HCA 13/72 f.474v Annotate

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HCA 13/72 f.474v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


To the nyneth article of the said Allegation hee saieth That
the said Antonio fernandez Carvajall was and is a
Merchant liveing and dwelling in this Citie of London, and
here hath his wife house and family, and in the same City
hath soe lived by the space of twenty yeares and upwards
and was and is a Subject and free Denizen of the Common
wealth of England, and for and as such commonly knowne and
accompted and particularly that this deponent hath personally knowne
him the said fernandez for and as such by the space of five
yeares or thereabouts, and by the space of ten yeares before
or thereabouts by Correspondence And further to this
Article hee deposeth not./

To the 10th and last hee saieth, That the said shipps lading
of fish at the time of the said shipps arrivall at Porto
Porto was sould for and did produce the summe of three
thousand pounds sterling at the least, as this deponent hath seene
and observed by the accompt thereof by the said de Oliveira
sent unto the said fernandez shortly after the sale of the
said shipps lading And this deponent further saieth, That he well and
assuredly knoweth, That the said Antonio fernandez must
pay or stands ingaged to pay for the fraight and hire of the
said shipp the New England Merchant for the said Voiage.
the summe of eight hundred pounds according to Charterpartie
made for the said shipps said voiage, this deponent being one of
the parties that lett the said shipp to fraight to the said
fernandez, and thereby is well assured that the fraight
thereof doeth amount as aforesaid besides the demurrage
due for the same at fower pounds sterlingfor each day that
she was under the said seizure and detention at Porto
Porto aforesaid. And more he saieth not to this article./

Repeated before doctor Godolphin./

Augustin Coronell [SIGNATURE, RH SIDE]


The same day Examined upon the said Allegation./ [CENTRE HEADING]


Manoel Rodrigues of the City of London
Merchant aged 44 yeares or thereabouts a
Wittnesse produced and sworne saieth as followeth videlicet

To the first and second article sof the said Allegation hee saieth, That
hee well knoweth, That in the moneths of November december