HCA 13/72 f.469v Annotate
Volume | HCA 13/72 |
Folio | 469 |
Side | Verso |
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Colin Greenstreet | |
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2013/11/21 |
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The 6th of August 1658./
A buisinesse of Examination of Wittnesses on the}
behalfe of Antonio fernandez Carvajal of}
London Merchant concerning two hundred twenty}
two Chests of sugar, one hundred and thirteene}
baggs of shumack and forty Rolls of Tobacco laden}
on board the shipp the New England Merchant}
whereof William Parish was Master at}
Porto Porto in Portugall and there afterwards}
seized upon by the Officers there and unladen}
out of her againe Smith}
Examined upon an
Allegation exhibited
in the high Court of
Admiraltie of England
on the behalfe of the sayd
Antonio fernandez Caravajal
dt Smith [X] Carvajal./
Richard Bogan of London Merchant
aged 40. yeares or thereabouts a Wittnesse
produced sworne and examined saieth as followeth
To the first and second articles of the said Allegation hee
saieth, That in or about the latter end of the moneth of
december, or the beginning of the moneth of January 1657
last past according to the style at England the arlate Antonio fernandez Carvajal did (as this deponent hath credibly heard) hire
and take to freight a shipp called the New England Merchant
in those articles mentioned, to saile from this Port of London to
the Port of Dartmouth, and there to take in a loadeing of fish,
and that the said shipp
did accordingly arrive in safety at the said Port of Dartmouth
at which place this deponent well knoweth that certaine quantitys
of drie New-found Land fish amounting to two thousand
quintalls or thereabouts of such fish having about the time aforesaid beene bought of this deponent
were actually laden and putt on board the said shipp, for which the said
quantity of fish the said Anthonio ffernandez Carvajal
did himselfe or his Assignes effectually pay or cause to be
payd to this deponent the summe of One Thousand and fifty pounds sterling
or thereabouts. Which is all that this deponent saieth to theise
To the rest not examined
Repeated before dorctor Godolphin./
Richard Bogan [SIGNATURE, RH SIDE]
The same day examined upon the said Allegation./
Abraham Rutter of the parish of Saint G[abriel]
ffenchurch London Merchant aged 35. yeares
or thereabouts, a Wittnesse produced sworne and
examined saieth as followeth to witt
(To the first
Richard Bogan
"[Die Martis, videlicet, 12 die Januarii.]
Bogans qualify for Naturalization.
Memorandum, This Day, before the Second Reading of the Bill for Naturalizing Richard Bogan, Christopher Bogan, Ester Bogan, and Magdalin Bogan, the said Ester and Magdalin did take the Oath of Supremacy and Allegiance, at the End of the Wool-sack where the Lord Keeper sits, in the Presence of the Speaker; the Clerk of the Parliaments reading the Oaths.
Certificates concerning Richard and Christopher Bogans:
Upon Search made, I find that one Richard Bogan did heretofore take the Oath of Supremacy and Allegiance to His Majesty, before me, this being the 7th Day of January 1640.
"John Page."
Richard Bogan, of London, Merchant, maketh Oath, That Christopher Bogan, one of this Deponent's Sons, is now residing in the Kingdom of France, and is under the Age of Eighteen Years.
Jurat. 11 die Januarii, 1640.
"John Page."
These are to certify, That Ester Bogan and Maudalin Bogan, both Daughters of Mr. Richard Bogan, in the Parish of St. Peter's Broad-street, did receive the Communion on Christmas-day last, which was the last Communion we had in the foresaid Parish, and have ordinarily received the same every Month since their coming into the said Parish. In Testimony whereof, I have hereunto subscribed my Name, 12 Januarii, 1640.
"Tho. Warren, Curat. ibid."[1]
"...ITEM I give to my very loving friend M:r Richard Bogan junior now at Pisa ten pounds...ITEM I give to my Cousen Robert Sainthill and his wife and my cousin Nicholas Penning M:r Henry Ryley M:r Richard Bogan junior and divers others not here named such legacies as are in that Will designed them"[2]
Primary sources
PROB 11/211/855 Will of Richard Bogan, Merchant of London. 26 April 1650