HCA 13/71 f.381r Annotate

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HCA 13/71 f.381r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


Shipp was bought for the sole Accompt and doth solely belonge to the
sayd ffernandes who is the sole Owner of her and knoweth that shee doth now
proceede to sea upon this present voyage (wherein hee this deponent is master and his
sayd Precontest Supracargo of her) upon the sole Accompt of the sayd
ffernandez And further hee cannot depose/

Robert Wilams [SIGNATURE, RH SIDE]


The 11th of October 1656 [CENTRE HEADING]

Blake against Page}
Suckley Smith}

Examined on an allegation on the behalfe of the sayd

?See in B5.


Robert Lange of London Merchant aged thirty five
yeares or thereabouts a wittnesse sworne and examined
saith and deposeth as followeth videlicet./

To the 3 article of the sayd allegation hee saith that at such tymes as the shipp
the Industrie arrived with her at Loratava with her outward Cargo hee
this deponent lived there as a servant with Gowen Painter the factor
or Correspondent of ˹the˺ producent John Page and thereby knoweth that
if the sayd shipp had arrived there with her sayd outward Cargoe a
weeke sooner than shee did there might have bin [?more] profitt made of her
sayd Cargo to the owner thereof than ther was or could bee made, for that
some shipps haveing arived there before with goods of the like kinde as the Industries
Cargo was the market was thereby clogged soe that the goods of the sayd
Page were by that meanes sold to some losse of what they would have
produced if they had come a weeke sooner than they did And further hee cannot

To the 6th article of the sayd allegation hee saith that hee this deponent living
as aforesayd at Loratava with the sayd Gowen Painter, and being alsoe well acquainted
with the arlate Christovall da Alvarado well knoweth that the sayd Alvarado
in the yeare 1654 arlate and before and since was an Agent and Correspondent alsoe
there of the sayd Page and did and had goods and moneys of his the sayd Page in
his possession as his Correspondent, and this deponent hath seene divers letters
of correspondence which passed betweene the sayd Alvardo and Page
and an Accompte touching their negotiations togeather And further to this article
hee cannot depose/

To the 7th hee saith that hee living as aforesayd with the sayd Paiales at Loratava
and being by him imployed in his merchandizing affayres thereby knoweth that
about two or three dayes before the expiration of the twenty dayes of demurage
lymitted by Charterparty (of which Charterparty this deponent had a Coppy) the arlate
Alvarado did, tender to the arlate Sydrach Blake in the Port of Loratava twelve
pipes of Canarie wine to bee laden a board the Industrie for Accompt of
the arlate John Page some of which pipes of wine were of this deponents sight
brought to the waterside to be put aboard the sayd shipp for the sayd Pages Accompt and refused to bee taken
by the sayd Blake (though hee were required soe to doe by the sayd Alvarada) the said Blake answered that his shipp was full and that one Mr david
Stephens had laden more wines on board the sayd shipp than hee the sayd Stephens
by agreement was to have laden aboard her, and that therefore hee had not roome to take
in the sayd 12 pipes and soe departed thense without takeing them in And further to
this article hee cannot depose./