HCA 13/71 f.207v Annotate
Volume | HCA 13/71 |
Folio | 207 |
Side | Verso |
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IMAGE: P1130573.JPG | |
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Colin Greenstreet | |
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2012/11/28 | |
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Edited on 15/05/2014 by Colin Greenstreet |
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Request who heard of this Rendents late comeing from the Canaries, hee [?pXX GUTTER]
[XXX] to sett forth; And otherwise negatively
To the .2. 3. 4 and 5th Interrogatories he answereth negatively.
To the Interrogatories. 2. loco [CENTRE HEADING.]
To the 6th Interrogatory he cannot depose.
To the 7th Interrogatory. he saith the news of the difference betweene England
and Spaine, and the Embargo aforesayd came to the Canaries in October
1655 last past. And saith there were some English shipps (whose factors
made noe diligence to have them receyved) which coming to the Canaries
after the sayd Embargo returned home for England empty, but how
many knoweth not. And some shipps he saith att the first after this
Embargo could not be admitted to be laden though diligence were used, but
after the middle of November every factor that did endeavour it did
procure license ánd dispatches for free lading. And this Rendent
came home for England in the sayd shipp Elizabeth of London [?which GUTTER]
he had laden as aforesayd. And further or otherwise ćannot answer[?e GUTTER]
To the 7th. (sic) he saith he for his part ćannot otherwise than negatively
Repeated before doctor Godolphin
The xiijth day of May 1656.
Examined upon the sayd Libell
Richard Owen of London merchant áged twenty five yeares
or thereabouts sworne ánd examined saith.
To the first second, third fourth, fifth sixth and seventh articles of the sayd
Libell This deponent saith, That being here in London in the moneth
of September 1655. last past, and being then resolved upon a voyage
for the Canaries, The arlate fferdinando Body did acquaint this
deponent that he had taken to freight a certayne shipp named the
Little Mary (being as he conceyveth and beleiveth the shipp arlate
one George Do[?mes] being master, And that one White had putt in [?another GUTTER]
Master, upon a voyage from this Port to Waxford (whither the sayd
shipp as he then told this deponent was gone) there to take in a
Lading of herings, beefe ánd pipe staves, and to transport the same
to the Canaries, where she was to deliver the same to one Mr St[?ephens GUTTER]
and by him or his meanes to be reladen with wynes for England
she being to returne to this Port. And the sayd Body gave this
deponent (who was to lade another shipp for him att the Canaries) orders
and directions to be assistant to and in the disposing of the goods the
sayd shipp Little Mary should bring thither as occasion should [?require GUTTER]
And saith that he this deponent after his arrivall att the Canaries did
expect the sayd shipp Little Maryes comeing thither, but shee came not
howbeit this deponent then and there heard, that one Joy Master of a
shipp that came from Ireland, and was departed from the Canaries before
this deponents arrivall there (which was in November 1655. Last past)
brought and left newes touching the sayd Little Mary that shee was [?laded GUTTER]
in Ireland before his the sayd Joyes comeing from thense and that
she was to come to the Canaries, upon all which grounds this deponent