HCA 13/73 f.99r Annotate

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HCA 13/73 f.99r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window



The 11th of March 1658 English style

Examined upon the sayd libell

Wood against Grove

Rp. XX praXXXX 5us

Thomas Yeomans of Wapping Mariner late Masters Mate
of the shipp the Peace aged twenty three yeares or thereabouts a
witnesse sworne and examined saith and deposeth as
followeth videlicet/

To the first article of the sayd libell hee saith that hee well knoweth that
the arlate Thomas Grove during all the yeares and moneths arlate was
Master and Commander of the arlate Shipp the Peace and went Master of her
the whole voyage in question and sett sayle with her as Master of her from
Gravesend on the twenty eighth day of March 1657 bound out upon the sayd
voyage and had the care and charge of her as Master during the sayd voyage and that as hee beleeveth
with the consent of the arlate Vincent Delabarr and Thomas de La Vall and
other the Owners of the sayd shipp this hee deposeth being one of the sayd Groves
Mates and alsoe purser of the sayd shipp during the sayd voyage, and
keeping a Journall of the tyme of her departure upon the sayd voyage
and of her returne to London./

To the 2 article of the sayd libell hee saith that hee being a Mate and Purser as afore
sayd knoweth that in the Moneth of March 1656 the sayd shipp Peace laye in the
River of Thames bound out thence upon the voyage in question And saith hee
verily beleeveth that the arlate Luke Woods did before the sayd shipp departed
upon the voyage in question hyre three eighth parts of the sayd shipp for the
sayd voyage of the arlate Thomas Grove but for that hee was not privie
to the Contract thereabout hee cannot depose any thing of certayne knowledge
touching the sayd Contract but referreth him selfe to the Charter party touching
the same and further to this article hee cannot depose./

To the 3 article hee saith that the arlate John Brewer and Edward Crispe were
commonly accompted to be the true and lawfull Owners and Proprietors of the other
five eighth parts of the sayd shipp the Peace and her tackle and furniture and
saith the sayd Brewer and Crispe did freight and imploy their owne five eighth parts
of the sayd shipp the sayd voyage at their owne charge and adventure and did
imploy the arlate Luke Woods to goe supracargo of the sayd shipp the
sayd voyage as well for the management of the five eighth parts thereof of the sayd
Brewer and Crispe as of his the sayd Woods three eighth parts thereof./

To the 4th hee saith that the arlate Luke Woods was sole supra cargoe of the
shipp Peace and was in his owne right to beare and did beare the charge of
three eighth parts of the victualls provisions and Master and Mariners wages
of the sayd shipp during the voyage in question and did in the behalfe of the sayd
Brewer and Crispe and by their order beare the charge of the other five eighth parts
of the sayd victualls provisions and wages (belonging to them the sayd Brewer and
Crispe) and saith that most of the Mariners that served in the sayd shipp the
sayd voyage were hyred by the sayd Woods And the sayd Grove the Master and
the Mariners of the sayd shipp were (as hee this deponent beleeveth) to yeild
obdience to the Commands of the sayd Woods as Supracargo during the sayd
voyage as touching the ladeing unladeing and reladeing of the sayd shipp
and to sayle the sayd shipp and goe with her boate from place to place as the
sayd Woods should as Supracargoe direct And further to this article and the
schedule therein mentioned hee saith hee cannot depose./

To the 5th and 6th articles hee saith that after the departure of the sayd shipp from
Gravesend upon the sayd voyage shee being in her course towards ffrance was put
into ffalmouth by Contrary windes where shee lay winde bound about eighteene