HCA 13/71 f.411v Annotate

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HCA 13/71 f.411v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


The 15th of November 1656

On the behalf of Antonio}
Rodrigo Robles and others.}
touching the casting away of the}

Rp. 1.

Robert Gale of London Merchant aged 40 yeeres or
thereabouts sworne before the right Worshipfull John
Godolphin Doctor of lawes one of the Judges of the
high Court of the Admiraltie, saith and deposeth
by vertue of his oath.

That the shipp Blackboy of London (whereof John Paine was Master) and whereof
hee this deponent and others were owners, was about a fortnight since, namely
on or about the fourth of the present moneth of November, (as this
deponent hath bin credibly informed by letters) cast away at Brooke in the Ile of Wight
together with her lading of wines belonging to Mr Antonio Rodrigo
Robles and others, and that as hee hath bin likewise informed some of
the said shipps cables anchors and guns and other materialls and appurtrnances
as alsoe a good part of her lading of wines were and are preserved
and saved; And further that as hee hath bin credibly informed and
beleeveth the whole lading of the said wines were belonging to the said
Robles and company, and hee the rather is induced soe to beleeveth because
the said Antonio Rodrigo Robles freighted the said shipp of this deponent
for a voyage to the Canaries, and laded her outwards, and that in her
retourne thence for London shee was cast away as aforesaid.



The same day [CENTRE HEADING]

Rp. 2.

Thomas Sneath of London Merchant aged 22 yeers or
thereabouts sworne and examined as aforesaid, saith and

That Master Antonio Rodrigo Robles of London Merchant about
six moneths since freighted the shipp the Blackboy of London (?John GUTTER]
Paine master) of Master Robert Galvher owner for a voyage to be
made therewith to the Canarie Ilands and thence to retourne to this
with wines, this deponent being acquainted with such affreightment
And saith that the said Mr Robles laded her outwards on the said voyage
and that on her retourne, namely on or about the fourth of this instant
moneth of November, shee the said shipp with her lading of wine
were cast away at Brooke in the Ile of Wight; and further that
about 80 pipes of the said wines are saved, and some anchors, guns
ropes and sailes of the said shipp are alsoe saved, All which hee
knoweth for that hee this deponent hath bin lately downe at
Brooke aforesaid, and hath seen and taken notice thereof. And
lastly that the said Robert Gale and company were and are owners
of the said shipp, tackle, furniture, and Guns, and the said Robles
and company owners of the said wines.

Thomas Sneath [SIGNATURE, RH SIDE]