HCA 13/71 f.44r Annotate

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HCA 13/71 f.44r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


Hubbart for the barrill of marchandise aforesaid./

To the 12th hee referreth himselfe to his forgoeing deponent to the Invoyce
or factories and bill of ladeing predeposed, And further
cannot depose./

To the 15th article of the said Allegation hee saith, That the barrill of beaver and
other skinns predeposed to be sent in the said shipp. and consigned to the said
Ashurst and the barrill skinns to this deponent by the said Hubbart (the beaver
skinns being then taken out and the other skinns disposed off by the said
Hubbart hath hee delivered to this deponent was and is one and the same barrill and not different at also the
goods therein conteyned ˹as this deponent did in conscience beleeveth˺ this deponent having as a foresaid twice told the said beaver
skinns and compared the marke and number upon the said barrill with the
marke and number in the said Invoyce and bill of lading sett downe
And further cannot depose/

To the rest hee is not examined by direction of the producent./

[Thomius] H Glover [SIGNATURE RH SIDE]


3 ./

The first of April 1656 examined upon the said Allegation

John Cutting of Newbury of New England Mariner a
Master of the shipp the Johns Adventure aged 63 yeares
or thereabouts a wittnes sworne and examined saith as
followeth videlicet./

To the first article of the said Allegation shee saith that the arlate Jacob
Sheafé of Boston in New England Marchant hath for about seaven yeares
last past had and hold correspondence in the way of marchandising with the
arlate Henry Ashurst of London Marchant of this deponent certaine knowledge
for that this deponent for all that time hath transported goods and marchandises to
and from New England between the said marchants to barby then mutually
disposed of each for others accompt: And further cannot depose/

To the 2th article hee saith that in the moneth of december 1655 last past
the arlate Jacob Sheafé at or neere Boston in New England did lade or
cause to be laden ˹aboard the deponents shipp the Johns Adventure one barrill of beaver and other skinns marked with the
marke in the margent and consigned the same to the said Henry Ashurst


his correspondant here in London to be disposed of for that the accompt and benefit of the
said Jacob Sheafé, The premisses hee knoweth for that this deponents content
Henry Browne Masters Mate of the said shipp [?recieved] the said barrill of
beaver aboard the said shipp and take a note of it of whom recieved and to whom
consigned by which who this deponent at or neere Boston aforesaid times three
bills of lading all of one tonother to the use of the said Jacob Sheafé for the said
barrill of beaver and other goods and marchandising to him belonging: and alsoe
for that this deponent entred under the said marke in his booke, and agreed with the said Sheafé for the
freight payable for the transport thereof into England. And further cannot

To the third article and schedule annexed hee saith, That hee this deponent brought in his said shipp
from New England a letter of advice from the said Jacob Sheafe to the said
Henry Ashurst, which letter this deponent comeing to the Gore neere the coast of
England was sent up by the coast to London together with the other Marchants letters
and beleeveth the schedule arlate being an Invoyce of the said barrill and
goods therein conteyned was intended in the said letter and saith that both by the
marke in the margent thereof, and also by the usuall character and firme
of the said Jacob Sheafé well knowne to this deponent by about 16 yeares
acquaintance with the said Sheafe, this deponent fully convinced and assured


Primary sources



ADM 106/489/282 Navy Board: Records. IN-LETTERS. Miscellaneous. Francis Hosier, Storekeeper, Deptford. Lists the New England oak plank sent into the stores by Sir Henry Ashurst and Sir Stephen Evans. 29 July 1696