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==Setting limit to zero and adding a search label==
[[Henry Betts]] OR [[Henry Tulse]] OR [[William Venus]]
|Searchlabel=Click to see data table
|?Birth year
|?Res parish
|?Res town
|?Dep date
|?Dep start
|intro=The data in the factboxes will be fully searchable and available to all users of our wiki, as will the text biographies - a chance for each of you to help the project and to make a contribution to historical research.
'''The results a=of the above ask query are here:'''
[[Henry Betts]] OR [[Henry Tulse]] OR [[William Venus]]
|Searchlabel=Click to see data table
|?Birth year
|?Res parish
|?Res town
|?Dep date
|?Dep start
|intro=The data in the factboxes will be fully searchable and available to all users of our wiki, as will the text biographies - a chance for each of you to help the project and to make a contribution to historical research.
==Searching for depositions and letters published in the MarineLives wiki by specified types of deponent==
'''* Grocers in London, depositions, letters and miscellaneous documents'''
[[Category:Semantic biography]]
[[Res town::London]]
|?Dep date
|?Dep start
|?Lett start
|?Misc start
[[Category:Semantic biography]]
[[Res town::London]]
|?Dep date
|?Dep start
|?Lett start
|?Misc start
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|?Dep start
  |?Dep date
  |?Dep date
|?Dep start
  |?Lett start
  |?Lett start
  |?Misc start
  |?Misc start

Latest revision as of 07:12, July 30, 2016

This Sandbox page contains various query types

Setting limit to zero and adding a search label

 [[Henry Betts]] OR [[Henry Tulse]] OR [[William Venus]]
 |Searchlabel=Click to see data table
 |?Birth year
 |?Res parish
 |?Res town
 |?Dep date
 |?Dep start
 |intro=The data in the factboxes will be fully searchable and available to all users of our wiki, as will the text biographies - a chance for each of you to help the project and to make a contribution to historical research.

The results a=of the above ask query are here:

Click to see data table

Searching for depositions and letters published in the MarineLives wiki by specified types of deponent

* Grocers in London, depositions, letters and miscellaneous documents

 [[Category:Semantic biography]]
 [[Res town::London]]
 |?Dep date
 |?Dep start
 |?Lett start
 |?Misc start
 FirstnameLastnameOccupationDep dateDep startLett startMisc start
Robert ArcherRobertArcherGrocer23 June 1658HCA 13/72 f.354v Annotate
Lewis BykerLewisBykerGrocer9 July 1655HCA 13/70 f.338v Annotate
Ffrancis HarfeildffrancisHarfeildGrocer11 February 1657HCA 13/71 f.519v Annotate
James JauncyJamesJauncyGrocer8 November 1658HCA 13/72 f.463v Annotate
John KnightJohnKnightGrocer20 May 1655HCA 13/70 f.361r AnnotatePROB 11/318/82
Marke MortimerMarkeMortimerGrocerHCA 13/71 f.39v Annotate
HCA 3/47 f.32v Annotate
Nicholas NobleNicholasNobleGrocerHCA 13/70 f.50v Annotate
Thomas PeacockThomasPeacockGrocer25 July 1655HCA 13/70 f.403v Annotate
Theophilus ReuellTheophilusReuellGrocer1 April 1658HCA 13/72 f.306v Annotate
Stephen SikesStephenSikesGrocer3 April 1658HCA 13/72 f.308r Annotate
John StaceJohnStaceGrocer2 April 1658HCA 13/72 f.307v Annotate
Henry TulseHenryTulseGrocer24 November 1655HCA 13/70 f.642v Annotate
William WheatleyWilliamWheatleyGrocer2 April 1658HCA 13/72 f.307r Annotate

Searching for depositions and letters published in the MarineLives wiki by specified types of deponent

* Fishmongers in Stepney

 [[Category:Semantic biography]]
 [[Res parish::Stepney]]
 |?Dep date
 |?Dep start
 FirstnameLastnameOccupationDep dateDep start
Richard BaddelyRichardBaddeleyFishmongerHCA 13/68 f.662r Annotate

* Merchants in London, just depositions

 [[Category:Semantic biography]]
 [[Res town::London]]
 |?Dep date
 |?Dep start
 FirstnameLastnameOccupationDep dateDep start
Joseph AsheJosephAsheMerchant5 September 1654HCA 13/70 f.119v Annotate
Peter AylwardPeterAylwardMerchant21 February 1659
15 April 1659
HCA 13/73 f.72r Annotate
HCA 13/73 f.187r Annotate
Edward BartonEdwardBartonMerchant23 February 1658HCA 13/72 f.244v Annotate
Joos BatemanJoosBatemanMerchantHCA 13/72 f.665v Annotate
Richard BatsonRichardBatsonMerchant12 June 1657HCA 13/72 f.58r Annotate
HCA 13/68 f.234v Annotate
Elias BeakeEliasBeakeMerchant26 May 1651
22 August 1659
19 November 1666
28 October 1656
January 1655
HCA 13/64
HCA 13/73 f.734v Annotate
HCA 13/76 f.30r Annotate
Erasmus BedlooErasmusBedlooMerchant3 November 1655HCA 13/70 f.633r Annotate
Richard BelchamberRichardBelchamberMerchant1 February 1655HCA 13/70 f.253r Annotate
Richard BeavisRichardBevisMerchant22 June 1655HCA 13/70 f.386v Annotate
William BirdWilliamBirdMerchant21 September 1659HCA 13/73 f.345v Annotate
John BlandJohnBlandMerchant24 January 1653
17 November 1649
HCA 13/68 f.558v Annotate
Richard BoganRichardBoganMerchant6 August 1658HCA 13/72 f.469v Annotate
George BolderoGeorgeBolderoMerchant29 May 1655
29 March 1659
HCA 13/71 f.210v Annotate
HCA 13/73 f.140r Annotate
Henry BowyerHenryBowyerMerchant24 January 1655HCA 13/70 f.72r Annotate
John BrysonJohnBrysonMerchant19 September 1657HCA 13/72 f.90r Annotate
John BuckworthJohnBuckworthMerchant15 January 1655HCA 13/70 f.68r Annotate
William BulkleyWilliamBulkleyMerchant20 April 1650HCA 13/63 f.49r Annotate
James BurtonJamesBurtonMerchant31 May 1656HCA 13/71 f.234v Annotate
Edward BushellEdwardBushellMerchant28 August 1651HCA 13/65 f.39v Annotate
Henry CrispeHenryCrispeMerchant10 October 1653HCA 13/68 f.114v Annotate
Timothie CrusoeTimothieCrusoeMerchant7 January 1651
5 September 1650
15 April 1656
HCA 13/63 f.225v Annotate
HCA 13/63 f.392r Annotate
HCA 13/71 f.640r Annotate
Robert DemetriusRobertDemetriusMerchant15 March 1654HCA 13/69 Silver 12 f.1v Annotate
HCA 13/76 f.19v Annotate
Abraham GaultierAbrahamGaultierMerchant21 February 1654
19 February 1655
11 July 1656
14 April 1659
HCA 13/68 f.498r Annotate
HCA 13/70 f.63v Annotate
HCA 13/71 f.298v Annotate
HCA 13/73 f.701v Annotate
James GilbertJamesGilbertMerchant5 September 1655HCA 13/70 f.601r Annotate
John HarrisJohnHarrisMerchant5 June 1656HCA 13/71 f.235r Annotate
James IngleshJamesIngleshMerchant4 October 1658HCA 13/72 f.515r Annotate
Arthur IngramArthurIngramMerchantHCA 13/72 f.411v Annotate
John JeffreysJohnJeffreysMerchant5 June 1656HCA 13/71 f.235v Annotate
James JenkinsJamesJenkinsMerchant3 February 1656
John KennetJohnKennetMerchant5 July 1655HCA 13/70 f.394r Annotate
Edmund LeeEdmundLeeMerchant17 May 1655HCA 13/70 f.328v Annotate
John LeemkuellJohnLeemkuellMerchant22 October 1650
28 July 1651
20 March 1654
HCA 13/63 f.429v Annotate
HCA 13/65 f.12v Annotate
HCA 13/68 f.651r Annotate
John LewisJohnLewisMerchant29 January 1659HCA 13/73 f.57v Annotate
HCA 13/73 f.58r Annotate
Francis Lodowick juniorFrancisLodowickMerchantHCA 13/71 f.10r Annotate
Luke LuceLukeLuceMerchant5 May 1651
Charles MarescoeCharlesMarescoeMerchant22 March 1654
27 September 1655
4 February 1656
HCA 13/68 f.502v Annotate
HCA 13/70 f.613r Annotate
HCA 13/71 f.535r Annotate
Peter MathewsPeterMathewsMerchant10 January 1655
22 April 1659
HCA 13/70 f.171v Annotate
HCA 13/73 f.202v Annotate
Francis MeareFrancisMeareMerchant28 February 1655HCA 13/70 f.246v Annotate
Roger MiddletonRogerMiddletonMerchant2 July 1655HCA 13/70 f.390v Annotate
Francis PardiniFrancisPardiniMerchantHCA 13/70 f.34v Annotate
HCA 13/72 f.2v Annotate
Richard RetorickRichardRetorickMerchant3 May 1656HCA 13/71 f.200r Annotate
Richard RichRichardRichMerchant10 July 1658HCA 13/72 f.366v Annotate
Abraham RutterAbrahamRutterMerchant17 November 1655
6 August 1658
HCA 13/70 f.651v Annotate
HCA 13/72 f.469v Annotate
Samuell RutterSamuellRutterMerchant8 July 1652HCA 13/69: IMG 106 4010
Captaine William RyderWilliamRyderMerchant6 April 1650
3 February 1655
HCA 13/63 f.12r Annotate
HCA 13/70 f.239v Annotate
James SadlerJamesSadlerMerchant11 November 1654
24 March 1656
HCA 13/70 f.10r Annotate
HCA 13/71 f.41v Annotate
Francis SayonFrancisSayonMerchant5 February 1656
25 April 1637
25 April 1637
HCA 13/70 f.678r Annotate
HCA 13/53 f.131v Annotate
HCA 13/53 f.131v Annotate
John ScotJohnScotMerchantHCA 13/71 f.4v Annotate
Thomas SharpeThomasSharpeMerchant5 April 1656HCA 13/71 f.173r Annotate
Thomas SherwillThomasSherwillMerchant12 February 1656
9 February 1657
HCA 13/71 f.55v Annotate
HCA 13/71 f.434r Annotate
... further results

* Merchants in London, depositions, letters and miscellaneous documents

 [[Category:Semantic biography]]
 [[Res town::London]]
 |?Dep date
 |?Dep start
 |?Lett start
 |?Misc start
 FirstnameLastnameOccupationDep dateDep startLett startMisc start
Joseph AsheJosephAsheMerchant5 September 1654HCA 13/70 f.119v Annotate
Peter AylwardPeterAylwardMerchant21 February 1659
15 April 1659
HCA 13/73 f.72r Annotate
HCA 13/73 f.187r Annotate
Edward BartonEdwardBartonMerchant23 February 1658HCA 13/72 f.244v Annotate
Joos BatemanJoosBatemanMerchantHCA 13/72 f.665v Annotate
Richard BatsonRichardBatsonMerchant12 June 1657HCA 13/72 f.58r Annotate
HCA 13/68 f.234v Annotate
Elias BeakeEliasBeakeMerchant26 May 1651
22 August 1659
19 November 1666
28 October 1656
January 1655
HCA 13/64
HCA 13/73 f.734v Annotate
HCA 13/76 f.30r Annotate
Erasmus BedlooErasmusBedlooMerchant3 November 1655HCA 13/70 f.633r Annotate
Richard BelchamberRichardBelchamberMerchant1 February 1655HCA 13/70 f.253r Annotate
Richard BeavisRichardBevisMerchant22 June 1655HCA 13/70 f.386v Annotate
William BirdWilliamBirdMerchant21 September 1659HCA 13/73 f.345v Annotate
John BlandJohnBlandMerchant24 January 1653
17 November 1649
HCA 13/68 f.558v Annotate
Richard BoganRichardBoganMerchant6 August 1658HCA 13/72 f.469v Annotate
George BolderoGeorgeBolderoMerchant29 May 1655
29 March 1659
HCA 13/71 f.210v Annotate
HCA 13/73 f.140r Annotate
Henry BowyerHenryBowyerMerchant24 January 1655HCA 13/70 f.72r Annotate
John BrysonJohnBrysonMerchant19 September 1657HCA 13/72 f.90r Annotate
John BuckworthJohnBuckworthMerchant15 January 1655HCA 13/70 f.68r Annotate
William BulkleyWilliamBulkleyMerchant20 April 1650HCA 13/63 f.49r Annotate
James BurtonJamesBurtonMerchant31 May 1656HCA 13/71 f.234v Annotate
Edward BushellEdwardBushellMerchant28 August 1651HCA 13/65 f.39v Annotate
Henry CrispeHenryCrispeMerchant10 October 1653HCA 13/68 f.114v Annotate
Timothie CrusoeTimothieCrusoeMerchant7 January 1651
5 September 1650
15 April 1656
HCA 13/63 f.225v Annotate
HCA 13/63 f.392r Annotate
HCA 13/71 f.640r Annotate
Robert DemetriusRobertDemetriusMerchant15 March 1654HCA 13/69 Silver 12 f.1v Annotate
HCA 13/76 f.19v Annotate
Abraham GaultierAbrahamGaultierMerchant21 February 1654
19 February 1655
11 July 1656
14 April 1659
HCA 13/68 f.498r Annotate
HCA 13/70 f.63v Annotate
HCA 13/71 f.298v Annotate
HCA 13/73 f.701v Annotate
James GilbertJamesGilbertMerchant5 September 1655HCA 13/70 f.601r Annotate
John HarrisJohnHarrisMerchant5 June 1656HCA 13/71 f.235r Annotate
James IngleshJamesIngleshMerchant4 October 1658HCA 13/72 f.515r Annotate
Arthur IngramArthurIngramMerchantHCA 13/72 f.411v Annotate
John JeffreysJohnJeffreysMerchant5 June 1656HCA 13/71 f.235v Annotate
James JenkinsJamesJenkinsMerchant3 February 1656
John KennetJohnKennetMerchant5 July 1655HCA 13/70 f.394r Annotate
Edmund LeeEdmundLeeMerchant17 May 1655HCA 13/70 f.328v Annotate
John LeemkuellJohnLeemkuellMerchant22 October 1650
28 July 1651
20 March 1654
HCA 13/63 f.429v Annotate
HCA 13/65 f.12v Annotate
HCA 13/68 f.651r Annotate
John LewisJohnLewisMerchant29 January 1659HCA 13/73 f.57v Annotate
HCA 13/73 f.58r Annotate
Francis Lodowick juniorFrancisLodowickMerchantHCA 13/71 f.10r Annotate
Luke LuceLukeLuceMerchant5 May 1651
Charles MarescoeCharlesMarescoeMerchant22 March 1654
27 September 1655
4 February 1656
HCA 13/68 f.502v Annotate
HCA 13/70 f.613r Annotate
HCA 13/71 f.535r Annotate
Peter MathewsPeterMathewsMerchant10 January 1655
22 April 1659
HCA 13/70 f.171v Annotate
HCA 13/73 f.202v Annotate
Francis MeareFrancisMeareMerchant28 February 1655HCA 13/70 f.246v Annotate
Roger MiddletonRogerMiddletonMerchant2 July 1655HCA 13/70 f.390v Annotate
Francis PardiniFrancisPardiniMerchantHCA 13/70 f.34v Annotate
HCA 13/72 f.2v Annotate
Richard RetorickRichardRetorickMerchant3 May 1656HCA 13/71 f.200r Annotate
Richard RichRichardRichMerchant10 July 1658HCA 13/72 f.366v Annotate
Abraham RutterAbrahamRutterMerchant17 November 1655
6 August 1658
HCA 13/70 f.651v Annotate
HCA 13/72 f.469v Annotate
Samuell RutterSamuellRutterMerchant8 July 1652HCA 13/69: IMG 106 4010
Captaine William RyderWilliamRyderMerchant6 April 1650
3 February 1655
HCA 13/63 f.12r Annotate
HCA 13/70 f.239v Annotate
MRP: 20th March 1661/62, Letter from Sir William Rider to Charles Conyers
MRP: 24th March 1661/62, Letter from William Ryder to Sir GO
MRP: 24th March 1662/63, Letter from William Rider to Sir GO, London
MRP: 26th March 1663, Letter from George Smith & William Rider, London
MRP: 26th March 1663, Letter from George Smith & William Rider, London, Letter 2
MRP: 26th March 1663, Letter from William Rider to Sir GO, London
MRP: 3rd January 1665/66, Letter from William Ryder to Sir GO, Bethnall Green
MRP: March 1665/66, Letter from Wiliam Rider & George Smith
MRP: March 1665/66, Letter from William Rider to Sir GO
MRP: 16th April 1667, Letter from William Rider to Sir GO, London
MRP: 22nd August 1667, Letter from William Ryder to Sir GO, Bethnal Green
MRP: October 1667, Letter from William Ryder to Sir GO
MRP: 15th October 1667, Letter from William Ryder to Sir GO, London
Tools: HCA 24/111
James SadlerJamesSadlerMerchant11 November 1654
24 March 1656
HCA 13/70 f.10r Annotate
HCA 13/71 f.41v Annotate
Francis SayonFrancisSayonMerchant5 February 1656
25 April 1637
25 April 1637
HCA 13/70 f.678r Annotate
HCA 13/53 f.131v Annotate
HCA 13/53 f.131v Annotate
John ScotJohnScotMerchantHCA 13/71 f.4v Annotate
Thomas SharpeThomasSharpeMerchant5 April 1656HCA 13/71 f.173r Annotate
Thomas SherwillThomasSherwillMerchant12 February 1656
9 February 1657
HCA 13/71 f.55v Annotate
HCA 13/71 f.434r Annotate
... further results

Items in category located in a Property

 [[Category:Semantic parish]]
 [[Located in::London]]
 |mainlabel=Res parish
 |intro=Parishes located in London
Parishes located in London
Res parish
Allhallows Barking
Allhallows Bread Street
Allhallows Lombard Street
Allhallows Staining
Allhallows the Great
Allhallows the Less
Allhallows the Wall
Great Saint Helens
Liberty of Tower of London
Little Saint Helens
Saint Alban Wood Street
Saint Alphage London Wall
Saint Andrew Holborn
Saint Andrew Hubbard
Saint Andrew Undershaft
Saint Andrew Wardrobe
Saint Ann Blackfriars
Saint Anns Aldersgate
Saint Antholin Budge Row
Saint Bartholomew by the Exchange
Saint Bartholomew the Great
Saint Bartholomew the Less
Saint Bartholomew the Less
Saint Bartholomew the Less
Saint Benet Fink
Saint Benet Gracechurch
Saint Benet Pauls Wharf
Saint Benet Sherehog
Saint Botolph Aldergate
Saint Botolph Algate
Saint Botolph Billingsgate
Saint Botolph without Bishopsgate
Saint Bride Fleet Street
Saint Brides
Saint Catherine Coleman
Saint Catherine Creechurch
Saint Catherines near the Tower
Saint Christopher Le Stocks
Saint Clements Danes
Saint Clements Eastcheap
Saint Dionis Backchurch
Saint Dunstans in the East
Saint Dunstans in the West
Saint Edmunds the King and Martyr in Lombard Street
Saint Ethelburga the Virgin Bishopsgate
Saint Faith under Saint Pauls
Saint Gabriel Fenchurch Street
Saint George Botolph Lane
Saint Giles without Cripplegate
Saint Gregory by Saint Pauls
... further results