HCA 13/65 f.39v Annotate
Volume | HCA 13/65 |
Folio | 39 |
Side | Verso |
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First cut transcription started and completed on 14/03/14 by Colin Greenstreet | |
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Colin Greenstreet | |
First transcribed | |
14/03/14 | |
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Created 14/03/14, by CSG |
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To the 8th hee saith hee can neither write, reade nor understand
ffrench, but hath made severall voyages into ffrance, and that the
ast before this was about none monethes since.
To the last hee referreth himselfe to his foregoeing deposition, and
otherwise cannot depose.
Repeated before doctor Clarke.
The marke of X marke Cornelius
28th of August 1651.
On the behalfe of John Bushell touching}
Sugars as claimed by him in our Lady of}
Conception and Saint Anthony}
Examined upon Interrogatories.
Edward Bushell of the citie of London merchant
aged 31 yeares or thereabouts sworne and examined.
To the first Interrogatory hee saith and deposeth that the interrogated John
Bushell his this deponents brother living at Lisbone hath for severall
yeares last past managed and driven a considerable trade thence to the
Brazila and coast of Angola, and hath frequently sugars and other
merchandizes laden for his accompt upon diverse shipps trading for
those parts, which hee knoweth having interest with him in severall
of those voyages, and hath had often and frequent adise from him
concerning his said dealing there and retournes thence.
To the second Interrogatory hee saith that hee hath credibly heard
that there have bin severall shipps of warrr set out from Zealand
for the taking of such shipps as should be found going to or comming
from the Brazila videlicet [XXX] from such places thereof as are in the
kinge of Portugalls dominions or Territorie, and this deponent
hath had sugars comming thence formerly taken by such men of warr,
in regard whereof and of the casualti[?a] in that voyage of having such
shipps taken by the said men of warr, this deponent hath formerly
given order to mr John Barr (this deponents correspondent at
Amsterdam) to enquire of the masters and officers of all Portuguese
shipps that hee should heare were taken by the said men of warr
what sugars or other goods they had aboard for English mens accompt
and in particular for the accompt of this deponent and of his said
brother, and hath willed the said Barr to give him this examinate
advise thereof.
To the third Interrogatory hee saith and deposeth that the said Barr
upon notice of the taking of the shipp the Lady Conception and Saint Anthony
aforesaid by omr Regemorter in a frigot of Zealand, enquired and
found out the Captaine of the said shipp the Lady Conception or
Saint Anthony upon his comming to Amsterdam (as by letters hee advised
this deponent), and demanded of him what sugars hee had laden
aboard his shipp from Brazila for the accompt of Englishmen,
to which (as hee wrote) the said Captaine made him answer that the[?re GUTTER]
were sugars laden aboard [?h]is said shipp for English mens accompts
and particularly for accompt of the said John Bushell and company
there were 20 chests aboard her and alsoe for the accompt of Robert
Cook and Englishman living in Lisbone nine chests, and that the
said Captaine had delivered unto him the said Barr a bill of lading
under his hand for the said 20 chests of sugar, which hee