HCA 13/53 Deponents - By Folio
HCA 13/53 Deponents - By Folio
To list all deponents mentioned in HCA 13/53 in folio order
[hide]- 1 Listing
- 1.1 ff.1r-9v
- 1.2 ff.10r-19v
- 1.3 ff.20r-29v
- 1.4 ff.30r-39v
- 1.5 ff.40r-49v
- 1.6 ff.50r-59v
- 1.7 ff.60r-69v
- 1.8 ff.70r-79v
- 1.9 ff.80r-89v
- 1.10 ff.90r-99v
- 1.11 ff.100r-109v
- 1.12 ff.110r-119v
- 1.13 ff.120r-129v
- 1.14 ff.130r-139v
- 1.15 ff.140r-149v
- 1.16 ff.150r-159v
- 1.17 ff.160r-169v
- 1.18 ff.170r-179v
- 1.19 ff.180r-189v
- 1.20 ff.190r-199v
- 1.21 ff.200r-209v
- 1.22 ff.210r-219v
- 1.23 ff.220r-229v
- 1.24 ff.230r-239v
- 1.25 ff.240r-249v
- 1.26 ff.250r-259v
- 1.27 ff.260r-269v
- 1.28 ff.270r-279v
- 1.29 ff.280r-289v
- 1.30 ff.290r-299v
- 1.31 ff.300r-309v
- 1.32 ff.310r-319v
- 1.33 ff.320r-329v
- 1.34 ff.330r-339v
- 1.35 ff.340r-349v
- 1.36 ff.350r-359v
- 1.37 ff.360r-369v
- 1.38 ff.370r-379v
- 1.39 ff.380r-389v
- 1.40 ff.390r-399v
- 1.41 ff.400r-409v
- 1.42 ff.410r-419v
- 1.43 ff.420r-429v
- 1.44 ff.430r-439v
- 1.45 ff.440r-449v
- 1.46 ff.450r-459v
- 1.47 ff.460r-469v
- 1.48 ff.470r-479v
- 1.49 ff.480r-489v
- 1.50 ff.490r-499v
- 1.51 ff.500r-509v
- 1.52 ff.510r-519v
- 1.53 ff.520r-529v
- 1.54 ff.530r-539v
- 1.55 ff.540r-549v
- 1.56 ff.550r-559v
- 1.57 ff.560r-569v
- 1.58 ff.570r-579v
- 1.59 ff.580r-589v
- 1.60 ff.590r-599v
- 1.61 ff.600r-609v
- 1.62 ff.610r-619v
- 1.63 ff.620r-629v
- 1.64 ff.630r-639v
- 1.65 ff.640r-649v
- 1.66 ff.650r-659v
- 1.67 ff.660r-669v
- 1.68 ff.670r-679v
- 1.69 ff.680r-689v
- 1.70 ff.690r-699v
- 1.71 ff.700r-709v
- 1.72 ff.710r-719v
- 1.73 ff.720r-729v
- 1.74 ff.730r-739v
- 1.75 ff.740r-749v
- 1.76 ff.750r-759v
Praise Barbone of the parish of Saint Bridgette ffleetstreet London Letherseller aged 38 yeares
Stephanus Moore of the parish of Saint Andrew Hubberd London clothworker aged 23 yeares
Thomas Vearner of the parish of All Saints Barkinge London wyne cooper aged 28 yeares
Isbrand Hancocke of Blackwell in the county of Middlesex mariner aged about 38 yeares
Richard Keat of the parish of Saint Saviours in the Borough of Southwarke mariner aged about thirtye three yeares
Johannes Robinson of Bromley in the county of Kent merchant aged 35 ueares
Elias Cooke of Yarmouth in the Isle of Wight aged 45 yeares
Petrus Upton of Yarmouth in the Isle of Wight navigator aged 24 yeares
Isaacus Hartwell of the parish of Saint Botolphs Billingsgate aged 56yeares
Richardus Younge of the parish of All Saints Steyninge London cooper aged 37 yeares
Robertus Burges of Culliton in the county of Devon merchant aged 42 yeares
Richard Ward of Wappinge in the county of Middlesex navigator aged 28 yeares
John Johnson of Plymouth in the county of Devon mariner aged about 36 yeares
Thomas Bates servant of Thomas Greene of the parish of Saint Magdalene Bermondsey in the county of surrey aquarius aged 22 yeares
John Johnson of Pylmouth in the county of Devon mariner aged about 36 yeares
Johannes Johnson on the interrogatories ex parte Captaine Bassett
Willimus Starbucke of Lambeth Marsh in the county of Surrey aged 31 yeares
William Skepper of Newcastle uppon Tyne merchant aged about 32 yeares
Richardus Lapley of the parish of Saint Lawrence Pommtney London salter aged 28 yeares
Christopher Venard of Ratcliffe in the county of Middlesex marriner aged about 35 yeares
Johannes Craven of Ratcliffe in the county of Middlesex aged 53 yeares
Thomas Barton of Ratcliffe in the county of Kent gentleman aged 34 yeares
Robertus Paule of Lymehouse in the county of Middlesex nauta aged 33 yeares
William Thorpe of the parish of Saint Leonards Shoredicth London aged about 33 yeares
Richardus Ewers of Wappinge in the county of Middlesex nauta aged about 30 yeares
Robertus Ewers of Wappinge in the county of Middlesex aged 24 yeares
Johannes Sammnde of Plymouth in the county of Devon nauta aged about 22 yeares
Thomas Thompson of the parish of Saint Mary Le Bowe London scrivener aged about 40 yeares
Edward Stretchley aged about 26 yeares
Johannes Willan of the parish of Saint Dunstan in the East London salter aged 29 yeares
Samuel Jordayne of the parish of Saint Olave in Southwarke joyner aged about 55 yeares
Thomas Moore of Wappinge in the county of Middlesex aged 35 yeares
Thomas ffarrant servant of Richard Haddocke of the precinct of the Tower of London aged 20 yeares
Thomas Hobson of Hammersmyth in the county of Middlesex piscator aged [?79] yeares
Johannes Makins of Deptford in the county of Kent ropemaker aged 47 yeares
John Haines of the parish of Saint Olave in the Borough of Southwarke one of his Majesty's watermen aged about 67 yeares
Rogerus Bennett of the parish of Saint Mary on the Hill London waterman aged 39 yeares
Thomas Hitchman o fthe parish of Saint Olave in the Borough of Southwarke waterman aged 50 yeares
Johannes Manninge of the parish of Saint Nicholas Acorn London merchant aged 28 yeares
Thomas Hitchman to the interrogatories
Brianns Boden of the parish of Saint Andrew Hubberd London clothworker aged 26 yeares
Willielmus Martyn of Wappinge in the county of Middlesex naupegus aged 40 yeares
William Leache of the parish of Ethelborowe London gouldsmyth aged about 36 yeares
William Leman of the parishe of Saint Olaf in Southwarke waterman aged 55 yeares
William Moreton of the parishe of Saint Olaves in Southwarke London blacksmyth aged 44 yeares
Gregory Clements of the parish of Saint George in Butolph Lane London merchant
Willielmus Bradford of Ratcliffe in the county of Middlesex nauta aged 24 yeares
Edwardus Bayliffe of the city of Bristoll merchant aged 27 yeares
John Younge of Shadwell in the countye of Middlesex mariner aged 60 yeares
William Bennett of Redriffe in the countye of Surrey seaman aged about 34 yeares
John Jayle of Shadwell in the countye of Middlesex mariner aged about 25 yeares
Michaell Herringe of the parishe of Saint Mary Woolchurch London merchant
William Burrowes of Redriffe in the county of Surrey mariner aged about 50 yeares
William Corde of the parish of Saint Martins Orgar London mariner aged about 38 yeares
William Gaule of the parishe of Allhallowes Barkinge London saylor aged 27 yeares
Nicholas Saluygo of Madrid in Spaine esquire aged about 42 yeares
Nicholas Salaygo of Madrid in Spaine Esquire aged 44 yeares
Sipriannus Cornelio of Genua merchant aged about 37 yeares
Thomas Gray of Wappinge Wall in the county of Middlesex nauta aged 22 yeares
William Driver of [?LXX] within the county of Essex sailor aged 22 yeares
Williielmus Biscoin of Cuymierin the county of [?XXX] aged about 27
Georgius Dawes of Ipswich in the county of Suffolk nauta aged about 28 yeares
Thomas Marishale of Saint Dunstans in the orient London merchant aged about 41 yeares
Barent Johnson of Copenhagen in Denmarke aged about 26 yeares
Christopher Vennard of Ratcliffe mariner late master of the shipp called the Hope of Ipswich
Dirriccus Oto of Outgne in Holland naupegus aged about 27
Laurius Andreis of Copenhagen in Norway nauta aged about 23
Richardus Harpis aged about 21 servant and apprentice of Johannis Rolfe of the parish of Saint Michael in Cornhill scrivener
Thomas Case of Lyme Regis in the county of Dorsett nauta aged 40 yeares
Thomas Cooper of Poplar in the county of Middlesex nauta aged 28 yeares
John Mann of the parishe of Saint Olaves Southwarke marriner aged about 47 yeares
John Abbott of the parish of Saint Andrewe in the Wardrobe London mariner aged about twentye eighte yeares
Johannes Abbott
Johannes Steneken of the aparish of Saint Dunstans in the East London merchant aged 32 yeares
Samuel Snellinge servant unto Mr Humfree ffoxe of London merchant aged about 20 yeares
Walter Hywell of Abbotsberye in the county of Dorsett mariner aged about 43 yeares
Bartholomew Williams of Weeke neere Weymouth in the county of Dorsett late boatswayne of the shipp the Christian of Weymouth aged about 35 yeares
Thomas Irish of Wappinge in the countye of Middlesex mariner aged about 63 yeares
Barnard Line of Weeke neere Weymouth saylor aged about 21 yeares
John Reynolds of Weymouth in the county of Dorsett mariner aged about 36 yeares
Barent Claeson of Middleburge in Zeland nauta aged 31 yeares
Hans Peterson Newman of fflushinge in Zeland nauta aged 28 yeares
Robert Marshall of Colchester in the county of Essex seaman aged about 29 yeares
Johannes Such servant of Henry Haycocke of the parish of All Hallowes Stayninge London cooper aged 24 yeares
William Tristram of the parish of Saint Andrew Undershafte London merchant aged about 44 yeares
Thomas Reynoldes of Colchester in the county of Essex mariner aged about 28 yeares
Giles Blisse of Lymehouse in the countye of Middlesex seaman aged about 50 yeares
Johannes Elmum alias Elmore of Wappinge Wall in the county of Middlesex nauta aged 53 yeares
Thomas Pilgrim of Wappinge in the county of Middlesex navigator aged 22 yeares
Ruben Broad of Redriffe in the county of Surrey nauta aged 67 yeares
Robert ffelgate of the parish of Saint Nicholas Olaves in Broadstreet London salter aged about 58 yeares
Thomas Gamage of Wappinge in the county of Middlesex nauta aged 31 yeares
Reuben Broad
Thomas Stone of the parish of Saint George in Southwarke cordwayner aged 67 yeares
Rowlandus Berisford of the parish of Saint George Buttolph Lane London vitizen and skynner of London aged 50 yeares
Thomas Greene of the parish of Saint Botulph Bishopsgate London scissor aged 63 yeares
Henricus Polkinhorne of Wappinge in the county of Middlesex nauta aged 46 yeares
Richardus Wilson of Lee in the county of Essex nauta aged 21 yeares
Richardus Jagger of Stepney in the county of Middlesex stuffe weaver aged 50 yeares
Anthonius Jones of Warwick Squcocke in Virginia merchant aged 32
George Cocke of Ipswich in the county of Suffolke sailor aged 26 yeares
Edward Dorrington of Shadwell in the parish of Stepney mariner aged about 36 yeares
Robertus Dawson of the parish of Saint Salvatoris in the Borough of Southwarke waterman aged 44 yeares
Jeremy Creweof the parish of Saint Saviours in the county of Surrey merchant aged about fiftye three yeares
Edward Rolfe of Wappinge in the countye of Middlesex mariner aged about 46 yeares
Willielmus Taylor of Ratcliffe in the county of Middlesex nayler aged 40 yeares
Anthonius Potter servant and apprentice of William Pickers the party producent aged 20 yeares
Willielmus Broadwater of the parish of Saint Benedict Pauleswharfe London tailor aged 47 yeares
John Browne of Wappinge Wall in the county of Middlesex mariner aged about 25 yeares
George Pitchwell of Wappinge in the countye of Middlesex mariner aged about 34 yeares
Andrew Ashingten of Wappinge in the county of Middlesex mariner aged about 37 yeares
Dirricke Otsen of Vytgeest in Holland naupegus aged 27 yeares
Hans Peterson of Copenhagen in the kingdome of Denmarke nauta aged 24 yeares
Lauris Andrissen of Copenhagen in the kingdome of Denmarke coquus aged 22 yeares
John Woodborne of the parish of All Hallowes Barkinge London merchant aged 29 yeares
Dirrick Otson to the interrogatories ex parte Symons Smyth
Hans Peterson to the interrogatories
Lauris Andriessen to the interrogatories
Richard Shepperd of Brixton in the countye of Devon cooke aged about 58 yeares
Robert Craven of the parish of Saint Michaels in the Querne London merchant aged about 36 yeares
Johannes Keys of Ratcliffe in the county of Middlesex nauta aged 56 yeares
ffranciscus Whits of Shadwell in the county of Middlesex nauta aged 35 yeares
Robert Smyth one of the messengers of his Majestyes Chamber
John Willey of London Derrye in the Kingdome of Ireland mariner aged about 36 yeares
John Busfield of the parish of Allhallowes on the Wall London mrechant aged about 26 yeares
Ralphe Aldridge of Depford in the county of Kent seaman aged about 22 yeares
Richardus Clarcke of Kingston upon Hull nauta aged about 38
John Gastrell of the parish of Saint Andrewes in Holborne gentleman aged about 40 yeares
Thomas Wager of Lymehouse in the county of Middlesex naupegus aged 30 yeares
Peter Crosse of the parish of Saint gGorge Butolph Lane London merchant aged about 20 yeares
Augustine Phillipps of the parish of Saint Gabriell ffenchurch London merchant
ffrancis Lodwicke of the parish of Saint George Bottulph Lane London merchant aged about 38 yeares
Mawrice Mathewes of the parish of Saint George Bottulph LLane London merchanta ged about 23 yeares
Lawrence Chambers of the parishe of Saint Pancreas Soper Lane London merchant aged 30ty eares
Thomas de Waters notary publique
Richard Land of the parish of Saint Peters in Cornhill London merchant aged 28 yeares or thereabouts
Gilbert Keate of the parish of Saint Dunstans in the East refiner of sugar aged 50 yeares
Thomas Warner of Harwitch in the county of Essex cooper aged 62 yeares
Nicholas Drury of Edmonton in the county of Middlesex nauta aged 23 yeares
Thomas Culling of the parish of Saint Christopher nere the Royall Exchange London cittizena and merchant of London aged about 34 yeares
William Tilsley of the parish of Saint Anne Blacke ffryers London grocer aged about 41 yeares
Abraham Bush of the parishe of Saint Stephens Walbrooke London merchant aged about 54 yeares
William Boovey of the parishe of Saint Mary Abchurch London merchant aged about 33 yeares
Robert Cason of Ipswich in the county of Suffolke marriner aged 60 yeares
Daniel Gates of Redriffe in the county of Surrey mariner aged about 51 yeares
Isaacke Watlington of the parishe of Saint Mary Hill London mariner aged about 38 yeares
John ffleminge of the parish of Saint Michael Crooked Lane London chirurgeon aged about 18 yeares
Johannes Clarke of Lymehouse in the county of Middlesex naupegus aged 23 yeares
Johannes Clarke
Thomas Rawlins of the precincte of Saint Katherine neere the Tower of London mariner aged about 40 yeares
Thomas de la Tombe of the parish of Saint Swithins London merchant aged about 28 yeares
Peter Heeren of the parish of Saint Andrew Hubberd London merchant aged about 45 yeares
Richardus Parr of Ratcliffe in the county of Middlesex servant of William Jones aged 26 yeares
Samuel Leigh of Wappinge in the countye of Middlesex mariner aged about 59 yeares
Peter Pope of Rednall greene in the parish of Stepney in the countye of Middlesex merchant aged about 43 yeares
Richard Rogers of the parish of Saint Mary Le Bowe in Cheapside London Haberdasher aged about 26 yeares
Robert Dennis of Lymehouse in the countye of Middlesex mariner aged about 34 yeares
John fflower of Ratcliffe in the countye of Middlesex mariner aged about 40 yeares
Thomas Thrasher of the parish of All Hallowes Barkinge London draper aged 36 yeares
Abrahamus Van de Couter of the parish of Saint Dionis Backchurch London merchant aged 48 yeares
John Eldred of Wappinge in the countye of Middlesex mariner aged about [?48] yeares
Thomas Pead of the parish of All Hallowes Barkinge London merchant aged 25 yeares
Gilbertus Lambell of the parish of All Hallowes Barkinge London merchant aged 33 yeares
Richard Margeram of Shadwell in the county of Middlesex mariner aged about 32 yeares
John Smyth of the parish of Saint Olave Hartstreet London son of Symonis Smyth the party producent aged 18 yeares
John Blackorne of the oarish of Saint Michaell in Corne Hill merchant taylor aged 51 yeares
Thomas Morgan of Wappinge in the county of Middlesex nauta aged about 50
Nicholas Godfrey of ffreshwater in the Isle of Wight aged 50 yeares
Ulisses Randall of Wappinge in the county of Middlesex Naupegus aged 32 yeares
Aaron Compers of Wapping in the county of Middlesex shipwright aged about 51 yeares
Augustine Aldridge of Wappinge in the county of Middlesex shipwright aged about 40 yeares
Robert ffrimtage of the parish of Saint Martins Orgar London merchant taylor aged about 36 yeares
Nicholas Copley of the parish of Saint Nicholas Arons London merchant taylor aged about 34 yeares
Willimus Snowe of Horsey Downe in the county of Surrey nauta aged 24 yeares
Willimus Paramore of Ratcliffe in the county of Middlesex scriptor aged 47 yeares
Johannes Chatton of Ratcliffe in the county of Middlesex naupegus aged 26 yeares
Willimus Ewens of Greenwich in the county of Kent nauta aged 55 yeares
Thomas Best of Ratcliffe in the county of Middlesex [?ancient] aged 75 yeares
Richard Leader of Salehurist in the county of Sussex gentleman aged about 28 yeares
Gersham Howard of Wappinge in the conty of Middlesex aged about 40 yeares
Richard Land of the parish of Saint Peters in Cornhill merchant aged about 28 yeares
Gilbertus Angell of Ratcliffe in the county of Middlesex nauta aged 64 yeares
Marshall Bradshaw of Wappinge in the county of Middlesex nauta aged 32 yeares
Willimus Wright of Wappinge in the county of Middlesex naupegus aged 56 yeares
Johannes Burr of Redriffe in the county of Surrey nauta aetatis 37 yeares
Johannes Kendall of Lambeth in the county of Surrey apprentitius of Katherine Haughton wideow and executrix of John Haughton of [?XXXX] aged about 21 yeares
Robert Shawe of London Derry in the Kingdome of Scotland (sic) marriner aged about 50 yeares
Roberte Wise of Weymouth Melcome Regis in the county of Dorsett gentleman aged 59 yeares
John Van de Berghe of the parish of Saint Andrewe Undershafte London merchant aged about 30 yeares
Thomas Miller of Ratcliffe in the county of Middlesex nauta aged 41 yeares
John Niclaes of the parish of Saint Edmond Lamberstreet London [?merchant] aged about 39 yeares
Nicholas Abels of the parish of Saint Martins Orgars London merchant aged about 38 yeares
Abrahamus Van de Couter of the parish of Saint Dionis Backchurch London merchant aged 46 yeares
Robertus Shawe of London Derry in the Kingdome of Scotland (sic) marriner aged about 50 yeares
Alexander de Meso of Genoa mariner aged about 30 yeares
John Casier of the parish of Saint Denys Backchurch London aged about 44 yeares
ffrancis Sayon of the parish of Saint Mary Hill London merchant aged about 43 yeares
Paule Gunne of the parish of Saint George Botolph Lane London merchant aged about 49 yeares
Thomas Burley of Redriffe in the county of Surrey mariner aged about 53 yeares
Lucas Jacobs of the parish of Saint George Botolph Lane London merchant aged about 56 yeares
Thomas Yonge residinge at the house of Mr John ffarington merchant in Holburyn aged about 50 yeares
Adam Lawrence of the parish of Saint Hellen London merchant aged about 52 yeares
Michael Cliatt herens Thome Wieth [?XXX] aged 23 years
Thomas Baily of the precinct of Saint Katherine by the Tower of London aquarius aged 31 yeares
Alexander Howe of Horsey Downe in the county of Surrey nauta aged 35 yeares
Stephanus Boulton of Wappinge in the county of Middlesex nauta aged 50 yeares
Richardus Rymell of the parish All Hallowes Steyninge London cooper aged 44 yeares
ffranciscus Pearson of the parish of Saint Botulph Algate London corn meter aged 60 yeares
Thomas Barrett of the parish of Saint Marie Bothawe London haberdasher aged 40 yeares
Edmundus Shriefe of Harwich in the county of Essex nauta aged 36 yeares
Johannes Aurelius of the parish of Saint Michaels in Cornehill notary publique aged 63 yeares
Richardus Hodgkinson of the parish of Saint Botulphs Aldergate London starioner aged 40 yeares
Thomas Thompson of the parishe of Saint Mary Bowe London scrivener aged 40 yeares
Jacobus ffookes of Wappinge Wall in the county of Middlesex carpenter aged 23 yeares
Jacobus Stonehouse of Wappinge in the county of Middlesex nauta aged 55 yeares
David Page of the parish of Saint Andrew in the Wardrobe London gentleman aged 56 yeares
Nickolaus Ball of the parishe of Saint Michael Crooked Lane London fishmonger aged 45 yeares
Nicholaus Phillipps of Lymehouse in the county of Middlesex aged 25 yeares
Thomas Millett of Ratcliffe in the county of Middlesex nauta aged 41 yeares
Robert Zachary of Horsey Downe in the county of Surrey mariner aged about 34 yeares
ffranciscus Mosse in the parish of All Hallowes Staynings London gentleman aged 44 yeares
Matheus Locke in the parish of Saint Olaves Hartstreet London scrivener aged 26 yeares
Symo Brumsdon of Lymehouse in the county of Middlesex naupegus aged 32 yeares
Thomas Dickinson of Deptford in the county of Kent nauta aged 60 yeares
Hugh Norris of the parish of Saint Martins Outwich London merchant aged about 25 yeares
Galfridius Winchurst of Shadwell in the county of Middlesex blacksmith aged about 25 yeares
Thomas Creeke of Redriffe in the county of Surrey nauta aged 21 yeares
Christopher Vivien of the parish of Saint Mary Le Bowe London merchant aged about 46 eares
Willimus Chappell of Wappinge in the county of Middlesex nauta aged 39 yeares
Jacobus Vallace of Shadwell in the county of Middlesex naupegus aged 25 yeares
Richardus Onen servant of Thommas Richards vinius party producent aged 25 yeares
Orpheus Dunkin of the parish of Saint Mary Matsellon alias Whitechapple London nauta aged 36 yeares
Thomas Tayler of the cittye of Bristoll mariner aged about 55 yeares
Josephus Hawes of the parish of Saint Gregory London draper aged 32 yeares
Morganus Heyman of Weymouthe in the county of Dorsett nauta aged about 18
Abrahamus Hodey of the parish of Saint Salvatoris in the Borough of Southwarke naupegus aged about 21
Richard Bradshawe of the parish of Saint Margaretts in Westminster aged about 41 yeares
Willimus Lord of Ratcliffe in the county of Middlesex nauta aged about 28
William Driver of Leighe in the county of Essex captaine of the shipp called the Prosperous of London
Johannes Soda of the parish of Saint Mary Matsellon alias Whitechappell aged 56 yeares
John ffrederick of the arish of Saint Olave n the Ould Jury London merchant aged about 33 yeares
Andrew Johnson of Wappinge in th countye of Middlesex mariner aged about 26 yeares
Anthony Bluett servant unto Richard Buckham of Lymehouse aged about eighteene yeares
Isaacus Watlington of the parish of Saint Mary in the Hill London nauta aged 36 yeares
Edward fford of the parish of Saint Mary Aldermanburye London merchant aged 48 yeares
Richard Gribble dwellinge in Kinge Streete neare Gravell Lane in Wappinge Wall mariner aged about 50 yeares
John Rushout of the parish of Saint Gabriel ffenchurch London merchant aged 41 yeares
Thomas Hodges of Lymehouse in the county of Middlesex chirurgeon aged about 35 yeares
Leonard Cornelison of Middleborough in Zealand mariner aged about 35 yeares
Johis Smyth servant of John Diggins the party producent aged 21 yeares
Hubright Adrianson of Middeborough in Zealand mariner aged about 34 yeares
Robertus Salter of the parish of Saint Andrew in the Wardrobe London gentleman aged 46 yeares
Abrahamus Rye of ffeversham in the county of Kent nauta aged 44 yeares
Rosa Hogben wife of Richardus Hogben of ffeversham vintner aged 36 yeares
Laurentius Robinson of the parish of Saint Dunstan proper [?Cinitatem] [?CXXX] wagoner aged 50 yeares
Edwardus Watson of ffeversham in the county of Kent nauta aged 35 yeares
Captaine John Baptista Soprani of the parish of Allhallowes Barkinge London aged about 51 yeares
Rosa Hogben
Abrahamus Rye
Laurentius Robinson
Robertus Robinson of ffeversham in the county of Kent nauta aged 50 yeares
Thomas Weston of Topsham in the county of Devon gentleman aged 26 yeares
ffranciscus Harrison of the parish of Saint Stephen Coleman Street London scrivener aged 29 yeares
Richard Hart of the parish of Saint Catherine London mariner aged 42 yeares or thereabouts
John White servant unto Joos Croppenbergh of the parish of Saint Bottulph London merchant aged about 20 yeares
Symo Plusher of the parish of Saint Martins in Ironmnger Lane London weaver aged 35 yeares
William Pope one of the officers of this Court
Jonathan Blackwell servant and apprentice of Rudolph Hartly of the parish of Saint Michael in Cornhill London scrivener aged 21 yeares
William Pope one of the officers of this Court
Jonathan Blackwell servant and apprentice of Rudolph Hartly of the parish of Saint Michael Cornhill London scrivener aged 21 yeares
Robertus Walgrave of the parish of Saint Olave Hartstreet London wyne cooper aged about 39 yeares
Johannes Gibson of th eparish of Saint Benedict ffincke London scrivener aged 36 yeares
Thomas Wamerton citizen of London scrivener aeged 42 yeares
William Cobham of Rochester in the county of Kent merchant aged 26 yeares
Thomas Thetcher dwellinge uppon Whittington Colledge Hill London merchant aged about 34 yeares
Gregory Clements of the parish of Saint George Botolph Lane London merchant aged about 42 yeares
Edward Prince of Rederiffe in the county of Surrey mariner aged about 25 yeares
William Worlick of Redriffe in the county of Surrey mariner aged 32 yeares
John Streaton of Rederiffe in the county of Surrey marriner aged about 24 yeares
Henricus Rogerman of the precinct of Saint Katherine near the Tower London nauta aged about 25 yeares
Johannes Boneta of Dunquerke in fflanders gentleman aged about 32
Pedro de Lasques of Salamanca in Spaine gentleman aged about 24
Johannes Martines of ffrandevines in Spaine barberchirurgeon aged about 20
Thomas Harper servant of ffrancisci Shepperd of the parish of Saint Michael in Cornehill scriverner aged 22 yeares
William Reynoldes of East Smithfield in the parish of Saint Botolph Algate London merchant aged 44 yeares
Joseph Hawes
Thomas Rudd victualer liveinge at the signe of the Rose and Crowne in the parishe of Queenhith aged aboute 55 yeares
Robert Ostler of the parishe of Saint Mildreds Breadstreete London chaundler aged aboute 53
Dirrick Van Leyne of Oldenbergh neere Hamborowe mariner aged about 35 yeares
Claes Elders of Hamborowe purser of the shipp the Pellican of Hamborowe aged about 22 yeares
Joachim Cocke of Hamborowe masters mate of the shipp the Salvadore of Hamborowe aged about 50 yeares
Henry Peterson of Lisbone in Portugall purser of the shipp the Salvadore of Hamborowe aged about 17 yeares
John Hankred of Dublyn in Ireland merchant aged about 23 yeares
Robertus Brey of Horsey Downe in the county of urrey navigator aged 25 yeares
Nehemiah Bourne of Wappinge in the county of Middlesex naupegus aged 25 yeares
Carolus Van de Putt of the parish of Saint Dionis Backchurch London merchant aged 24 yeares
Thomas Wood of Maydstonein the county of Kent merchant aged 26 yeares
John Day of the parish of Saint Gabriels ffenchurch London broker aged 40 yeares
Elias Pilgrim of Redriffe in the county of Surrey marriner aged 25 yeares
Richard Deane of Barkinge in the county of Essex ffisherman aged aboute 60ty yeares
John Hudd of Barkinge aforesaid ffisherman aged 19 yeares or thereabouts
Georgius Austen of Lymehouse in the county of Middlesex nauta aged 52
Johannes Sayer of Wappinge in the county of Middlesex nauta aged 23 yeares
Nicholas Phillipps of Lymehouse in the county of Middlesex nauta aged 25 yeares
Johannes du Boies alias Wood of [?Cunbate] in Kent silke weaver aged 43 yeares
Willimus Rigby of Dartmouth in the county of Devon merchant aged 23 yeares
Thomas Burley of Redriffe in the county of Surrey mariner aged about 54 yeares
Johannes ffleminge of the parish of Saint Michaels Crooked Lane servant of George Plummer chirurgeon aged 18 yeares
James Gribble of Torrington in the county of Devon yeoman aged 31 yeares
Thomas ffoscue of Redriffe in the county of Surrey nauta aged 29 yeares
Edwardus Robins of the parish of Saint Dunstans in the East London merchant aged 34 yeares
ffranciscus Shepperd of the parish of Saint Michaels in Corne hill London scrivener aged 31 yeares
Hugh Preston of Weymouth Melcombe regis in the county of Dorsett mariner aged about 47 yeares
Johannes Digby of the parish of Saint Andrew Hubberd London [?XXX] and pewterer London aged 40 yeares
Richard Whetcrowe of Wappinge in the countye of Middlesex sugar baker aged about 34 yeares
Hanninge Grell of Hamburrow marriner master of the shipp called the Salvadore of the same aged 45 yeares or thereabouts
Claus Ritus of Hamburowe marriner aged 43 yeares or thereabouts
Nicholas de fferraro of Saint Olaves Hartstreet London merchant aged about 37 yeares
Richardus Beale of Ratcliffe in the county of Middlesex naupagus aged 34 yeares
Johannes Cobham of Rochester in the county of Kent aged 34 yeares
Warner Van Won of Elsanore in Denmark cuyus aged 48 yeares
Gunder Lawrenson of Copenhagen in the kingdom of Denmark nauta aged 55 yeares
Jacobus Hanson Dreyer of Copenhagen in Denmark merchant aged 53 yeares
Joanna Abeale of Chelsea in the county of Middlesex wife of John Abeale merchant aged about 56 yeares
Henricus Walton of the parish of Saint Dunstan in the East London lighterman aged 38 yeares
Richardus Walker of Poplar in the parish of Stepney lighterman aged 38 yeares
Abraham Pomfrett of the parish of Saint Andrewe Undershafte cittizen and draper of London aged about 40 yeares
Robertus Colborne of Redriffe in the county of Surrey nauta aged 34 yeares
Jacobus Prisman of Malden in the county of Essex nauta aged 36 yeares
Robertus Lambert of the parish of Saint Salvatoris in the Borough of Southwarke navigator aged 31 yeares
Johannes Andrewe servant of Davidis Davidson the party producent aged 25 yeares
Johannes Weekes of Wappinge in the county of Middlesex waterman aged 20 yeares
Elizabeth Richardson of Harwich in the county of Essex daughter of Elizabeth Richardson of the same aged 21 yeares
Richard Knevitt of the parish of the Holye Trinitye in the Minoryes London mariner
Johannes Cox of Wappinge in the county of Middlesex anchor smyth aged 56 yeares
Johannes Therry of the parish of Saint Mary Bothaw London merchant aged about 34
Henricus Cheney of Alboroughe in the county of Suffolke merchant aged about 48
John Therry to the interrogatories
Dirrick Meyer of Hamborowe gunner aged 35 yeares
Hermanus Erricke of Hamburgo nauta aged 30 yeares
Dorothea Goodladd of Leige in the county of Essex [?vidua] aged 22 yeeares
Gararrdus Dome of Hamburgo barberchirurgeon aged 24 yeares
Johes Bradley of the parish of Saint Lawrence in the Jewry London merchant aged 47 yeares
Dirricke Meyer of Hamborowe gunner aged 35 yeares
Hermanns Errick of Hamborowe nauta aged 30 yeares
Geraerd Dome of Hamburgo barberchirurgeon aged 24 yeares
Michael Castell of the parish of Saint Antholins London merchant aged about 48 yeares
Gregorius Clement of the parish of Saint gregory Buttolphe Lane London merchant aged 42 yeares
Claes Richters of Hamburgo nauta aged 44 yeares
Thomas Leeson of the parish of Saint Thomas Apostle London cooper aged 30 yeares
Johannes Glover servus Thomas Baldwyn party producent aged 23 yeares
William Peare master of the shipp the Dyamond of London
Edwardus Burton [?XXX] Theolohy teacher of Eastborne in the county of Sussex
Solomo Goris of Henwch House in the city of London merchant aged 35 yeares
Carolus Rapaerts of Dover merchant aged 22 yeares
David Wilkye of Edinborough in Scotland merchant aged 26 yeares
Adamus Loftus of Ratcliffe in the county of Middlesex nauta aged 24 yeares
Carolus Rapaert of Dover in the county of Kent merchant aged 22 yeares
Daniel Skinner of Dover merchant aged 21 yeares
Robert Maplesdon of Lydd in Romney Marsh in the county of Kent gentleman aged 31 yeares
Andreas Bats of Lidd in the county of Kent innhoulder aged 44 yeares
Thomas Tookey of Lidd in the county of Kent Juratus aged 35 yeares
Willimus Worlick of Redriffe in the county of Kent nauta aged 31 yeares
Nicholas Corbell of Dunkirke in fflanders mariner aged about 25 yeares
Adrian Johnson of Dunkirk mariner aged about 30 yeares
Nicholas Sybilo of Antwerp in the county of Flanders shopkeeper aged 31 yeares
Henningh Grill of Hamburgo nauta aged 45 yeares
Georgius Tapley of East Smyth field in the parish of Saint Botolph Algate London nauta aged 42 yeares
Roberte Sarah of Ratcliffe in the county of Middlesex marriner aged aboute 25 yeares
Robertus Sandelands of the city of Edenburge in the kingdome of Scotland merchant aged 36 yeares
Willimus Pennocke servant of Johannis Gibbs of Horsey Downe in the county of Surrey nauta aged 20 yeares
Johannes Rosier inhabitant of Mariosquoyacke in Virginia [?Oliens] aged 34 yeares
Jacobus De Raet of the parish of Saint Katherine Coleman London broker aged 48 yeares
Phillippus Carles of the parish of Saint Margaret Lothbury London broker aged 51 yeares
Jacobus Stone comorans in edibus of Thomas ffree[?r] in Tower Streete London merchant aged 26 yeares
Johes Jourdayne of the parish of [?the ?Minories] London dyer aged 45 yeares
William Powell of the parish of Saint Salvatoris in the Borough of Southwarke baker aged 52 yeares
Stephanus Tompson apprentice of Gilberti Stonechest the party producent aged 21 yeares
Thomas Addamson of the parish of Saint Sunstans in the East London nauta aged about 20ty
Herriot Washburne of the parish of Saint Ellens London merchant aged about 40 yeares
Henry Nevill of the parish of Saint Anne Blackfryers London grocer aged about 39 yeares
Edwardus Peters of Dover in the county of Kent merchant aged 25 yeares
Johannes Baptista Nicholas of Dover merchant aged 22 yeares
Phillipus Dodsworth of Lymehouse in the county or Middlesex merchant aged about 30ty