HCA 13/72 f.85r Annotate

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HCA 13/72 f.85r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


To the Interrogatories hee saith that hee this deponent hath
five sixteenth parts both in the sayd Interrogate and her ladeing
and saith hee hath not seene the sayd shipp nor her ladeing
since her rescue and being brought to Scarborough and therefore
cannot further answere to this Interrogatorie./

Repeated before doctor Godolphin/

=Thomas Wilde [SIGNATURE, RH SIDE]


Upon the 3d day if August 1657: [CENTRE HEADING]

Touching the sale of the}
Golden ffox: to Mr Peter}
Vandeput and Mr Luke Luce}

Appeared personally John de vos of the parish of Saint
Buttolphs Algate London Mariner aged 52 yeeres or
thereabouts and made oath upon the holy Evangelists, That
hee the said John de Vos, was and is Master of a certaine ship
called the Golden ffox, of London, and that by the particular, and
Expresse order, and authority of Gaspar Van Cullen, Jernonimo
Van Cullen, and John Tilly, Merchants, (whoe were the true and
sole owners of the said shipp) derived unto and given unto him
for sale of the said shipp her tackle, apparrell, and furniture, hee
hath by bill of salê, signed, and seale, by him the said John da Vos
and by him delivered as his Act and deed, and duely executed
(which bill of sale, beareth date, the thirtyeth day of July 1657) for and
in consideration of the summe of 1400 li of good and Lawfull mony
of England, really and truely sold the said shipp, and her tackle
Apparrell, and furniture, unto Peter Vandeputt and Lucas Lucy
of London Merchants, whoe were and are subjects of the
Commonwealth of England, and for such commonly accompted
and that the said summe of 1400 li hath bin really, and truely
payd, and satisfyed unto him the said John de Vos, for the
use of the said Gasp, and Jeronimo Van Cullen, and John
Tilly, and that the said Peter Vandeput and Lucas Lucy, are
the sole owners of the said shipp, and her tackle and furniture
and hee the said John de vos, did {sh}ewe the said Bill of sale
and prayed that the same may be Registred; and that the same
and this his deposition may be Exemply{fy}ed:/: