HCA 13/71 f.615r Annotate
Volume | HCA 13/71 |
Folio | 615 |
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IMAGE: P1140479.JPG | |
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Colin Greenstreet | |
First transcribed | |
2013/01/21 | |
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Edited on 05/08/2014 by Colin Greenstreet |
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(and at present ought to be) the owners and proprietors of the
shipp the Lyon and Providense and of her tackle and furniture and
for such commonly accounted, and saith that about thirteene monethes
since the said shipp was victualled and set out from this port on a
voyage to be made to Guiney, thence to the East Indies, and soe to
retourne to this port on a trading voyage, and that the said
Alderman William Thomson and Maurice Thomson tooke an hundred
and fiftie tonnes of the said shipp to freight for the said voyage, and
did in this port before such here proceeding lade and put on board her
in and upon their said tonnage a good quantitie of marchandizes consisting
in Silesia linnen, iron, knives, and other commodities, to be on the
coast of Guiney bartered away for gold, and the most part thereof
were bartered away accordingly upon such the said ships arivall on the
said coast, all which hee knoweth proceeding hense in the said shipp and
ariving on the said coast in her hee being Purser of her.
To the third árticle hee saith and deposeth that within the said time
after such arivall of the said shipp the said voyage at Cormantine
on the coast of Guiney the factors of the said Alderman william
Thomson and Maurice Thomson upon such barter as aforesaid got
and received aboard her to and for the use and account of the said Alderman
and Morrise Thomson ninetie one markes and some odd angles of
Guiney Gold, which hee knoweth because hee sawe the same, and afterwards
there was more gold received aboard for their account, but this deponent
did not take notice of the particular quantitie thereof. And saith
the said factors were in the quiet and peaseable possession of the
said gold aboard the said shipp to the use aforesaid of Alderman and
Morrise Thomson, on the high and open sea, and soe continued
till and unto the said shipps arivall at Cape lopez or Cape de
Lope Gonsalves, and untill the [?sXXXXXX] hereunder mentioned,
which gold hee saith was intended for the parts of East India,
there to be invested in goods of those parts for the same account, which
hee knoweth, being aboard, and Purser of the said shipp, and
taking notice of the premisses.
To the fourth article hee saith and deposeth that there was a
parcell of gold taken and received aboard the said shipp for the
said account of James Bridgeman, Thomas Preston and company
at Cormantine aforesaid, but the quantitie thereof hee did not
take notice of, the same being received by the Captain of the
shipp, who kept account thereof.
To the fifth hee saith that over and besides the gold aforesaid
the arlate Lionell Skinner had and received alsoe a parcell
of gold aboard the said shipp for account of him selfe and friends
which with the said gold of the said Bridgeman and company was alsoe
to be carried to the parts of East India, and there to be invested in
Merchandizes for this port.
To the 6th hee saith hee this exáminate had at the said time and
place aboard the said shipp an private adventure in golds and goods for