HCA 13/71 f.479r Annotate

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HCA 13/71 f.479r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


B :11:

The 23rd of december 1656/.

Richard Batson, Humfrey Beane Gowen Golderne}
and Company against Edward Gosling and Richard}
Mandrie and William Humfreys Smith}
Francklin Suckley}

Examined upon a libell given in on the
behalfe of the sayde Batson Beane
Golderne and Company./


Thomas Damerell of Lymehouse in the parish
of Stepney and County of Middlesex Mariner Master of
the shipp the Owners Adventure and Commander alsoe
of the Greyhound aged 37 years or thereabouts a wittnes
sworne and examined saith and deposeth as followeth videlicet

To the first article of the sayd libell hee saith that in the Moneths of March
Aprill May June July August and September 1656 the arlate Richard Batson
Humfrey Beane and Gowen Golderne and Company were the true and
lawfull Owners freighters and imployers of the arlate shipp the Grey=
hound and alsoe freighters and imployers of the arlate shipp the
Owners Adventure for the voyage in question and for
Beane Golderne and Company did Constitute and appointe him this
deponent (being the arlate Thomas Damerell) Master of the sayd shipp
the Owners Adventure for the voyage in question which was
a fishing voyage to bee made from this Port of London to Greeneland
and soe home againe, and did alsoe Committ the ordering and
Command and direction of the sayd shipp Greyhound for the same voyage
to him this deponent shee being a Pinke appointed to attende the sayd
shipp Owners Adventure, and bee assistant to her in her sayd Fishing voyage
for the advance thereof, and all the Mariners and others belonging to both
the sayd shipps were by the order of the sayd Owners and freighters to be
under the Command of him this deponent and to bee directed by him
touching the sayd voyage And further to this article hee cannot depose./

To the 2 and third articles of the sayd libell hee saith that in the tyme
arlate the arlate Richard Batson on behalfe of him selfe and the sayd Beane
Golderne and Company did hyre the arlate Gosling and Maundrey to serve
in the shipp the Owners Adventure as two of her Mates, and the arlate William
humfrey to serve in the her as one of her Company and as a harponeere for the voyage in
question which was to bee to any Port or place in Greeneland where this
deponent could come with the sayd two shipps, this deponent not being
tyed to any perticular Port which places the sayd Gosling Maundrie
and Humfreys did accept of, and did promise to yeilde obedience to
this deponents Commands concerning the sayd voyage And saith the sayd
shipps were both of them well fitted and provided with all things
necessarie for their sayd voyage, and the sayd Gosling Maundrey and
humfreys and the rest of the sayd shipps Companyes being hyred and
the care and charge of the sayd shipps and this Companye being committed
to this deponent, hee this deponent with the sayd Gosling Maundrey and
humfreys and the rest of the Companyes of the sayd shippes Owners Adventure
and Greyhound sett sayle in the sayd shipps from Gravesend for Greeneland
about the twelfth or fourteenth day of Aprill last and that the sayd shippes
in company of each other arrived safely neere the Coast of Greenland in the moneth of