out monies upon his said owners account
towards fitting and supplying her and her companie with necessaries
for proceeding thence; And further that the said Cock acknowledged
himselfe to be a hollander a subiect of the States of the United
Netherlands, and that most of his company were such, and that
hee had a Commission from the said States, and made the
said seizure by vertue of the said Commission. And otherwise
hee cannot depose, saving the said producents have bin at
greate charge and losses by the said seizure, and that the said
restitution was made because it clearely appeared at
Cadiz that the seizure was made after the time limited
by the said articles of Peace. And further hee cannot depose.

Repeated with his precontest before
doctor Godolphin.



The 12th of June 1658.


Stephen Wright of London Merchant, aged 37 yeares or
thereabouts sworne and examined.

To the first and second articles of the said allegation hee saith
and deposeth that hee well knoweth the producents articulate
John Ray, William Cockcroft, Joseph hammond, and James
drawater and well knoweth alsoe the shipp the Parker frigot
arlate whereof hee saith the said producents were the time arlate
the freighters, and were commonly reputed owners of her, and
of her tackle and furniture. And saith that hee this deponent
and partners Edward Wright and William Langhorne residing
at Genoa and being correspondents or factors in that behalfe of
teh said producents, did in or about March or Aprill 1654 lade and
put aboard the said shipp the Packet frigot in the River of Genoa
by order and for the said producents account to be transported to this
port and here to be delivered to them or their order thirtie foure
tonnes of the best Genua oile, and one hundred fiftie eight barrells
of the best Genoa anchovies, of which oiles and anchovies hee saith the
said producents were the true and lawfull owners, and after lading thereof
the said shipp departed thence therewith for this port under the conduct of Edward
harrison her master and company; The premisses hee knoweth for that
hee helped soe to lade and dispatch away the said shipp from the River


Primary sources



PROB 11/315/282 Will of Joseph Hamond, Merchant and Salter of City of London. 19 November 1664
PROB 11/316/518 Sentence of Joseph Hammond of Saint Lawrence Pountney, City of London. 06 May 1665