HCA 13/71 f.141r Annotate

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HCA 13/71 f.141r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


The 22th of Aprill 1656.

On the behalfe of James Long and}
Companie touching the vessell the}
Plaine Dealing of Bristoll, in}
a businesse of Assurance.}

Rp. .j.

Walter Craxton of the parish of Saint
Mary at Hill London Scrivener, aged
45 yeares or thereabouts sworne in the
High Court of the Admiraltie and examined
upon an Interrogatorie as witness on the behalfe
of the said James Longe videlicet as followeth

[LH MARGIN] Received back this bill of
sale 12th of May 1656.
[LH MARGIN] witnes.

To the said Interrogatory hee saith and deposeth that hee this deponent
was present and did see the bill of sale annexed to the said Interroga=
terie signed and sealed by William ffreeman therein mentioned, and by
him delivered to William Bruning therein alsoe named, and saith
the contents thereof were and are true and soe had and donne as
therein is mentioned, which hee knoweth because hee this deponent
was by the said parties made acquainted with the said contract and
tooke instructions from them for drawing up of the said bill of sale,
and the same here being finished, and being soe signed sealed and delivered
by the said ffreeman, and this deponent set his name on the
back thereof as a witnes as nowe appeareth

Walter Craxton: [SIGNATURE, RH SIDE]


The 29th of Aprill 1656

Exámined upon the Libell

Mitchell against the Harry of}
London and against Mathew}

Rp. .jus

William Metcalfe of London Merchant aged 31 yeares
or thereabouts a wittnes sworne and examined saith and
deposeth as followeth videlicet

To the first and second articles of the sayd libell hee saith that hee this deponent
being a Marchant liveing sometyme in house with the arlate henry Mitchell at
Aleppo and having much converse and dealings with him in his life tyme for
many yeares togeather thereby became very well acquainted with the hand
writeing of the sayd henry Mitchell and being at Legorne in the yeare Month
of March 1654 old style and imployed by Mr Phillip Mitchell the broker
and Assigne of the sayd henry Mitchell deceased to looke over certayne
papers belonging to the sayd henry Mitchell deceased hee this deponent did
amongst other things received from Mr Charles Longland and Company factors
in Legorne to and for the sayd deceased henry Mitchell a certayne Imbayling or factory booke
wherein was entered with the hand writing of the sayd henry Mitchell
and one Mr Gabriell Roberts who was an assistant to the sayd henry Mitchell
in his merchandizeing affayres that the sayd henry Mitchell had sent
and caused to be sent in and about the moneth of January 1647 to Scanderoone
thirty nyne bayles and two faugotts of silke tenn of which 39 bales are
in the sayd books entered with the hand writing of the sayd henry Mitchell to be
as to bee Legee silke and sent to Scanderoone aforesayd the sixth day of January 1647 under
his marke in the margent and numbered from one to tenn and in the sayd
booke there is writt with the hand of the sayd Mr henry Mitchell against numbers
1: 2: 3 these words (Mr Spurstowe and against Numbers: 4: 5: 6: 7: 8 these words
Tinn farmers


Primary sources



PROB 11/379/519 Will of William Metcalfe, Merchant Taylor of London 16 April 1685