HCA 13/72 f.91v Annotate

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HCA 13/72 f.91v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


The 12th of October 1657.

On behalfe of the Assurers
in the Peter.

Daniel Edwards of London Merchant, aged 42 yeeres or
thereabouts sworne before the right worshipfull John Godolphin
Doctor of Lawes, one of the Judges of the high Court
of the Admiraltie and examined upon Interrogatories ministred
on the behalfe of humphrey holcombe and concerning a losse
in the Saint Peter, saith as followeth.

To the first and second Interrogatories and to the letter therein mentioned now
showd unto him, hee saith and deposeth That hee well knoweth
and owneth the said letter, and perceiveth by a note (written with his owne
hand) on the back of the same, that hee this examinate (to whom the
same was directed and sent) gave answer thereunto upon the second
day of May 1656, and saith hee received the said letter on the same
second day of May 1656, and presently after receiving thereof writ his said answer And saith that some few dayes after the
receipt of the said letter hee this deponent did upon the exchange
publish and say that some shipps were taken in their voyages from
Smirna to Venice by the Tripoli man of Warr, and
that such his declaration was then made, and that hee showed the said letter to Captaine
Thomas Roberts and mr Philipp ffarewell, but to whom els or the
precise time hee doth not remember./

Repeated before Doctor Godolphin.

p mr Daniell Edwards [SIGNATURE, RH SIDE]


The 14th of October 1657.

Touching the Little

Paul Heyn of Christiansand in Norway Mariner
Master of the shipp called the Little Lyon now of London,
aged 43 yeares or thereabouts and Thomas hanson of the same Mariner, Stiersman
of the same vessell aged 24 yeares or thereabouts
sworne before the right Worshipfull John Godolphin
Doctor of Lawes, one of the Judges of the high court
of the Admiraltie saith and depose respectively

That the said shipp the Little Lyon is now an English shipp
and belonging to this port of London, and that Caleb veren
of the parish of Saint Saviours in Southwarke Merchant,
Robert Walker of the same parish Marchant, Pha[XXXXX ffXXXXXXX]
Citizen and Grocer of London, and Anthony Rowles of London
Pewterer, all English men and subiects of this Commonwealth
are the true, lawfull and reall owners of the said shipp, tackle, ap[urtenances GUTTER]
and furniture, and bought the same about a fortnight of this XX
since for a valewable summe of money of this deponent
Paul Heyn who had Sufficient authoritie and power to sell
her unto them.

Thomas hansson [SIGNATURE, RH SIDE]

The marke of Paul [MARKE] heyn [MARKE, RH SIDE]



Humphrey Holcombe

Caleb Veren/Veron

  • "Lawrentius Cruitsen" of Larwick in Norway, mariner, aged 48, deposed in 1667 that he was Master of the Norway merchant, and that the ship "before the war" used to bring deales and timbers from Norway for Caleb Veren and Robert Walker. Veren and Walker are described as "wood merchants", both known to Cruitsen for the last sixteen years. Cruitsen states that they have "driven a trade and commerce from this port of London to the parts of Norway, and to be Englishmen, and subiects of his Majesty of England"[1]

  • The deponent Bow Berickson of Larwick in Norway, Master of the Angell Gabriell, stated in his deposition that he had known Caleb Veren for thirty years and Robert Walker for twelve or fourteen years[2]

  • The deponent Bow Bartelson of Larwick in Norway, aged 47, stated in his deposition that Veren and Walker were wood merchants and "considerable traders in Commodetyes of y:e Growth of Norway"[3]


    Primary sources


  • "1653. March 11. Council of State. Day's Proceedings.

1, 12. The petitions of Wm. Warren and Caleb Veren ; and of Fras. Habinica, referred to the Admiralty Committee."[4]

Caleb Veren/Veron

London Metropolitan Archives

(Formerly City of London Corporation Record Office)

Corporation of London Records Office: Orphans' Inventories CLA/002/02 c.1600-1773: Rolled Inventories CLA/002/02/01 c.1600-1760: Veren, Caleb, citizen and haberdasher CLA/002/02/01/1055 1662 - 1677[5]



C 6/28/68 Short title: Rich v Veren. Plaintiffs: Peter Rich. Defendants: Caleb Veren. Subject: money matters, Middlesex. Document type: answer only. 1666

C 6/214/51 Short title: Michells v Hickman. Plaintiffs: Hannah Michells and Robert Niblett. Defendants: William Hickman and Katherine Veren widow. Subject: property in Southwark, Surrey. Document type: bill, two answers, schedule. 1675

QUESTION: Does the property refer to Caleb Veren's (and ?Robert Walker's) presumed timber yard in Southwarke?

C 10/166/66 Susannah Lesquire widow and Scipio Lesquire v Sir John Trevor knight, Caleb Veren and Elizabeth Lesquire widow: personal estate of Scipio Lesquire, deceased, Middlesex. Bill and four answers. 1672


PROB 11/153/353 Will of Richard Veron, Haberdasher of Christ Church, City of London. 24 March 1628

PROB 11/347/128 Will of Caleb Veren, Haberdasher of Saint Mary Magdalen Bermondsey, Surrey. 03 February 1675

PROB 11/454/66 Will of Katherine or Catherina Veren, Widow of Saint Mary Magdalen Bermondsey, Surrey. 09 January 1700

Humphrey Holcombe

PROB 11/420/265 Will of Humphrey Holcombe, Merchant of London. 05 June 1694

Robert Walker

PROB 11/341/284 Will of Robert Walker, Merchant of Saint Mary Magdalene Bermondsey, Surrey. 21 February 1673

- Probably the will of Caleb Veren's partner in the importing of Norwegian timber

Phillipp ffarewell

PROB 11/402/122 Will of Phillipp Farewell, Mariner of Saint Paul Shadwell, Middlesex. 12 November 1690

Secondary sources

Tveite, Stein, Engelsk-norsk Trelasthandel, 1640-1710: With an English Summary (XXXX, 1961)

- English/Norwegian timber trade in mid to late C17th
  1. Jump up HCA 13/76, f.291r
  2. Jump up HCA 13/76, f.293v
  3. Jump up HCA 13/76, f.293v
  4. Jump up Mary Anne Everett Green (ed.), CSPD, 1652-53 London, 1878)., p.209
  5. Jump up LMA: Veren, Caleb, citizen and haberdasher CLA/002/02/01/1055 1662 - 1677