HCA 13/72 f.307r Annotate
Volume | HCA 13/72 |
Folio | 307 |
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Colin Greenstreet | |
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2013/10/03 |
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forty two pounds tenn shillings sterling And hee saith they would if they had
safely arrived at this port of London have yeilded according to the usuall
markett price there the summe of one hundred fifty sixe pounds fifteene
shillings of like money And soe much in this deponents Judgment
they were really and truely worth And further hee cannot depose/
To the 3: 4th and 5th Interrogatories hee saith hee hath heard that the sayd shipp
Isaack the voyage in question was with her ladeing and divers passengers
in her cast away by an other shipp running fowle of her at Sea
And further hee cannot depose/
To the 6th Interrogatorie hee saith in his this deponents Judgment the Isaack was a shipp
of about eighty tonne and worth about seaven hundred pounds sterling And saith
the goods aboard her predeposed of were worth the summe predeposed
And further hee cannot depose./
To the last Interrogatorie hee answereth negatively having heard noe such words spoken as is Interrogate and further
cannot answere/
Theo: Reuell [SIGNATUE, RH SIDE]
The second of Aprill 1658
Examined on the sayd Interrogatories./
William Wheatley of the parish of Saint Brides
London Grocer aged thirty yeares or thereabouts a
wittnesse sworne before the sayd doctor Godolphin
saith and deposeth as followeth videlicet./
To the first second third 4th and 5th Interrogatories hee saith That by letters
of Advice which hee this deponent receaved from Isaack Tillard
of Plymouth Merchant (this deponents Agent or correspondent there) as alsoe
by a bill of ladeing sent incloased in a letter from the sayd Tillard to this
deponent which bill of ladeing beareth date the tenth day of ffebruary
one thousand sixe hundred fifty seaven English style, it doth appeare to this
deponent that there were then laden the voyage in question aboard the
Interrogate shipp the Isaack whereof William Thomas was Master, at
Plymouth, for Accompt of this deponent, eight Chests of Tinne weighing
Twenty nyne hundred one quarter and three pounds to bee transported
thence to London for this deponents Accompt, Which eight Chests of
Tinne as by the Accompt of one Mr John Willie this deponents Corresponent
at ffalmouth whome this deponent imployed to buy the sayd tinne, and by the
Accompt of the sayd Tillard this deponents Correspondent who shipped the
same appeareth did with all charges about shipping the same amounte unto one
hundred seaventy sixe pounds fower shillings and sixe pence lawfull English
momey And soe much hee saith the same was well worth Which shipp Isaack as by
the sayd Tillards letter of Advice appeareth did sett sayle from Plymouth with
the sayd Tinne and other her ladeing on the seaventeenth day of ffebruary last
Primary sources
PROB 11/371/158 Will of William Wheatley, Grocer of London. 11 October 1682
PROB 11/381/328 Will of Isaac Tillard, Merchant of Plymouth, Devon 03 November 1685