Edward Barton

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Edward Barton
Person Edward Barton
First name Edward
Middle name(s)
Last name Barton
Spouse of
Widow of
Occupation Merchant
Secondary shorebased occupation
Mariner occupation
Associated with ship(s)
Training Not apprentice
Is apprentice of
Was apprentice of
Had apprentice(s)
Citizen Unknown
Literacy Signature
Has opening text Edward Barton
Has signoff text Edw: Barton
Signoff image (Invalid transcription image)
Language skills English language
Has interpreter
Birth street
Birth parish
Birth town
Birth county
Birth province
Birth country
Res street
Res parish Saint Peter Pauls Wharf
Res town London
Res county
Res province
Res country England
Birth year
Marriage year
Death year
Probate date
First deposition age 22
Primary sources
Act book start page(s)
Personal answer start page(s)
Allegation start page(s)
Interrogatories page(s)
Deposition start page(s) HCA 13/72 f.244v Annotate
Chancery start page(s)
Letter start page(s)
Miscellaneous start page(s)
Act book date(s)
Personal answer date(s)
Allegation date(s)
Interrogatories date(s)
Deposition date(s) Feb 23 1658
How complete is this biography?
Has infobox completed Yes
Has synthesis completed No
Has HCA evidence completed No
Has source comment completed No
Ship classification
Type of ship N/A
Silver Ship litigation in 1650s
Role in Silver Ship litigation None

Biographical synthesis

Edward Barton (b. ca. 1636; d. ?). Merchant.

Resident in 1658 in the parish of Saint Peter Pauls Wharf.

Evidence from High Court of Admiralty

Twenty-two year old Edward Barton deposed on February 23rd 1658 in the High Court of Admiralty. He was examined on an allegation in the case of "Johane Towers the Relict and Administratrix of the goods of Thomas Towers deceased against Isaac Barton, and the sayd Isaac Barton and others against her and alsoe against Oliver Sedgemoore Re[XXXX] Griffen J[XXXX]s) Browne William P[XXX]d William ffrost John) Trigg and others Maryners in the shipp the ffreindshipp whereof Thomas Hyatt was late master Smith pro[XXXXX] Budd for B[XXX]ton and others)"[1]

Comment on sources

Check date

C 5/537/17 Short title: Pelham v Steel. Plaintiffs: Herbert Pelham. Defendants: John Steel, Abigail Steel his wife, Edward Barton, Isaac Barton and others. Subject: personal estate of, John Harrison, deceased. Document type: Bill, two answers, two schedules

Edward Barton

Merchant, St. Peters neer Pauls wharfe, age 22

"Hee this respondent was factor as aforesayd to the foresayd Isaac Barton Samuell Pixley Richard Pixley and Captaine Wills at the Barbados[2]

Isaack Barton was the uncle of Edward Barton ("the Interrogate Barton is his this respondents Uncle")[3]

- SEE "BURIAL: Oct. 25 Elizabeth Sherryn dau. in law to Mr. Barton, merchant"[4]

Isaack Barton

The uncle of Edward Barton. Presumably a merchant, since Edward Barton acted as his factor in Barbados. He appears to have owned Barbados plantations, and may have had a link to Somers Island.

SEE: "CHRISTENINGS, ST PETER', PAUL'S WHARF: 1658: June 13 Mary d. of Isaack and Elizabeth Barton"[5]


"Re: Quintyre 17th Century London Merchant
Judy Smith Magons (View posts)
Posted: 26 Aug 2001 8:06PM GMT
Classification: Query[6]

I am not researching this surname, and this is all the reference I have. Hope it is helpful.

In April 1968, I wrote to the governor of Barbados to inquire about possible family ties there in the 17th century. The replies follow, together with contents of a small exercise book used for the researcher’s notes and a reply from the archivist in Southhampton, Great Britain. Spelling and capitalization is as received.
From Judy Magons’ 1968 “A Report of 17th Century Barton Surnames in Barbados”

Excerpts only:
2.181 Counter Deed of Isaac Barton.
Signed August 9, 1647 Entered August 18, 1647

Lancelott Peacock, Isaac Barton and Stephen Baxter, attorneys for Henry Quintyne, merchant of London, on his behalf granted, bargained and sold unto Samuel Barton and Samuell Leadbetter merchants of London, the moietr or half part of a plantation. On that plantation Lancelott Peacock then lived and he owned it in partnership with Henry Quintyne.

The plantation consisted of 77 acres and was sold with the grounds, timber, buildings, servants, profits and everything appertaining or belonging to it.

The provision and true intent of the Counter Deed was that so long as Henry Quintyne, his heirs and assigns should be content and should pay or cause to be paid eventually unto Samuel Barton and Samuel Leadbetter or their attorneys the sum of £100 of lawful English money according to the tenor of the bills on September 25, 1648 they were free of any further debt; and consequently the Counter Deed should be null and void. Otherwise the provision and conditions of the Counter Deed remained.

The plantation was declared free of any incumbrance.

The legal right of Henry Quintyne was safe-guarded.

(Sgd) Lancelott Peacock
Isaac Barton
Stephen Baxter
Witness: James (X) Johnson

2.180 Counter Deed of Samuel Barton et al
Signed April 10, 1647 Entered August 18, 1647.

Henry Quintyre, merchant of London, constituted his well beloved and true friend Samuel Barton gent of London and Stephen Baxter gent of Barbados, to be his true and lawful attorneys.

In his name they were to keep possession of the one half of a plantation consisting of 77 acres of ground or thereabouts. Also they had charge of one half of the edifices and what also belonged thereunto.

Quintyre had recently purchased this Barbadian property from Lancelott Peacock gent of Barbados.

The attorneys also had charge [sent by Henry Quintyre] of all the servants sent out for employment on the plantation with the edifices thereon.

They were empowered to farm lett and sell by Bill of Sale what they should deem most advantageous on his behalf.

They were to ask, demand and receive sums of money, debts, goods, merchantize, cotton, sugar and all other things whatsoever from any person in Barbados or any of the Caribbee Islands. They were granted the usual powers of attorneys so as to enable them to collect these debts.

They were granted power to revoke and conclude anything concerning the plantation. In fact they were empowered to perform anything which Henry Quintyre himself could or might do.

(Sgd) Henry Quintyre
Witnesses: Richard Ellis
…. Fretwell"

Possible related sources

C 6/25/167 Short title: Tomlinson v Quintyne. Plaintiffs: William Tomlinson . Defendants: Henry Quintyne and others. Subject: money matters, Middlesex . Document type: bill, answer. 1656

PROB 11/221/535 Will of Samuell Leadbetter, Apothecary of London.30 April 1652
PROB 11/319/310 Will of Stephen Baxter, Grocer of Saint Botolph without Aldgate, City of London. 10 February 1666
PROB 11/449/299 Will of Henry Quintyne, Distiller of London of Saint Botolph Bishopsgate, City of London. 16 February 1699

PROB 11/350/622 Will of Isaac Barton of London. 25 May 1676
- Possibly son of Isaac Barton the producent in the HCA 13/72 case
- SEE ALSO: C 6/130/74 Short title: Fredericke v Barker.Plaintiffs: John Fredericke, Thomas Jennings, Peter Vandepute, Gilbert Keate, Jonathan Keate and Thomas Rich. Defendants: William Barker, Isaac Barton and Elizabeth Barton his wife. Subject: money matters, Middlesex.Document type: bill, answer. 1655

- SEE ALSO: C 6/158/161 Short title: Tillford v French. Plaintiffs: Robert Tillford . Defendants: William French , Isaac Barton and William Barker . Subject: money matters, Middlesex. Document type: bill, two answers. 1662
  1. Jump up HCA 13/72 f.244v
  2. Jump up HCA 13/72 f.246r
  3. Jump up HCA 13/72 f.246r
  4. Jump up Willoughby A. Littledale (ed.), The registers of St. Bene't and St. Peter, Paul's Wharf, vol. IV-burials, St. Benet: 1619-1837, St. Peter: 1607-1837 London (1912), p.230, viewed 03/10/13
  5. Jump up Willoughby A. Littledale (ed.), The registers of St. Bene't and St. Peter, Paul's wharf, London, vol. I-Christenings: St Benet, 1619-1837; St Peter, 1607-1837 (London, 1909), p.176
  6. Jump up Judy Smith Magons, Re: Quintyre 17th Century London Merchant, Posted: 26 Aug 2001 8:06PM GMT, viewed 03/10/13