HCA 13/72 f.306v Annotate

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HCA 13/72 f.306v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


the Interrogate shipp the Isaack by the sayd Phillipp ffrancis for his owne
Accompt and consigned to this deponent to dispose thereof at London for the sayd
Mr ffrancis his Accompt five tonnnes and a halfe of New foundland Trayne
oyle and this deponent having receaved the sayd letter of Advice did in hope and
expectation that they would arive safe here at London treat with Mr John Stacie
of London touching the sale of them and the sayd Stacie did agree with this deponent
that upon the arrivall of the sayd oyles at London and sight of the gage of
the Caske hee woyuld pay to this deponent for the use of the sayd Phillip
ffrancis eighteene pound sterling per tonne ammounting in all to nynty nyne
pounds sterling And soe much this deponent verily beleeveth and is
perswaded in his conscience the sayd oyles were well worth and would have
yeilded heere at London if they had there safely arrived And further to these
Interrogatories hee cannot depose/

To the 3: 4th and 5th Interrogatories hee saith hee cannot depose of certayne knowledge
but hath heard that the Isaack in her passage from Plymouth towards London
the voyage in question was runne upon at sea by an other shipp and thereby
shee and her ladeing and divers persons that were in her perished and
suncke in the sea And further hee cannot depose/

To the 6th hee saith in his this deponents Judgment the Isaack was a shipp
of about seaventy tonne burthen and saith that hee well remembreth shee
was a tight strong shipp not above three or fower yeares old and in his
Judgment shee could not bee lesse worth shee and her tackle and furniture the tyme
Interrogate than seaven hundred pounds sterling And saith the goods aboard
her which hee hath predeposed of were well worth the summe predeposed And
further hee cannot depose./

To the last Interrogatorie hee answereth negatively for his part having heard noe such words spoken as is Interrogate and further cannot answere

Repeated before doctor Godolphin/

ffrancis hacker [SIGNATURE, RH SIDE]


The same day:


Theophilus Reuell of Saint Magnus London Grocer
aged twenty five yeares or thereabouts a wittnesse
sworne before the sayd doctor Godolphin saith and deposeth as
followeth videlicet./

To the first and second Interrogatories hee saith hee well knew the shipp
the Isaack Interrogate having often seene her at this Port of London And
saith that hee this deponent is a servant of the Interrogant William G[?reene GUTTER]
and imployed by him in his merchandizing affaryres and thereby knoweth
that by a letter of Advice and bill of ladeing sent by John
Amson of Plymouth this deponents Masters Agent there, it did and doth
appeare to this deponent that the voyage in question hee the sayd Amson did
at Plymouth lade aboard the sayd shipp the Isaack for Accompt of this deponents
Master the sayd William Greene to bee delivered at London for his Accompt nyne tonne and a halfe of traine oyle
which as by the Accompt of the sayd Amson appeareth cast there with the charges ?included thereto for shipping of th[XX GUTTER] one hundred forty


Primary sources



C 6/252/4 Short title: Barksdale v Fillingham. Plaintiffs: Charles Barksdale and John Barksdale. Defendants: Bartholomew Fillingham, John Stock, George Snell, Theophilus Revell, Richard Prowse, Bernard Eales and others. Subject: money matters, Middlesex. Document type: bill, answer. 1685

C 6/252/59 Short title: Palmer v Fillingham. Plaintiffs: Edward Palmer. Defendants: Bartholomew Fillingham, John Stock, George Snell, Theophilus Revell, Richard Prowse, Barnard Eules and others. Subject: money matters, Middlesex. Document type: bill, answer. 1685

C 6/271/75 Short title: Revell v Cutler. Plaintiffs: Theophilus Revell . Defendants: Freeman Cutler . Subject: money matters, London . Document type: answer only 1691

C 6/552/78 Short title: Revell v [unknown]. First plaintiff: Theophilus Revell. Defendants: [unknown]. Document type: bill only. Brief description taken from an 18th century listing 1685


PROB 11/430/261 Will of Theophili Revell, Salter of Saint Botolph without Billingsgate, City of London 28 February 1696