HCA 13/73 f.69r Annotate
Volume | HCA 13/73 |
Folio | 69 |
Side | Recto |
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Colin Greenstreet | |
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2013/08/11 | |
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Edited on 08/02/2018 by Colin Greenstreet |
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A business of examining of witnesses on the)
behalfe of Maurice Thompson, Thomas Canham)
Christofer Willoughby John Page and others,)
Merchants of London, freighters of the shipp
the Jonathan, against the Dutch East India)
Company in particular and all others in generall)
The 11th of ffeburary 1658
Examined upon an allegation given in on the
behalf of the said Mr Thompson and others
henry Dacres of London Marchant aged
34 yeeres or thereabouts sworne in the said
Court of the Admiraltie of England, saith and
deposeth as followth videlicet.
To the fifth article of the said allegation hee saith and deposeth that hee well
knoweth all the producents videlicet Maurice Thompson Thomas
Canham, Cristofer Willoughby, John Page and company arlate and saith
they were the monethes arlate of the yeere 1656 freighters and Imployers
of the said shipp the Jonathan and sent her out from this port on a
trading voyage for severall parts and places of the East India's, and
there to retourne for England on and for their proper account
which hee knoweth for that hee was acquainted with and present at
such affreightment, and went supra cargo in the said shipp the said voyage
in the service and imployment of the said producents.
To the second article hee saith that within the foresaid time namely in
and about the moneth of January 1656 the said shipp the Jonathan
being in the parts of the East Indias and quietly trading there had aboard her
greate quantities of goods and merchandizes for the use and account of the
said Maurice Thompson and company aforesaid which she had taken in
on the coast of Coromandel and which they were carrying to Bantam,
for which place of Bantam alone the said goods were proper and not for
any other part or place thereabouts to be bartered away, and were
purposely bought and provided for Bantam, where they were to be sold
and bartered away for such goods as were then to be had and procured
for the most advantage of the said producents, which hee knoweth for that
hee was supra cargo aforesaid and the person there caused the said goods to
be taken in and was in person going with them in the said shipp for
To the third and 4 articles hee saith that in or about the said moneth of January
1656 (old stile) the said shipp in her course of prceeding from the
said coast for Bantam, coming neere the Island of Pulliapanjan within
five leagues or lesse distance of the Road of Bantam, was met with
and set upon by five saile of dutch shipps, in the Imployment of the
East India company of the United Netherlands, and that upon their haling
and demanding XXXX that shipp (Speaking of the Jonathan) over and
XXXX bound, and XXXX XXXX XXX sewall of England, came from
Cormandel bound wth XXX for Bantam, thet of the dutch shipps
XXXX and told the master and company of the Jonathan that they must
not nor could run into Bantam, and that they lay there on purpose to
oppose them or any other shipps of England that should endeavour to run into
Bantam, for w:ch (as they XXX) they had order from the Generall of the said dutch East India
company XXXX was XXX and heard the XXX
To the fifth and sixth 7. 8 and 9th articles hee saith that the master and company of the
Jonathan finding this XXXXX of the dutch, fairly and earnestly instructed
XXXXXX of the dutch commanders to goe in, and desired them to XXXX or
send aboard the Jonathan and XXX her assuring them XXXX XX
Henry Dacres
London merchant, aged 34 when he gave testimony in the English Admiralty Court in February 1658(59).
Just possible the same person in Middlesex Hearth Tax,
Henry Dakers Esqr. 9 hearths[1]
- Residence seems to have been near church, since 1 hearth church vestry is four entries above Dakers, and Dakers' entry is surrounded by relatively high hearth number entries
Just possible that he is the same person as in the Little London Directory of 1677:
Mr. Dakers Clarkenwell Green.[2]