HCA 13/69 f.1r Annotate

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HCA 13/69 f.1r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


The Lord Protector of the commonwealth
of England Scotland and Ireland
and the dominions thereto belonging
against the shipp Saint ffrancis
Joachim Starbus Master.

Rowe d:t

The 7:th of Aprill 1654
Joachim Starbus of Hambourgh
Mariner, master of the said shipp
aged 49 yeares of thereabouts sworne
in Court, saith and deposeth as
followeth, videlicet

To the first and second Interrogatories hee saith and deposeth that the said
shipp the Saint ffrancis belongeth to the port of Hamburgh, and that
her owners were and are only two persons who hee saith were and are are hamburghersm Merchants, Inhabitants
and Burghers of that citie and subiects of the free state of Hamburgh
and were and are all natives of Hamburgh and have dwelt there all
theire time, and for their names hee saith they were and are Detleff
ffla[?sh]hoff and hance Samall, and that noe other persons or person
soe farr as hee knoweth or beleeveth had or hath any peice or share
therein, but whether they the said two owners have parte distinct or
are ioynt owners without distinction of parte hee knoweth not, and saith
the said owners bought the said shipp (as this deponent hath bin
informed) at Dunquirke about two yeares since, but this deponent
was not present nor knoweth ought of the payment therefore;
but knoweth their said owner shipp; being constituted nor by them
and seeing them fitt and furnish the said shipp out at theire costs and
chardges. And otherwise cannot depose, saving the said vessell
by the [?mowle] seemeth to him to be English built, and as hee hath
heard was built at Yarmouth.

To the thirde hee saith that for theise seaven monethes last,
namely from a month before Michaelmas last or there hee
this deponent hath bin master of the said shipp the Saint ffrancis and
come first aboard her then at hamburgh as master thereof, and that
a Dunquirker as this deponent was told had bin
master of her next before this deponent, who having bin plundred
in the El[?b]e; had lost the said shipp at hamburgh 3 or 4 monethes before
this deponent became master of her. And otherwise saving this
foregoing deposition hee cannot depose.

To the fourth and saith the said shipp did never before as hee
knoweth and as hee beleveth belonge to Amsterdam or other port
within the Dominion of the States of the United Netherlands, and
saith that shee began her outwards voiage from hamborough
about a fortnight before Michaelmas last, at which time shee
came there in a fleete of other shipps under English Convoy bound
for this port laden with [?hemp] and some other goods and came and arrived here and delivered her said
outward lading to and to the use of Mr Alderman ffrederick and companie, upon
whose accompt there was freighted at hamburgh by Mr John Bancks
an Englishman their factor theire. And after such deliverie, shee
was freighted and againe laden [?h]ere with lead and sugar by Mr Richard
fford merchant of this citie and companie for haver da Grace, whither
this deponent went with the said shipp and delivered the said lead and