HCA 13/68 f.114v Annotate

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HCA 13/68 f.114v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


that there is pepper and other spices to be bought and sold at Hamborough
interrate better cheape then in some Countries as Spain and Italy
and beleeveth that merchants of Hamborowe aforesaid doe send
pepper and other merchandizes from thence to other countries where
they conceive it will sell dearer, And hee saith hee hath bin formerly
better experienced in the prizes of pepper in forraine parts then was hee is
saith he beleiveth that pepper is now in Holland about 12 stivers a pound
and in England about 16 d a pound and beleeveth that in divers parts
of ffrance as at Marsellis and the parts thereabouts
pepper is of greate value then at Hamborough Interrogate And further
to the Interrogatories hee cannot depose./

To the third Interrogatorie having viewed the examinations Interrate and oath of Wilkin Wrede Interrate hee saith and deposeth that hee knoweth
nothing of the ladeing of the baggs of pepper Interrate on board the
And further to this Interrogatorie
hee cannot depose/

Repeated before Doctor Clarke and
Doctor Godolphin



The 10th day of 8ber 1653./ [CENTRE HEADING]

Examined upon the sayd allegation./



Henry Crispe of the parish of Saint Antholine in the
Cittie of London Merchant aged 45 yeares or there
abouts a witnes sworne and examined saith and
deposeth as followeth videlicet./

To the first and second articles of the sayd allegation hee saith and
deposeth that it is a thing publique and taken notice of by most
men that the Commonwealth of England and the subiect sthereof have suffered
losse to a great value by the violence and hostile proceedings and
depradations of the ffrench and the dutch Nations arlate. And alsoe saith
that hee hath heard of an Order of the Counsell of State arlate to the [?XXX]
arlate and beleeveth that there is such an Oder by them made
And further to these articles hee cannot depose./

To the third hee cannot depose./

To the 4th