HCA 13/73 f.74v Annotate

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HCA 13/73 f.74v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


The 25th of ffebruary 1658.

The claime of the said Pallavicino)
in the Saint Laurence.)

Examined on the foresaid allegation.


John Nansan of London Merchant aged 30 yeeres
or thereabouts sworne and examined.

To the first , second and third articles of the said allegation hee saith
and deposeth that hee well knoweth the producent Stephano
Pallavicino and hath soe donne for theise tenn yeares last, for
seaven of which yeares this deponent lived in Genua the place of the said
producents residence and well knew him and was acquainted with him
there all the said space, and had much doinge and dealing with him the said
producent being there a merchant of great account and commerce
And saith the said producent was and is one of the Nobilitie or Patritij
and one of the principall persons of the said citie and State, and is commonly
reputed a Native there, and was lately one of the senartors there, that
office being there temporary and changeable on the end of a yeere or
two, and for and as such as aforesaid, and a subiect of the Republique
hee the said Stephano Pallavicino was and is commonly accompted
and reputed, and the same was and is a greate dealer in merchandize
betweene Genua and Spaine, using to send great quantities of
silkes and other commodities from Genua, and to have the retournes
thereof from Spaine in silver, and one that hath great Parti?das and
dealings with the king of Spaine, by furnishing the officers and
Garrisons of the king of Spaine in Millain and Naples, and having
retournes thereof made by way of exchange from Spaine, and in silver at great profit.
And further hee cannot depose.

Upon the other articles not examined by direction.

To the Interrogatories [CENTRE HEADING]

To the first hee saith hee was by mr Nevill (undersytanding that this
deponent had lived at Genua) requested to come hether and testifie what
hee knew concerning the said producent, and otherwise negatively

To the second hee saith hee was in the Republique of Genua about two
yeares since, but it is three yeares since hee last lived there, and then
saw the said producent there, and saith hee doth not know the father
or mother of the said producent, (who is about 50 yeeres of age)
but beleeveth them to be dead, and that this deponent hath often received
money by his order and hath had much other dealing with him by bills
of exchange. And otherwise saving as aforesaid hee cannot answer.

To the third hee saith hee knoweth Carrolo Pallavicino who is brother
of the said Stephano, and is alsoe a person of greate qualitie and dealing
but hee doth not know any other person called Stephano Pallavicino but
the foresaid person by him soe deposed of, who when this deponent soe came
from genua had his house neare the Cathedral church there. And
otherwise hee cannot answer, saving as aforesaid.

To the 4th hee cannot answer otherwise than as aforesaid.

To the 5 and 6 hee cannot answer, saving negatively for his part/.

To the last hee hath not soe deposed.

Repeated before doctor Godolphin.