Tools: London 1677 Directory probate record lookup
London Directory1677 probate record lookup
Editorial history
14/01/14, CSG: Created wiki page
02/05/14, CSG: 79 possible matches between HCA records in 1650s and Little London Directory in 1677
This page matches the probate records of London merchants with their business addresses in 1677 (from a contemporary printed directory, which was republished in 1863 by John Hotten.[1]
The page highlights English Admiralty Court records in the 1650s which mention the same London merchants.
1677 Directory with HCA matches: Alphabetical
Daniel Arthur Broadstreet[2]
- EXAMPLE: "Daniel Arthur of London Merchant aged 31 yeares", deposed in the case of the ship the ffortune [HCA 13/73 f.726r]
- EXAMPLE: [DEPOSITION OF DANIEL ARTHUR] "Daniel Arthur of Saint Nicholas Acon in Limberstreete London Merchant aged 25 yeares...hee this deponent being a Merchant trading into ffrance and having correspondence with one William Skirwe[?tt] an Irishman borne in Galloway and living as a ffactor and Merchnat stranger in Nantes in ffrance...he [the deponent] was borne in Ireland neere Limerick which is under the dominion of this Commonwealth and hath lived these three yeares last past in London and the rest of the tyme Interrogated in ffrance, Ireland and holland as his Merchandizing imployments required him"[HCA 13/69 IMG_1653]
Herny Ashurst Senior Watling street.[3]
- EXAMPLE: [DEPOSITION OF JOHN CUTTING OF NEWBURY OF NEW ENGLAND MARINER] hee this deponent brought in his said shipp from New England a letter of advice from the said Jacob Sheafe to the said Henry Ashurst..." 13/71 f.44r
Henry Ashurst Junior St. Johns=Street.[4]
- EXAMPLE: [DEPOSITION OF JOHN CUTTING OF NEWBURY OF NEW ENGLAND MARINER] hee this deponent brought in his said shipp from New England a letter of advice from the said Jacob Sheafe to the said Henry Ashurst..." 13/71 f.44r
Richard Baker Poultrey.[5]
- VARIANTS: Richard Baker; Baker
- EXAMPLE: "[DEPOSITION OF] Richard Baker of London Merchant aged 35 yeares" in the claime of "The clayme of Robert Britton of London Merchant English man and subiect of the Commonwealth of England for five pipes of Canarie wynes laden first aboard a certayne shipp called the Mary and Joyce (whereof Phillipp Stafford was Master) and afterwards the same being taken by the Enymies of the Commonwealth of England were taken out of the sayd Shipp and put aboard a certayne shipp called the Elizabeth (whereof Isaack Michaelson is Master) and since retaken by the Bryar ffrigott in the imediate service of the State and Commonwealth of England" HCA 13/72 f.422v Speculative link between HCA 13/72 record and LLD 1677
- EXAMPLE: [DEPOSITION OF ANTIONIO FERNANDEZ CARAVACHEL] "the producent Richard Baker and Companie" (concerning Canary wines)HCA 13/71 f.331v
John Banks, Fanchurch-street[6]
- VARIANTS: John Bancks; John Báncks, John Bankes
- WILL: PROB 11/452/437 Will of Sir John Banks of Aylesford, Kent 11 December 1699
- EXAMPLE: "A business of Examination of witnesses upon certayne Interrogatoies ministred on the part and behalfe of Sir John dethicke John Bancks hugh fforth, and Company touching certaine goods laden aboard the shipp the ffrancis and John (Captaine) Lawrence Browning Commander) and seized by certaine shipps of warr in the immediate service of the Dutch East India Company" HCA 13/73 f.17v
- EXAMPLE: "the interrogated Nicholas Warren, John Bancks, John Germyn, George Toriano, Richard Westcombe, Walter Tuckfeild, William Lee, George Lee and George Webber, who hee saith were and are all English men merchants and suiects of this Commonwealth of England"HCA 13/72 f.12r. Possible HCA match with LLD 1677 and possible HCA match with probate record
- EXAMPLE: [DEPOSITION OF ALDERMAN JOHN FFREDRICK] "Alderman John ffredrick of London Merchant aged 50 yeares". Frederick refers to letters of advice he had received from John Bancks "English merchant resident at hamburg", in which Bancks reported freighting a ship with a Dutch master to go from Hamburg to Roanne "laden with oates for accompt of him the said Bancks and company", asking John Frederick to give intimation of this to the English Court of Admiralty [HCA 13/69 IMG_1403]
- EXAMPLE: "[DEPOSITION OF JOACHIM STARBUS]...shee came there in a fleete of other shipps under English Convoy bound for this port laden with [?hemp] and some other goods and came and arrived here and delivered her said outward lading to and to the use of Mr Alderman ffrederick and companie, upon whose accompt there was freighted at hamburgh by Mr John Bancks an Englishman their factor theire. And after such deliverie, shee was freighted and againe laden [?h]ere with lead and sugar by Mr Richard fford merchant of this citie and companie for haver da Grace, whither this deponent went with the said shipp and delivered the said lead and sugar" HCA 13/69 f.1r
- EXAMPLE: [DEPOSITION OF] ""Johannis Bancks parochia Sancti Hellena minoris civitatis London mercator, annos agens 22 [HCA 13/63 f.197r] [NOT CLEAR IF THIS IS A MATCH FOR JOHN BANKS IN 1677 DIRECTORY]
Sir Sam. Barnardiston Bishopsgate within.[7]
- EXAMPLE: [THE CASE OF] ... John Jesson Master of the shipp the Mary against John Jolliff Robert Caninge and John Bence and Samuell Barnardiston and Tho: Pilkington" HCA 13/71 f.421v
Thom. Barnardiston Hackney-Town.
- EXAMPLE: [DEPOSITION OF] Jaspar Devenish, master's mate of the ship the African in the case of XXXX stated that "the said shipp the African was set out to sea on a warlike imployment by the arlate Henry Hunt, Thomas Barnardiston and William Love to take the shipps and goods of the States of the United Netherlands and their subiects and of the ffrench kinge and his subiects, by vertue of a Commission by them in that behalfe obtained, and they the said Henry Hunt and company constituted and sent out Isaac Woodgreene commander of the said shipp the said voyage with that said Commission" HCA 13/70 f.9r
George Barron Garlick-hill.[8]
- VARIANTS: George Barons [Deponent]; George Barons [Signature]
- WILL: PROB 11/383/176 Will of George Baron, Merchant of Saint James Garlickhithe, City of London 14 May 1686
- EXAMPLE: "[DEPOSITION OF] George Barons of London Marchant, aged 31 yeares or thereabouts" HCA 13/72 f.57r. Possible HCA match with LLD 1677 amd possible HCA match with probate record
Edw. Barton New Court Throgmorton Street.[9]
- EXAMPLE: [DEPOSITION OF] Edward Barton of the parish of Saint Peter neere Paules Wharfe London Merchant aged twenty two yeares" in the case of [XXXX] HCA 13/72 f.245v Speculative HCA 13/72 record link to LLD 1677
Richard Basse Trinity-lane[10]
- EXAMPLE: [DEPOSITION OF WILLIAM JOPP] in the months of October and November in the yeare 1655 last past the said shipp the Endeavour did abide and remaine at or neere the Island of Teneriffe arlate. during which time of her aboade there the arate Richard Baker and Companie videlicet Evan and Richard Pugh, Marmaladuke Roydon, henry C[XXXe] Richard Basse Christopher Boone and John Winne all Marchants of the London and subjects of this Commonwealth did by their factors and Agents videlicet by the said Evan Pugh Marmaduke Roydon and others cause to be laden and putt on board the said shipp the number Three hundred and thirteen pipes of Canarie wynes or the quantity thereof in pipes and hogsheads for and upon the respective accompts and adventures of the said Richard Baker and Companie aforesaid" HCA 13/71 f.329r
John Batthurst Cornhill[11]
Benjam. Batthurst St. Mary Ax[12]
- VARIANTS: Bathurst; Mr Bathurst
- EXAMPLE: "Bland and others and Bathurst and others against Woodfin and others" HCA 13/72 f.440r. Possible match with LLD 1677
- EXAMPLE: "all the Callicoes of ffrancis Warner and Mr Bathurst both Inhabitants of London" HCA 13/72 f.373v
- EXAMPLE: [DEPOSITION OF BENJAMIN BATHURST] "Beniamin Bathurst of London Merchant aged 19 yeares" in the case of XXXX stated "hee lived at Sivill in Spaine for the space of a yeare and somewhat more ended about August 1655 last in house with one Mr Anthony Upton who and his Company videlicet his brother Gilbert Upton and Gerrard LLoid were then Correspondents to, and Agents of the Arlate Christopher Boone, who as this deponent in the tyme of his residence at Sevill heard) was a great trader and had great correspondence and dealings with severall Merchants within the dominions of Spaine, and lived there at Sevill him selfe diverse yeares" HCA 13/71 f.383v
- EXAMPLE: [DEPOSITION OF BENJAMIN BATHURST] "Benjamin Bathurst servant to mr Christofer Boone of London Marchant, aged nineteene Lloyd and company in the yeeres 1654 and 1655 had a very greate trade at Sevill in Spaine, and there kept a house and familie, and had there and in other parts of Spaine very great commerce and dealing by way of marchandize, which hee knoweth for that hee in that time lived with the said mr Lloyd at Sevill and wrote in his Counting house, and had the perusall of his bookes" HCA 13/71 f.391v
- RELATED EXAMPLE: [DEPOSITION OF MOSES BATHURST] "Moses Bathurst of London Merchant, aged 28 yeeres" HCA 13/71 f.392v
Thom. Bawdes Berry-street.[13]
- VARIANTS: Thomas Bawdes; Thomas Baude [SIGNATURE]
- EXAMPLE: "[DEPOSITION OF] Thomas Baudes of London Merchant aged thirty yeares or thereabouts" in case of "Browning and Company Owners of the Plaine dealeing against William Bulkley"HCA 13/71 f.606r
Abrah. Beak, St. Dunstans-hill[14]
Samuel Beak, Buttolph-lane.
- FAMILY: Arnold Beke; Elias Beke (younger brother of Arnold Beke)
- VARIANTS: Beke; Beak; Beake
- WILL: PROB 11/381/488 Will of Samuel Beake, Merchant of Saint George and Saint Mary at Hill, City of London 02 December 1685; PROB 11/517/227 Will of Abraham Beake, Merchant of London 02 October 1710; PROB 11/324/348 Will of Elias Vander Beke, or Vander Beak of Saint Olave Hart Street 03 July 1667; PROB 11/348/293 Will of Arnold Vander Beke 22 July 1675
- EXAMPLE: "Christian Paul Santen of London Merchant aged 42 yeeres or thereabouts and [Elias Beake] of the same Place Merchant aged 43 yeeres" [HCA 13/73 f.734v]
- EXAMPLE: [DEPOSITION OF FREDERICK IXEM] "Upon or about the day of this Present moneth of July 1659: hee this Deponent did (by his servant George Ixem) receive from mr ffrancis Thyssen of London Merchant a Certaine Instrument written in French, a true Copy of the Translation thereof doth here followe:...acting for Messers Arnold vander Beake, John Dollins Peter Mathewes and ffrancis Thyssen all merchants of the City of London in England"[HCA 13/73 f.729r]
- EXAMPLE: [DEPOSITIONS OF] "Arnold Beake of London Merchant 48 yeares or thereabouts Elias Beake of London aforesaid Merchant aged 41 yeares or thereabouts, Christian Paul Santen of London Merchant, aged 40 yeares or thereabouts and John Dolins of London Merchant aged 44 yeares thereabouts and Michael De Haze of London aged 56 yeares" HCA 13/71 f.625v
- EXAMPLE [DEPOSITION OF JOHN CLAESSON] "in the clayme of Arnold Beake and Elias Beake and company for the ship the Saint John Baptist of which John Claesson was master and the goods lately seized in the same by Major Sedgwicke and others" [HCA 13/70 f.227v]
- EXAMPLE: [DEPOSITION OF ARNOLD BEAKE] "Arnold Beake of London Merchant aged 46 yeares" (May 9th 1654) [HCA 13/69 IMG_1687]
- EXAMPLE: [DEPOSITION OF JAMES HEDGETHORNE] "James Hedgethorne of Botolps Lane London merchant aged eighteene yeares...for theise three yeares last past he hath bene and still is a servant and apprentice to and with the arlate [?Mr] Arnold Beake" [HCA 13/69 IMG_1440]
- EXAMPLE: [DEPOSITION OF] Samuel Beake sonne of Arnold Beake one of the producents in this cause aged about one and twenty yeares...for theis twelve monethes last past or thereabouts the arlate Mr Arnold Beake this deponents father Peter Mathewes and John ?Dolins arlate have bene and yet are commonly accompted reputed and taken to be the Lawfull owners and proprietors of the Shipp the Saint John arlate" (October 10th, 1653) [P1110253 HCA 13/68 f.?]
- EXAMPLE: "[DEPOSITION OF] Arnold Beke of the citie of London Marchant, aged 42" (May 26th 1651) [HCA 13/64 f.?r]
- EXAMPLE: "[DEPOSITION OF] Elias Beke of the citie of London Merchant aged 33 yeares" (May 26th, 1651) [HCA 13/64 f.?v]
Hump. Beane, Turkey-walk Excha.[15]
- VARIANTS: Humfrey Beane; Mr Beane; Beane
- WILL: PROB 11/362/72 Will of Humphry Beane of Ebbisham, Surrey 14 January 1680
- EXAMPLE: "Richard Batson, Humfrey Beane Gowen Golderne and Company against Edward Gosling and Richard Mandrie and William Humfreys" HCA 13/71 f.479r. Definite match to LLD 1677
- EXAMPLE: "Mr Beane did in the presence of the arlate Mr Batson and in the sayd Batsons Counteing house tender unto this deponent a paper which the sayd Batsons man brought ready written with the names of severall of the Owners Adventures Company subscribed thereto" HCA 13/71 f.472r. Definite match to LLD 1677
John Benes Beaver-marks.[16]
- EXAMPLE: [THE CASE OF] ... John Jesson Master of the shipp the Mary against John Jolliff Robert Caninge and John Bence and Samuell Barnardiston and Tho: Pilkington" HCA 13/71 f.421v
Sir Tho. Bloodworth, Maiden-lane.[17]
- FROM WILL: "My mansion house which I live in Maiden Lane"[18]
- WILL: PROB 11/370/324 Will of Sir Thomas Bludworth, Alderman of London 10 July 1682
- EXAMPLE: [DEPOSITION OF THOMAS BLOODWORTH] "Thomas Bloodworth of London Merchant aged thirty two...this deponent and Mr William Love and others Merchants of London were in the yeare one thousand sixe hundred fifty fower lawfull Owners and Proprietors of the Starr ffrigott arlate...and hee this deponent and the sayd Mr Love and others the Owners of her sold the sayd ffrigott...unto William Bowyer and Edward Wood and Robert Thirkettle" HCA 13/71 f.561v
- EXAMPLE: James Pym deposed that "William Pym. did live and reside at Saint Mallo in ffrance in the qualitie of an English ffactor and was for all the said time employed in that condition by Mr. Richard fford, Thomas fford Nathaniel Maunton Thomas Lambe and Mr. Bludworth and sewerall other English Merchants of great quality, by which his employmenty as factor, the said William Pym did yearely and every yeare gett and gaine five hundred pounds stereling per annum" HCA 13/70 f.132r
Richard Bogon, little St. Hellens.[19]
- VARIANTS: Richard Bogon
- WILL: PROB 11/401/94 Will of Richard Bogan, Merchant of Saint Stephen Coleman Street, City of London. 10 September 1690
- EXAMPLE: "[DEPOSITION OF] Richard Bogan of London Merchant aged 40. yeares" in "A buisinesse of Examination of Wittnesses on the behalfe of Antonio fernandez Carvajal of London Merchant concerning two hundred twenty two Chests of sugar, one hundred and thirteene baggs of shumack and forty Rolls of Tobacco laden on board the shipp the New England Merchant whereof William Parish was Master at Porto Porto in Portugall and there afterwards seized upon by the Officers there and unladen out of her againeHCA 13/72 f.469v. Probable match to LLD 1677
Jerim. Bonneel, and Compan., Old Jury.[20]
- VARIANTS: Jeremy, Nathaniel, and Simon Bonnel
- WILL: ?
- CHANCERY: C 6/202/15 Bonnel v Price. Plaintiffs: Jeremiah Bonnel , Nathaniel Bonnel and Simeon Bonnel. Defendants: Robert Price. Subject: money matters, Middlesex. Document type: bill, answer. 1670
- EXAMPLE: "On the behalfe of Jeremy, Nathaniel, and Simon Bonnel of London Merchants touching their losse in the Goulden Eagle Thomas Gould Master. Assurance." [HCA 13/73 f.721r]
Robert Brittin, Bury-street.[21]
- VARIANTS: Robert Britton
- WILL: ?
- EXAMPLE: "[DEPOSITION OF] Richard Baker of London Merchant aged 35 yeares" in the claime of "The clayme of Robert Britton of London Merchant English man and subiect of the Commonwealth of England for five pipes of Canarie wynes laden first aboard a certayne shipp called the Mary and Joyce (whereof Phillipp Stafford was Master) and afterwards the same being taken by the Enymies of the Commonwealth of England were taken out of the sayd Shipp and put aboard a certayne shipp called the Elizabeth (whereof Isaack Michaelson is Master) and since retaken by the Bryar ffrigott in the imediate service of the State and Commonwealth of England" [HCA 13/72 f.422v]
John Buckworth, Crutchet Fryars.[22]
- EXAMPLE: [DEPOSITION OF] John Buckworth of the parish of Saint Andrewes Undershaft London Merchant, aged 33 yeares in the case of "Alderman ffrederick and company against Jennings and others" stated that: "hee hath for theise twelve yeares last past bin a Turkie merchant, and hath dwelt at Aleppo about 9 yeares of that time" HCA 13/70 f.68r
Will. Burd Hackney Town to be spoken withal at Mr. Sherwoods, Broadstreet[23]
- VARIANTS: William Bird [DEPONENT], William Bird [SIGNATURE]
- WILL: PROB 11/444/363 Will of William Bird or Birde, Merchant of Hackney, Middlesex 26 March 1698 HCA 13/73 f.345v and Ancestry Digital Image
- EXAMPLE: [DEPOSITION OF] William Bird of Little Saint Ellens London Merchant, aged 31 yeares or thereabouts" in the case of "The Brazeele frigot and "Examined upon the first Allegation given in on behalfe of Edward and John Bushell of London Merchants, containing 21 articles"HCA 13/73 f.345v. Possible HCA match with LLD 1677 and possible HCA match with probate record
Edw. Bushel, Little St. Hellens[24]
- VARIANTS: Edward Bushell; Mr Edward Bushell; Edward and John Bushell
- WILL: PROB 11/418/423 Will of Edward Bushell, Merchant of Hackney, Middlesex 20 February 1694
- EXAMPLE: "The Brazeele frigot aforesaid./ The 21th day of September 1659./Examined upon the first Allegation given in on behalfe of Edward and John Bushell of London Merchants, containing 21 articles. HCA 13/73 f.345v. Definite match to LLD 1677
- EXAMPLE: "hee this deponent is by trade a Cooper and servant to one Alexander ffowler a Cooper usually imployed by the producent Mr Bence, and Mr Edward Bushell in their affayres" HCA 13/72 f.298r. Definite match to LLD 1677
- EXAMPLE: [DEPOSITION OF JOHN BAREFOOT] "[Case of John Salmon against Edward Bushell and John Bushell: ...there were laden and received aboard the said shipp the Elizabeth then being at or neere Lisbone in Portugall about 50. Chests of subar (sic) marked I:F. and one Chest and a featch of sugar marked [STAR MARKE] and one other Chest of sugar marked I.N. all which goods and Merchandizes were to be transported from Lisbone for England for the accompt of the arlate Edward and John Bushell Merchants of London" HCA 13/70 f.298r
- EXAMPLE: case of "John and Edward Bushell Imployers of the shipp the Successe whereof [?Abraham] Langhford is Captaine against the shipp the Louisa [HCA 13/69 IMG_1287]
- EXAMPLE: Deposition of Jonathan Eldred famulus et apprenticius Edwardi Bushell parochia Sancti Hellena minoris London Mercator aetatis sua 19. annorum [HCA 13/63 f.160r]
Thom. Canham Leadenhall street.[25]
- VARIANTS: Canham [=Thomas Canham]; Thomas Canham
- WILL: PROB 11/433/325 Will of Thomas Canham, Merchant of London 05 August 1696
- EXAMPLE: "[the Golden Cock] was in the service of the arlate Canham Paige and Thompson from the tyme of her departure from Gravesend which was the tenth day of december one thousand sixe hundred fifty fower till the sayd 29th of October which is two and twenty moneths or neere thereabouts" HCA 13/72 f.99v. Probable match to LLD 1677
- EXAMPLE: "an Accompt under the hand of the sayd Chappell the Master sent by this deponent and by him delivered to the sayd Maurice Thompson and still remayning as hee beleeveth in the hands of the sayd Thompson or of the sayd John Page and Thomas Canham or one of them" HCA 13/72 f.100v. Probable match to LLD 1677
Sir Fra. Chaplin Berry street[26]
- VARIANTS: Francis Chaplin; ffran Chaplin [SIGNATURE]
- WILL: PROB 11/363/319 Will of Sir Francis Chaplin, One of the Alderman of the City of London of City of London. 05 July 1680
- EXAMPLE: "[DEPOSITION OF] Francis Chaplin Citizen and Cloathworker of London aged thirty yeares" in case of "Saunders and others owners of the Isaac against the Saint Jacob and John Claeson Master of her" HCA 13/72 f.306r. Definite HCA 13/72 match to LLD 1677 and to probate record
John Clemon Jewen street.[John Camden Hotten (ed.), The little London directory of 1677 (London, 1863), unpag., viewed 29/06/14)]]
- EXAMPLE: [DEPOSITION OF JOHN CLEMENTS] "John Clements of London Merchant aged 30 yeeres" [HCA 13/73 betw. ff.740r-749v]
Edw. Crisp Towerhill.[27]
- VARIANTS: Edward Crispe
- EXAMPLE: "The arlate John Brewer and Edward Crispe were commonly accompted to be the true and lawfull Owners and Proprietors of the other five eighth parts of the sayd shipp the Peace HCA 13/73 f.99r. Possible match to LLD 1677
Mr. Dakers Clarkenwell Green.[28]
- VARIANTS: Hugh Dacres
- EXAMPLE: "[DEPOSITION OF] henry Dacres of London Marchant aged 34 yeeres" upon an allegation on behalf of Mr Thompson and others in the case of Maurice Thompson, Thomas Canham Christofer Willoughby John Page and others, Merchants of London, freighters of the shipp the Jonathan, against the Dutch East India Company in particular and all others in generall" HCA 13/73 f.69r Possible match between HCA 13/73 and LLD 1677
- HEARTH TAX Clerkenwell (1666): Henry Dakers Esqr. 9 hearths[29]. Possible match between HCA 13/73 and Hearth Tax 1666
- Residence seems to have been near church, since 1 hearth church vestry is four entries above Dakers, and Dakers' entry is surrounded by relatively high hearth number entries
Fran. & Sam.} Dashwood without Bishopsgate.[30]
- EXAMPLE: "[DEPOSITION OF HENRICUS THESEROS] "Henricus Thuseros de Broadstreete London Mercator annos agens 35...hee well knoweth the lilate ffrancis Dashwood and the said John Connis, and saith that they are English men, and subjects of this Kingdome, and consequently subject to the Jurisdiction of this Court." HCA 13/73 f.27r
Mat. Datheler St. Mary Ax.[31]
- VARIANTS: Mathias Datselare
- EXAMPLE: "[DEPOSITION OF] Mathias Datselare of London Merchant aged 41 yeeres" HCA 13/73 f.202AR Highly speculative match between HCA 13/73 and LLD 1677
Tho. Death & Mr. Death Marklane.[32]
- EXAMPLE: "[DEPOSITION OF] Adrian Death of Saint Lawrence parish in London, merchant aged xxvij. yeares [HCA 13/68 f.302v]
Edm. Deathick Copthall Court Throgmortonstreet.[33]
- RELATED EXAMPLE: [DEPOSITION OF] George Dethick of London Merchant aged thirty yeares or thereabouts" (concerning) "A business of Examination of witnesses upon certayne Interrogatoies ministred on the part and behalfe of Sir John dethicke John Bancks hugh fforth, and Company"HCA 13/73 f.17v
Robert Deluna Great Saint Hel- (sic)[34]
- VARIANTS: Robert de Luna, Robert DeLuna [SIGNATURE]
- EXAMPLE: "Robert de Luna of London Merchant aged 32 yeares" HCA 13/71 f.203v Possible match between HCA 13/71 and LLD 1677
Nath, & James Denew, Marklane.[35]
- VARIANTS: Nathaniell De New
- WILL: ?
- EXAMPLE: [DEPOSITION OF NATHANIELL DE NEW] "Nathaniell De New of London Merchant aged twenty eight yeares" HCA 13/71 f.527v
Mr. Dermedo St. Mary Ax.[36]
- VARIANTS: Manoel Martinis Dormido
- EXAMPLE: "Manoel Martinis Dormido, of London Merchant aged 55 yeares" HCA 13/71 f.52r. Outside chance of match to LLD 1677
Dan. Edwards Walbrook[37]
- EXAMPLE: [DEPOSITION OF] ...Daniel Edwards of London Merchant, aged 42 yeeres" HCA 13/72 f.91v
Sir Ri. Ford Tower-hill[38]
- VARIANTS: Richard fford
- WIFE's WILL: PROB 11/371/218 Will of Dame Grace Ford, Widow of London 24 October 1682
- EXAMPLE: "Richard fford of London Marchant aged 43 yeeres or thereabouts áged and Robert Richbell of Southampton Merchant aged fifty yeeres or thereabouts both sworne before the right Worshippfull John Godolphin Doctor of Lawes...the said Richard fford deposeth that hee this deponent and company (all English men, subiects of this Common Wealth) about foure yeeres since, caused the shipp the Golden hart of London, of the burthen of one hundred and twenty tonnes or thereabouts (Peter Gerbra[?nsh] now master) to be built at Rotterdam in holland for their sole account" HCA 13/72 f.9v. Definite match to LLD 1677
EXAMPLE: James Pym deposed that "William Pym. did live and reside at Saint Mallo in ffrance in the qualitie of an English ffactor and was for all the said time employed in that condition by Mr. Richard fford, Thomas fford Nathaniel Maunton Thomas Lambe and Mr. Bludworth and sewerall other English Merchants of great quality, by which his employmenty as factor, the said William Pym did yearely and every yeare gett and gaine five hundred pounds stereling per annum" HCA 13/70 f.132r
- EXAMPLE: [DEPOSITION OF] Richard fford of London Merchant aged 40 yeares HCA 13/70 f.291r
- EXAMPLE: [DEPOSITION OF] Richard fford of London Merchant aged 42 yeares HCA 13/70 f.307v
Sir Jo. Frederick, Old Jury.[39]
- VARIANTS: John ffrederick and company; John ffrederick; Alderman Frederick; Phedrick
- EXAMPLE: [DEPOSITION OF CAPTAINE JAMES LUTTON] on case of "Alderman Frederick and others against Keat Jennings and others" HCA 13/71 f.28v
- EXAMPLE: [DEPOSITION OF EDWARD COURS] "the said Richard Chewne hath been and is accompted the chief mannager of the negotiation of the said Alderman frederick and Companie at Aleppo and Ciprus" HCA 13/70 f.153r
- EXAMPLE: [DEPOSITION OF ALDERMAN JOHN FFREDRICK] "Alderman John ffredrick of London Merchant aged 50 yeares". Frederick refers to letters of advice he had received from John Bancks "English merchant resident at hamburg", in which Bancks reported freighting a ship with a Dutch master to go from Hamburg to Roanne "laden with oates for accompt of him the aid Bancks and company", asking John Frederick to give intimation of this to the English Court of Admiralty [HCA 13/69 IMG_1403]
- EXAMPLE [DEPOSITION OF JOHN PHREDERICK] "John Phrederick of the parishe of Saint Olave Old Jury London Merchant aged 47 yeares [HCA 13/65 f.? IMG_2994]
- EXAMPLE: "the producent John ffrederick and company were and at this proper wise and over [XXX] the moneth of August 1649 or thereabouts have bin the true and lawfull owners and proprietors of the shipp the [XXXX XXX] called the Saint Quartin of St John do Lus" [HCA 13/64 f.20r], Probable match to LLD 1677
Franc. Hacker Gun yard Houndsditch[40]
- VARIANTS: Francis Hacker; ffrancis hacker [SIGNATURE]
- WILL: PROB 11/377/408 Will of Francis Hacker, Salter of Saint Botolph without Aldgate, City of London. 20 October 1684
- EXAMPLE: "Francis Hacker of Saint Margaret Loathburie Cittizen and Salter of London aged forty fower yeares or thereabouts" HCA 13/72 f.306r. Possible match to LLD 1677
John Halworthy, Swithins-lane near Lombard Street.[41]
- VARIANT: Mr holworthy; Mr John holworthy
- WILL: ?
- EXAMPLE: [DEPOSITION OR RICHARD BILES] "On the behalfe of John Roy of London Merchant in a cause of Assurance...[the Hope in the moneth of September last past went from Wexford in Ireland bound for Marseille, laden with white and red herrings for the account of the said Mr Roy and company...And saith the said lading of herrings was consigned to be delivered at Marseille to Mr John holworthy an English merchant there" HCA 13/71 f.92v
Sir Mat. Halworthy, Hackney, Spanish Walk Exchange.[42]
- VARIANT: Mathew Holworthy
- WILL: PROB 11/356/608 Will of Sir Mathew Holworthy of Hackney, Middlesex 25 November 1678
- EXAMPLE: [DEPOSITION OF] Mathew Holworthy of the parishe of Saint Gabriell ffenchurch London Merchant aged 42 yeares...hee this deponent being a Merchant by profession hath for diverse yeares past together traded in Oyles and durein the said tymes of such his tradeing and dealing that diverse tymes Laden and sent him great quantityes of Oyles from Provence" (1650) [HCA 13/64 f.Xr]
- FAMILY: Brother of Richard Holworthy [SEE 15/6 Box XX]
Sir Nat. Herne Loathbury.[43]
- WILL: ?
- EXAMPLE: [DEPOSITION OF] "Nathaniel Hearne of the parish of Saint Olaves Jury London Merchant aged 24 yeares HCA 13/70 f.78r
Henr. Hunter, Crutchet-fryars.[44]
Hen. Hunter, Mincin-lane.[45]
- EXAMPLE: [DEPOSITION OF HENRICUS HUNTER JUNIOR] "Henricus Hunter Junior de London Mercator annos agens 26" [HCA 13/73 betw. ff.660r-669v]
Sir Arth. Ingram Hatton-garden[46]
- VARIANTS: Arthur Ingram, Mr Arthur Ingrams, Mr Ingrams, Ingram
- WILL: PROB 11/367/477 Will of Sir Arthur Ingram of City of London 26 September 1681
- EXAMPLE: "Arthur Ingram of London Merchant aged forty one yeares or thereabouts a wittnesse sworne and examined" in the case of "Blake against Page" HCA 13/72 f.313r. Definite match to LLD 1677
- EXAMPLE: "A generall letter from The English ffactors resideing at Teneriff subscribed amongst others with the names of Arthur Ingram and david Stephens" HCA 13/71 f.61r. Definite match to LLD 1677
John Jeffery Saint Mary Ax.[47]
- VARIANTS: John Jefferis; John Jefferies
- EXAMPLE: [DEPOSITION OF JOHN JEFFERIES] "John Jefferies of London Merchant aged forty yeares" HCA 13/71 f.235v
- EXAMPLE: "[DEPOSITION OF JOHN JEFFERIS] "John Jefferis of Saint Clements Eastcheape London Merchant aged forty yeares...hee this deponent is by profession of a Merchant and hath traded to Virginia for Tobaccoe for these twelve yeares or thereaboutes last past and thereby knoweth that it is usuall with such as are traders in tobaccoe there and have any by them to send their tobaccoes by when March is past by any shipps they can, or if noe shipps bee bound for England bee then there then to barter it away to any that will take it for the like quantitie of tobaccoe to bee paid them the next yeare following or send the same for New England, rather then keepe it in Virginia after March is past, by reason it is a Commoditie which with the heate of the Country in Virginia will bee spoiled if it bee kept after the Moneth of March next following after the yeare wherein it groweth" HCA 13/71 f.533v. Possible HCA 13/71 record match to LLD 1677
John Joliff Threadneedle-street.[48]
- VARIANTS: John Jolliffe; Joyliffe; John Joyliffe
- EXAMPLE: " the said John Jolliffe was the f[?actor GUTTER] of the said Bulkely and Company at New England and was the man to whom the said outwards lading of the said ship was Consigned, and the said Joyliffe receaved the said goods. And he the said Joyliffe was to order and direct to what ports and places the said ship was to saile unto...the said Joyliffe had received the foresaid goods from onboard the said ship the Plaine Dealing hee the said Jollyfe did lade and put on board the said ship 3500 of Clapboard, foure hogsheads of Roll Tobaccoe, One Thousand of Pipestaves, and five Rolls of West India Tobaccoe all which amounted to about One hundred and two Tunns and was all soe laden upon and for the account of the said Bulkeley and Company, and after such Lading the said John Joyliffe the ffactor of the said Bulkeley and Company ordered the said Browning to set saile for Mallega in the Streights and there to unLade and Relade the said ship, incase hee found it to be a free Port or to that Purpose" HCA 13/72 f.482v. Possible match to LLD 1677
William Kiffin little Morefields[49]
- VARIANTS: Mr Kiffen [=William Kiffen]; Wm Kiff[?e]n [Signature]; William Kiffen; William Kiffin [Deponent]
- EXAMPLE "The claime of Robert Stiles William Kiffen William Peacock ffrancis Prince and others English merchants and subjects of this Comonwealth for the ship the Charity, George Prince Master and her tackle and furniture, and her lading seized at Barbadoes by the Marston Moore ffrigot in the Imediate service of this Comonwealth, and by her Carried to Jamaica...[DEPOSITION OF] William Kiffin of London Merchant aged fourtie one yeares or thereabouts" HCA 13/72 f.352r. Probable match to LLD 1677
Mr Lang Lymestreet.[50]
_ EXAMPLE: [DEPOSITION OF ROBERT LANGE] "Robert Lange of London Merchant aged thirty five such tymes as the shipp the Industrie arrived with her at Loratava with her outward Cargo hee this deponent lived there as a servant with Gowen Painter the factor or Correspondent of the producent John Page" HCA 13/71 f.381r Requires further evidence to connect to LLD 1677
John Langley Great Saint Hellens[51]
- EXAMPLE: "[Richard Langford, a fifty-five year old mariner from Poplar, deposed] To the first article of the said allegation hee saith and deposeth that in the moneth of September 1655 and thereabouts the producent William Williams and company were owners and freighters of the shipp the Elizabeth and Anne arlate, (meaning and understanding (by the said owners and freighters) the said mr William Williams, mr Samuel Moyer, mr John Langley, mr James Wich and this deponent himselfe, and not that all the shipps owners were freighters)" HCA 13/71 f.13r
Isaac Legay Finsbury[52]
- VARIANTS: Isaack Le Gay
- WILL: ?
- EXAMPLE: [DEPOSITION OF JOHN GILLMAN] "daniell ffayrefaxe and Isaack Le Gay and Company were comonly reputed the Owners and Proprietors of the arlate Shipp the Anne Pearcye and of her tackle apparrell and furniture And the arlate Thomas dethick Richard Browne and Company at the same tyme Owners and proprietoris of her ladeing of goods and Merchandizes...the shipp Anne Pearcy being on a trading voyage neere Pantaloza arlate betwixt Legorne and Smyrna and bound with her ladeing for Smyrna"HCA 13/72 f.413r
John Lemkuell Crooked lane.
- VARIANTS: John Lemquell
- EXAMPLE: [DEPOSITION OF JOHN LEEMKUEL] "John Leemkuel of the parish of Saint Michael Crooked lane London merchant aged 37 yeares [HCA 13/69 IMG_1733 (ff.360r-369v)]
- EXAMPLE: Mr Lemkuel mentioned in a letter of Hamburg Senator and merchant, John Scottering [HCA 13/69 IMG_1291]
- EXAMPLE: "[DEPOSITION OF] John Lecmquell of the parish of Saint Michaels Crooked Lane London merchant aged 37. yeares" HCA 13/68 f.651r
- EXAMPLE: "[DEPOSITION OF] John Lemkuell of the parish of Great All (sic) Allhallowes London Merchant, aged 33" HCA 13/65 f.12v
- EXAMPLE: "[DEPOSITION OF] John Lemkuell, a 32 year old London merchant “of the Stillyard”, was the factor or agent of the merchant Christopher Polde of Hamburg. Lemkuell deposed on October 22nd 1650 in a case concerning the ship the Brazil Frigate, that: “hee this deponent being a hamburger well knoweth the said Christopher Polde and hath soe donne for theise fifteente yeares last or thereabouts and knoweth him to be a native of hamborowe, of dutch parents, and to have lived there for all the said time, and (as this deponent beleeveth) hee hath dwelt there from his birth, and alsoe hee knoweth the said Poldes mother a dutch woman there dwelling” (HCA 13/63 f.469v)
Sir Jo. Lethulier Mark lane.[53]
- VARIANTS: John Lethelier
- WILL: ?
- EXAMPLE: [DEPOSITION OF ROBERT LEIGH] "Hee this deponent receaved a receipt for the same of the sayd Alderman ffredericks servant John Lethelier" HCA 13/71 f.90v
- EXAMPLE: [DEPOSITION OF NATHANIELL DE NEW] stated that: "the arlate Peter de Bart and John de Thieulieur Merchants of London sayd that they did shipp them selves in Zealand to goe passengers thence for Roane or some other port in ffrance in a dutch shipp belonging to subjects of the United province" HCA 13/71 f.528r
- EXAMPLE: [DEPOSITION OF] John Lethieullier the younger of London Merchant aged 24 yeares stated that "which advises this deponent hath seene living with the said Alderman, and being his Cash-keeper and accustomed to sea (sic) and peruse the advises that came to him from his factors abroad, and his booke of entries of letters sent outwards"HCA 13/70 f.79v
Nath. Letton Fanchurch-street[54]
- WILL: PROB 11/370/455 Will of Nathaniel Letten, Merchant of Saint Dionis Backchurch 15 August 1682
Mr. Lodwick, Fan-Church-street.[55]
- EXAMPLE: "[DEPOSITION OF] Francis Lodowick junior of London Marchant aged 24 yeares or thereabouts" on "The claime of the afore said Vander Goos in the hare In the ffeild HCA 13/71 f.10r
Ald. Love, St. Mary Axe.[56]
- EXAMPLE: [DEPOSITION OF] Jaspar Devenish, master's mate of the ship the African in the case of XXXX stated that "the said shipp the African was set out to sea on a warlike imployment by the arlate Henry Hunt, Thomas Barnardiston and William Love to take the shipps and goods of the States of the United Netherlands and their subiects and of the ffrench kinge and his subiects, by vertue of a Commission by them in that behalfe obtained, and they the said Henry Hunt and company constituted and sent out Isaac Woodgreene commander of the said shipp the said voyage with that said Commission" HCA 13/70 f.9r
- EXAMPLE: Case of "Love and Thorney against Limbrey and others" [HCA 13/65 f.? IMG_3087]
Jacob Luce, Fan-Church-street.[57]
- VARIANTS: Jacob Luce
- RELATIVES: Luke Lucie; Mr Lucas lucie [=Luke Lucie]; Mr Luke Luce [=Luke Lucie]; Lucas Lucy [=Luke Lucie]
- EXAMPLE: "on or about the thirteenth day of June 1657 last past they were all present at the house of Laurence Martel situat in ffenchurch streete London, and sawe him signe seale and for his act and deed deliver the bill of sale (now showed unto them) of the said shipp the Black Horsman, bearing date the said thirteenth of June last, which being soe donne, they as witnesses thereof soe their names respectivley on the back thereof as thereon appeareth. And further that they well know the said Laurence Martell and alsoe Jacob Luce and Charles Corsellis to be all English men and Merchants of this citie of London" HCA 13/72 f.16v. Definite match to LLD 1677
- EXAMPLE: "[DEPOSITION OF] Luke Luce of the parish of Saint Catherin Coleman London Merchant aged 38 yeares...hee [Luke Luce] hath formerly lived in ffrance and written hence many letters of advice numerous goods there laden for Holland and Hamburgue" (May 5th, 1651) [HCA 13/64 f.Xr]
PROB 11/355/34 Will of Lawrence Martel, Merchant of Saint Gabriel Fenchurch 05 March 1677
PROB 4/8681 Engrossed Inventories Exhibited from 1660. Martel, Laurence, of St Gabriel Fanchurch, London, merchant 5 June 1679
The Widdow of Lawr. Martell in Fanchurch street[58]
- VARIANTS: Laurence Martel
- EXAMPLE: "On or about the thirteenth day of June 1657 last past they were all present at the house of Laurence Martel situat in ffenchurch streete London, and sawe him signe seale and for his act and deed deliver the bill of sale (now showed unto them) of the said shipp the Black horsman, bearing date the said thirteenth of June last" HCA 13/72 f.16r. Definite match to LLD 1677
William Metcalf, at the Cross-keys, Camomile-street.[59]
- VARIANTS: Metcalfe
- WILL: ?
- EXAMPLE: "[DEPOSITION OF] William Metcalfe of London Merchant aged 31 yeares ..hee this deponent being a Marchant liveing sometyme in house with the arlate henry Mitchell at Aleppo and having much converse and dealings with him in his life tyme for many yeares togeather thereby became very well acquainted with the hand writeing of the sayd henry Mitchell and being at Legorne in the yeare Month of March 1654 old style and imployed by Mr Phillip Mitchell the broker and Assigne of the sayd henry Mitchell deceased to looke over certayne papers belonging to the sayd henry Mitchell deceased hee this deponent did amongst other things received from Mr Charles Longland and Company factors in Legorne to and for the sayd deceased henry Mitchell a certayne Imbayling or factory booke wherein was entered with the hand writing of the sayd henry Mitchell and one Mr Gabriell Roberts who was an assistant to the sayd henry Mitchell in his merchandizeing affayres" HCA 13/71 f.141r
Mark Mortimore, Tower-hill.[60]
- VARIANTS: Mortimer
- WILL: PROB 11/383/35 Will of Mark Mortimer, Grocer of London 16 April 1686
- EXAMPLE: "[DEPOSITION OF] Mark Mortimer of the parish of Saint Dunstans in the East London, Grocer, aged 34 years" HCA 13/71 f.39v
Sam. Moyer Walbrook[61]
- WILL: PROB 11/373/443 Will of Samuel Moyer of Saint Giles without Cripplegate 03 August 1683
- EXAMPLE: "[Richard Langford, a fifty-five year old mariner from Poplar, deposed] To the first article of the said allegation hee saith and deposeth that in the moneth of September 1655 and thereabouts the producent William Williams and company were owners and freighters of the shipp the Elizabeth and Anne arlate, (meaning and understanding (by the said owners and freighters) the said mr William Williams, mr Samuel Moyer, mr John Langley, mr James Wich and this deponent himselfe, and not that all the shipps owners were freighters)" HCA 13/71 f.13r
Abra. Mumma, Critchet-Fryers.[62]
- EXAMPLE: [POSSIBLY RELATED] "the arlate Robert Oxwicke and companie videlicet Matthew Batson, Robert Russell, Richard Russell, Thomas Stone, Zacharie Lewes, James Lever, [?Carlake] Mumma, Jacob Mumina, francis Warner and this deponent togeather with one Stephen Jeffrey and one Mathias Leny all Merchants of London and subjects of this commonwealth well knowne to him this Deponent were are and ought to be the true and lawfull Owners and Proprieters of the shipp the Endeavour HCA 13/71 f.329r
Mr. Nunsan, Rosemary-lane.[63]
- VARIANTS: John Nansan
- EXAMPLE: "[DEPOSITION OF] John Nansan of London Merchant aged 30 yeeres" in "The claime of the said Pallavicino in the Saint Laurence." HCA 13/73 f.74r Outside possiblity of match between HCA 13/73 and LLD 1677
Richard Owens, Swan-Alley, Coleman street.[64]
- WILL: ?
- EXAMPLE: [DEPOSITION OF RICHARD OWEN] "Richard Owen of London merchant áged twenty five yeares" HCA 13/71 f/207v
John Page Bishopsgate-street[65]
- WILL: PROB 11/397/549 Will of John Paige of London 30 December 1689
Peter Paravacin Fanchurch str.[66]
- EXAMPLE: [DEPOSITION OF] "Peter Parravacin servant and apprentice to George Toriano of London Merchant aged 18 yeeres [HCA 13/69; IMG_1083]
Thomas Papillion Fan-Church-Str[67]
- VARIANTS: Tomas Papillon; Mr Tomas Papillon; Mr Thomas Papillon; Mr Papillon
- WILL: PROB 11/465/40 Will of Thomas Papillon of London 03 June 1702
- RELATED EXAMPLE: "[DEPOSITION OF] George Papillon of London Merchant aged thirty five yeares" HCA 13/72 f.44v
- EXAMPLE: "[DEPOSITION OF] Robert de Luna of London Merchant aged 32 yeares...hee cometh to testifie the truth of his knowledge being required soe to doe (as hee remembreth by one Mr Thomas Papillion a merchant on behalfe of the producent" HCA 13/71 f.203v. Definite match of HCA 13/71 record to LLD 1677
- EXAMPLE: "[DEPOSITION OF] Philippus Minutoli, civitatis Mercsator, annos agens 36...the said producents Tomas Papillon and Lawrence Martell [XX XXXX] of ffrancis Calendrini, which hee knoweth because this deponent keepeth the accompte of the said Mr Papillon wrote the said letter to the said partner by their order" (November 25th, 1650) [HCA 13/64 f.21]. Definite match of HCA 13/64 record to LLD 1677
- EXAMPLE: [DEPOSITION OF] Thomas Papillon of the paryshe of Saint Gabriell ffenchurch London Merchant aged 28 yeares or thereabouts and William [?F]inch of the paryshe of Saint Andrew Undershaft London Merchant aged 21 yeares...they the said deponents being servants to and liveing with the said Thomas Chamberlayne one of the pties producent at such tymes as the said Chamberlan together with the said Smith and Lang[?horne] and Company did sett out the shipp the John of London of the Burthen of about 120 Tonnes whereof Thomas Turgis was Commander in or about the Moneth of May 1649" (June 19th, 1651) [HCA13/64 f.?v]. Definite match of HCA 13/64 record to LLD 1677
Movill and Lopes Perrera, Dukes-Place
- VARIANTS: Manoel Perera
- EXAMPLE: "DEPOSITION OF] Manoel Perera of London Merchant aged 21 yeares...hee hath knowne and bin acquainted with the producent ffrancis Lauson for theise tenn yeeres last past or thereabouts, this deponent for the space (till about three yeeres since that hee came to dwell in London) living in Amsterdam the place of the said ffrancis his habitation and where hee was borne being the sonne of Julian Lauson a burgher of Amsterdam and a merchant with whom this deponent is well acquainted" (12th February, 1655) HCA 13/71 f.3r; Possible match between HCA 13/71 record and LLD 1677 record.
Thomas Pilkington Bush Lane Scot Yard.[68]
- EXAMPLE: [THE CASE OF] ... John Jesson Master of the shipp the Mary against John Jolliff Robert Caninge and John Bence and Samuell Barnardiston and Tho: Pilkington" HCA 13/71 f.421v
William Pocock, Basinghall Street.[69]
- WILL: ?
- EXAMPLE "The claime of Robert Stiles William Kiffen William Peacock ffrancis Prince and others English merchants and subjects of this Comonwealth for the ship the Charity, George Prince Master and her tackle and furniture, and her lading seized at Barbadoes by the Marston Moore ffrigot in the Imediate service of this Comonwealth, and by her Carried to Jamaica...[DEPOSITION OF] William Kiffin of London Merchant aged fourtie one yeares or thereabouts" HCA 13/72 f.352r. Possible match to LLD 1677 - requires further confirmation
Theoph. Revell, Thames Street near Billingsgate.[70]
- VARIANTS: Theophilus Reuell; Theo: Reuell [SIGNATUE]
- WILL: PROB 11/430/261 Will of Theophili Revell, Salter of Saint Botolph without Billingsgate, City of London 28 February 1696
- EXAMPLE: "[DEPOSITION OF] Theophilus Reuell of Saint Magnus London Grocer aged twenty five yeares" HCA 13/72 f.306v
SEE: Joseph Jacobs, Lucien Wolf, Bibliotheca Anglo-Judaica: A Bibliographical Guide to Anglo-Jewish History (XXXX, 1888), pp.59-61
Gab. Robards, London-Wall, Carpenters Hall.[71]
- WILL: ?
- EXAMPLE: [DEPOSITION OF GABRIEL ROBERTS] "Gabriel Roberts of London Merchant, aged 26 yeeres" HCA 13/71 f.322r
- EXAMPLE: [DEPOSITION OF WILLIAM METCALFE] ...hee this deponent did amongst other things received from Mr Charles Longland and Company factors in Legorne to and for the sayd deceased henry Mitchell a certayne Imbayling or factory booke wherein was entered with the hand writing of the sayd henry Mitchell and one Mr Gabriell Roberts who was an assistant to the sayd henry Mitchell in his merchandizeing affayres that the sayd henry Mitchell had sent and caused to be sent in and about the moneth of January 1647 to Scanderoone thirty nyne bayles and two faugotts of silke..." HCA 13/71 f.141r
Mr. Robulus, Berry Street[72]
- QUESTION; Robulus = Robles?
- VARIANTS: Antonio Robles; Segnor Robles; Mr Robles; Robles
- EXAMPLE: "The claime of Anthony ffernandez, John Page, Gowen Painter, Antonio Robles, Andrew Dunkin, John Tilly and John Chanterell for two hundred and Eighty Chests of Indico, Twenty two Chests of Drugs two small barrells of Druggs. two small Potaccoes of Druggs 476 hydes 1094 Spanish Roves of Sassaperilla lately laden in the ship the Hope (Patrick Betts Master) and alsoe for the said ship the Hope and her tackle Apparrell and ffurniture" HCA 13/73 f.179r. Possible match between HCA record and LLD 1677
- EXAMPLE: "[CASE OF] On the behalf of Antonio Rodrigo Robles and others. touching the casting away of the Blackboy" HCA 13/71 f.411v
- EXAMPLE: "[DEPOSITION OF] Antonio Rodrigo Robles of London Merchant, aged 37 yeers...That the shipp the Black boy was freighted and hired by him this deponent of and from his precontest Robert Gale (owner of her) on or about June last to make a voyage to the Canarie Islands to lade wines and other merchandizes, and to retourne therewith and to follow the freighters order And that hee soe freighted her for account of himselfe and other Portugeses living in this citie, and then they laded her outwards with serges, cloth and other goods, and then at the Canaries there were laden for their account 149 pipes of wines" HCA 13/71f.412r
- EXAMPLE: [DEPOSITION OF] "Anthonio Rodriguez Roblez Native of Madrid in Spaine Merchant resident here at London [HCA 13/69 IMG_1586]
Gomez Rodrigues Berry Street[73]
- RELATED EXAMPLE: "[DEPOSITION OF] Manoel Rodrigues of the City of London Merchant aged 44 yeares" HCA 13/71 f.474r
Richard Russell, Bush lane, Scot yard.[74]
- EXAMPLE: [DEPOSITION OF WILLIAM JOOP] "the arlate Robert Oxwicke and Companie videlicet Matthew Batson, Robert Russell, Richard Russell, Thomas Stone, Zacharie Lewes, James Lever, [?Carlake] Mumma, Jacob Mumma, francis Warner and this deponent togeather with one Stephen Jeffrey and one Mathias Leny all Merchants of London and subjects of this Commonwealth well knowne to him this Deponent were are and ought to be the true and lawfull Owners and Proprieters of the shipp the Endeavour" HCA 13/71 f.329r
Samuel Sambrook, Tower street.[75]
- VARIANTS: Samuell Sambrooke
- WILL: PROB 11/351/88 Will of Samuel Sambrooke of All Hallows London Wall, City of London 25 May 1676
PROB 4/4807 Sambrook, Samuel, of Allhallows in the West 1676 26 May
- EXAMPLE: "Touching the Advice and Dragon aforesaid ...[DEPOSITION OF] Samuell Sambrooke of London Merchant aged 44 yeares" HCA 13/73 f.303r
- EXAMPLE: "Concerning the Endimion...[DEPOSITION OF] Samuel Sambrooke of London Merchant, aged 44 yeares or thereabouts" HCA 13/72 f.495v
Abr. Sayon at Mr. Stubbs in Swithins lane.[76]
- VARIANTS: [FATHER] ffrancis Sayon
- WILL: ?
- EXAMPLE: [FATHER] [DEPOSITION OF] "Francis Sayon of London Merchant aged 62 yeares...hee saith hee was borne at Brudges in fflanders but hath lived above fourtie yeares in London [SPEAKING IN 1655]"HCA 13/70 f.678r
Sir John Shorter, Bankside[77]
- VARIANTS: John Shorter
- WILL: PROB 11/392/393 Will of Sir John Shorter, Lord Mayor of the City of London 19 September 1688
- EXAMPLE: "[DEPOSITIONS OF] John Shorter of London Merchant aged 33 or thereabouts and William Warren alsoe of London Merchant, aged 34 yeeres" in case of "Joseph of London Vincent Ruslet Master" HCA 13/72 f.104v
- EXAMPLE: "[DEPOSITION OF] John Shorter of London Merchant, and William Warren alsoe of London Merchant [78]
Daniel Skinner, Barthol. lane.[79]
Daniel Skinner, Crutchet Fryers.[80]
- DEFINITE BROTHER: Albertus Skinner [HCA 13/68]
- PROBABLE BROTHER: Skinner; ffrederick Skinner; Mr ffrederick Skinner [=ffrederick Skinner] [HCA 13/72]
- EXAMPLE: "at the sayd shipps coming to Battavia hee saith the arlate Mr ffrederick Skinner (an Agent for the English at Bantam) was there, and the sayd Skinner being told that the Olive Branch came thither to get leave of the Generall to goe into bantam the sayd Skinner in presence of this deponent and other of the Company of the Olive Branch sayd that it was to noe purpose to move the Generall" HCA 13/72 f.522v
- EXAMPLE: "The clayme of daniell Skinner the Elder daniell Skinner the Yonger and Thomas Skinner English Merchants of dover for the shipp the Yonge Gyant of dover (Robert hopkins Master) and her tackle and furniture and for the lading of the sayd shipp being wynes Taken by some of the shipps of the State and Commonwealth of England." [HCA 13/69 f.XXX IMG_1065]
- EXAMPLE: "[DEPOSITION OF] Albertus Skinner of Saint George Botolphs parish London merchant aged 30 yeares...This deponent saith that for divers yeares now last past the arlate Daniel Skynner hath bene an usuall trader to france for wines and other goods, and that ther arlate John Vanp[?utte] is his factor and presides att Bordeaux and is commonly accounted a fflandrian and does busines att Bourdeaux as a factor and for a factor is commonly accounted the premisses he knoweth being the brother of the producent and knowing well that the sayd Vanp[?utte] was the factor of this deponents father who used the same trade to ffrance that the arlate Daniel Skinner now doth." HCA 13/68 f.682r
William Somers, Aldermary Church Yard.[81]
- EXAMPLE: [DEPOSITION OF WILLIAM SUMMERS] "William Summers of London Merchant" [HCA 13/73 betw. ff.750r-759v]
Sir Will. Thompson Lyme street[82]
- VARIANTS: Alderman William Thomson
- WILL: ?
- EXAMPLE: [DEPOSITION OF XXXX] "the said Alderman William Thomson and Maurice Thomson tooke an hundred
and fiftie tonnes of the said shipp to freight for the said voyage, and did in this port before such here proceeding lade and put on board her in and upon their said tonnage a good quantitie of marchandizes consisting in Silesia linnen, iron, knives, and other commodities, to be on the coast of Guiney bartered away for gold" HCA 13/71 f.615r
George Toriano Nicholas lane[83]
- VARIANTS: George Toriano
- WILL: PROB 11/381/501 Will of George Torriano, Merchant Tailor of London 02 December 1685
- EXAMPLE: "William Lee of London Merchant aged 28 yeeres or thereabouts sworne before the right worshippfull Charles George Cock Esquire John Godolphin doctor of lawes one of the Judges of the high Court of the Admiraltie of England, and exámined upon certaine Interrogatories ministred on the behalfe of Nicholas Warren, John Báncks, John Jermyn, George Toriano, Richard Westcombe, Walter Tuckfeild, William Lee, George Lee and George Webber saith and deposeth as followeth" HCA 13/72 f.12r. Definite HCA and definite probate record match to LLD 1677
- EXAMPLE: [DEPOSITION OF] "Peter Parravacin servant and apprentice to George Toriano of London Merchant aged 18 yeeres [HCA 13/69 IMG_1083]
Pier. Trott Vine Court Bishopsgate without.[84]
- VARIANTS: Perient Trott
- WILL: PROB 11/360/613 Will of Perient Trott, Merchant of London 18 September 1679
- EXAMPLE: "soone after the death of the said ffrancis Wheeler, One Mr Nicholas Trott a Virginia merchant living in Yorke towne in Virginia came to this deponent and shewed him a Note from the foresaid Hellin or Ellinor Wheeler wherein this deponent was desired to give bills of Lading to the said Mr Nicholas Trott, which this deponent did consent unto and the same being filled up by the said Trott or his order this deponent signed the same, and therein hee saith it was mentioned that the said Tobaccoes were Laden by the said Nicholas Trott though in truth they were not (and the same were Consigned to Perryn (or Perrent Trott here in London, brother to the said Nicholas." HCA 13/73 f.556v
- EXAMPLE: [CASE OF] A Busines of Examination of wittnesses on the behalfe of Thomas Allen Anthony Peniston and Company Owners of the shipp the King of Poland whereof ffrederick Johnson is Master) against John Wright Jasper White Perient Trott Thomas Tomlinson John Butts Richard Chandler and George Watermann" [DEPOSITION OF WILLIAM WELCH]" HCA 13/71 f.249r
John Turner Suffolk lane[85]
- VARIANTS: Mr John Turner; John Turner
- WILL: PROB 11/421/409 Will of John Turner, Merchant of London 05 October 1694
- EXAMPLE: "[DEPOSITION OF FREDERICK IXEM] The bill of sale touching the shipp the Vosse now brought by him, beginning thus, To all people to whom this present writing shall come etcetera and ending thus. In Amsterdam this twenty third day of July style novo 1657; Was this day delivered to this deponent by Mr Samuel Wilson and Mr John Turner Merchants of this citie to the end to have it entred and intimated to perpetuall remembrance" Possible HCA match to LLD 1677 and very probable probate record match
Francis Tyson Philpot lane.[86]
- VARIANTS: ffrancis Thyssen, ffrances Thysen; Mr Tysen
- WILL: ?
- EXAMPLE: [DEPOSITION OF FREDERICK IXEM] "Upon or about the day of this Present moneth of July 1659: hee this Deponent did (by his servant George Ixem) receive from mr ffrancis Thyssen of London Merchant a Certaine Instrument written in French, a true Copy of the Translation thereof doth here followe:...acting for Messers Arnold vander Beake, John Dollins Peter Mathewes and ffrancis Thyssen all merchants of the City of London in England"" [HCA 13/73 f.729r]
- EXAMPLE: [DEPOSITION OF JOHN JACOBSON] "On the behalfe of ffrancis Thysen of London Merchant...the good shipp called the Unitie (lately belonging to fflushing) was lately by him this deponent her master really and bona fida sold to ffrancis Tys[?e]n of this citie of London Marchant, for the summe of three hundred and sixtie pounds sterling, whereof the said Mr Tysen hath really paid an hundred pounds sterling in hand to this deponent, and is to pay the rest within three monethes" HCA 13/71 f.336r
- EXAMPLE [DEPOSITION OF FFRANCIS THYSEN] "Francis Thysen of London Merchant aged 31. yeares...hee this rendent is a Native of fflushing in Zeeland, and hath his present habitation here in London where hee hath lived for about 15. or 16 yeares last past" [HCA 13/69 IMG_1596; IMG_1597]
- EXAMPLE: [DEPOSITION OF FRANCIS TYSON] "Francis Tyson of London Merchant aged 31 yeares [[HCA 13/68 f.489r Annotate|HCA 13/68 f.489r
Jo. Bapt. Vanderhoeven Seething lane[87]
Mr. Vanderhou ditto [i.e. Seething lane][88]
- VARIANTS: Cornelius Vanderh[?oeve GUTTER]; Cornelius Vanderhoeve [SIGNATURE]
- EXAMPLE: "[DEPOSITION OF] Cornelius Vanderh[?oeve GUTTER] of London Merchant" in "An affidavit taken touching the shipp the ffortune of London" HCA 13/72 f.304v
Peter Vandeput Basinghall str.[89]
- VARIANTS: Mr Peter Vandeput; Peter Vandeput; Peter Vandeputt; Vanderputt; Mr Vanderputt; Peter vanderputt; Peter Vanderp[utt GUTTER]
- EXAMPLE: "[DEPOSITION OF] Peter Vandeput of London Merchant aged 47 yeeres" regarding "The claime of Peter Maria and Cesar Gentiltis Merchants of Genoa for silver taken in the Saint Laurence Peter Bennewijsent Master." HCA 13/73 f.53r. Probable HCA 13/73 record match to LLD 1677
- EXAMPLE: "Touching the sale of the Golden ffox: to Mr Peter Vandeput and Mr Luke Luce" HCA 13/72 85r. Probable HCA 13/72 record match to LLD 1677
- EXAMPLE: "[DEPOSITION OF GEORGE PAPILLON]...hee being as aforesayd an Agent imployed by the sayd Maurice Thompson in his Merchandizing affayers did by order of the sayd Thompson presently after the delivery of the sayd Pepper in the sayd moneth of September, and severall tymes afterwards in the moneth of October, demand of Rowland Saint John the sayd mr Vandeputts servant at the sayd Mr Vandeputts house (the sayd Mr Vandeputt being sick and not to bee spoken with) the sayd summe of five hundred seaventy nyne pounds twelve shillings fower pence, in part whereof the sayd Saint John paid by the sayd Vandeputts order did pay to this deponent for the use of the sayd Maurice Thompson the summe of two hundred thirty pounds sterling and noe more, and this deponent went severall tymes after wards to receave the remaynder of the sayd 579li - 12s - 4d but the sayd Mr Vandeputts sickenesse encreaseing, and hee afterwards dying, there was noe more paid of the sayd summe of 579li - 12s - 4d saving the sayd summe of 230li aforesayd" HCA 13/72 f.45r
- EXAMPLE [DEPOSITION OF EZEKIEL LAMPEN AND ROBERT DEMETRIUS] "the shipp the Saint Philip (called of Amsterdam) of the burthen of two hundred and fiftie tonnes or thereabouts (whereof is to goe master under Gad William Josp nowe bound from Amsterdam for Ireland and to lade fish and thense into the Streights, was about a moneth since bought at Amsterdam by the order and for the proper account of Peter Vandeput, James Stanier, Roger hatton, and Ralph Lee Englishmen and merchants residing in London, and subiects of the Commonwealth of England" HCA 13/71 f.391r
- EXAMPLE: "[DEPOSITION OF] Gyles Vandeputt of London Merchant aged thirty fower yeares" HCA 13/71 f.365r
- EXAMPLE: [DEPOSITION OF] Giles Vandeput of London merchant, aged 32 the moneth of November 1651, Laurence Mutiothis deponents correspondent at Antwerp did upon and for this
deponents accompt and adventure assure at Antwerp two hundred pounds fflemish to Martin Van houtson (the partie producent) upon tenn quartelas or punchions of Tholouse capers, five casks with fiftie barralls of anchovas and three cases of prunello's laden or to be laden at Marseilles aboard the shipp arlate the Liesde or Love (Maynard Cornelison masterHCA 13/70 f.225r
- EXAMPLE: [DEPOSITION OF] "Giles Vandeput of London marchant aged 31 yeares [HCA 13/69 IMG_1092]
Calib Veren Pickled Herring.[90]
- VARIANTS: Caleb veren
- WILL: PROB 11/347/128 Will of Caleb Veren, of Saint Mary Magdalen Bermondsey, Surrey 03 February 1675
- EXAMPLE: "That the said shipp the Little Lyon is now an English shipp and belonging to this port of London, and that Caleb Veren of the parish of Saint Saviours in Southwarke Merchant, Robert Walker of the same parish Marchant, Pha[XXXXX ffXXXXXXX] Citizen and Grocer of London, and Anthony Rowles of London Pewterer, all English men and subiects of this Commonwealth are the true, lawfull and reall owners of the said shipp [the Little Lyon]" HCA 13/72 f.91v. Possible HCA 13/72 record match to LLD 1677
Sir Pat. Ward Lawr. Pount. Hill.[91]
- VARIANTS: Patience Ward
- WILL: PROB 11/433/345 Will of Sir Patience Ward, Alderman of London 07 August 1696
- EXAMPLE: [DEPOSITION OF PATIENCE WARD] "Patience Ward of London Merchant aged 26 yeares...this deponent and the said Lancelot To[?u]lson have designed the said shipp to make a voyage and carry ffrench passengers and merchandizes to the ffrench plantations in the American Ilands, and in that regard they have thought good to appoint and have appointed a ffrench master and company to saile her out and home, howbeit hee saith shee goeth upon the sole adventure of the said mr Toulson and this deponent, and is to retourne upon their sole adventure."[92]
- EXAMPLE: [DEPOSITION OF JACOB GOLSING] "[Gosling] sold the shipp the Bonadventure allegated (James de Seane master) in this citie of London with her tackle, furniture and guns unto Lancelot Toulsen and Patience Ward merchants of this said citie of London for the summe of eighteene hundred pounds sterling"[93]
William Warren Fanchurch street.
Nicholas Warren Lyme street
Sir Will. Warren Wapping.[94]
- VARIANTS: William Warren; Wm. Warren [SIGNATURE]
- EXAMPLE: [DEPOSITION OF] William Warren of Wapping Esquire, Caleb Veren of the parish of Saint Mary Magdalen Bermondsea Merchant, and Peter Rich of Lambeth Merchant sworne before the right worshippfull John Godolphin doctor of lawes one of the Judges of the high Court of the Admiraltie say and depose respectively as followeth touching the shipp the Mary of London Peter Matson Master, being at present at Norway." HCA 13/72 f.117v HCA 13/72 record is a definite match with LLD 1677.
Samuel Wastall Vine Court Spittle fields.[95]
- VARIANTS: Samuel Wastell; Samuell Vassall
- WILL: PROB 11/392/89 Will of Samuell Wastell, Grocer of London 07 July 1688
- INVENTORY: PROB 4/5179 Wastell, Samuel, of Hatfield, Herts. 1688 20 Aug.
- EXAMPLE: "DEPOSITION OF ROGER KILVERT] in "A businesse of exámination of witnesses for perpetuall remembrance on the businesse of Samuel Vassall and others touching the shipp Mayflower whereof William Jacket was Captaine, seized by the officers and subiects of the king of Spaine" that "the arlate Samuel V{ass}all, Richard and Beniamin Grandley, Peter Andrewes, John Wirkey Captaine Jacket and company were commonly accounted the true owners and proprietors of the shipp Mayflower with all her tackle and furniture and alsoe of a vessell or Pinke that went to sea in her company"HCA 13/71 f.369r
- EXAMPLE: "[DEPOSITION OF] Samuel Wastell of the parish of Saint Botolphs without Bishopsgate London merchant aged 34 yeares" HCA 13/68 f. 671v
- HEARTH TAX (1666): St Leonard Shoreditch: Spittle Yard Samll Wastell (sic) 6 hearths[96]
Sir Geor. Waterman Thames street.[97]
- WILL: ?
- EXAMPLE: [CASE OF] A Busines of Examination of wittnesses on the behalfe of Thomas Allen Anthony Peniston and Company Owners of the shipp the King of Poland whereof ffrederick Johnson is Master) against John Wright Jasper White Perient Trott Thomas Tomlinson John Butts Richard Chandler and George Watermann" [DEPOSITION OF WILLIAM WELCH]" HCA 13/71 f.249r
Ger. Westcomb great S. Hellens.
Richard Westcomb Lyme street.[98]
- EXAMPLE: [DEPOSITION OF WILLIAM LEE] "William Lee of London Merchant aged 28 yeeres...exámined upon certaine Interrogatories ministred on the behalfe of Nicholas Warren John Báncks, John Jermyn, George Toriano, Richard Westcombe, Walter Tuckfeild, William Lee, George Lee and George Webber" HCA 13/72 f.12r
George Willoughby Throgmorton street.[99]
Mr. Willoughby Mark lane.[100]
- VARIANTS: Christofer Willoughby; Christopher Willoughby
- EXAMPLE: "![DEPOSITION OF] Christopher Willoughby of the citie of London Merchant aged 38 yeares" [HCA 13/64 f.?v]
Places: Alphabetical
Bankside Sir John Shorter[101]
- SEE: PROB 11/392/393 Will of Sir John Shorter, Lord Mayor of the City of London 19 September 1688
Barthol. lane. Daniel Skinner [102]
Basinghall Street. William Pocock[103]
Basinghall str. Peter Vandeput[104]
Beaver-marks. John Benes[FootNote(John Camden Hotten (ed.), The little London directory of 1677 (London, 1863), unpag., viewed 25/04/14)]]
Berry street Sir Fra. Chaplin[105]
- SEE: PROB 11/363/319 Will of Sir Francis Chaplin, One of the Alderman of the City of London of City of London 05 July 1680
Berry Street Mr. Robulus[106]
Berry Street Gomez Rodrigues[107]
Berry-street. Thom. Bawdes[108]
Bishopsgate-street John Page [109]
- SEE: PROB 11/397/549 Will of John Paige of London 30 December 1689
Bishopsgate within. Sir Sam. Barnardiston[110]
Bury-street. Robert Brittin[111]
Bush Lane Scot Yard. Thomas Pilkington[112]
Bush lane, Scot yard. Richard Russell [FootNote(John Camden Hotten (ed.), The little London directory of 1677 (London, 1863), unpag., viewed 02/05/14)]]
Buttolph-lane Samuel Beak
Clarkenwell Green. Mr. Dakers[113]
Copthall Court Throgmortonstreet. Edm. Deathick[114]
Cornhill John Batthurst [115]
Critchet-Fryers. Abra. Mumma[116]
Crutchet Fryers. Daniel Skinner [117]
Crooked lane. John Lemkuell
at the Cross-keys, Camomile-street. William Metcalf[[FootNote(John Camden Hotten (ed.), The little London directory of 1677 (London, 1863), unpag., viewed 29/04/14)]
Dukes-Place Movill and Lopes Perrera
Fanchurch street. William Warren
Fanchurch-street John Banks[118]
Fanchurch-street Nath. Letton[119]
- SEE: PROB 11/370/455 Will of Nathaniel Letten, Merchant of Saint Dionis Backchurch 15 August 1682
Fan-Church-street. Mr. Lodwick[120]
Fan-Church-street. Jacob Luce[121]
In Fanchurch street The Widdow of Lawr. Martell[122]
- SEE: PROB 11/355/34 Will of Lawrence Martel, Merchant of Saint Gabriel Fenchurch, City of London 05 March 1677; PROB 4/8681 Engrossed Inventories Exhibited from 1660. Martel, Laurence, of St Gabriel Fanchurch, London, merchant 5 June 1679
Fan-Church-Str Thomas Papillion[123]
- SEE: PROB 11/465/40 Will of Thomas Papillon of London 03 June 1702
Finsbury Isaac Legay[124]
Garlick-hill George Barron[125]
- SEE: PROB 11/383/176 Will of George Baron, Merchant of Saint James Garlickhithe, City of London 14 May 1686
Great Saint Hellens John Langley[126]
Great Saint Hel- (sic) Robert Deluna[127]
Gun yard Houndsditch Franc. Hacker[128]
- SEE: PROB 11/377/408 Will of Francis Hacker, Salter of Saint Botolph without Aldgate, City of London 20 October 1684
Hackney, Spanish Walk Exchange Sir Mat. Halworthy[129]
- SEE: PROB 11/356/608 Will of Sir Mathew Holworthy of Hackney, Middlesex 25 November 1678
Hackney Town to be spoken withal at Mr. Sherwoods, Broadstreet Will. Burd[130]
- SEE: PROB 11/444/363 Will of William Bird or Birde, Merchant of Hackney, Middlesex 26 March 1698
Hatton-garden Sir Arth. Ingram[131]
- SEE: PROB 11/367/477 Will of Sir Arthur Ingram of City of London 26 September 1681
Leadenhall street Thom. Canham[132]
- SEE: PROB 11/433/325 Will of Thomas Canham, Merchant of London 05 August 1696
little Morefields William Kiffin[133]
Little St. Hellens Richard Bogon[134]
- SEE: PROB 11/401/94 Will of Richard Bogan, Merchant of Saint Stephen Coleman Street, City of London. 10 September 1690
Little St. Hellens Edw. Bushel[135]
- SEE: PROB 11/418/423 Will of Edward Bushell, Merchant of Hackney, Middlesex 20 February 1694
Lyme street Sir Will. Thompson[136]
London-Wall, Carpenters Hall. Gab. Robards[137]
Lymestreet. Mr Lang[138]
Lyme street Nicholas Warren
Lyme street. Richard Westcomb[139]
Maiden-lane Sir Tho. Bloodworth[140]
- SEE: PROB 11/370/324 Will of Sir Thomas Bludworth, Alderman of London 10 July 1682
Mark lane. Mr. Willoughby[141]
Mark lane. Sir Jo. Lethulier[142]
Marklane. Nath, & James Denew [143]
Marklane. Tho. Death & Mr. Death[144]
New Court Throgmorton Street. Edw. Barton[145]
Nicholas lane George Toriano[146]
- SEE: PROB 11/381/501 Will of George Torriano, Merchant Tailor of London 02 December 1685
Old Jury Sir Jo. Frederick[147]
Philpot lane. Francis Tyson[148]
Pickled Herring. Calib Veren[149]
- SEE: PROB 11/347/128 Will of Caleb Veren, of Saint Mary Magdalen Bermondsey, Surrey 03 February 1675
Poultrey. Richard Baker[150]
Rosemary-lane Mr. Nunsan[151]
St. Dunstans-hill Abrah. Beak[152]
St. Johns=Street. Henry Ashurst Junior[153]
St. Mary Ax Benjam. Batthurst [154]
St. Mary Ax. Mat. Datheler[155]
St. Mary Ax. Mr. Dermedo[156]
Saint Mary Ax. John Jeffery[157]
Seething lane Jo. Bapt. Vanderhoeven[158]
Seething lane Mr. Vanderhou[159]
Seething lane William Warr[160]
Suffolk lane John Turner[161]
- SEE PROB 11/421/409 Will of John Turner, Merchant of London 05 October 1694
Swan-Alley, Coleman street. Richard Owens[162]
Swithins-lane near Lombard Street. John Halworthy[163]
Thames street. Sir Geor. Waterman[164]
Thames Street near Billingsgate Theoph. Revell[165]
- SEE: [PROB 11/430/261 Will of Theophili Revell, Salter of Saint Botolph without Billingsgate, City of London 28 February 1696]
Threadneedle-street. John Joliff[166]
Throgmorton street. George Willoughby[167]
Towerhill. Edw. Crisp[168]
Tower-hill. Mark Mortimore[169]
- SEE: PROB 11/383/35 Will of Mark Mortimer, Grocer of London 16 April 1686
Tower-hill Sir Ri. Ford[170]
- SEE: PROB 11/371/218 Will of Dame Grace Ford, Widow of London 24 October 1682
Tower street Samuel Sambrook [171]
- SEE: PROB 11/351/88 Will of Samuel Sambrooke of All Hallows London Wall, City of London 25 May 1676; PROB 4/4807 Sambrook, Samuel, of Allhallows in the West 1676 26 May
Turkey-walk Excha. Hump. Beane[172]
- SEE: PROB 11/362/72 Will of Humphry Beane of Ebbisham, Surrey 14 January 1680
Trinity-lane Richard Basse [173]
Vine Court Bishopsgate without. Pier. Trott[174]
Vine Court Spittle fields. Samuel Wastall[175]
Walbrook Dan. Edwards[176]
Walbrook Sam. Moyer[177]
- SEE PROB 11/373/443 Will of Samuel Moyer of Saint Giles without Cripplegate 03 August 1683
Wapping. Sir Will. Warren[178]
Watling street. Herny Ashurst Senior[179]
without Bishopsgate. Fran. & Sam.} Dashwood[180]
- Jump up ↑ John Camden Hotten (ed.), The little London directory of 1677 (London, 1863), unpag., viewed 14/01/14
- Jump up ↑ John Camden Hotten (ed.), The little London directory of 1677 (London, 1863), unpag., viewed 25/06/14
- Jump up ↑ John Camden Hotten (ed.), The little London directory of 1677 (London, 1863), unpag., viewed 15/04/14
- Jump up ↑ John Camden Hotten (ed.), The little London directory of 1677 (London, 1863), unpag., viewed 15/04/14
- Jump up ↑ John Camden Hotten (ed.), The little London directory of 1677 (London, 1863), unpag., viewed 22/01/14
- Jump up ↑ John Camden Hotten (ed.), The little London directory of 1677 (London, 1863), unpag., viewed 19/01/14
- Jump up ↑ John Camden Hotten (ed.), The little London directory of 1677 (London, 1863), unpag., viewed 15/04/14
- Jump up ↑ John Camden Hotten (ed.), The little London directory of 1677 (London, 1863), unpag., viewed 14/01/14
- Jump up ↑ John Camden Hotten (ed.), The little London directory of 1677 (London, 1863), unpag., viewed 22/01/14
- Jump up ↑ John Camden Hotten (ed.), The little London directory of 1677 (London, 1863), unpag., viewed 02/05/14
- Jump up ↑ John Camden Hotten (ed.), The little London directory of 1677 (London, 1863), unpag., viewed 22/01/14
- Jump up ↑ John Camden Hotten (ed.), The little London directory of 1677 (London, 1863), unpag., viewed 22/01/14
- Jump up ↑ John Camden Hotten (ed.), The little London directory of 1677 (London, 1863), unpag., viewed 19/01/14
- Jump up ↑ John Camden Hotten (ed.), The little London directory of 1677 (London, 1863), unpag., viewed 19/01/14
- Jump up ↑ John Camden Hotten (ed.), The little London directory of 1677 (London, 1863), unpag., viewed 19/01/14
- Jump up ↑ John Camden Hotten (ed.), The little London directory of 1677 (London, 1863), unpag., viewed 25/04/14
- Jump up ↑ John Camden Hotten (ed.), The little London directory of 1677 (London, 1863), unpag., viewed 14/01/14
- Jump up ↑ PROB 11/370/324 Will of Sir Thomas Bludworth, Alderman of London 10 July 1682
- Jump up ↑ John Camden Hotten (ed.), The little London directory of 1677 (London, 1863), unpag., viewed 19/01/14
- Jump up ↑ John Camden Hotten (ed.), The little London directory of 1677 (London, 1863), unpag., viewed 25/06/14
- Jump up ↑ John Camden Hotten (ed.), The little London directory of 1677 (London, 1863), unpag., viewed 02/05/14
- Jump up ↑ John Camden Hotten (ed.), The little London directory of 1677 (London, 1863), unpag., viewed 22/10/14
- Jump up ↑ John Camden Hotten (ed.), The little London directory of 1677 (London, 1863), unpag., viewed 14/01/14
- Jump up ↑ John Camden Hotten (ed.), The little London directory of 1677 (London, 1863), unpag., viewed 19/01/14
- Jump up ↑ John Camden Hotten (ed.), The little London directory of 1677 (London, 1863), unpag., viewed 19/01/14
- Jump up ↑ John Camden Hotten (ed.), The little London directory of 1677 (London, 1863), unpag., viewed 14/01/14
- Jump up ↑ John Camden Hotten (ed.), The little London directory of 1677 (London, 1863), unpag., viewed 19/01/14
- Jump up ↑ John Camden Hotten (ed.), The little London directory of 1677 (London, 1863), unpag., viewed 22/01/14
- Jump up ↑ 'Hearth Tax: Middlesex 1666: Clerkenwell (2 of 2)', London Hearth Tax: City of London and Middlesex, 1666 (2011)
- Jump up ↑ John Camden Hotten (ed.), The little London directory of 1677 (London, 1863), unpag., viewed 15/04/14
- Jump up ↑ John Camden Hotten (ed.), The little London directory of 1677 (London, 1863), unpag., viewed 19/01/14
- Jump up ↑ John Camden Hotten (ed.), The little London directory of 1677 (London, 1863), unpag., viewed 19/01/14
- Jump up ↑ John Camden Hotten (ed.), The little London directory of 1677 (London, 1863), unpag., viewed 18/04/14
- Jump up ↑ John Camden Hotten (ed.), The little London directory of 1677 (London, 1863), unpag., viewed 12/02/14
- Jump up ↑ John Camden Hotten (ed.), The little London directory of 1677 (London, 1863), unpag., viewed 08/05/14
- Jump up ↑ John Camden Hotten (ed.), The little London directory of 1677 (London, 1863), unpag., viewed 12/02/14
- Jump up ↑ John Camden Hotten (ed.), The little London directory of 1677 (London, 1863), unpag., viewed 26/03/14
- Jump up ↑ John Camden Hotten (ed.), The little London directory of 1677 (London, 1863), unpag., viewed 14/01/14
- Jump up ↑ John Camden Hotten (ed.), The little London directory of 1677 (London, 1863), unpag., viewed 23/01/14
- Jump up ↑ John Camden Hotten (ed.), The little London directory of 1677 (London, 1863), unpag., viewed 14/01/14
- Jump up ↑ John Camden Hotten (ed.), The little London directory of 1677 (London, 1863), unpag., viewed 09/05/14
- Jump up ↑ John Camden Hotten (ed.), The little London directory of 1677 (London, 1863), unpag., viewed 19/01/14
- Jump up ↑ John Camden Hotten (ed.), The little London directory of 1677 (London, 1863), unpag., viewed 20/11/14
- Jump up ↑ John Camden Hotten (ed.), The little London directory of 1677 (London, 1863), unpag., viewed 29/06/14
- Jump up ↑ John Camden Hotten (ed.), The little London directory of 1677 (London, 1863), unpag., viewed 29/06/14
- Jump up ↑ John Camden Hotten (ed.), The little London directory of 1677 (London, 1863), unpag., viewed 14/01/14
- Jump up ↑ John Camden Hotten (ed.), The little London directory of 1677 (London, 1863), unpag., viewed 12/02/14
- Jump up ↑ John Camden Hotten (ed.), The little London directory of 1677 (London, 1863), unpag., viewed 19/01/14
- Jump up ↑ John Camden Hotten (ed.), The little London directory of 1677 (London, 1863), unpag., viewed 19/01/14
- Jump up ↑ John Camden Hotten (ed.), The little London directory of 1677 (London, 1863), unpag., viewed 04/05/14
- Jump up ↑ John Camden Hotten (ed.), The little London directory of 1677 (London, 1863), unpag., viewed 14/01/14
- Jump up ↑ John Camden Hotten (ed.), The little London directory of 1677 (London, 1863), unpag., viewed 03/05/14
- Jump up ↑ John Camden Hotten (ed.), The little London directory of 1677 (London, 1863), unpag., viewed 09/05/14
- Jump up ↑ John Camden Hotten (ed.), The little London directory of 1677 (London, 1863), unpag., viewed 14/01/14
- Jump up ↑ John Camden Hotten (ed.), The little London directory of 1677 (London, 1863), unpag., viewed 22/01/14
- Jump up ↑ John Camden Hotten (ed.), The little London directory of 1677 (London, 1863), unpag., viewed 07/06/14
- Jump up ↑ John Camden Hotten (ed.), The little London directory of 1677 (London, 1863), unpag., viewed 22/01/14
- Jump up ↑ John Camden Hotten (ed.), The little London directory of 1677 (London, 1863), unpag., viewed 14/01/14
- Jump up ↑ John Camden Hotten (ed.), The little London directory of 1677 (London, 1863), unpag., viewed 29/04/14
- Jump up ↑ John Camden Hotten (ed.), The little London directory of 1677 (London, 1863), unpag., viewed 28/04/14
- Jump up ↑ John Camden Hotten (ed.), The little London directory of 1677 (London, 1863), unpag., viewed 14/01/14
- Jump up ↑ John Camden Hotten (ed.), The little London directory of 1677 (London, 1863), unpag., viewed 22/01/14
- Jump up ↑ John Camden Hotten (ed.), The little London directory of 1677 (London, 1863), unpag., viewed 22/01/14
- Jump up ↑ John Camden Hotten (ed.), The little London directory of 1677 (London, 1863), unpag., viewed 10/05/14
- Jump up ↑ John Camden Hotten (ed.), The little London directory of 1677 (London, 1863), unpag., viewed 21/01/14
- Jump up ↑ John Camden Hotten (ed.), The little London directory of 1677 (London, 1863), unpag., viewed 26/06/14
- Jump up ↑ John Camden Hotten (ed.), The little London directory of 1677 (London, 1863), unpag., viewed 14/01/14
- Jump up ↑ John Camden Hotten (ed.), The little London directory of 1677 (London, 1863), unpag., viewed 15/04/14
- Jump up ↑ John Camden Hotten (ed.), The little London directory of 1677 (London, 1863), unpag., viewed 02/05/14
- Jump up ↑ John Camden Hotten (ed.), The little London directory of 1677 (London, 1863), unpag., viewed 22/01/14
- Jump up ↑ John Camden Hotten (ed.), The little London directory of 1677 (London, 1863), unpag., viewed 29/04/14
- Jump up ↑ John Camden Hotten (ed.), The little London directory of 1677 (London, 1863), unpag., viewed 22/01/14
- Jump up ↑ John Camden Hotten (ed.), The little London directory of 1677 (London, 1863), unpag., viewed 22/01/14
- Jump up ↑ John Camden Hotten (ed.), The little London directory of 1677 (London, 1863), unpag., viewed 02/05/14
- Jump up ↑ John Camden Hotten (ed.), The little London directory of 1677 (London, 1863), unpag., viewed 22/01/14
- Jump up ↑ John Camden Hotten (ed.), The little London directory of 1677 (London, 1863), unpag., viewed 20/11/14
- Jump up ↑ John Camden Hotten (ed.), The little London directory of 1677 (London, 1863), unpag., viewed 22/01/14
- Jump up ↑ HCA 13/68 f.374r
- Jump up ↑ John Camden Hotten (ed.), The little London directory of 1677 (London, 1863), unpag., viewed 22/01/14
- Jump up ↑ John Camden Hotten (ed.), The little London directory of 1677 (London, 1863), unpag., viewed 22/01/14
- Jump up ↑ John Camden Hotten (ed.), The little London directory of 1677 (London, 1863), unpag., viewed 29/06/14
- Jump up ↑ John Camden Hotten (ed.), The little London directory of 1677 (London, 1863), unpag., viewed 02/05/14
- Jump up ↑ John Camden Hotten (ed.), The little London directory of 1677 (London, 1863), unpag., viewed 14/01/14
- Jump up ↑ John Camden Hotten (ed.), The little London directory of 1677 (London, 1863), unpag., viewed 14/01/14
- Jump up ↑ John Camden Hotten (ed.), The little London directory of 1677 (London, 1863), unpag., viewed 29/04/14
- Jump up ↑ John Camden Hotten (ed.), The little London directory of 1677 (London, 1863), unpag., viewed 25/04/14
- Jump up ↑ John Camden Hotten (ed.), The little London directory of 1677 (London, 1863), unpag., viewed 22/01/14
- Jump up ↑ John Camden Hotten (ed.), The little London directory of 1677 (London, 1863), unpag., viewed 22/01/14
- Jump up ↑ John Camden Hotten (ed.), The little London directory of 1677 (London, 1863), unpag., viewed 22/01/14
- Jump up ↑ John Camden Hotten (ed.), The little London directory of 1677 (London, 1863), unpag., viewed 14/01/14
- Jump up ↑ John Camden Hotten (ed.), The little London directory of 1677 (London, 1863), unpag., viewed 25/06/14
- Jump up ↑ HCA 13/69 unfol. IMG_100_105(2)_IMG_1142
- Jump up ↑ HCA 13/69 unfol. IMG_100_105(2)_IMG_1141
- Jump up ↑ John Camden Hotten (ed.), The little London directory of 1677 (London, 1863), unpag., viewed 22/01/14
- Jump up ↑ John Camden Hotten (ed.), The little London directory of 1677 (London, 1863), unpag., viewed 23/01/14
- Jump up ↑ 'Hearth Tax: Middlesex 1666: St Leonard Shoreditch : Spittle Yard', London Hearth Tax: City of London and Middlesex, 1666 (2011), viewed 13/02/12
- Jump up ↑ John Camden Hotten (ed.), The little London directory of 1677 (London, 1863), unpag., viewed 22/01/14
- Jump up ↑ John Camden Hotten (ed.), The little London directory of 1677 (London, 1863), unpag., viewed 04/05/14
- Jump up ↑ [h John Camden Hotten (ed.), The little London directory of 1677 (London, 1863), unpag.,] viewed 22/01/14
- Jump up ↑ John Camden Hotten (ed.), The little London directory of 1677 (London, 1863), unpag., viewed 22/01/14
- Jump up ↑ John Camden Hotten (ed.), The little London directory of 1677 (London, 1863), unpag., viewed 14/01/14
- Jump up ↑ John Camden Hotten (ed.), The little London directory of 1677 (London, 1863), unpag., viewed 22/01/14
- Jump up ↑ John Camden Hotten (ed.), The little London directory of 1677 (London, 1863), unpag., viewed 02/05/14
- Jump up ↑ John Camden Hotten (ed.), The little London directory of 1677 (London, 1863), unpag., viewed 22/01/14
- Jump up ↑ John Camden Hotten (ed.), The little London directory of 1677 (London, 1863), unpag., viewed 14/01/14
- Jump up ↑ John Camden Hotten (ed.), The little London directory of 1677 (London, 1863), unpag., viewed 22/01/14
- Jump up ↑ John Camden Hotten (ed.), The little London directory of 1677 (London, 1863), unpag., viewed 22/01/14
- Jump up ↑ John Camden Hotten (ed.), The little London directory of 1677 (London, 1863), unpag., viewed 19/01/14
- Jump up ↑ John Camden Hotten (ed.), The little London directory of 1677 (London, 1863), unpag., viewed 21/01/14
- Jump up ↑ John Camden Hotten (ed.), The little London directory of 1677 (London, 1863), unpag., viewed 15/04/14
- Jump up ↑ John Camden Hotten (ed.), The little London directory of 1677 (London, 1863), unpag., viewed 02/05/14
- Jump up ↑ John Camden Hotten (ed.), The little London directory of 1677 (London, 1863), unpag., viewed 15/04/14
- Jump up ↑ John Camden Hotten (ed.), The little London directory of 1677 (London, 1863), unpag., viewed 22/01/14
- Jump up ↑ John Camden Hotten (ed.), The little London directory of 1677 (London, 1863), unpag., viewed 18/04/14
- Jump up ↑ John Camden Hotten (ed.), The little London directory of 1677 (London, 1863), unpag., viewed 22/01/14
- Jump up ↑ John Camden Hotten (ed.), The little London directory of 1677 (London, 1863), unpag., viewed 22/01/14
- Jump up ↑ John Camden Hotten (ed.), The little London directory of 1677 (London, 1863), unpag., viewed 22/01/14
- Jump up ↑ John Camden Hotten (ed.), The little London directory of 1677 (London, 1863), unpag., viewed 19/01/14
- Jump up ↑ John Camden Hotten (ed.), The little London directory of 1677 (London, 1863), unpag., viewed 14/01/14
- Jump up ↑ John Camden Hotten (ed.), The little London directory of 1677 (London, 1863), unpag., viewed 22/01/14
- Jump up ↑ John Camden Hotten (ed.), The little London directory of 1677 (London, 1863), unpag., viewed 22/01/14
- Jump up ↑ John Camden Hotten (ed.), The little London directory of 1677 (London, 1863), unpag., viewed 14/01/14
- Jump up ↑ John Camden Hotten (ed.), The little London directory of 1677 (London, 1863), unpag., viewed 14/01/14
- Jump up ↑ John Camden Hotten (ed.), The little London directory of 1677 (London, 1863), unpag., viewed 03/05/14
- Jump up ↑ John Camden Hotten (ed.), The little London directory of 1677 (London, 1863), unpag., viewed 14/01/14
- Jump up ↑ John Camden Hotten (ed.), The little London directory of 1677 (London, 1863), unpag., viewed 14/01/14
- Jump up ↑ John Camden Hotten (ed.), The little London directory of 1677 (London, 1863), unpag., viewed 12/02/14
- Jump up ↑ John Camden Hotten (ed.), The little London directory of 1677 (London, 1863), unpag., viewed 14/01/14
- Jump up ↑ John Camden Hotten (ed.), The little London directory of 1677 (London, 1863), unpag., viewed 19/01/14
- Jump up ↑ John Camden Hotten (ed.), The little London directory of 1677 (London, 1863), unpag., viewed 14/01/14
- Jump up ↑ John Camden Hotten (ed.), The little London directory of 1677 (London, 1863), unpag., viewed 14/01/14
- Jump up ↑ John Camden Hotten (ed.), The little London directory of 1677 (London, 1863), unpag., viewed 19/01/14
- Jump up ↑ John Camden Hotten (ed.), The little London directory of 1677 (London, 1863), unpag., viewed 19/01/14
- Jump up ↑ John Camden Hotten (ed.), The little London directory of 1677 (London, 1863), unpag., viewed 21/01/14
- Jump up ↑ John Camden Hotten (ed.), The little London directory of 1677 (London, 1863), unpag., viewed 19/01/14
- Jump up ↑ John Camden Hotten (ed.), The little London directory of 1677 (London, 1863), unpag., viewed 02/05/14
- Jump up ↑ John Camden Hotten (ed.), The little London directory of 1677 (London, 1863), unpag., viewed 29/04/14
- Jump up ↑ John Camden Hotten (ed.), The little London directory of 1677 (London, 1863), unpag., viewed 04/05/14
- Jump up ↑ John Camden Hotten (ed.), The little London directory of 1677 (London, 1863), unpag., viewed 04/05/14
- Jump up ↑ John Camden Hotten (ed.), The little London directory of 1677 (London, 1863), unpag., viewed 14/01/14
- Jump up ↑ John Camden Hotten (ed.), The little London directory of 1677 (London, 1863), unpag., viewed 22/01/14
- Jump up ↑ John Camden Hotten (ed.), The little London directory of 1677 (London, 1863), unpag., viewed 09/05/14
- Jump up ↑ John Camden Hotten (ed.), The little London directory of 1677 (London, 1863), unpag., viewed 08/05/14
- Jump up ↑ John Camden Hotten (ed.), The little London directory of 1677 (London, 1863), unpag., viewed 19/01/14
- Jump up ↑ John Camden Hotten (ed.), The little London directory of 1677 (London, 1863), unpag., viewed 22/01/14
- Jump up ↑ John Camden Hotten (ed.), The little London directory of 1677 (London, 1863), unpag., viewed 14/01/14
- Jump up ↑ John Camden Hotten (ed.), The little London directory of 1677 (London, 1863), unpag., viewed 23/01/14
- Jump up ↑ John Camden Hotten (ed.), The little London directory of 1677 (London, 1863), unpag., viewed 25/04/14
- Jump up ↑ John Camden Hotten (ed.), The little London directory of 1677 (London, 1863), unpag., viewed 21/01/14
- Jump up ↑ John Camden Hotten (ed.), The little London directory of 1677 (London, 1863), unpag., viewed 22/01/14
- Jump up ↑ John Camden Hotten (ed.), The little London directory of 1677 (London, 1863), unpag., viewed 22/01/14
- Jump up ↑ John Camden Hotten (ed.), The little London directory of 1677 (London, 1863), unpag., viewed 19/01/14
- Jump up ↑ John Camden Hotten (ed.), The little London directory of 1677 (London, 1863), unpag., viewed 15/04/14
- Jump up ↑ John Camden Hotten (ed.), The little London directory of 1677 (London, 1863), unpag., viewed 22/01/14
- Jump up ↑ John Camden Hotten (ed.), The little London directory of 1677 (London, 1863), unpag., viewed 19/01/14
- Jump up ↑ John Camden Hotten (ed.), The little London directory of 1677 (London, 1863), unpag., viewed 12/02/14
- Jump up ↑ John Camden Hotten (ed.), The little London directory of 1677 (London, 1863), unpag., viewed 12/02/14
- Jump up ↑ John Camden Hotten (ed.), The little London directory of 1677 (London, 1863), unpag., viewed 22/01/14
- Jump up ↑ John Camden Hotten (ed.), The little London directory of 1677 (London, 1863), unpag., viewed 22/01/14
- Jump up ↑ John Camden Hotten (ed.), The little London directory of 1677 (London, 1863), unpag., viewed 21/01/14
- Jump up ↑ John Camden Hotten (ed.), The little London directory of 1677 (London, 1863), unpag., viewed 14/01/14
- Jump up ↑ John Camden Hotten (ed.), The little London directory of 1677 (London, 1863), unpag., viewed 10/05/14
- Jump up ↑ John Camden Hotten (ed.), The little London directory of 1677 (London, 1863), unpag., viewed 09/05/14
- Jump up ↑ John Camden Hotten (ed.), The little London directory of 1677 (London, 1863), unpag., viewed 22/01/14
- Jump up ↑ John Camden Hotten (ed.), The little London directory of 1677 (London, 1863), unpag., viewed 22/01/14
- Jump up ↑ John Camden Hotten (ed.), The little London directory of 1677 (London, 1863), unpag., viewed 19/01/14
- Jump up ↑ [h John Camden Hotten (ed.), The little London directory of 1677 (London, 1863), unpag.,] viewed 22/01/14
- Jump up ↑ John Camden Hotten (ed.), The little London directory of 1677 (London, 1863), unpag., viewed 19/01/14
- Jump up ↑ John Camden Hotten (ed.), The little London directory of 1677 (London, 1863), unpag., viewed 28/04/14
- Jump up ↑ John Camden Hotten (ed.), The little London directory of 1677 (London, 1863), unpag., viewed 14/01/14
- Jump up ↑ John Camden Hotten (ed.), The little London directory of 1677 (London, 1863), unpag., viewed 21/01/14
- Jump up ↑ John Camden Hotten (ed.), The little London directory of 1677 (London, 1863), unpag., viewed 14/01/14
- Jump up ↑ John Camden Hotten (ed.), The little London directory of 1677 (London, 1863), unpag., viewed 02/05/14
- Jump up ↑ John Camden Hotten (ed.), The little London directory of 1677 (London, 1863), unpag., viewed 14/01/14
- Jump up ↑ John Camden Hotten (ed.), The little London directory of 1677 (London, 1863), unpag., viewed 23/01/14
- Jump up ↑ John Camden Hotten (ed.), The little London directory of 1677 (London, 1863), unpag., viewed 26/03/14
- Jump up ↑ John Camden Hotten (ed.), The little London directory of 1677 (London, 1863), unpag., viewed 14/01/14
- Jump up ↑ John Camden Hotten (ed.), The little London directory of 1677 (London, 1863), unpag., viewed 22/01/14
- Jump up ↑ John Camden Hotten (ed.), The little London directory of 1677 (London, 1863), unpag., viewed 15/04/14
- Jump up ↑ John Camden Hotten (ed.), The little London directory of 1677 (London, 1863), unpag., viewed 15/04/14