HCA 13/71 f.90v Annotate

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HCA 13/71 f.90v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


paid according to the sayd bill to Alderman ffrederick of London merchant
for that hee this deponent receaved a receipt for the same of the sayd
Alderman ffredericks servant John Lethelier And hee this
deponent knoweth the sayd 4000 dollars was over and above the money and goods
predeposed of in his deposition to the second article of the allegation for [?that GUTTER] by letter of correspondence from other ffactors of the sayd Rowse and ffowke hee knoweth that
the moneys and goods mentioned in this deponents deposition to the second article were sent by order of the sayd Rowse and
ffowke from Venice and Ligorne and Zant soe the sayd William ffowke and were
resting in their hands at Zant or the Morea before the 4000 dollars aforesayd
shipped at Genoa were sent to him the sayd William ffowke, And further to
these articles hee cannot depose./

To the 25th article of the sayd allegation hee saith that by reason of his imployment
in the Marchandizing affayres of the says Rowse and ffowke hee this deponent hath
receaved a letter and Accompt from one Marco Moricini a servant
of the sayd Consull William ffowke that he the Consull had in his life tyme paid
for Accompte of the sayd Rowse and ffowke to William fudge master of the Cesar for seaven
dayes demorage one hundred eighty five dollars, and that the sayd Consulls
Agents had paid the Anchorage and other duties in Turkey for the sayd Currans
for Accompt of the sayd Rowse and ffrancis ffowke And hee alsoe saith that hee
heard the sayd ffudge confesse since coming home to England) that hee had
receaved eight hundred fiftie eight dollars more
(for Accompt of the sayd Rowse and ffrancis ffowke) for
thirty three dayes demorage more according to charterparty the sayd shipp
Cesar being delayed soe longe above her time appointed (as hee sayd) by
Charterparty about the receaving the Currans laden aboard the sayd
shipp, And hee this deponent saith that hee well knoweth that hee
him selfe did at this Port of London pay all the duties of this Port due for
all the Currans brought home in the Cesar the voyage in question And
alsoe hee this deponent saith that hee did pay to the sayd ffudge by Accompt of the sayd Rowse and ffrancis ffowke in ready
money and by bills which hee this deponent gave him with order to receive
them of the persons therein named and by other order with bills (all which
the says ffudge hath since acknowledged to this deponent that hee
hath receaved) to the value of sixe or seaven hundred pounds sterling in pact of
freight of the sayd shipp Cesar for the voyage in question And further to
this article hee cannot depose./

To the 29th and 30th articles of the sayd allegation hee saith that by reason of
his imployment aforesayd hee this deponent received in a letter from Thomas
Oliver aforesayd Viceconsull of the Morea a noate of the quantites and cost of
all the Currans laden aboard the Cesar the voyage in question which were
brought from the Gulphe by which noate (a true coppy whereof hee now leaveth for the better information of this Court) it appeareth that the value of
the says Currans brought the Gulphe did amount to three thousand
four hundred and five dollars and a halfe dollar and noe more, And hee alsoe
saith hee knoweth not nor beleeveth that the arlate Clement harbie was
at any time during the voyage in question in ffactor or Supracargo for the
arlate Thomas Rowse and ffrancis ffowke neither did hee send to the sayd Rowse
and ffrancis ffowke any ffactorie or Invoice touching the sayd Currans
that this deponent knoweth of And further to these articles he cannot depose.

To the rest of the articles of the sayd allegation her
is not examined by direction of the producents./
