HCA 13/71 f.329r Annotate
Volume | HCA 13/71 |
Folio | 329 |
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Uploaded image; transcribed on 27/10/2012 | |
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IMAGE: P1130819.JPG | |
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Jill Wilcox | |
First transcribed | |
2012/10/27 | |
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Edited on 31/05/2013 by Jill Wilcox and on 02/05/2014 by Colin Greenstreet |
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The last day of June. 1656
Examined upon the said Allegation
5 us/
William Jopp of Rederiffe in the County of Surrey
Mariner Late Master of the said shipp the Endeavour
aged 44 yeares or thereabouts a witness sworne and
examined saith as followeth videlicet./
To the first Article of the said Allegation hee saith That the arlate Robert Oxwicke
and Companie videlicet Matthew Batson, Robert Russell, Richard Russell, Thomas
Stone, Zacharie Lewes, James Lever, [?Gerlake] Mumma, Jacob Mumma, francis
Warner and this deponent togeather with one Stephen Jeffrey and one Mathias
Leny all Merchants of London and subjects of this Commonwealth well knowne to him this
Deponent were are and ought to be the true and lawfull Owners and Proprieters of the
shipp the Endeavour arlate and of how tackle apparell and furniture, and for and
as such the said Robert Oxwicke and Companie have bin ever since the said shipps
originall building (which was in the yeare 1650) and still are well known and generally
reputed, Which the Premisses hee saith hee well knoweth for that hee this deponent
was and is the person whoe by consent and command of his fellow Owners first
and originally ordered the said shipp to be built in this River of London, and hath
from the time of such her structure till the time of her surprizall and seizure
hereafter deduced continued the constant Master and Commander thereof upon
the severall voiages by her performed. And further cannot depose:./
To the second Article hee saith, That in the months of October
and November in the yeare 1655 last past the said shipp the Endeavour did
abide and remaine at or neere the Island of Teneriffe arlate. during which time of
her aboade there the arate Richard Baker and Companie videlicet Evan and
Richard Pugh, Marmaaduke Roydon, henry C[rooXe] Richard Basse
Christopher Boone and John Winne all Marchants of the London and subjects of
this Commonwealth did by their factors and Agents videlicet by the said Evan Pugh
Marmaduke Roydon and others cause to be laden and putt on board the said
shipp the number Three hundred and thirteen pipes of Canarie wynes or the
quantity thereof in pipes and hogsheads for and upon the respective accompts and ad=
ventures of the said Richard Baker and Companie aforesaid and of this deponent
whoe was and is interressed therein to the number or quantity of six pipes of
Canarie wynes, all which were soe laden and designed to be transported in the said shipp from the Teneriffe
aforesaid to this Port of London, and here to be delivered to the said respective
Owners or to their Agents or factors on their behalfe and for their accompt. The premisses
hee knoweth to be true being as aforesaid, Master and Commander of the said
shipp at the time aforesaid, and present at the said lading, and entring in his booke
the severall numbers and markes of the said goods and markes the persons to whome the
same were severally and respectively consigned. And further cannot depose:./
To the third Article hee saith That upon the seaventeenth day of the moneth
of November in the year 1655. English style the said shipp Endeavour with
her said lading of wynes on board her did depart and sett sayle from the Teneriffe
aforesaid directly bound for this Port of London, and being in such her Course
betweene the Islands of Palma and Teneriffe, shee and her said lading were
upon the 21th day of the said moneth of November 1655. alsoe English
style mett with and sett upon by fower french shipps being under the
Command of one Giles de la Roch a frenchman and Subject of the