HCA 13/70 f.153r Annotate
Volume | HCA 13/70 |
Folio | 153 |
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Colin Greenstreet | |
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2014/09/08 |
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board the said shipp the Thomas Bonadventure in the Voyage in question
were taken into the said shipp by the number of baggs or sacks and not
by weight, Which hee knoweth for that hee this deponent toke an accompt
of all the said shipps lading both at the taking in and at the discharge
of the same, And further cannot depose, saving hee this deponent never heard
neither doeth hee beleeve that the said Merchandizes were ever weighed
[?XXX] or in the presence of the said Captaine George hughes.
To the 18th hee saith, That in or about the moneth of September 1652:-
last past the said George hughes (by order and direction of the said
Richard Chowne' as this deponent beeeveth) did at Porta fferrara aforesaid
unlade and deliver into the Storehouse called the Lazaretta predeposed
four hundred eightie and nyne sacks of Galls or thereabouts, and three
hundred and nine sacks of Cotton wooll or thereabouts being all the goods
putt on board the said shipp the Thomas Bonadventure in the Voyage in
question by the factors and Agents and for the accompt of the arlate
Alderman frederick Chewne and Companie. The premisses hee knoweth for
that hee this deponent entred the said goods into a booke when the same were
laden, and toke especiall notice of the same both at the Lading and unlading
thereof. And further cannot depose./
To the 19th hee saith, That in case the said goods so delivered at Porta fferara
as aforesaid, did remaine for some moneths indisposed off (as this deponent
hath bin informed they did) the same was as this examinate beleeveth for
want of payment of freight for the same, for that this deponent saw and
observed That other goods delivered out of the said shipp at Porta fferara
were forthwith received by Merchants, which as hee beleeveth payd the
freight due for the same. And further cannot depose:-/
To the 20th hee saith hee knoweth nothing thereof./:-
To the 21. hee saith hee knoweth nothing of the Alliance arlate nor of the
Consortshipp betwixt the said fowkes and Chewne interrate, And further
cannot depose, saving that the said Richard Chewne hath been and is accompted the
chief mannager of the negotiation of the said Alderman frederick and
Companie at Aleppo and Ciprus./
To the 22th hee saith hee knoweth nothing thereof./
To the last hee saith his foregoeing deposition is true./
To the Crosse Interrogatories in december 14 .1654: [CENTRE HEADING]
To the first hee saith hee this rendent was Boateswaine of the said
shipp the Thomas Bonadventure interrate during the Voyage in
question, and so continued till and after the delivery of the goods interrate at
Porta fferrara, and hath received all his wages for that Voyage, and beleeveth
all the rest of the said shipps Companie are also paid their wages, which
they received here at London from and by the said George hughes their Captaine
save onely some part thereof which they had formerly received at Porta