HCA 13/70 f.386v Annotate
Volume | HCA 13/70 |
Folio | 386 |
Side | Verso |
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Colin Greenstreet | |
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2014/11/20 |
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On the 22th of June 1655. [CENTRE HEADING]
harbyn against Mills}
Suckly Smith}
Richard Bevis of Saint Andrew Undershaft
London Merchant, aged about 26 yeares
a wittnes produced and sworne and being
examined he deposeth and saith as followeth
To the first article of the allegation given in and admitted n
the part and behalfe of the sayd harbyn he deposeth and saith
that he this deponent being brother=in=Law unto the sayd
John harbyn the producent and a Merchant, as the sayd producent
is, Little if any of their affaires and negotiations in merchandising
doe passe without communicating the same th'one to the other
partly upon the accompt of their Intimacy by way of freindship
and partly by way of advice, And he saith that upon that
Accompt he very well remembreth that in or about the moneth of
October last past he the sayd John harbyn the producent did
acquaint this deponent that he had a mind or purpose to write
unto the arlate Mr William Carey (which said Carey he saith
is (of his knowledge) an Englishman) then resident at
Bourdeaux to provide and lade for his accompt a parcell of
french Tobaccoe's to the value of about 1500 Livres in a
flemish vessell and to send the same to Morleaux, And he
further saith that afterwards and yet in or about the same
moneth of October 1654 arlate he the said producent
did informe and acquaint this deponent that he had
given order to the said Mr William Carey to the purpose
predeposed, and that the said Tobaccoes showld be sent to
Morleaux to Mr James Churchey and Nicholas Saunders
arlate (whom this deponent well knoweth) his the said
producents Agents and Correspondents there for his
use and Accompt, And further he cannot depose.
To the 2 article of the said allegation and to the
two schedules therin mentioned and exhibited, and now at this
his time of examination by him perused he deposeth and
saith that he is acquainted with the arlate William
Carey (who was here in England the last yeare and was
borne not farr from him this deponent in Devonshire) and
he saith that he hath very often seene his handwryting,
and that now seriously perusing the first schedule he saith
that he confidently beleiveth the same to bee his the same
Carew's (sic) owne handwriting, And that alsoe perusing the second schedule the words William
Carey subscribed to the said second schedule is the proper
handwriting of the arlate William Cary, And further he
cannot depose.
To the third article and schedule therin mentioned he cannot depose
To the fowerth article he deposeth and saith That he the
said John harbyn the producent did since Christmas last
past acquaint this deponent that he had receaved advice from the said Mr William Carey
that he the said Carey had according to his the sayd producents order bought a parcell