HCA 13/71 f.336r Annotate

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HCA 13/71 f.336r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


frequently urging and with reasons perswading the said Bowles to
proceede, who as aforesaid from time to time put off his proceeding
with excuses, and did not proceede till about the middle of March
next following the said moneth of September 1653; to all which
premisses, this deponent was privie and specially acquainted and
tooke notice thereof, living in dover and frequently consorting with
the said Lanson and Bowles.



The first day of September 1656.

On the behalfe of ffrancis
Thysen of London Merchant

John Jacobson of fflushing in Zealand Mariner
aged 26 yeeres or therabouts sworne before the right
worshipfull William fforth doctor of lawes Surrogate of
the Judges of the Admiraltie duely appointed, saith
and deposeth by vertue of his oath.

That the good shipp called the Unitie (lately belonging to
fflushing) was lately by him this deponent her master really
and bona fida sold to ffrancis Tys[?e]n of this citie of London
Marchant, for the summe of three hundred and sixtie pounds
sterling, whereof the said Mr Tysen hath really paid an hundred
pounds sterling in hand to this deponent, and is to pay the
rest within three monethes, and soe hee saith the said Mr Tysen
was and is the sole owner of the said shipp tackle and furniture
having soe bought her for his owne account: And further that
the said Mr Tysen having bought the said shipp as aforesaid
hath againe constituted this deponent master of her, and destined
her in a voyage for Bourdeaux, whether this deponent
is shortly to proceede with her, and by Gods permission
to retourne with her to this port and that
of the said Mr Tysen, hath and above the said summe
of three hundred and sixtie pounds contracted to pay to this
deponent the summe of fourtie pounds sterling, in consideration
of which fourtie pounds this deponent is to victuall
and provide mariners and pay them himselfe, and to pay
himselfe alsoe, and the said Mr Tysen not to be at any other
or more charges for the said voyage.