HCA 13/73 f.187r Annotate

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HCA 13/73 f.187r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


the said goods in her [?there]. And saith the said Jacome and Tompson are commonly
accounted dutchmen, And otherwise hee cannot depose.

To the seaventh hee saith the said Bartholomew Guiadier is commonly reputed a ffrench man and
a subiect of the king of ffranse. And further hee cannot depose.

To the Interrogatories. [CENTRE HEADING]

To the first hee saith hee is a native of Palma aforesaid, whense hee came
about foure yeares since into fflanders, and after some stay there came
to Amsterdam about two monethes before the beginning of this voyage,
and that hee came in the said shipp to Milford haven in the qualitie
aforesaid, and otherwise negatively, saving his foregoeing deposition to which hee
referreth himselfe.

To the second hee saith hee saw the said producents lade their said [?respective]
outwards goods, but did not see the buying of them or paying for them. And
saith hee beleeveth that none other but they hath any interest or share in the
said homewards goods, And further cannot answere saving as aforesaid to
[?which] his foregoeing deposition hee referreth himselfe.

To the third hee saith hee came not into the Thames with the said
shipp having as aforesaid left herat Milford haven, and referreth
himselfe to his foregeoing deposition.

To the fowrth hee hath not knowne the producents but from the
beginning of this voyage, and further cannot answer saving as aforesaid

Wm Martyn Interpreter [SIGNATURE, LH SIDE]

Diego mendes [SIGNATURE, RH SIDE]

Repeated in theise three claimes
before doctor Godolphin.


The 15th of Aprill 1659. [CENTRE HEADING]

Claime of ffernandez and}
others aforesaid}

Examined upon the foresaid allegation.


Peter Aileward of the parish of Saint Catherin Creechurch London
Marchant aged 40 yeares or thereabouts sworne and examined.

To the first second and third articles hee saith and deposeth that within the time arlate there being
a designe in hand by the arlate mr ffernandez mr Page and company arlate to buy
and send a shipp to the Spanish West Indias, this deponent was therewith made
acquainted by his precontest John Lopez (who was to be imployed as Capa marchant
therein) and by him brought to the said mr Page, and by them was agreed
with to goe the said voyage in qualitie of Purser and assistant to mr Lopez
in regard this deponent had the Spanish tongue perfect and soe was usefull for
that negotiation, and saith the said mr Page and partners arlate in this citie
provided and sent hense serges, perpetuanas, bayes, stockings of all sorts, hatts
callicoes, and some silkes for Amsterdam amounting (as this deponent was reliably
informed) to seaven hundred pounds, and sent this deponent and the said Lopez and
one Patrick Betts (who was to goe master) to Amsterdam where the said shipp
was to be set out, and this deponent went in one dutch vessell hense with
part of the said goods, and the said Lopez and Bets in another with the rest
consigned to John Tilley and John Chanterwell arlate, to which Chanterwell
this deponent carried a letter from mr Page, and saith that they safely arived
with the said goods sent hense at Amsterdam, where the said
Chanterwell and Tilley bought a shipp for the said voyage named the Hope
(being the shipp the hope arlate) upon and for the account of the said ffernandez
and Page and alsoe of the arlate Gowen Painter, Antonio
Rodrigues Robles, and John (sic) dunkin, and they themselves the said Tilley and
Chanterwell came in alsoe partners in the busines, and bought alsoe and
provided there diverse other goods and marchandizes as linnens of severall sorts,
spices, knives, hatts, wines and other goods and laded the same together with the said
goods soe sent from England aboard the said shipp at Amsterdam for the said
Spanish West Indias, all which hee knoweth for that hee saw and was privie
to the said providing and lading, being thereto imployed as aforesaid And saith
the said goods soe bought at London and Amsterdam and laded aboard the said shipp amounted to five
and twenty thousand and five hundred gilders or thereabouts, which hee knoweth having seene the account
thereof. And further deposeth not.




Parish of Saint Catherine Creec(church)

  • Before 1858, St Katherine Cree fell under the jurisdiction of the Court of the Commissary of the Bishop of London[1]


    Primary sources



E 179/335/274 Exchequer: King's Remembrancer: Particulars of Account and other records relating to Lay and Clerical Taxation. Hearth tax exemption certificate. City of London: St Katherine Cree. 49 names; 86 hearths. 1673
  1. Jump up http://familysearch.org/learn/wiki/en/St_Katherine_Cree#Probate_records